1000 Ebooks sold in 180days.

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Hi Warriors, i am Stive and im very happy today and comem to write a bit for the begginers.
If someone here think they never be able to make money online, they are wrong.
We start to sell e-books here in Brazil in dezember, after study of more than 5 years IM and fail several times, had lost more than 25 domains. :confused:
today we complete 1000 infoproducts sold
Our medium ticket it 35 dolars.
Inst that amazing 100k per month, but we are growing step by step and for the next month my target with Clickbank is 10k monthly.
Now we start to thinking outside our country and start act globally.
remember to dont put all the eggs on the same basket.
After these years of studying IM, we learned that only to understand why people buy, we should know people and have a keen sense of human nature.
We should know how they think, how people live, and be acquainted with
the standards and customs affecting their everyday lives!
The SECRET its to Get People to Act!
Here in this link we show 3 days $$$ of one account, I hope this inspires someone to Act too.
#180days #ebooks #sold #sucess #tips

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