How to Get Your Prayers Answered Everytime

55 replies
Most People think that the length of the prayer or the words that are being said that determines if our prayers are answered.

There is also another school of thought that if we are sincere about what we ask for the our prayers will be answered.

I Think the only way to get our prayers answered is to give thanks. What this means is when we go to pray we should be Saying thank you for....... not say please may I have .......

We should live a life of Gratitide. Believe that we already have all we need and just say thank you very often. What do you think?
#answered #everytime #law of attraction #motivation books #prayers #self help books
  • Profile picture of the author Old Goat
    Of course prayers always get answered, but sometimes the answer is "No, that's not right for you." or "Not now, you need to wait a little bit."
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Old Goat View Post

      Of course prayers always get answered, but sometimes the answer is "No, that's not right for you." or "Not now, you need to wait a little bit."
      Yeah I like that explanation.

      If there is a God (and I believe there is) I think that sometimes he wont answer your prayer. Why? Because I think he knows that ultimately that's not what will bring you closer to him.

      For instance a person may pray to be happy, content, and joyful but God may decide that it would be better for them to grow through suffering. Because that will deepen their character, compassion, and love. And in the end they'll realize (and be grateful for) their trials and tribulations. They'll appreciate them as the blessing in disguise which they truly were.

      That's just one example. And I believe it could be different for different people. We're all individuals.

      Something I read recently which I thought was kind of cool is the saying: "When something doesn't turn out the way you hoped, anticipated, or planned, then God probably has something better in store for you."
      By the way I hope my beliefs don't clash too much with other peoples'. At the end of the day I don't really know I'm simply sharing my perspective.

      And I definitely agree with "starting where you are" and being thankful for everything wonderful in your life. You can't go wrong with that advice.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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      • Profile picture of the author tanya7zhou
        Originally Posted by ZigZag View Post

        Yeah I like that explanation.

        If there is a God (and I believe there is) I think that sometimes he wont answer your prayer. Why? Because I think he knows that ultimately that's not what will bring you closer to him.

        If there is a GOD??? It seems you are in the middle here.

        Read your post again.....You will see you explained even better than most people who believe. My friend, I think you really know he is there with you right now.

        Fantastic explanation, I wouldn't add or subtract. Well done. Now it's time you believe 100% he is there.

        He is known as a FATHER; HE created the entire UNIVERSE AND Human kind

        So he knows everybody, like a parent. As a parent, I know what all the children can handle at any given time. I know if i give this child this thing, maybe i will be spoiling them too much. I know if i give this child this thing, they will handle it very well, i just know their capabilities, not 100% as i am just human. But God knows 100% he shaped everyone.

        If we stop complaining and allow ourselves to go through the tests, we will not take matters into our hands and everything will be fine after any trouble. The problem with humans, we have power of will so we use it to deny GOD.

        But Yes, he knows everyone, and will answer prayers. If He didn't you will eventually know why later on.
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        • Profile picture of the author thmark
          The big point of distinction between the Christian understanding of God and the new age/ The Secret one is that Christianity shows us that God is personal.

          The idea of prayer or gratitude or love in general or "to the universe" or some other abstraction is an empty one, because we communicate (or have "communion") with another person, not just something in general.

          God came to earth as a person, to walk and talk and be with us. That is the great mystery, which as the philosopher Kierkegaard said could not have originated in any human heart. It is too incomprehensible.

          The whole idea of being created in God's image hearkens back to this central theme that God is a person with personal attributes, and made us that way as well.

          That is very humbling yet powerfully enabling, and provides great blessings along with great duty and responsibility.

          It is also the basis of personal liberty, as the king as well as the lowest person all have to answer to that duty and responsibility.

          Our desire avoid that duty is the basis of the half way advice of "The Secret" as well as the political correctness that wants to equate all belief with whatever makes you happy.

          Interested in Self Help, Alternative Health, and removing self limiting beliefs and actions?

          Energy Healing Workshop UK June 23 & 24

          Free Marathon Energy Healing teleseminar series

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          • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
            Originally Posted by thmark View Post

            The big point of distinction between the Christian understanding of God and the new age/ The Secret one is that Christianity shows us that God is personal.

            The idea of prayer or gratitude or love in general or "to the universe" or some other abstraction is an empty one, because we communicate (or have "communion") with another person, not just something in general.

