Help! How to get traffic to my blog?

59 replies
I am owner of blog Health Doctor (see in signature).

I need good advice, how to get more traffic to my blog? Have you eny good ideas? Recommendation? Please help me?

#blog #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author AlistairChong
    Hi John, from what I've learnt as a beginner, I would recommend you go to some other bloggers' blog which has similar content with you and post some value information. When people have problems they are likely to get a solution for it. Giving people valuable information will catch people eyeballs. Do not post your link on other people's blog after you have posted a few useful information, because people will find that offensive. Maybe give more than 10 - 15 value information then you may start to promote your link on that particular website.

    There's another beginner way to get traffic to your blog. Seek for other forum that's about health topic. Do it the same way like I said previously. Find some thread that need medical advice and start giving solution for them. After posting more than 10 - 15 value information(or more than that), you can promote your link in that forum, and I am sure you can find traffic from there. Although is bit that much of traffic. But it is a way to seek for traffic too! IF the forum allow you to post your link on the signature area, that will save the extra work of promoting your link to your website.

    Im doing it the beginner's way here. The pro way I still don't know about it yet. But I'm sure there will be someone whose willing to help you here!

    Cheers! All the best John!

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  • Profile picture of the author TilenHrovatic
    1. Leave nice comments on other blogs in the same niche as yours. Include your link.
    2. Use traffic network like Zaparena, 2leep, wahoha etc.
    3. Submit your blog to blog directories
    4. Sumbit your articles to article directories
    5. Join forums related to your niche

    And also consider moving your blog to your own hosting with your own domain name. Wordpress will do a lot of SEO for you and a lot of plugins are available that will help you to increase your traffic
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    • Profile picture of the author laurie390
      Here's some ways to get some good traffic (and backlinks)

      Article marketing - writing health related articles and submitting them to directories
      Submit your blog to blog directories
      Find some health related blogs and guest blog for them
      Leave good helpful comments on health related blogs
      Join health forums

      I hope that helps!

      Laurie Neumann
      Huge PLR Closeout Sale at Quality Internet Marketing PLR

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      • Profile picture of the author reinvein
        [QUOTE=laurie390;3970731]Here's some ways to get some good traffic (and backlinks)

        Article marketing - writing health related articles and submitting them to directories

        Thank you Laurie, can you give me some good directories?

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      • Profile picture of the author larrydcook
        Originally Posted by laurie390 View Post

        Here's some ways to get some good traffic (and backlinks)

        Article marketing - writing health related articles and submitting them to directories
        Submit your blog to blog directories
        Find some health related blogs and guest blog for them
        Leave good helpful comments on health related blogs
        Join health forums

        I hope that helps!
        Everything Laurie says here is excellent. Also I have found that by submitting to free classifieds & there are many sites that will submit to multiple classifieds at once sends new traffic as well! Good luck!

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    • Profile picture of the author reinvein
      Thank You Thilen!
      How important is own domain name? How many additional traffic it gives- 5-10-50%? It cost some money...

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    • Profile picture of the author mario23
      Write 3-5 articles a day and submit them to article directories
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  • Profile picture of the author tk226
    Apart from online publicity, you may also use traditional methods like 'including your link in your business card, using your car's space to put your link, free classifieds, and other simple ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author reinvein
    My best reffering sites are:, and
    What I must try additional?

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    • Profile picture of the author gister
      you can also use YAHOO ANSWER methods to improve you traffic, just anwer question related to your blog topic, the more of this question you answer will definitely increase your traffic over time...Yahoo! Answers - Home
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    YouTube is an awesome, FREE way to generate massive traffic. There's far less competition and an optimized video can get you the kind of exposure you're dreaming about.

