Are "positive people" real?

66 replies
I'd like to find positive people to surround myself with, but I'm beginning to wonder if 'positive people' really exist, or if even the positive people have things they complain about?

Are all people in general going to be negative from time to time?

I've also found myself questioning if thinking positive is necessary for success and happiness.

I'm in kind of a bind because the more I read about thinking positive and being positive, the more I notice all the negative things people around me say, and now it seems to irritate me and bring me down more ever since I notice that most people only have negative things to say.

Then I started thinking - can't it be a good thing to be aware of what things might go wrong, so you can take precautions and make preparations early on to avoid those 'bad' things, while still making progress toward the positive goal?

When it comes to success, is being positive necessary or good?

I ask because I know some very 'positive' happy people who are broke and irresponsible , and 'negative' people who aren't into self-improvement at all and are very successful

What I'm really aiming for is happiness though, so if positivity is what creates happiness, then I'm ready to jump right in.

I'm not sure how to find positive people to surround myself with though, they don't seem to exist!
#positive people #real
  • Profile picture of the author ApocalypseXL
    Unless you're on something you can't e positive 100% . Everyone has their bad days, positive people just don't let that affect them 2 much but sometimes the hit is more then one can take .
    Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Interesting question.

    Some people's “positivity” (I think) is something of a facade.

    I consider myself to be a positive person and I am one because I chose to be. I'm so much more happier because of it. : ) I'd rather be happy and positive than being a millionaire. You can’t enjoy life when you have a negative attitude.

    I've noticed that “every day people” can be very negative. However that's probably what happens when they don't accomplish what's important to them (or learn to be happy with what they have.)

    The term “positive thinking” has something of a negative connotation. For me it’s an important part of being successful. And I love it. : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author hotunited
      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

      Interesting question.

      Some people's "positivity" (I think) is something of a facade.

      I consider myself to be a positive person and I am one because I chose to be. I'm so much more happier because of it. : ) I'd rather be happy and positive than being a millionaire. You can't enjoy life when you have a negative attitude.

      I've noticed that "every day people" can be very negative. However that's probably what happens when they don't accomplish what's important to them (or learn to be happy with what they have.)

      The term "positive thinking" has something of a negative connotation. For me it's an important part of being successful. And I love it. : )

      ya are Right to some extent.
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  • Profile picture of the author Unsponsored
    I think you need to surround yourself with "motivated" people.... And this is possible although very hard to find.

    You're attitude will influence others..
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    • Profile picture of the author MValmont
      I try to not hang out with ''positive people''.

      By positive people, I mean : All the people that just read the Secret or any other Law of attraction material. Why? Because all there people tends to be really not sucessful.

      It's like if they don't want to see the reality. Even if their business REALLY is going bad, they are like '' Everything is going to be allright, everything is going to be alright''. They be aware that there is a problem, then fix it.
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      • Profile picture of the author abundantlife085
        I agree MValmont, to me positive thinking is not ignoring true problems and thinking everything will work itself out, it's just not blowing problems out of proportion and thinking there's no possible way around them.

        To me, 'positive thinking' is: finding solutions to problems that are solvable, accepting things that can't be changed, and focusing on what's good in any particular situation rather than what's bad.

        Does anyone know of groups, forums, etc. that one can go to, to meet positive people?
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        • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zimmerman
          There's a huge difference in a "fake" positive person and someone who is truly positive. Yes, attempting to be positive all the time can help IF you are doing the work and backing it up with results. It's called training your subconscious. You can't just go all "Secret" type mind washing and think everything is going to go wonderful without any substance to back it up.

          But, if you constantly train your mind to think in a positive way, look for the positives in situations AND you are doing things daily that bring positive results in what ever it is you are doing, then as you begin to see results, your subconscious begins to truly believe all the positive things you've been feeding it. When you subconsciously believe it, it just become that way and you would be amazed at what can happen to you personally and in your business.

          I saw a couple people talk about successful people and surrounding themselves with them. Show me a successful person that isn't positive. You'll very rarely find it. A lot of it stems from having a belief in YOURSELF, in your mind and in your abilities. Some people don't have the skills yet, but they BELIEVE they are gaining them everyday and when they WORK and see results that belief gets stronger and stronger. Training your subconscious mind by feeding it positive thoughts and affirmations does work and it works very well IF you are doing the other things necessary to get the results to back up what you are telling it.

