Christopher Dines, self-belief, confidence and Hollywood

1 replies
Hi guys,

I have been into personal development for about 2 years now. I've listened to the likes of Tony Robbins, Jim Ron, Bob Proctor and so forth but I really relate to Christopher Dines. He seems more real and is open about overcoming alcohol and drug addiction and is in his 20s.

I googled his names 6 months ago and bought one of his MP3s. I was impressed that he's been helping Hollywood stars so I checked him out. My take on him is this. His books are very insightful but his visualization programs are his best work (the voice).

I am booking a ticket to see him next year in LA 2012. Check him out on wikipedia or youtube. You might like it.

#christopher #confidence #dines #hollywood #selfbelief
  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    I googled his names 6 months ago and bought one of his MP3s. I was impressed that he's been helping Hollywood stars so I checked him out. My take on him is this. His books are very insightful but his visualization programs are his best work (the voice).

    Proves once again there is no such thing as a free lunch
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