    Do you want a 9 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you, on zoom, to help write your copy or client copy... while you learn from one of the few copywriters to legit hit 9 figures in gross sales! Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author reinvein
    WOW, I got in 1-st page in google search
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  • Profile picture of the author reinvein
    Have enybody Health related blog or website, I will put you link my blogroll?
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    • Profile picture of the author mayyang
      may be you can also try to build a network backlink for getting more traffics...
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  • Profile picture of the author stufftheme
    Post Comments in same niche.
    back links
    article writing
    Generate Traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author durgyy
    PM me to post the link
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    • Profile picture of the author reinvein
      Originally Posted by durgyy View Post

      PM me to post the link
      Hi durggyy, your blog is little bit... empty....and specific
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      • Profile picture of the author theseoguru
        Hello John
        You should do some off page activity for your blog,
        Such As
        Blog Commenting Relevance Blog
        Directory Submission
        Press Release Submission
        Article Submission
        Book marking.
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  • Profile picture of the author PVSInternational
    Social Media will be fine for driving traffics
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  • Profile picture of the author Shirlyn
    You can use social networking sites to get quick traffic towards your blog you just have to follows people of your niche type.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Agency
    Video marketing did you try, or how about social networking I guess thy are the best as far as targeted traffic is concern.
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  • Profile picture of the author zgsites
    I recommend youtube, twitter and facebook.. All 3 sites have done wonders for my website and business!
    You can also check out my free marketing software below.
    All the Best!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Walker
    Hey have you heard of anything like backlinks?
    Haha its just a joke of course you know it.
    I suggest article marketing in ezine article. If you dominate a whole niche in ezine you will get easy 3000 unique visitors per day Only for massive sites though.
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  • Profile picture of the author xiaozhuozi
    Give enough quality content to authority sites in your niche as write as a guest blogger . Keep doing that and in 4 months time . You would see a surge in traffic and get more search engine traffic as well
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  • Profile picture of the author melltonroper
    Ping your blog regularly and promote your blog through facebook and twitter!
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  • Profile picture of the author drmfitz
    in addition to using the techniques from all the great comments made, i just used a free software type program online called onlywire. it will publish your blog to 46 additional social network sites with one button push. i used it on a blog i had written two months prior and tracked great new traffic. of course it is free too.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIGITALCHAMELEON
    Try to have a facebook fanpage, as well have a twitter, a linkedin or myspace a swell.
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  • Profile picture of the author successtricks
    My friend i want to just say that practice about half of the suggestion if not all, but above all no instant traffic just continue doing this regularly.
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  • Profile picture of the author leppozdrav
    => U can create a Facebook Fan page
    => U can promote your site in Facebook (As a hot cake)
    => Try doing some SEO for your blog with Your key work
    => High PR back links
    => Directory Posting
    This will get your blog to a good shape
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  • Profile picture of the author leppozdrav
    You can consider making some changes to your face book fan page. I can be improved. A good fan page equals good number of visitors to your blog through social network.
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  • Profile picture of the author emmndi
    comment on other peoples blogs within your industry. comments on warrior, stumble upon, write hub pages and ezine and link to your site.

    backpacking in Kenya

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  • Profile picture of the author rossmore
    Ways to get traffic....1. Join forums in your niche and leave comments that create value for other readers. 2. find blogs in your niche and leave comments that create value for others. 3. Article marketing submissions to the directories and then bookmark them 4. Bookmarking. There is a lot of great info in this form and other places if you type these methods into Google and start reading and learning the ways to do these things. Buy courses that help you grow. I know it is a little overwhelming at first but do one thing at a time and it will add up.
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  • Profile picture of the author xdmannet
    You can get traffic from social networks, for example find a fan page on facebook that has many fans and post your link telling something that people would find interesting and then they will click your page !!
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  • Profile picture of the author JustSomeWarrior
    You're posting duplicate content. You'll never get any traffic like that.

    Write original articles that target long tail keywords and build back links to them. What works for me (and this is probably going to be seen as blasphemy) is targeting long tail keywords with original content and a few back links.

    I started with a few articles that had targeted some keywords that got about 600 hits a month. A few back links and I am in first place and getting 5 to 10 new visitors from SEO each and every day.

