Inspiration of the Year

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Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and sometimes discouraging business. We've all seen posts on the WF from people who feel they are failing, or who feel they have already failed. And, at that moment, they see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Most of us hit that point of despair; sometimes more than once. I know I have.

But here's the amazing thing....

Whenever I get to that point - the point where things seem to be spiralling ever downward - something or someone appears to change my perspective.

In 2008, I stumbled across this guy on YouTube, at a time when I needed it most. And I defy you to watch this video and not be inspired.

If you feel like giving up, if you feel that the obstacles you face are too much to overcome, if you feel like there's no hope...

You MUST watch this:

What, or who, has given YOU inspiration? Please share...

#inspiration #year

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