          There are very few things you cannot do if you put your mind to it and truly set out to achieve it. As long as you are breathing, everything is temporary. And as far as looking at it as the glass is half empty or half full....who cares. Either way, I need a refill.
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      • Profile picture of the author ThatMichaelKid
        Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

        I try to not hang out with ''positive people''.

        By positive people, I mean : All the people that just read the Secret or any other Law of attraction material. Why? Because all there people tends to be really not sucessful.

        It's like if they don't want to see the reality. Even if their business REALLY is going bad, they are like '' Everything is going to be allright, everything is going to be alright''. They be aware that there is a problem, then fix it.

        I suppose I agree yet disagree with this at the same time. I personally believe in The Secret/Law of Attraction. It may be sceptical to you, which fair enough is your own opinion, but it has changed my life. What I agree about your post is the fact that those people who read that stuff generally tend to just think it's going to change..they're just positive but they don't do anything about it.

        The part I disagree here is, that just because people who read and believe (in) The Secret/Law of Attraction aren't just people who think positive, like myself. The thing I said earlier, that it changed my life - which it has - but that's the difference between being positive and doing something. I didn't sit on the couch hoping it would change, I was positive and MADE a change. I took action, which a lot of people miss out. I don't ignore the problem like a lot of the people do who read The Secret, I'm positive it can change and then actually make the change.


        In answer to the general question of the topic, yes positive people do exist. But it isn't positive people that you need to surround yourself with, you need to surround yourself with successful people. Positive people are just people who think good of the situation yet don't do anything about the situation. Successful people are people who are positive about the situation and manage to change it. This is what I was getting to at the quote above.
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        • Profile picture of the author abundantlife085
          Originally Posted by ThatMichaelKid View Post

          In answer to the general question of the topic, yes positive people do exist. But it isn't positive people that you need to surround yourself with, you need to surround yourself with successful people.
          Ok - yes - that is what I was trying to get at as well.

          To answer dhewitt, to me, negativity is when there is any kind of situation (could be anything from going on a fun trip to getting rejected for a job or date, etc) and the response to it is a focus on the bad.

          For example, going on a fun trip and then complaining it's too cold, too windy, too expensive, and so on.

          Or being rejected for a job and then acting like it's the end of the world, it's impossible to ever get a job, etc.

          I am trying to find a way to keep myself feeling good and motivated while being surrounded by these types of people who focus on whatever is wrong and blowing things out of proportion - making a mountain out of a molehill.

          My idea is that finding positive and successful people to spend time with on a regular basis, will help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Hewitt
    Define Negative and positive. What may be positive to one person may be negative for another and vice versa. It's all a mater of perspective. When it comes to financial success it's really a matter of what we believe about having money and what strategies we use to get it. People are not automatically rewarded with all kinds of riches just for thinking positively. Positive thinking is a good thing but it's how effectively we use our brains to get what we want that really counts.
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  • Profile picture of the author That Guy
    Positive people are definitely real. My best friend is such an optimist it's incredible. He's not just a "glass is half full" kind of guy, but a "glass is half full, but a little rain can make it go all the way" kind of guy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    In my world, it makes a huge difference in my circle of influence to be surrounded with like-kind people: happy and optimistic.

    I am happy and have a positive outlook. I am one who sees the glass is half full, not half empty.

    Would you rather be in the company of someone who complains a lot, has a negative "can't do" attitude or someone who does not complain, or complains very little, and has a "can do" attitude?

    Ironic - I just blogged about this issue today, on how it is important to control your circle of influence.

    I find that there are people who are genuinely happy and their attitude is contagious. I also find the opposite to be true, the negativity, talking about the gloom and doom and it consumes you and soon you too will take on the same emotions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Darren Hodgson
    Positive people is too much of a general term as you said what you need to find is positive and successful people in the specific area you're trying to change. These are the people you'll learn from.

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  • Profile picture of the author SolveProblemsNow
    Positive is: looking for the good in a given situation.

    Postive is not: looking at a garden with weeds growing in it and saying "there are no weeds." Of course there are weeds, and if you don't deal with them, they will choke out the flowers in your garden.

    So my challlenge to you is to ask the following question in every situation (even when things look desperate): "What is good about this situation?"

    You may be suprised at the answer you get!

    Get unstuck, get rid of bad behaviors and habits, discover what is important to you in life and get motivated at

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    • Profile picture of the author ThatMichaelKid
      Originally Posted by SolveProblemsNow View Post

      Positive is: looking for the good in a given situation.