            God came to earth as a person, to walk and talk and be with us. That is the great mystery, which as the philosopher Kierkegaard said could not have originated in any human heart. It is too incomprehensible.

            The whole idea of being created in God's image hearkens back to this central theme that God is a person with personal attributes, and made us that way as well.

            That is very humbling yet powerfully enabling, and provides great blessings along with great duty and responsibility.

            It is also the basis of personal liberty, as the king as well as the lowest person all have to answer to that duty and responsibility.

            Our desire avoid that duty is the basis of the half way advice of "The Secret" as well as the political correctness that wants to equate all belief with whatever makes you happy.
            I'm not going to argue with anyone with their beliefs. But
            I don't want people to read this post and be completely mislead.

            1. The secret is nothing more than explaining one law of the universe.
            Law of attraction. There are many laws that govern the universe
            and law of attraction is just ONE. A very important one yes. It has
            nothing to do with the "New age" belief of god.

            I'm a big advocate of new age... Because once you really understand it
            you realize it it's "New" at all. It's been taught since the beginning
            of human existence.

            A path to enlightenment.

            You speak of christianity. Are you speaking REAL christianity or this
            bullshit that is a complete misinterpretation of the bible, which some would
            argue was purposely done to manipulate and control the masses.

            Christianity was a religion that was suppose to be one path
            to enlightment. The old testament didn't happen. Every chapter
            is the exact same message. The power of conciousness.

            Heaven and Hell was never meant to be some place you go
            to when you die. That' sthe bullshit they preach now.

            Heaven and hell are a state of conciousness. Even the pope
            freakin said this. People stil don't get it.

            There is no EXTERNAL GOD RESTING IN HEAVEN. If you believe
            that someone told you that and you are just taking someones word
            for it.

            Again the old testament ISNT A HISTORIC BOOK!!!

            The bible is the greatest book ever written, when read the proper way.

            God is inside each and every one of us. Everything and everyone is "God".
            Or "The universe", or "The presence"... whatever you want to call it.


            INSIDE YOU.

            Most people are so bent on some shit a preacher taught them that
            they will never wake the hell up.

            That's why they have no power.

            Here's a hint.

            If you experience being broke, sick, struggling, poor, worry, anxiety, doubt, fear,
            or a consistent basis.. YOU DON'T KNOW GOD. period.

            I don't care how many times you go to church, pray, whatever.

            Jesus was a MAN. You are just like jesus once you awake to the perfect

            it's funny because all the so called "Christians" don't even follow the
            teaching of Jesus.

            They pray to Jesus and crazy stuff like that. Jesus awoke to the perfect
            pattern which is in each and everyone of us.

            You can heal yourself and the sick just as Jesus did. You can create
            amazing mircales in your life and others EVERY SINGLE DAY.

            The problem is you are limited by all your concepts of limitation.

            So quit watching the secret and start connecting with the GOD/PRESENCE/
            UNIVERSAL POWER inside you. And you'll have superhuman power.

            The western culture is so f***ed up, you got people asking for forgiveness
            to some external GOD so they can hopefully one day recieve a blessing and/or
            not go to some hell after they die.

            It's all a bunch of bullshit. And anyone who says different has never
            did the research and learned about REAL christianity. They are going off
            what some preacher told them.

            YOU ARE GOD... The seperation is in your mind.


            Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
            else is an illusion.

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            • Profile picture of the author tanya7zhou
              Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

              I'm not going to argue with anyone with their beliefs. But
              I don't want people to read this post and be completely mislead.

              1. The secret is nothing more than explaining one law of the universe.
              Law of attraction. There are many laws that govern the universe
              and law of attraction is just ONE. A very important one yes. It has
              nothing to do with the "New age" belief of god.

              I'm a big advocate of new age... Because once you really understand it
              you realize it it's "New" at all. It's been taught since the beginning
              of human existence.

              A path to enlightenment.

              You speak of christianity. Are you speaking REAL christianity or this
              bullshit that is a complete misinterpretation of the bible, which some would
              argue was purposely done to manipulate and control the masses.

              Christianity was a religion that was suppose to be one path
              to enlightment. The old testament didn't happen. Every chapter
              is the exact same message. The power of conciousness.

              Heaven and Hell was never meant to be some place you go
              to when you die. That' sthe bullshit they preach now.

              Heaven and hell are a state of conciousness. Even the pope
              freakin said this. People stil don't get it.

