The Very First Step: Where You're At Since That Leap Of Faith You Took For Your Business

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All of us know that the first step is the scariest - this very first step is basically a leap of faith, as we leave the life we're used to behind us, and take that step into the unknown.

That feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, the doubts about your capability to bring success to your venture - I'm sure most of you have gone through this stage, and proved that you're right in venturing out on your own business. In declining the (perhaps) bright prospects of being an employee, and setting out to be an employer yourself.

But I haven't. For now, I'm still at the point where nothing's certain, where only time can unveil what the future holds for me. And to be honest, I'm scared - I'm running a content creation service, and frankly speaking, even though I know I have everything set up and raring to go, though I'm very confident in my writers, the future still scares me.

So, I'm asking the successful IM-ers, the people who has gone through this stage, and made it big, the forerunners of my business to share how they make it past this stage. I also invite all those who're starting out like me to share their uncertainties too - beats taking on the unpredictable future alone, right?
#faith #leap #step

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