      Postive is not: looking at a garden with weeds growing in it and saying "there are no weeds." Of course there are weeds, and if you don't deal with them, they will choke out the flowers in your garden.

      So my challlenge to you is to ask the following question in every situation (even when things look desperate): "What is good about this situation?"

      You may be suprised at the answer you get!
      I absolutely love that question, and it is a striking question that could catch absolutely anyone off guard when they're constantly focusing on the negative within their situation, whatever it may be. I'll definitely be using that question a lot more in such situations. You can be positive, but you'll never be positive all the time. Its like motivation, it doesn't last, it's temporary. If you take the effort to do it, then you'll continue to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author janicelou
    I think it depends on what you mean by "positive people"

    are "positive people" the type of people who talk theres "pie in the sky" and everything will be just fine no matter what you do


    are "positive people" the type of people who are able to understand exactly all angles of a situation and yet only talk and think about progress, prosperity, happiness and ways to create progress, prosperity, and happiness even if the current situation is nothing of the such.

    the "act like there's no weeds in the garden approach" does not work in life.

    But the "cry and complain about the weeds approach" does not work also.

    The people you surround yourself should be the people who follow the "yeah there weeds in my garden but I'm happy picking them out every day so I can have a clean productive garden"
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  • Profile picture of the author italeads
    Positive people are real, but a person without any darkness in his past or future that has changed that even for a split second is not real.
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  • Profile picture of the author TravellingMissie
    Positive people are definitely real and I personally think that I am one of them. This doesn't mean that I don't have days when I can sometimes feel low, you need the lows to be able to appreciate the highs but it means that I don't dwell on the negatives and can see a silver lining with every cloud. I try and stay clear of negative people as they have such a holding power and can rapidly change an atmoshpere.

    I guess I have always been a positive person maybe because of the situations I was dealt with in life, it was either sit and moan or get on with life. It was only a few years ago that I decided to work on myself, after reading The Secret, The Law of Attraction and other such books (which by the way does not mean someone isn't successful if they read these - I may not be the best business person but the amount of real love I get from my friends and family, I see that as a huge success! You obviously still have to take action). I also attended positive thinking classes and did meditation and I swear after the classes I felt like I was walking on the moon.

    I think remaining positive is something that you feel but being positive also spurs you on to keep trying - that's how I got to where I am and you know what I like it, so am going to stick with it

    If you are looking for a forum to visit, I often go to Steve Pavlina's Forum, it's called 'Personal Development for Smart People', I also like to visit 'The Secret' website on occasions and read everyone's success stories - that really makes me buzz!
    ICF Accredited Life Coach
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    • Profile picture of the author smileforevermore
      Originally Posted by TravellingMissie View Post

      Positive people are definitely real and I personally think that I am one of them. This doesn't mean that I don't have days when I can sometimes feel low, you need the lows to be able to appreciate the highs but it means that I don't dwell on the negatives and can see a silver lining with every cloud. I try and stay clear of negative people as they have such a holding power and can rapidly change an atmoshpere.

      I guess I have always been a positive person maybe because of the situations I was dealt with in life, it was either sit and moan or get on with life. It was only a few years ago that I decided to work on myself, after reading The Secret, The Law of Attraction and other such books (which by the way does not mean someone isn't successful if they read these - I may not be the best business person but the amount of real love I get from my friends and family, I see that as a huge success! You obviously still have to take action). I also attended positive thinking classes and did meditation and I swear after the classes I felt like I was walking on the moon.

      I think remaining positive is something that you feel but being positive also spurs you on to keep trying - that's how I got to where I am and you know what I like it, so am going to stick with it

      If you are looking for a forum to visit, I often go to Steve Pavlina's Forum, it's called 'Personal Development for Smart People', I also like to visit 'The Secret' website on occasions and read everyone's success stories - that really makes me buzz!
      It's great to read posts that are so Positive and see that there are other positive people about. You may like to visit my forum too at It's very new so we don't have lots of members but you've got to start somewhere. I know that before long it will be buzzing too.
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  • Profile picture of the author philipmoorei
    Positive people are real, though they are facing so many problems they stay firm and don't panic to get the situation solved.
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  • Profile picture of the author ceenote100
    I never considered myself to be a positive person, whatever that is. I would say that I try to be balanced. Everything can't be good all the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    People with a good vibe or great positive disposition is good to be with most especially if you're down and you want to feel better... But then again keep in mind that optimistic people are not always seeing the whole picture. So if you are about to come up with a decision it is better to be with realists.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jemtrum
      Couldn't agree with your more!!!