              There is no EXTERNAL GOD RESTING IN HEAVEN. If you believe
              that someone told you that and you are just taking someones word
              for it.

              Again the old testament ISNT A HISTORIC BOOK!!!

              The bible is the greatest book ever written, when read the proper way.

              God is inside each and every one of us. Everything and everyone is "God".
              Or "The universe", or "The presence"... whatever you want to call it.


              INSIDE YOU.

              Most people are so bent on some shit a preacher taught them that
              they will never wake the hell up.

              That's why they have no power.

              Here's a hint.

              If you experience being broke, sick, struggling, poor, worry, anxiety, doubt, fear,
              or a consistent basis.. YOU DON'T KNOW GOD. period.

              I don't care how many times you go to church, pray, whatever.

              Jesus was a MAN. You are just like jesus once you awake to the perfect

              it's funny because all the so called "Christians" don't even follow the
              teaching of Jesus.

              They pray to Jesus and crazy stuff like that. Jesus awoke to the perfect
              pattern which is in each and everyone of us.

              You can heal yourself and the sick just as Jesus did. You can create
              amazing mircales in your life and others EVERY SINGLE DAY.

              The problem is you are limited by all your concepts of limitation.

              So quit watching the secret and start connecting with the GOD/PRESENCE/
              UNIVERSAL POWER inside you. And you'll have superhuman power.

              The western culture is so f***ed up, you got people asking for forgiveness
              to some external GOD so they can hopefully one day recieve a blessing and/or
              not go to some hell after they die.

              It's all a bunch of bullshit. And anyone who says different has never
              did the research and learned about REAL christianity. They are going off
              what some preacher told them.

              YOU ARE GOD... The seperation is in your mind.

              Daniel, With all respect, you are talking New Age Religion Mate. And as for you saying humans are GOD.....that's half true. We are gods as far as being created after the image of GOD. But we are not equal with our Creator.

              It doesn't matter what the POPE has said. The truth is JESUS is real. Heaven is real. Hell is real too. The bible is the spoken word of God. All scripture has been given by the inspiration of God, for correction, for reproof and instruction, so that all man will be thoroughly equipped for all good works.

              Jesus loves you Daniel. He died for you and I for our sins to be forgiven. We all fell short of the glory of God. Yes, God is everywhere and is in everything. But he created humans differently in His own image, with a soul that has a will. because of the sin from the garden of Eden, Man has to be reunited to God. Jesus who was God and man was the only Solution. He has done his Job, it's your turn to do yours Daniel. This means you use your will to accept him in your heart. Ask him for forgiveness we all have sinned and invite him in your life as your Savior. You will be saved.

              You will find piece in your heart and when you die, you will go straight to heaven where he is.

              With All Respect & Godly Love Brother

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              • Profile picture of the author yellowtaxi
                To get you prayer answered, just be the answer

                And yes gratitude always works
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            • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
              Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

              I'm not going to argue with anyone with their beliefs. But
              I don't want people to read this post and be completely mislead. [Edited]
              You seemed almost angry there Daniel. Good to see some passion on the Warrior Forum. It's good to keep an open mind. That's what I always say. I don't pretend to know everything because when I do I often end up looking silly at some point or another. My personal belief is that I don't think I'm God or have any kind of supernatural power.
              "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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              • Profile picture of the author The 13th Warrior
                Just remember, be very, very careful what you ask for, sooner or later, in one form or another, you might get it, and it might not be what you percieved it to be.

                Some happen like a Twilight Zone episode.

                Guy wishes so hard for money..., and he got it....., like, " Larry Parker got me 2.1 million"..., yeah, but you lost your leg.

                Whether one prays or not, the inner hearts desire and subconscious passion will come out sooner or later.

                Even if you never get to it, it manifests SOMEWHERE, job, relationships, philosophy, social protocols, how one goes about their business,security,barriers,etc., even thru your children, passed on like a gene, "....sins of the father...", an action or protocol based on whats inside the heart,subconscious and Will that WILL cause some effect as you apply your life and effect things and people around you with these things in mind.

                The best thing I heard to ask for is:

                1) Ask that you get what you NEED, not what you want

                2) Ask for the supreme TRUTH, where ever it leads, whatever or whomever it hurts

                Problem is, though, most lips do not match what is truely in the heart, Will and subconscious. We even lie to ourselves of what we want, who we are, what we are doing , what we have done, and what we will or intead to do, in reality.

