3 Wise Tips From 3 Wealthy Men

55 replies
So I've been thinking a lot about wealth recently. Well, I guess I'm always thinking about it. But more so recently than ever before.

I've been trying to find some sort of common trait or pattern that exists in people who tend to have a lot more money than others and how they came across it.

Outside of the Internet, in my personal life, I only know of 3 multi-millionaires on a first name basis. 2 of which I have recently lost contact with.

All 3 come from COMPLETELY different backgrounds. And all got rich doing COMPLETELY different things.

One of them grew up as a door to door salesman and now runs a telemarketing company.
One of them got into real estate and now owns a wine vineyard.
One of them started out importing/exporting goods and now owns a manufacturing company in China.

If you were to meet these 3 people, you'd see how all their personalities are all different from one another.

To this day, I still remember what each of them told me about how they achieved their wealth.

One of them said, "There's no secret, I just knew. It's also really important to trust people. Without trusting others, you won't succeed."
Another said, "Vocabulary. I became a master of my field and knew all the terminology inside and out."
The last one said, "Simple. I know how to sell and I'm not afraid to do it."

I love profound words or quotes. Let's step away from all the published authors and gurus for one second and take a look at the real people we personally know (perhaps that's even you) that have achieved great wealth.

What quotes or ideas can you share that have come from people you personally know?
#men #tips #wealthy #wise
  • Profile picture of the author JamieGao
    Honestly, the one thing they all have in common is that they never stopped moving forward. Most people never make it because they give up, surrender, settle into the status quo, and cease to move forward.
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    • Profile picture of the author Long Beach Nathan
      Originally Posted by JamieGao View Post

      Honestly, the one thing they all have in common is that they never stopped moving forward. Most people never make it because they give up, surrender, settle into the status quo, and cease to move forward.
      I agree. While success isn't certain, the only way we guarantee our failure is to stop trying.
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    Sometimes you can look in all directions but fail to find whatever you're searching for, just remember to look up.
    http://www.charlesmomo.com Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author mathman
    I like this lol. Thanks!
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    "I swear it upon Zeus the outstanding runner cannot be the equal of the average wrestler" - Socrates
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  • Profile picture of the author Sylas
    If you haven't already, I suggest reading Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers. It looks at the similarities between some of the wealthiest people in the world in an attempt to distill the essence of success.
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    • Profile picture of the author KimmyB
      Thanks for this book suggestion. I will be sure to add it to my reading list. This is in response to the book suggestion for "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell.
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  • Profile picture of the author VictorV
    Yea, I've definitely read Outliers. I've read a bunch of books on this topic. Gladwell's books are very interesting.

    But nothing is better than real-life, first-hand experiences.
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  • Profile picture of the author adolphchia
    Thank you for sharing.
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    • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
      I think you need to add John Lennon's Aunt Mimi;

      'A guitar is alright John, but you'll never make any money out of it.'
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      • Profile picture of the author cofton25
        I think successful, wealthy people have a different mindset to most people.

        I was told once by a wealthy colleague that it's not 'being in the right place at the right time' that brings success, it is more accurately, 'knowing your in the right place at the right time' - I found this is true, lots of people have been in the right place many, many times but if we fail to recognise it then the opportunity is gone. And of course, much like IM we have to not only recognise it but we must act upon it and not dream and/or pretend.

        There are 3 books that I have found all give the same message, written at different times and by totally different people yet all suggest the same theory on accumulating wealth. I would recommend reading any one of these or all three, not just as a wealth creation tool but also a 'being a better person' tool which we sometimes need from time to time. They are:

        The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
        You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Haye
        Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

        Just my opinion of course

        Win some or learn some.... everyday

        Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

        Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

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        • Profile picture of the author Diegan
          I will surely read one of them, although I fear that maybe those rich guys did not read about how to become rich.... so I may be thinking too much instead of just acting

          Originally Posted by cofton25 View Post

          I think successful, wealthy people have a different mindset to most people.