      Originally Posted by javajunkie View Post

      People with a good vibe or great positive disposition is good to be with most especially if you're down and you want to feel better... But then again keep in mind that optimistic people are not always seeing the whole picture. So if you are about to come up with a decision it is better to be with realists.
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  • Profile picture of the author scenicrearview
    I think of myself as an extremely positive person even though some people around me think of me as negative. I see where I am, where I want to be, and how to get there. I do not ignore problems in the least bit I hit them head on and as hard as i possible can.

    You need positive people around you. Negative people can only take away. They will tell you every reason your plan wont work. A positive person will see what wont work and will instead tell you everything needed to make it work
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  • Profile picture of the author Walter Parrish
    Originally Posted by itsliz View Post

    I'd like to find positive people to surround myself with, but I'm beginning to wonder if 'positive people' really exist, or if even the positive people have things they complain about?

    Are all people in general going to be negative from time to time?

    I've also found myself questioning if thinking positive is necessary for success and happiness.

    I'm in kind of a bind because the more I read about thinking positive and being positive, the more I notice all the negative things people around me say, and now it seems to irritate me and bring me down more ever since I notice that most people only have negative things to say.

    Then I started thinking - can't it be a good thing to be aware of what things might go wrong, so you can take precautions and make preparations early on to avoid those 'bad' things, while still making progress toward the positive goal?

    When it comes to success, is being positive necessary or good?

    I ask because I know some very 'positive' happy people who are broke and irresponsible , and 'negative' people who aren't into self-improvement at all and are very successful

    What I'm really aiming for is happiness though, so if positivity is what creates happiness, then I'm ready to jump right in.

    I'm not sure how to find positive people to surround myself with though, they don't seem to exist!
    I would suggest that you run in the other direction away from negative people. Also, try not to judge people, but understand if something negative is attracted to you that part of that is you as like attracts like.

    Do the above and eventually you will start to notice that positive people are drawn to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author KickAss Marketing
    Finding positive people isn't hard but it has to start from you. If you cannot think positive you can never be surrounded with positive people. Believe in yourself and everything will go the way you want it to be. Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author ValdemarG
    I started in a similar situation as you. And I also know that same feeling of suddenly uncovering more of other people's negatives in the beginning, when you start adopting positive thinking. It makes you feel lonely as it seemes the world is plagued with "negative people" everywhere and you can't escape it.

    I also believe in the law of attraction and all that stuff but what it really boiled down to after much research and "thirst" for understanding "myself" was this...

    Everyone has their own general perception of reality because everyone lives their own experiences and develops their own habits and system of beliefs from the moment they enter this world and start gaining a higher degree of consciousness.

    Your environment, and the people you grow up with influence your beliefs which you can carry into adulthood. You "program" yourself as you grow up through your subconscious.

    Going even deeper...What most people don't realize is that they have "creative power" this means that because you are a unique self-conscious "being" you can take control of your own life and be able to steer it in the direction you want.

    Positive thinking is just part of having the ability to steer it in that direction, but you must also take action. You are not trying to look or be happy every second which is impossible but you do want to tip the scale and also focus on creating solutions instead of the problem.

    As you start understanding yourself better and seeking more and more understanding, then everything else starts making more sense. You start to realize that you are your best or worst motivator and can choose to steer in the direction you want your life to be like or just act happy and do nothing about it.

    Depending on what you value, and what you want to create for yourself you will seek it and as you take action it will start coming to you. Realize that negative thinking is more of a waste of time and energy but you can't make it go away because we also learn from that.

    Just tip the scale in favor of what you want to see and experience more of. Associating with those who motivate you, see good in you, are optimistic, and action takers. It's a good start, then move on to those who have achieved more than you to reach the next level.