                So most ask or pray , at the start, with self-deception,illusion and denial.

                A lie within a prayer, a lie within a request.

                One way or another, we usually get what we ask for, even if we NEVER percieved we got it.

                The 13 th Warrior
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            • Profile picture of the author thmark

              The very clear message of the Bible is that we are not God, that God alone is God, and that He is loving and just.

              When we recognize that fact, existentially and not abstractly, is when we are given the power to do "even greater things" as Jesus said we would. "He who is humbled shall be exalted..."

              Romans chapter eight talks about how all things are given to us. But only when we recognize that we are totally dependent on Christ for everything. Our "daily bread" is not only our food, but the knowing and understanding that comes from God alone, revealed through faith.

              There are many laws that govern the universe, and they reflect the character of God, who created it. The whole message of the Fall in the garden clearly spells out the distinction of man wanting to be "as God" is the original sin.

              The new age ideas are not new, as you state, and some of them are valuable and profound when properly understood. But man's desire to be God, and to have power to manipulate people and resources to his own ends are the cause of unspeakable evil.

              The laws of God reflect justice and truth, and we must obey them if we want peace and prosperity. Scripture is our "stern schoolmaster" until we learn to obey our conscience and live from within and take on the "mind of Christ" which means that we are conformed to the truth and justice of God's ways and not our own.

              Now of course there have been many abuses of Christianity by false teachers and churches, but that only reinforces the extent to which we have been sunken in sin and evil by foolishly believing we are God.

              But every time men take on the role of God they end up enslaving others and creating hell on earth. That is the message of "Lord of the Rings" if you saw that.

              Hell in the New Testament is a garbage dump. The message is clear that we were created by God to serve him, which in a paradoxical way, is true liberty. We can choose our own path, but when we do so and become hardened in it, we become useless to Him, and end up in the garbage just like any other useless refuse, if we don't repent and come back to recognize God's proper place of honor.

              That may sound harsh, but look at how many people are suffering from wasted lives, and living in awful circumstances. Look at how many hellish places there are on earth.

              The consequences are real, and eternal.

              These are real people who are suffering and dying and living in hell on earth. It is only when we really see that we and others are created as unique persons by a loving God that we get the full impact of that.

              We are "all one" in the sense that our actions impact one another. But we are also unique individuals, and the uniqueness in each one of us is only brought out through discipline and care.

              We do have the potential for great and powerful deeds, but when it isn't directed it is used for great evil.

              These are important ideas to discuss and understand, and I appreciate your willingness to do so. They impact every area of our lives, and as marketers, they should impact our desire to do right by our customers.

              Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

              I'm not going to argue with anyone with their beliefs. But
              I don't want people to read this post and be completely mislead.

              1. The secret is nothing more than explaining one law of the universe.
              Law of attraction. There are many laws that govern the universe
              and law of attraction is just ONE. A very important one yes. It has
              nothing to do with the "New age" belief of god.

              I'm a big advocate of new age... Because once you really understand it
              you realize it it's "New" at all. It's been taught since the beginning
              of human existence.

              A path to enlightenment.


              Interested in Self Help, Alternative Health, and removing self limiting beliefs and actions?

              Energy Healing Workshop UK June 23 & 24

              Free Marathon Energy Healing teleseminar series

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            • Profile picture of the author J. Barry Mandel
              Daniel, so many of the things you said were right on.

              But, even enlightened Zen masters get cancer.

              So what you are saying is not quite as black and white as you are making it out to be.

              Oh...and even Mother Theresa experienced consistent periods of doubt from time to time.

              Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

              If you experience being broke, sick, struggling, poor, worry, anxiety, doubt, fear,
              or a consistent basis.. YOU DON'T KNOW GOD. period.
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              • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
                Originally Posted by Justin Mandel View Post

                Daniel, so many of the things you said were right on.

                But, even enlightened Zen masters get cancer.

                So what you are saying is not quite as black and white as you are making it out to be.

                Oh...and even Mother Theresa experienced consistent periods of doubt from time to time.
                Those people are all human Just like you and me learning, exploring,
                and moving along this thing called life.

                I don't put any of them on a pedalstole like they are above anyone.

                Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
                else is an illusion.

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            • Profile picture of the author Chaiwriter
              Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

              I'm not going to argue with anyone with their beliefs. But
              I don't want people to read this post and be completely mislead.