          I was told once by a wealthy colleague that it's not 'being in the right place at the right time' that brings success, it is more accurately, 'knowing your in the right place at the right time' - I found this is true, lots of people have been in the right place many, many times but if we fail to recognise it then the opportunity is gone. And of course, much like IM we have to not only recognise it but we must act upon it and not dream and/or pretend.

          There are 3 books that I have found all give the same message, written at different times and by totally different people yet all suggest the same theory on accumulating wealth. I would recommend reading any one of these or all three, not just as a wealth creation tool but also a 'being a better person' tool which we sometimes need from time to time. They are:

          The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
          You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Haye
          Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

          Just my opinion of course
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          • Profile picture of the author cofton25
            Hi Diegan
            You just gotta get the right mindset and sometimes these books can get you on the right track, in fact as soon as the light goes on, once you understand the message they all give, you will succeed in your chosen goal. I found that they can also help you choose your goal if you haven't got one, it just seems to happen and from somewhere you didn't even dream of. Weird I know but this is my experience and the experience of others, once you get it, stuff just happens and when you're not expecting it as well. Good luck but I don't think you will need it

            Originally Posted by Diegan View Post

            I will surely read one of them, although I fear that maybe those rich guys did not read about how to become rich.... so I may be thinking too much instead of just acting

            Win some or learn some.... everyday

            Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

            Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

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      • Profile picture of the author cofton25
        Yes, Aunt Mimi just didn't have the vision that John had, John had the vision and acted upon it even though most people around him thought he was a dreamer and the odds were against him. Beautiful man inside, intelligent and a special songwriter..... although sadly missed and taken before his time at least we have the fantastic music he left behind.

        Oh and for the record, most successful people had a goal and dream but didn't know how they were going to get there. Belief, PMA and 'feeling' the success/goal plays a large part of achievement.

        Originally Posted by oncewerewarriors View Post

        I think you need to add John Lennon's Aunt Mimi;

        'A guitar is alright John, but you'll never make any money out of it.'

        Win some or learn some.... everyday

        Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

        Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

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  • Profile picture of the author Debra Barrow
    A word I keep hearing is "courage". It takes courage to follow your own path when others are saying it can't be done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hartigan
    I think what separates the successful from the non-successful is confidence. The successful believe they can do it, AND that they will do it.
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    • Profile picture of the author janicelou
      Originally Posted by Hartigan View Post

      I think what separates the successful from the non-successful is confidence. The successful believe they can do it, AND that they will do it.
      Confidence... Jim Rohn calls it "Faith to believe"! the people who have faith in getting a good result always make it happen.

      I agree with you. confidence plays a major factor in everything you do.
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  • Profile picture of the author janicelou
    "Simple. I know how to sell and I'm not afraid to do it."

    doesn't all success come down to you selling? selling in your business to make money.... selling your wife, family, friends etc on your ideas, .....

    selling is being able to speak up and have others agree with you. the better you are at getting others to agree with you the happier your life will be.

    Imagine if everything you ever said to anyone was argued. How miserable your life would be.
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    • Profile picture of the author cofton25
      Although I understand where you are coming from I don't believe you are entirely accurate.

      Firstly, there are very few examples of major success being 'simple', it certainly isn't a case of just selling, there are many other variables that are involved and success doesn't involve any one subject, thing, rule, idea, person.... sustained success involves many, many different subjects and lessons.
      Simply knowing (or thinking you know) how to sell is just not enough to acquire and sustain success.
      If I 'speak up and have others agree with me' then I would be concerned, I would be concerned that I am surrounded by 'yes men' (or women) and this is not healthy.
      All success or should I say sustained success, doesn't come down to just selling my friend, otherwise all the best salesmen (and there are literally hundreds of thousands of them) would be millionaires.
      The majority of good salesmen are earning the successful people big bucks, the salesmen are being guided, mentored, motivated, paid and used by the successful people. It's how it works and will always be.
      In my opinion sustained success needs the following:
      Understanding (subjects and people)
      The ability to learn new subjects
      Learn from your peers and your subordinates
      Realistic incentives for both you and your staff
      Accepting when you are wrong
      Knowing when you are right
      ....and probably 100's of other qualities but I think you get my drift

