21 replies
Hi Warriors

Do You think we Attract our Experiences(Good or Bad Luck) or is it just Fate.
Are there any Mistakes in Life ?
#attraction #gratitude #law #law of attraction
  • Profile picture of the author mark10
    No the law of attraction is alive and kicking, your thoughts are your future.

    Little minds are subdued by misfortunes, but great minds rise above them


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    • Profile picture of the author Joanne Greco
      I believe in karma, what you put out, you get back. I guess LOA is based on the the same principle. I definitely believe we create our own destiny and that it's not pre-determined.
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  • Profile picture of the author spressnell
    Yes, I believe we create our reality. Many times our belief are buried deep, so we don't realize what we are putting out there, such as what we were told by our parents when we were young. That can rule your life forever without you even knowing it. But we can change all of that and create what we do want (as Michael Losier would say).


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  • Profile picture of the author Kelly Monaco
    I don't beleive in the concept of bad luck. I think the subconscious mind is a topic that still needs alot of research and I think your subconcious mind is more powerful than you can imagine.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedPhoenix
    Your character determines your experiences - both in the actions(or lack of) you take and the interpretation that you give them. (reaction/respond/insight)

    Just consider the following - you get up in the morning as you are awakened by a dog barking outside. You deceide to go to the beach in a city about 55 miles way. As you don't have your own car you put out your thumb & hitch a lift. After spending the morning on the beach you walk up to the main road just in time to catch a bus to city center. As the bus stops at a traffic light you look out of the bus window and see a person that you knew from varsity days coming out of a shop. You get off the bus at the next stop and hook up with this person for lunch. Two years later you are married.

    Now consider the following - if the dog hadn't barked you may have slept a little longer and missed seeing the person coming out of the shop. Something disturbed the dog - that set this train of events in motion. You may have not got a lift as quickly or as slowly as you did. The drivers of the cars/truck may have driven faster or slower than they did. Thus causing you to miss your crucial "window" of opportunity. More drivers could have been on the road. Each with their own complex web of interactions that lead them to be a part of your life experience as you made your journey.

    You could have spent longer on the beach - just 10 seconds would have meant missing the bus to the city center. Then consider all the traffic and the complex web of people interacting to form part of your drama even as you form part of theirs. A massive complex web of millions of interactions amongst countless people, animals and enviroment linked to your life. Just a change by one of these may have triggered a totally different maze of interactions that delayed you by just 10 seconds. Just enough so that you never saw the person from varsity days coming out of the shop at the precise moment that the bus you just happened to catch stopped at the lights.

    There are no accidents, no chances, just a complex web of interactions unfolding where you are both the main actor in your individual life and part of the supporting cast in the drama of life.

    That person was me and the story was how I met my wife.

    "Excellence is not an event it's a habit" - Aristotle 384 BC
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Malave
    I think the law of attraction works as long as you take actions that will get you what you are focusing on.

    You can't have one without the other imo
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    • Profile picture of the author dexterc
      Law Of Attraction has worked in many areas of my life - work, dreams and even relationship!

      The key idea of law of attraction is to know what you really want, down to the tiny details.

      A sample of an intention can be like :
      "I intend to attract a $100,000 annual income or something else better (do not limit yourself to just this, you can have better) by the end of 2009. I intend to attract this for the highest good of all (you would not want to have illegal dealings to achieve this) and for those who have the same intention (law of attraction works good with combined thinking). In exchange for this, I intend to give back 10% to charity (think of something to give back)! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (give thanks to the highest power)"

      After this kind of intention, it would be best to put in some actions and not just wait. Your real time actions will help you to put your intention in place. When it does come true, do give back!

      Be patient with the Law Of Attraction. Rushing through it will give you -ve thinking which may backfire on you since what you think is what you'll be getting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    I believe that if a person considers themselves to be unlucky they'll interpret reality to be congruent with that belief. And even create experiences because of it. The mind is a very powerful thing. The same holds true for people who consider themselves lucky. For instance one person may have a setback, challenge, or failure and say: "This is a good opportunity for personal growth and In a sense I'm lucky." While another person may say: "This kind of thing always happens to me. Why can't I ever get a break?" Obviously we know which kind of attitude is more effective.

    Personally I believe in the LOA in the sense that we attract people, circumstances, and resources which are similar to us. Or are in tune with the frequency we're admitting. A simple example would be attracting people who are similar to you. As they say: "Birds of a feather flock together." When you have something in mind and are focusing on it you'll notice and be drawn to anything and everything that will help you. And that's kind of cool. I also believe there could be something supernatural going on.

    Truthfully I think there are many mistakes in life. And making mistakes is what makes us human. That's what I always say. When you learn something from your mistakes you're practicing alchemy and turning failure into success. And sometimes that's such an invigorating feeling it can even be better than succeeding.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
      Originally Posted by dexterc View Post

      "I intend to attract a $100,000 annual income or something else better (do not limit yourself to just this, you can have better) by the end of 2009. I intend to attract this for the highest good of all (you would not want to have illegal dealings to achieve this) and for those who have the same intention (law of attraction works good with combined thinking). In exchange for this, I intend to give back 10% to charity (think of something to give back)! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (give thanks to the highest power)"
      And you should be reading your intentions daily.