              And then you go on to write many things that are misleading and not true.

              I would be interested to see the quote from the Pope that you are referring to. Please provide the link...

              I could go on but this is the bottom line: Believe what's in your heart and follow it.

              If you feel the need to call people out and to shoot people down because of their beliefs then that means nothing more than you aren't comfortable with your own beliefs. That is truth.

              No offense meant, but please don't say you don't want to allow such and such to happen and then go ahead and do such and such.

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        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Thank you for the excellent addition, Tanya7z. I suppose I'm in two minds about my belief in God. Sometimes I know beyond a shadow of doubt and sometimes I'm not 100% sure.
          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author lilmechante01
      Originally Posted by Old Goat View Post

      Of course prayers always get answered, but sometimes the answer is "No, that's not right for you." or "Not now, you need to wait a little bit."
      I totally agree with you...our prayers always get answered though it may not come in the answer we're looking for or expecting, but they are answered with love by Divine right and in Divine timing. The main opposition to us "hearing" or "seeing" the answer is our Ego which "thinks" it knows what's best for us. One of the keys to remember is that the Ego is fear-based which is the opposite of where the answer is given to us and resides.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
    First people have to understand what prayer is and
    what prayer is not.

    Prayer is not to some outside god/force to grant you
    wishes like a genie.

    So the first question should be. Who am I praying to?

    1. You are praying to yourself. Your higher self. You may call
    it god if you wish.

    2. You don't pray for external things. Like "I want a benz".
    Those are useless prayers. Because you getting a benz has
    nothing to do with an answered prayer what so ever.

    So then what is the point of prayer? Simple. To remove
    the masks and the fog from your perception of reality in order
    to get an expanded awareness through insight/revelation to
    unlock your next paradigm in life.

    So instead of praying "I want a benz". The prayer should be
    "Allow me to see reality as it really is in order for me
    to expand my awareness and raise my conciousness so that
    I can be receptive to the infinite opportunities that are always
    broadcasting but due to my limited perception and mental constraints
    I have failed to see, which doesn't allow me to seize opportunity."

    Everything you need and want is already here given you
    took the precise steps to attain those things. What you are
    doing is expanding your limited perception so that you can be
    receptive to that which you are praying for.


    Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
    else is an illusion.

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    • Profile picture of the author James Liberty
      Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

      So the first question should be. Who am I praying to?

      1. You are praying to yourself. Your higher self. You may call
      it god if you wish.
      This will vary from person to person. As for me, the day I pray to myself will be the same day I go out and find a good psychologist.
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    • Profile picture of the author RickGueli
      Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

      First people have to understand what prayer is and
      what prayer is not.

      Prayer is not to some outside god/force to grant you
      wishes like a genie.

      So the first question should be. Who am I praying to?

      1. You are praying to yourself. Your higher self. You may call
      it god if you wish.

      2. You don't pray for external things. Like "I want a benz".
      Those are useless prayers. Because you getting a benz has
      nothing to do with an answered prayer what so ever.

      So then what is the point of prayer? Simple. To remove
      the masks and the fog from your perception of reality in order
      to get an expanded awareness through insight/revelation to
      unlock your next paradigm in life.

      So instead of praying "I want a benz". The prayer should be
      "Allow me to see reality as it really is in order for me
      to expand my awareness and raise my conciousness so that
      I can be receptive to the infinite opportunities that are always
      broadcasting but due to my limited perception and mental constraints
      I have failed to see, which doesn't allow me to seize opportunity."

      Everything you need and want is already here given you
      took the precise steps to attain those things. What you are
      doing is expanding your limited perception so that you can be
      receptive to that which you are praying for.

      Very, very well-said. Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Demond Jackson
    One of the things my old pastor said was to disconnect yourself with time after you've prayed. I believe when we ask for something and believe we will receive it, we will. It may not happen tomorrow, but it will most definetly happen when we are single minded, believing and expecting to receive the request.

    Commitment is the difference between people who "have potential" and people who have results.
    Demond Jackson
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  • Profile picture of the author ElectricEye
    There is a little difference between prayer and meditation.....a thin line between love and affection.

    Prayer is that when we talk to GOD

    and Meditation is that when we listen to GOD.

    So Don't expect any answers during prayer.......meditate yourself to listen what is God's order.