      Probably the most important is to realise that you don't have to be bad to be successful, it's not all about you, treat people well on the way up as you may meet them on the way down.
      It's not just the money (although it may seem like that in the beginning), it's about freedom and contentment. I was once told that wealth sometimes becomes a by-product of success, the super rich continue to thrive on success when they don't need the wealth, others like Mr Bill Gates & Mr Warren Buffet although still thrive on success begin to realise that giving back is just as important, in fact these guys are giving back most of their wealth so doesn't that tell us something.
      And finally, although most of us don't believe it, but the majority of successful people say that the journey was more important and enjoyable than the end result, most enjoyed and thrived on the journey, they were hungry and enjoyed the chase.
      In their mindset there isn't such a thing as failure, they win or they learn.
      They accepted the knock downs and mistakes as part of the journey and embraced it, they knew it was part of the game to get to the goal.......
      Maybe, just maybe this is what separates them from the millions that try and don't reach the goal. I believe this to be true.
      Just my opinion of course

      Originally Posted by janicelou View Post

      "Simple. I know how to sell and I'm not afraid to do it."

      doesn't all success come down to you selling? selling in your business to make money.... selling your wife, family, friends etc on your ideas, .....

      selling is being able to speak up and have others agree with you. the better you are at getting others to agree with you the happier your life will be.

      Imagine if everything you ever said to anyone was argued. How miserable your life would be.

      Win some or learn some.... everyday

      Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

      Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

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      • Profile picture of the author cofton25
        Oh and forgot to thank VictorV for starting such a fascinating thread..... it's interesting to read other peoples view on such a gripping subject.... I've read many, many helpful books and studied successful people but this is where we learn the most.... from real people who are on the journey.

        Win some or learn some.... everyday

        Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

        Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

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  • Profile picture of the author Shania
    I agree. Confidence is important in the journey to success. Self belief is also very important. You believe in yourself before others can believe in you
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  • Profile picture of the author WhiteStarlight
    I guess they all are people of action, not just talking about what they want to do, but action people
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    • Profile picture of the author Carmen_Hudson
      I think it has a lot to do with how you handle the money once you get it, too. The wealthy people I know stress thrift. They have very nice things but they take very good care of them. They're careful about how much they eat out or shop...(they do both, but they're careful about it). They budget, save, invest, and take care of their money. They hire help when they need it (they're quite advanced in age) but do for themselves when they can.
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  • Profile picture of the author Crystal_Jobs
    I'll say this, even though it was said by Sylvester Stallone in a movie. Sorry, I may not quote it accurately, but it pretty much says what I want.

    "Sometimes life beats you down, but the way we get ahead in life is to stand up again'
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  • Profile picture of the author alexbridger
    Great tips. thank you for the share. Self-belief I think and taking action is very important.
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  • Profile picture of the author billm75
    Alot of great stuff in this thread. Thanks for the encouragement
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  • Profile picture of the author jonymac001
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    • Profile picture of the author cofton25
      Forgive me if I've missed something but are you in the right thread/forum here ?

      Originally Posted by jonymac001 View Post

      Ciniello (President of QuibicaAMF) and Hamilton (President of Luby Publishing) have been the masterminds behind moving the Bowling Museum from St. Louis to Arlington. Ciniello is president & chairman of IBMHF and Hamilton is vice-president of IBMHF and they make a winning team.

      And they, along with the guidance of Museum Executive Director Bill Supper, have been overseeing the layout of the museum plus its exhibits and features.

      Win some or learn some.... everyday

      Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

      Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

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  • Profile picture of the author benzwm02
    thats interesting I had not heard it before. To succeed you really need to keep trying I think
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewV
      "There are no failures, only feedback" - Anthony Robbins (his stuff is gold, if you've never checked it out, I highly recommend it).
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      • Profile picture of the author mak25
        "I got mine, now go get yours. Ain't nobody gonna bring it to you"

        Great thread with lots of good advice.