    Every day I do a few things:
    1. Write an article that is fully optimized for a low competition, relevant keyword.
    2. Make sure that content is good and engaging and post it to my blog, submitting it to
    3. use to build four or five back links for each keyword I target (I usually try to target searches that work double duty. For instance "how to make money online" and "make money online." <- this is not my niche).
    4. Comment on a few other blogs and try to be helpful, getting people to click through to my site almost every time

    I also mix and match the linking I do. I have one big keyword I am targeting for the long term. I build 2-3 links for that every day. I put the bulk of keywords towards the article I wrote that day, and then a few like "click here" and "check out" - to help build a more "natural" back link profile.

    At first, it was very, very hard work. I only got 1 or 2 hits a day for the first couple of weeks, but it kept climbing up by 1 or 2 almost every day. After a while, I have hundreds of articles on my blog, and each one brings in between 1 and 20 unique NEW visitors per day.

    There is no "get rich quick" scheme that has that kind of staying power.

    But notice that the first step for me is to create good content.
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  • Profile picture of the author augustusrome17
    you can get traffic from digg or reddit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Groom

    How much do you put into your social networking etc. Done in the right way a social marketing strategy can have huge results!
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  • Profile picture of the author bradmarcus1
    Hi reinvein. There are so many ways. Here's an easy one I like: Take the link to your blog, or seperate blog posts, and put them on related Facebook Groups as well as Twitter. Also, Squidoo is very cool because you can put your blog link on your lenses as well as make money.

    To Your Success,
    Brad Marcus

    P.S. I think you'll like my signature.
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  • Profile picture of the author sophiessmom
    Hello Everyone! I am brand new to Warrior Forum and REALLY LOVE most of what i have read so far. I have a few questions regarding starting my online ventures.

    Currently I have 3 websites and one in progress. I purchased an annual membership with a template company because I want to add my own unique template to a couple of them and I also purchased Adobe Creative Suite CS5.5 because I want to design my own website templates as well. Really I want all of my websites to be top notch viewing quality for visitors so that they will have a pleasant purchasing and viewing experience. So by now everyone can guess that I have spent A LOT of money on trying to get started on my online endeavors.

    With one of the sites, I want to create a blog that I plan to run a lot of affiliate marketing on in that specified niche. So first question is:
    How do I drive abundant traffic to the site from the day it launches?

    The second site will be mainly a blog regarding a different niche with affiliate marketing. But I want to add a store to the site. So the second question is:
    How do I add an affordable store front quickly?

    I would like to do some drop shipping with the other site but I don't know of any reputable drop shipping company's that are affordable? So I need help there also. I really want to be up and running with all of these sites within the next 30 days. I incorporated two businesses that have the names of two of the sites and I want to get started asap. I am learning html and xhtml and want to learn css also.
    How do I get started with my endeavors quickly and realistically how soon should I expect to receive revenue if I am truly putting in the work? Where can I find an all in one source to help me pull it all together? I have tax ID numbers for two of the online endeavors. Can I attempt to open a business credit card to help with funding?
    What should I do? Please help! I have less than $100 left to get these things running and don't want to end up broke. I have 4 children to feed on my own. PLEASE HELP! I see a lot of great offers here but I don't know what would be best.

    Thanks for viewing and I hope that I didn't scare anyone!
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  • Profile picture of the author rmember
    facebook and twitter get good traffic
    my blog is
    And I use a twitter plugin to send posts to my twitter account
    it works :p
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  • Profile picture of the author raphullife
    use stumbleupon
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  • Profile picture of the author emmndi
    Comment on other peoples blogs.
    Write good content using good keywords

    backpacking in Kenya

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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    blog commenting and forum posting should give you a few links and that will increase your traffic
    Signature Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author tbrinkmann
    i get lots of great traffic off of social media more specifically twitter, and facebook... key is providing them with great content that will make them want to come back and of course tell their friends
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenny4u1
    Social Networking sites and book marking are very easy ways to get good traffic to your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author toponewebresult
    Originally Posted by reinvein View Post

    I am owner of blog Health Doctor (see in signature).