    Have a nice time.
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  • Profile picture of the author amentajo
    I wish there was some sort of code or force to make all my wishes come true. Hahahaha.

    Check out my blog of websites that promise work at home opportunities:

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  • Profile picture of the author ElectricEye
    Yeah......there is a software........but its installation is simply tough.

    This software doesn't suit in most of the advanced operating systems.

    That is I-Believe-in-GOD.exe

    You can load it........if your operating system has lots of non-believer won't work.......Scan the system through meditation.
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    • Profile picture of the author tanya7zhou
      Yes Prayer Is Communication To The Ultimate Source.....The Universal Creator, GOD

      It is expressed in diverse ways, eg

      Prayer of Gratitude.....This should be done everyday
      Prayer of Praise......Praising The Creator for HIS Goodness
      Prayer of Intercession.......Praying for other people
      Prayer of petition.....This is when you place some orders ....making your requests known to HIM

      There is nothing wrong to ask for a Car, Mansion, BUT practice patience. Wait for your answers or the delivery of your order.

      Some orders fail through based on what GOD thinks is fit for YOU. Or it might be wrong timing to GET them. He knows everything about you as you are created from him and everything that has been created comes from HIM so He is the Judge.

      But, if you ask you will receive, if you have faith, you will move mountains.

      Let All Your Requests Be Known To Him
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  • Profile picture of the author tomw
    Is this thread for real? I mean, really for real?

    Do any of you realise not only the irony but also most likely the heresy of the concept of praying yourself rich!


    Personally, I don't believe in any form of organised religion. However, if you really believe in Christianity, then there is no place whatsoever for any kind of marriage, relationship, inter-connectedness or any other correlation between prayer and cardinal sins!


    The strict Catholic upbringing that I'm trying to forget taught even me that much!

    You guys are priceless...

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Yeah I wouldn't personally pray for anything to do with money. And I think the original post and most of the replies meant something deeper than material wealth. I like people who had religious upbringings. Many successful people did including Susan Jeffers who is one of my personal development heroes. Same with Anthony Robbins. Another person I respect. Actually I could write a whole list. But I think you understand the point.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author raydp
    Thanks Thomas, (tomw)I thought I was the only one struck with incredulity!


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  • Profile picture of the author Ricky Martin
    I agree with all you said.

    " The attitude of gratitude" is one of the biggest in the world.

    Thanks for asking ............Ricky

    " As we we are"

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  • Profile picture of the author Ray Burke
    Prayers are answered when the whole human being prays ie:
    body (relaxed and healthy)
    mind (relaxed and not obsessed)
    emotions ( at peace with good intent )
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    • Profile picture of the author PettyL111
      all prayers are answered..i think the best question is, when can we get the answers?
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      • Profile picture of the author GrantFreeman
        Originally Posted by PettyL111 View Post

        all prayers are answered..i think the best question is, when can we get the answers?
        My take is this:

        All prayers are well do you listen?

        All things are much credit are you giving yourself as being one in the likeness of God?

        It's not about how much we learn thats most's about remembering who we are. Once we choose to have an open mind, not only is everything possible, but we understand just how awesome God really is...without the limitations of a Religion that puts those same limitations on God.

        We can move mountains by remembering.

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  • Profile picture of the author bfennell1
    Sometimes the best thing are unanswered prayers! Remember the girl or guy you really wanted to like 15 years ago, did you see her lately?
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  • Profile picture of the author he_august
    Well, i read some book before and inside written :

    God give 3 kind of answers to your prayer :
    God say YES and He give you what you want
    God say NO and He give you something better
    God say wait and He give you the best...
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  • Profile picture of the author J. Barry Mandel
    #1 - I think that you think too much and you did not give an adequate solution to "How to Get Your Prayers Answered Everytime."

    #2 - Someone can give "thanks" as much as possible and still NOT get their prayers answered.

    Originally Posted by adrianasalmon View Post

    I Think the only way to get our prayers answered is to give thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikhail Jon
    I think to get your prayers answered every time you must have genuine faith and you must really mean your prayers.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
    "The very clear message of the Bible is that we are not God, that God alone is God, and that He is loving and just."

    Is that a clear message? Or is that your interpretation of the

    I could pick apart your whole "Bible scripture" and show you
    how you are completely misinterpreting it just like most

    And it's obvious you're just going off of what someone "told"
    you, either a preacher, etc...