        The one thing that can help anyone is confidence.
        Nobody has it to start off, but with doing comes confidence.

        Once you have true confidence in yourself, the rest is a piece of cake.

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  • Profile picture of the author jtimes
    Some of the best advice I have received from a super wealthy individual was

    Plan your work and work your plan!

    'One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.'

    - Henry Ford

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  • Profile picture of the author cofton25
    Just loved all these replies, all fine examples of how successful people think, thank you all

    Win some or learn some.... everyday

    Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

    Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4540203].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author italeads
    "I am not competitive. That would insinuate there was competition."

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  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    You have to free yourself of all the restraints holding you back. Both inside and outside of you.
    There is always that little voice telling you 'you are not good enough', 'you can't do it', 'you will fail'.
    Also the people around you will always tell you the same and discourage you. They don't want
    you to succeed or they feel miserable and want others to feel miserable as well, or they truly think
    that it can't be done. Free yourself from all that.

    Fear of failure is one of the most common things holding people back. "What if I fail..."
    And what if you succeed? The cure is to just do it. Then see if you are still standing. Every
    time you do it it will be a little easier. See if you are still standing after failing hundred times.
    After many failures you will be doing it with ease. Then you will succeed at some point.
    There is no better feeling in the world.

    To summarize, what I think is the key to happiness and personal achievement:

    1.Accept fullheartedly that you can achieve anything you want
    2.Do only what you want and don't do what you don't want

    The first one will set you on track for success, second one is my
    definition of freedom and it makes you feel amazing every day.

    Best of luck,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4544834].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cofton25
      Just a great post Exel !

      Couldn't put it better myself and your words of encouragement will help anyone who cares to read it and takes notice. Thank you

      Originally Posted by Exel View Post

      You have to free yourself of all the restraints holding you back. Both inside and outside of you.
      There is always that little voice telling you 'you are not good enough', 'you can't do it', 'you will fail'.
      Also the people around you will always tell you the same and discourage you. They don't want
      you to succeed or they feel miserable and want others to feel miserable as well, or they truly think
      that it can't be done. Free yourself from all that.

      Fear of failure is one of the most common things holding people back. "What if I fail..."
      And what if you succeed? The cure is to just do it. Then see if you are still standing. Every
      time you do it it will be a little easier. See if you are still standing after failing hundred times.
      After many failures you will be doing it with ease. Then you will succeed at some point.
      There is no better feeling in the world.

      To summarize, what I think is the key to happiness and personal achievement:

      1.Accept fullheartedly that you can achieve anything you want
      2.Do only what you want and don't do what you don't want

      The first one will set you on track for success, second one is my
      definition of freedom and it makes you feel amazing every day.

      Best of luck,


      Win some or learn some.... everyday

      Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

      Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

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  • Profile picture of the author David Sneen
    The millionaire I know talks to everyone. He wears an old shirt with barely enough threads to keep it together. He is conservative, but his best friend at the club is a liberal. He has opinions which he readily shares.

    I think the thing about Al that I would most want to emulate is his frankness. He is 74, and perhaps he was more soft-spoken earlier in life. There is a time for diplomacy. There is also a time to speak up. There is also a time to get going on your plan.
    David Sneen
    It's what you do when no one is watching
    that determines what you will be able to
    do when everyone is watching.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4549849].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cofton25
      I think we could all learn a hell of alot from your friend Al

      Originally Posted by David Sneen View Post

      The millionaire I know talks to everyone. He wears an old shirt with barely enough threads to keep it together. He is conservative, but his best friend at the club is a liberal. He has opinions which he readily shares.

      I think the thing about Al that I would most want to emulate is his frankness. He is 74, and perhaps he was more soft-spoken earlier in life. There is a time for diplomacy. There is also a time to speak up. There is also a time to get going on your plan.