    I need good advice, how to get more traffic to my blog? Have you eny good ideas? Recommendation? Please help me?

    All i can suggest it to blast your site..

    Do this:
    Do make social network, bookmark, web profile point to your site
    Do make article marketing and blog com.
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    • Profile picture of the author abundantlife
      Two of the most important parts of SEO and getting the top of the search engines like Google are keywords and content. So it's important to do some research to get the best keywords for your niche, there may be several. Then write keyword specific content and add it to your blog.

      I would agree with another who suggested getting your own WordPress blog. Even better would be to host your own WordPress Blog. You can also have several blogs if there are many other keywords you want to use, then you can link them together. Unless you are doing some serious modifications there are no costs to use WordPress.

      Mostly, don't try to do whatever is the fastest or quickest way to do it. The shortcuts will end you up in the gully. Take your time, digest the advice and suggestions and move steadily forward, knowing that you will accomplish your intended objective, in time.
      David Tampien
      Top Ten Reasons to Use Aloe Vera Every Day

      Prov. 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.
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      • Profile picture of the author David Funk
        not sure if you are willing to put some money in.

        1. get your blog to page #1 #1 on google that alone will give you quite a lot of traffic.
        2. make sure your domain name is the same as your blog getting you better rankings on Google.
        3.write some good articles about your blog 2-3 articles between 850-1200 words would be good
        4. rewrite one article (400-550 words) copyscape it making sure it's at least 85% unique and submit it to ezine articles and once its accepted you will have a at least 2 links from there and if any other ezines, article directories pick it up then you will have more links
        there are many other strategies to use but these are the basics
        5 make sure your article is properly seo'ed and keywords at least 3% populated through out your articles with your title with your main keyword and each paragraph with your main keyword preferably in the beginning
        I wish you much success and don't give up
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    • Profile picture of the author gudrunsmith
      The first tip I will give you is to use your own domain on your own hosting, is ok, but you have no control over it.

      I use wordpress on my hosting and I can do so much and I have control over it.

      Gudrun Marquardt
      Personal and Business Development

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  • Profile picture of the author DaveMobile
    I have the same problem. When I became a member of the warrior forum, there was a company that specializes in back linking. Badass SEO services from your favorite SEO company. I am not an affiliate but I am giving it a try. Maybe something like this will help...
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  • Profile picture of the author hgy
    adwords is always and good way to start
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  • Profile picture of the author dorianjohn425
    The only thing that all of you have not mentioned is Facebook Ads. While it posting a PPC FB ad may cost you, it does produce awesome targeted traffic. Just a suggestion anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author skyjoe76
    What I do to drive traffic:

    1. Submit to ezinearticles.
    2. Comment on other blogs.
    3. Posts on related forums.
    4. Post on Facebook wall.
    5. Create a Fan page on facebook.
    Interview With Three Multi-Millionaires Click here

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  • Profile picture of the author shunks
    You can do some social bookmarking for initial traffic.
    But definitely increase your rankings in Google for more longterm traffic and of course money.
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  • Profile picture of the author go4wealth
    I have not done this yet but it is something that has been percolating in my mind for a few hours... yeah just today. But years ago before the internet when I owned a Real Estate Company we had a goal... make the phone ring. We used a lot of cheap classified adds and were very successful.

    Been thinking ... can I do this only instead of making the phone ring make them click my link. Can I come up with inexpensive classified adds in newspapers that will make them click my link using maybe those qr codes (reading this article is what got me to thinking What you need to know about QR codes and the future of print engagement with mobile | New Media Bytes | Online journalism, web production and promotion)

    Do not know how small these codes can be, don't know how popular they are but have read of several marketers getting results using them on business cards, flyers and blogs. Why not print media classifieds? One thing that use to be true (may still be true)... a newspaper classified add would often still pull weeks and sometimes months after the add ran.. may be worth considering.

    Just a thought if do will post results. Right now just thoughts

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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    I'll answer this question with 4 ways

    Article marketing
    blog commenting
    forum marketing
    social media

    Now quit asking questions and go make it happen
    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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