Yoga, Exercise, and the anti-inflammatory diet. Keys to health.

32 replies
I recently started eating an anti-inflammatory diet and adding exercise and yoga.

I literally saw huge results in 4 days. I am advertising any specific program. I am not lying.

Google anti inflammatory diet and follow it. It is not that hard to follow at all, its not that strict.

You will notice huge changes in your mood, sleep cycle, appearence, skin tone, and more within 3 days.

#antiinflammatory #diet #exercise #health #keys #yoga
  • Profile picture of the author jerryshudson
    Everyone wants to live a healthy life and for living healthy and long life,regularly exercising,Yoga and healthy nutritious rich diet is very important. Doing Yoga and exercising are the best way to gain good health and fitness.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurlie
    I have read about a lot of the health problems that can come about due to inflammation. I've been curious to look into this. It seems it can cause all sorts of issues. Thanks for the reminder. I'm glad to hear from somebody who tried it and had such great results.
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  • Profile picture of the author danibanu
    I wil try to follow your advice, too. I am sure that I will have excellent results.
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    exercise diet health are very okay and important but yoga? if you really care about your spiritual health then you should not be meddling in anything originating with false religion
    The miracle tree is a good anti inflammatory solution
    Signature Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenny007
    Healthy living style always keep you energize, motivated and inspired. At time when you are down, it helps you pick yourself up without anyone's help!

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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasrider
    thanks for the good advice.....
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  • Profile picture of the author RobBritt
    Yoga, or any form or stretching is fantastic for you. it impacts many points of your body that don't get "attention" any other way. I have to do some research on the anti-inflammatory aspect. probably do some writing about it afterwards. Thanks for the inspiration.

    For High Quality Affordable Articles Click Here --> Rob Writes

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    • Profile picture of the author HollyStar
      Yoga, or any form of stretching is essential, in my opinion, in being your healthiest self. I once pushed aside the idea of yoga, thinking it was not for me, but once I began, in days I started to feel almost cleaner inside. The flow of energy inside my body was returning to normal. I could feel this almost instantly, and have been doing yoga everyday since, which is almost about 8 mouths now.

      I suffered from chronic lower back pain, had no energy, and yo yo dieted for most of my life. Kept taking medications and OTC drugs to tolerate the symptoms, but could never find anything that would fix the problem. Doctors had me running around in circles too.

      That was until I took the several suggestions, and started doing yoga. I truly believe that doing yoga rid me of all of my pain, and I have never had a body like this in my life! I have lost 80lbs since my heaviest, and look like I'm 25 again! I'm not on any medication, and have more energy that I have ever had.

      I encourage everyone, old or young, male or female, rich or poor to try to incorporate some sort of stretching or yoga into your day. The results need to be felt to be truly understood.

      I was not a fan of attending classes, so all I did was Youtube some poses and classes and developed something that worked for me. It has sincerely changed my life.

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      • Profile picture of the author muzzy4u2
        Originally Posted by HollyStar View Post

        Yoga, or any form of stretching is essential, in my opinion, in being your healthiest self. I once pushed aside the idea of yoga, thinking it was not for me, but once I began, in days I started to feel almost cleaner inside. The flow of energy inside my body was returning to normal. I could feel this almost instantly, and have been doing yoga everyday since, which is almost about 8 mouths now.

        I suffered from chronic lower back pain, had no energy, and yo yo dieted for most of my life. Kept taking medications and OTC drugs to tolerate the symptoms, but could never find anything that would fix the problem. Doctors had me running around in circles too.

        That was until I took the several suggestions, and started doing yoga. I truly believe that doing yoga rid me of all of my pain, and I have never had a body like this in my life! I have lost 80lbs since my heaviest, and look like I'm 25 again! I'm not on any medication, and have more energy that I have ever had.

        I encourage everyone, old or young, male or female, rich or poor to try to incorporate some sort of stretching or yoga into your day. The results need to be felt to be truly understood.

        I was not a fan of attending classes, so all I did was Youtube some poses and classes and developed something that worked for me. It has sincerely changed my life.