    The old testament is not a literal book.

    No offense but come on.

    There is no separation. YOU ARE GOD. It's who you are.

    The very true nature of God is love so there is no one
    connected to God source enslaving anybody.

    Enlightened people know the truth.

    Most religous people just practice superstition based
    on the fact they don't know how to read the bible.


    Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
    else is an illusion.

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    • Profile picture of the author thmark

      Then why does scripture say, "Be still and know that I am God"?

      Shouldn't it say "...that you are God"?

      The Old Testament contains both literal and figurative passages. So I don't understand what that has to do with what you are saying.

      The idea that everyone is God comes from the idea that everything is one. Christianity uses the idea of the Triune nature of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to counteract that view. We have the one and the many.

      Relationships occur between two. The scripture speaks of the two edged sword that separates the bone from the marrow.

      My whole point is that Christianity rests on the uniqueness of each person that results from being created by a loving God.

      I understand the idea of not being separate, because we are all connected in many ways. But it is the unique traits of individual people that gives life its richness and value. It is the relationships we form with other persons who are more than just cookie cutter reproductions of each other.

      The "all is one" view ultimately leads to indifference to suffering, death, and evil, because at root it is "illusion."

      In the world of the one and the many, suffering, death and evil are very real. We mourn because Jimmy or Linda died, because we loved them as Jimmy or Linda, not just another form of being.

      Interested in Self Help, Alternative Health, and removing self limiting beliefs and actions?

      Energy Healing Workshop UK June 23 & 24

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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
        Originally Posted by thmark View Post


        Then why does scripture say, "Be still and know that I am God"?

        Shouldn't it say "...that you are God"?

        The Old Testament contains both literal and figurative passages. So I don't understand what that has to do with what you are saying.

        The idea that everyone is God comes from the idea that everything is one. Christianity uses the idea of the Triune nature of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to counteract that view. We have the one and the many.

        Relationships occur between two. The scripture speaks of the two edged sword that separates the bone from the marrow.

        My whole point is that Christianity rests on the uniqueness of each person that results from being created by a loving God.

        I understand the idea of not being separate, because we are all connected in many ways. But it is the unique traits of individual people that gives life its richness and value. It is the relationships we form with other persons who are more than just cookie cutter reproductions of each other.

        The "all is one" view ultimately leads to indifference to suffering, death, and evil, because at root it is "illusion."

        In the world of the one and the many, suffering, death and evil are very real. We mourn because Jimmy or Linda died, because we loved them as Jimmy or Linda, not just another form of being.
        Ok. Well as long as what you believe in works for you.

        Peace and blessings.

        Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
        else is an illusion.

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        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

          Ok. Well as long as what you believe in works for you.

          Peace and blessings.
          Good comment. At the end of the day that's all that really matters. The World would be a boring place if everyone believed the same thing and agreed 100% about everything. I aim to respect other people's opinions and not force my own on them. Because that rarely accomplishes anything. As for getting prayers answered I've always found humility to be helpful when accomplishing that.
          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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          • Profile picture of the author thmark
            Originally Posted by ZigZag View Post

            Good comment. At the end of the day that's all that really matters. The World would be a boring place if everyone believed the same thing and agreed 100% about everything. I aim to respect other people's opinions and not force my own on them. Because that rarely accomplishes anything. As for getting prayers answered I've always found humility to be helpful when accomplishing that.
            I appreciate the thought here, but there is more to it than that. All social order is built on religious belief, and that was the reason Christianity "turned the world upside down" to quote the upset fellow from Acts.

            The persecution of the early Christians was based on their insistence that Caesar was just as accountable to God as they were, and that his authority was only valid if it lined up with God's laws.

            Caesar rightly understood this as undermining the whole social order based on his being a god. The Romans didn't care otherwise what someone believed.

            There are very real consequences that follow from religious beliefs. That is why they should be discussed openly and publicly in civil and generous terms.

            It isn't a matter of naval gazing. Who could care less about that.

            Interested in Self Help, Alternative Health, and removing self limiting beliefs and actions?

            Energy Healing Workshop UK June 23 & 24

            Free Marathon Energy Healing teleseminar series

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        • Profile picture of the author tanya7zhou
          Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

          Ok. Well as long as what you believe in works for you.

          Peace and blessings.
          It's not about everybody should find their own different paths bro. The TRUTH is Jesus Is the WAY. I used to think like that. All these new age religions that appears to be angels of light, peace and love are there to deceive many bro.