      Bruce Lee did something like this and he was successful

      "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

      "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
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  • Profile picture of the author liquidice04
    The bottom line is this :

    Think Positive = you have a chance to succeed, The more belief you have that your future is going to be full of success the more chance you have to actualy getting that.


    Think Negative = you have zero chance to succeed becouse most of the times you wont even start and the times when you start you will quit in the middle and you will never do a good job because you already know that it wont work.

    Its really simple, No magic bullshit, simple LOGIC.'
    This does not mean that you just sit home, think positive and do nothing.

    You make a plan and you follow it WITH The BELIEF THAT it is going to work out.

    ps. I never sad that there isn't something "magical" about this. There Might be I don't know , I have never tested the magical part but the Logical is tested and is so simple.
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    • Profile picture of the author loa
      When you are thinking while sitting idle you are only strengthening your determination to get that thing so it is a kind of inspiration to work harder without feeling it as you become passionate about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Keith Callister
    As I have lived my short life I have noticed a few things;

    The only fate that exists is the fate that we create

    There are no accidents

    Luck exists, but is such a small part of our experience that we need not focus on it at all.

    Whether or not LOA is real science or some kind of placebo is irrelevant, if it works it works, (and it does work) that's all the proof I need.

    There are no mistakes, only lessons, the reason so many people seem to repeat the same "mistakes" is that they have not learned the appropriate lesson that goes along with the experience.

    What you think is who you are, what you do determines what you will achieve.

    Happiness comes from inside you and must come first before you are able to move forward with any other success.

    That said, success also comes from within.

    alright, I'm done.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Keith Callister View Post

      Happiness comes from inside you and must come first before you are able to move forward with any other success.
      That's insightful. And I agree that it's the most productive way to go about succeeding and accomplishing your goals. However it could also be a limiting belief. Because the way you've phrased it suggests that a person has to be internally happy before they can move forward with any other success.

      And I don't think that's true at all.

      Sometimes a person is internally unhappy, moves a head and experiences more external success, then rediscovers their wonderful internal happiness. For instance when I was younger and had a lot of problems growing up I fell in love with a woman and it changed my whole outlook of myself and the World. If I had taken your approach (or the way you phrased it) I wouldn't of had that wonderful experience.

      Actually I think being unappy is what drives many people to accomplish amazing things.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricky Martin
    We attract it all in my opinion. As i get older and i hope a little wiser..

    You can look at what frame of mind you were in at that time and then within in a short period of time , look what showed up.

    We create our environment , " As we think , so we are"

    Thank you for the article... Ricky

    " As we think......so we are"


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  • Profile picture of the author PhilAnthony
    I know it does, Take a look for yourself. Are you bringing into your world what your dominating thoughts are?
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  • Profile picture of the author sac
    Law of Attraction exists... we just don't understand it fully yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author Barry Goss
      Too much - way too much - of the "think positive", "be in gratitude," and "where attention goes, energy flows" niceties out there attempt to EXPLAIN your question in such surface-level ways, you can never get anything out of it other than a feeling of being spiritually-stoned.

      Here's an excerpt from Part 2 of Manifesting's Grand Conspiracy:

      "Okay, so instead of ALWAYS playing the self-pitied blame game every time something negative or unwanted comes your way -- instead of saying, "Well, I must have attracted that to me!"...or... "I was responsible for seeing or hearing that!" and then going into denial that it's there (i.e., pretending it's not happening or ignoring its existence), know that you don't create in a two-ton steel box.

      Start discerning your reality from external realities."

      You can read more about this here.
      The Life Improvement Companyâ„¢
      LWL Media
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  • Profile picture of the author coachmike
    I accept that the Law of Attraction is always at work. It's not just when something bad happens. And, it's not just when something good happens. It happens all the time.

    The difficulty for each of us is accepting 100% responsiblity for everything we experience. Identifying the beliefs we are holding that influence our thinking, even at the less obvious levels of thinking. Consistently taking action to live right now, not in the past because of our fear or worry.
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    • Profile picture of the author Barry Goss
      Originally Posted by coachmike View Post

      The difficulty for each of us is accepting 100% responsibility for everything we experience.
      Mike, that's only a major difficulty when people actually believe they need to live up to such a completely inaccurate, Utopian goal.

      If each of us are living 100% of the time in our own physical box (er, some of us figuratively are, anyways), then, YES, we SHOULD be 100% responsible for what WE experience... yet, we mingle with people, we co-create with others.

      So, trying to battle with ourselves every time something happens we don't like is the equivalent of throwing out the baby with the bath water, to quote an old cliche.

      My critical-thinking other half (wife and business partner) wrote some more thoughts on it here: Are You A Responsibility Addict ?
      The Life Improvement Companyâ„¢
      LWL Media
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