        I agree with you in today's world we are so busy with lot of stress,work load,family responsibilities etc.. that we hardly get any time for exercise.

        If one can take some time for some sort of exercise, stretching or yoga it will not only help them in keeping fit but also helps in relieving stress.
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  • Profile picture of the author John M Kane
    Scott Sonnon, trainer extraordinaire, combines yoga and russian MA and exercises to get even greater results.
    Free To Move
    NOT an aff link, just like his info.
    He also is a Kettlebell and Clubbell trainer AND a great example of a genius info-marketer who had built a nice fitness dynasty.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4798112].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Candela
      Originally Posted by John M Kane View Post

      Scott Sonnon, trainer extraordinaire, combines yoga and russian MA and exercises to get even greater results.
      Free To Move
      NOT an aff link, just like his info.
      He also is a Kettlebell and Clubbell trainer AND a great example of a genius info-marketer who had built a nice fitness dynasty.
      Personally I prefer traditional Yoga over Sonnon's hybrid stuff. I like Steve Ilg or Rodney Yee as instructors who give you a solid grounding in the basics.
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  • Profile picture of the author waynewetzel
    great share!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeUK
    Interesting, never heard of the 'anti inflammatory diet' but the name itself suggests it's got the right kind of idea, definitely going to look into this now, thanks!
    Popular - Because Everything Popular Is Wrong... - Positive News, Uplifting Views & Inspirational Tidbits!
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  • Profile picture of the author mkyoganic
    The benefit of yoga practice goes far beyond the actual time you spend in the poses. One of the most common reasons why people begin practicing yoga is to improve their health and well-being. Yoga means union.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexfallon
    good share...
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate D
      I practice Spring Forest Qigong. Some forms of Qigong have even better health benefits than Yoga....but they are all good.
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  • It is a very good website.You can share it.
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  • Profile picture of the author nadia712
    Not sure I agree with some of the recommendations in the anti-inflammatory diet pyramid, but I haven't spent a lot of time looking into this particular way of eating, so I could be missing something. It's strange to me that the diet encourages grains and dairy, given that they're incredibly inflammatory food groups (especially grains).
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  • Profile picture of the author bokidarkness
    Yoga exercises are perfect. I'm always doing them after I workout.. It feels very good
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  • Profile picture of the author lolaward
    I recently discovered yoga and I can only say that it is a great way to spend your free time. you help your body and soul and you send quality time with yourself. I reccommend it to everyone!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ellen34
    Yup! I know that there are lots of task which we need to perform and we don't have so much time to perform it and in that case it is very difficult to do exercise or yoga.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcusJohnson
    Didn't know about this anti inflammatory diet but thanks for the information will surely take a look at it. I am really interested about this stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author shalurana
    Really appreciable tips..!!!

    i don't know much about this anti inflammatory diet but thanx for the information. Now i am curious and will take a look on it..
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  • Profile picture of the author katrim
    This sounds like a great idea to try, and it's not just for losing weight, and regain energy, it's about actually being a better self from inside out.
    It's a rare feeling and we should all aim for that. Anti inflammatory food, yoga, it all makes sense and we need to be good to ourselves once in a while if not always.

    So great reminder, thank you!
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  • Great share. Any physical manifestation is there for us to take notice of what is really going on. It could be a past life wound that has not yet been released. That is why I always look at the spiritual aspect to what is going on in the physical realm.
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  • Lately I have given up certain favorite foods that have been inflammatory to my system and it has made a tremendous difference in my energy and I have far less congestion. This is good advice.

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  • Profile picture of the author TerryX
    Yoga is great, for so many reasons.

    I personally found the greatest benefit when I began to follow Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo's work on eating for your genotype and blood type. Over the last three years I lost 80 pounds and kept it off. I had done Yoga an other exercise for many years with little to no result. When I fixed my diet it all changed.
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  • Profile picture of the author ashwinvidiyala
    Diet is very important for one to be healthy. Exercise is as important and I think Yoga is one of the best forms of exercise out there.

    Please do not use Empower Network links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    And what is that anti-inflammatory diet for?

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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