      Win some or learn some.... everyday

      Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

      Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

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  • Profile picture of the author harancans
    How I wish I will become wealthy. Thank you anyway for the tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin101
    Awesome !!
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  • Profile picture of the author gorvene
    Persistence and courage are key traits of becoming successful... But starting out with a vision will help with giving you the proper perspective and mindset.
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  • Profile picture of the author stokeschris
    good share
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  • Profile picture of the author DIGITALCHAMELEON
    Good share, thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author poath
    Aside from personal beliefs and confidence, I found alot of successful people knows how to 'sell'.
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  • Profile picture of the author stevefrk
    I was told not to do everything on my own, to find people who were knowledgeable in different areas of my business and who would share the idea of growing my business with me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jacko
      Study, learn and make a decent, realistic plan.

      stick to your plan and you'll get to your goal.
      It's that simple.

      The ones that have done that, achieved what they wanted.
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      • Profile picture of the author danstelter
        My father, who did high-quality work as a carpenter and had a great name in the area, would say, "Good enough for who it's for," to me whenever I was getting a little too perfectionistic and attempted to go too far with small projects. He had a great point about spending your time wisely. Other than that, I really don't know anyone wealthy. For me, it's an internal thing - I feel like it's going to happen one way or another.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daymon
    That's what I call Action orientated people. They are some wise advise from wise people. Once should train and discipline him or herself to achieve success in life. Success is not an accident!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mizzy Princess
    What is the common denominator of these three wealthy men is their confidence and their principle on moving forward with any fear.
    Know more about paper crafts and be amazed!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kaysa

    From now on I will get to ask people I know to share how they became rich and successful in the most simple words they have.

    Thanks for the post.

    Do you want to become a successful Persuasion Master? Learn Persuasion Skills to get anything that you want in your life.


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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    Great post VictorV! Very informative and inspirational. A friend of mine whom I think is successful and wealthy right now, told me...."just believe in yourself that you can do whatever life offers or challenges you to do." And don't let fear hinders you to achieve your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeresteem99
    Thanks for sharing

    "Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value."

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    • Profile picture of the author cofton25
      Another phrase I like is :

      'It's nice to be important but much more important to be nice'

      There are some people who become successful and forget to be nice to others and this is a shame. We can be successful/'important' and still be nice to others. This leads to another very true saying:

      'Be nice to those on the way up because you may meet them on the way down'

      Never a truer word

      Win some or learn some.... everyday

      Life is wonderful but can be short..... so be happy

      Health, Happiness and Wealth... and in that order

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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    Originally Posted by VictorV View Post

    So I've been thinking a lot about wealth recently. Well, I guess I'm always thinking about it. But more so recently than ever before.

    I've been trying to find some sort of common trait or pattern that exists in people who tend to have a lot more money than others and how they came across it.

    Outside of the Internet, in my personal life, I only know of 3 multi-millionaires on a first name basis. 2 of which I have recently lost contact with.

    All 3 come from COMPLETELY different backgrounds. And all got rich doing COMPLETELY different things.

    One of them grew up as a door to door salesman and now runs a telemarketing company.
    One of them got into real estate and now owns a wine vineyard.
    One of them started out importing/exporting goods and now owns a manufacturing company in China.

    If you were to meet these 3 people, you'd see how all their personalities are all different from one another.

    To this day, I still remember what each of them told me about how they achieved their wealth.

    One of them said, "There's no secret, I just knew. It's also really important to trust people. Without trusting others, you won't succeed."
    Another said, "Vocabulary. I became a master of my field and knew all the terminology inside and out."
    The last one said, "Simple. I know how to sell and I'm not afraid to do it."

    I love profound words or quotes. Let's step away from all the published authors and gurus for one second and take a look at the real people we personally know (perhaps that's even you) that have achieved great wealth.

    What quotes or ideas can you share that have come from people you personally know?
    Not sure where this came from but one statement that comes to mind is, "the money is in the list". I am basically trying to build almost my entire business on this one single principle.
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  • Profile picture of the author elijahjudd
    Stay focused, push harder and never give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author jeremyramos
    just ideas maybe we should make our own tips, cause there is many tips and sometime one tips are very different with another tips
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