What is a Manager?...

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Hello everyone. A long time isn't it?..
Well...the first post with which I would start is: what is a manager because even if you admit or not you are a manager of yourself, you are the one who administrate your life, you decide what to do and what not.
I am sure that you know what a manager is, because there are many definitions in the literature.

My favourite is this: a manager is a problem solving person. Easy isn't it? I say that is a problem solver because Management is involves all activities used by which we accomplish tasks; so those activities may create problems in accomplishing goals; that's why a manager needs to be a problem solver.

The Bible affects managers as much as it affects any other vocation. Unfortunately, managers, some of them left the Bible reading it probably one or two times per week in the evening. Others, read the Bible daily to see how it should affect their lives, but never make the connection to their managerial activities and business life.

The Sermon on the Mount, is a powerful message from Jesus on lifestyle and behavior. It is the:
- the highest standard of morality
- perfect measure for a Christian Life
- basis of ethical behavior

Now the question is:
what is behind a manager: humbleness or pride?...
cYa soon...& thanks for reading

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