          If you really want put JESUS to TEST Daniel. Go and say this PRAYER.


          You have nothing to lose bro. If you say this prayer; I guarantee you 100%, you will get a heavenly visitation.

          Thanks Daniel

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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Have you heard about the "Prayer Experiment" where heart surgery
    patients are placed in two groups, one prayed for (unknown to them)
    and the other not prayed for?

    The results? The prayed for group does better after surgery.

    See: The Prayer Experiment

    Interesting huh?

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458336].message }}
    • News Room : Press Releases

      From the funders of the experiment:

      The Largest Study of Third-Party Remote Intercessory Prayer Suggests Prayer Not Effective in Reducing Complications Following Heart Surgery

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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    Prayers are always answered. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes its no, sometimes it is wait and finally sometimes it is, "you totally have the wrong priorities", ask for something else.

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  • Profile picture of the author johnmags
    Yes, you're right

    Gratitude allows you to be close to the universal creator, God;
    and when you are expressing Gratitude for all your blessings, you are also attracting abundance to you.

    So let's not forget to pray and give thanks to God

    God Bless
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    • Profile picture of the author Ricky Martin
      I agree with johnmags here.

      Pray sincerly
      pray often
      Give thanks to GOD
      Pray for others

      all good things ...... my 2 cents worth......Ricky

      " As we we are"

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  • Profile picture of the author oboi2121
    Originally Posted by adrianasalmon View Post

    Most People think that the length of the prayer or the words that are being said that determines if our prayers are answered.

    There is also another school of thought that if we are sincere about what we ask for the our prayers will be answered.

    I Think the only way to get our prayers answered is to give thanks. What this means is when we go to pray we should be Saying thank you for....... not say please may I have .......

    We should live a life of Gratitide. Believe that we already have all we need and just say thank you very often. What do you think?
    Hello Omari Taylor here,

    Great post. I agree. You must live a life of gratitude and when you do that, things that you want manifest in your life. You shouldn't be asking for something everytime you pray. Sometimes you should be praying just to give thanks.

    Omari Taylor

    Learn How To Realistically Make $15,000 Per Month (or more) In Your Business, In Your First 90 Days With No Experience, Without Picking Up The Phone, Or Making A List Of Your Friends And Family...EVER Again**FREE** ==>

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  • Profile picture of the author MelodyInFlorida
    Wow....can you bring a topic to fire?! People all have their opinions... but your relationship spiritualy is very personal. You have to believe in yourself first (you deserve the best) forgive the things that aren't to your liking and be grateful for the experience even when it isn' t pleasant...coming back to forgiveness and love. That is a theory....
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  • Profile picture of the author adrianasalmon
    I think its important to live a Life of gratitude
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  • Profile picture of the author javlicious
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    • Profile picture of the author harzt03
      Well said. Prayers have to come from our hearts.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steveb2u
    I agree with Old Goat.....oour prayers are always answered....but the answer is not always the one we want
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  • Profile picture of the author toddperk
    I am glad to see a post like this on these forums. As Internet Marketers we may get caught up by trying to get the best JV partners for our products, or trying to get in with the big Internet Marketing gurus to give us great advice, etc. While these things are obviously very important, having God as our main partner is the most important thing we can do. With our Heavenly Father at our side, anything is possible.

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  • Profile picture of the author Charan Saini
    Adriana, that was a fantastic piece of advice. I truly believe that if we are grateful deep down for everything we have, we will be empowered beyond measure
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  • Profile picture of the author adrianasalmon
    Its important to be conscious of our innermost thoughts during prayer. Its the vibrations that gets answered.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wizardofwisdom
    Gratitude definitely is a major key.

    In my experience, too, I've learned that God isn't some great dispensing machine in the sky, nor is He Santa Claus. Therefore prayers don't work so well if they're the kind of request you'd send up the chimney before December 25th!

    What works (for me - this is a totally personal topic, I realise), is immersing myself in the emotion of how it would feel when the prayer is answered. The good feeling seems to bring about the circumstances.

    And sometimes, the prayer just has to be, "Dear Lord, give me whatever strength & resources I need to cope with this crisis" - and then be grateful in advance for that too. You can't put out a fire or bring the dead back to life by asking for it. But you can cope. You can even help others to cope too.

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