    One of the best investments ever is to invest in yourself, your own understanding. Armed with better knowledge and understanding of becoming more self-conscious will allow you to have more clarity in understanding the "laws of attraction, positive thinking, success, and all that stuff."
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  • Profile picture of the author igl0w
    Im an totally positive person with good energy
    I hope i exist or maybe im just transcendent..
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      I sadly know a ton of people who have the happy facade. I choose not to be around those people. Once you change your mindset you will attract different people. I now know a few genuinely positive people. Their outlook on life is great and unshakable. It's pretty amazing that they're able to stay that way, really.
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  • Profile picture of the author faithyunn
    Of course they are but sometimes we can encounter positive people but deep inside they are not. But if you really know about that person through his attitude and achievement you can really appreciate who really he is.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Everyone will complain about something sometime in their lives.

      It's what makes us human.

      It's maybe a question of how often they complain which might define them as a positive or negative person.

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  • Profile picture of the author Angellos
    Your predominant state of being, will determine whether you are positive or not, but no one is 100% positive all the time. Without the negative feelings, we can't have the positive feelings.
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    • Profile picture of the author Anthony Gibson
      Originally Posted by Angellos View Post

      Your predominant state of being, will determine whether you are positive or not, but no one is 100% positive all the time. Without the negative feelings, we can't have the positive feelings.
      Nicely put, simple yet accurate!
      "Would it be possible to win if you couldn't lose" - Jim Rohn.
      You have the choice to focus on the negative or positive of any given situation and your life in general. I don't know if you can find a person who is entirely negative and successful, unless they are an heir, but then it's not self-made obviously.

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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    I think everybody is in a bad mood from time to time. The key is to know how to overcome your bad moods and feelings and how to work them out. This is called emotional intelligence - knowing how to deal with your feelings and having empathy for others around you so you can understand them in a deeper way.

    Positive people are not liars or anything like that (well some may be of course) but what I mean is, you don't have to lie or pretend to be like someone else in order to be positive. You just say no to the negativity when it arises.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Rhodes
    As users have stated before, there is no intrinsically positive person. Everyone is bound to experience some negative emotions or thoughts. However, you should always attempt to change your emotions consciously in order to become positive. Adopting a positive mindset can provide much benefits to you; the amount of work I do has proliferated since adopting it.
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  • Profile picture of the author annsjones
    Maybe we do not see emmediately the positive people around us, but definitely can feel the negative. Succesful people are Positive people, but I do not refer to the rich people. success is not necessary to be rich, is to be balanced in your life, and enjoy little things with the people that are around you.
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  • Profile picture of the author zannix
    Originally Posted by itsliz View Post

    I ask because I know some very 'positive' happy people who are broke and irresponsible , and 'negative' people who aren't into self-improvement at all and are very successful

    I'm not sure how to find positive people to surround myself with though, they don't seem to exist!

    Happy people who are broke and irresponsible? I used to know many people like these - but they were all potheads who later on realized they're in big trouble called LIFE.

    Negative people who don't self improve but are successful? Seems to me like they didn't earn their position or else they'd be very much into self improvement, be it job improvement or any other kind.

    Besides, success isn't the true meassure of life, nor is temporary happiness - the goal is to program yourself in a way that self improvement brings you the ultimate joy in life.

    Simply assume a proper attitude and go about your own business, you'll be amazed at how fast you'll attract to you just the kind of people you want.

    Speaking from experience,
    All you can do is all you can do - Art Williams
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  • Profile picture of the author godinu
    We are all interconnected and the mood of one ripples through to the mood of another. Positivity is very real; the key to success in life, really, is to act and feel as though you already have whatever it is you desire, and that happiness is a choice. Once you work on these things on a regular basis you will find them to be true. It's not about how other people act.. it's about you. Always.
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  • Profile picture of the author enjoyit
    Being positive is a state of mind and some of us are born with it while others have to work at it. If you what you really are looking for is to be happy, I suggest you do for you and no one else. Do the things that bring a smile to your face and do not over read you can go crazy. Take some things here and there and turn those into your positive habits.
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  • Profile picture of the author omega_one
    Be careful what kind of positive people you hang out with. People that merely say positive things but their actions indicate otherwise can do you more harm than good.

    I fell into the positive thinking fad a long time ago, in the 80's. I realized that pretending that something is positive when it's really not did more to bring me down than facing reality. After all, how can I feel good when I am lying to myself and I know it.

    That's not to say being negative is the answer, far from it.
    I am pragmatic in my thinking, I call it as it is, if something is bad, it is bad, I never put a spin on it and call it good.

    Where a positive mind set comes in, and I have been living my life very successfully with that philosophy, is in knowing that whatever happens to you is not as important as what you do with what happens to you.

    We see it all the time, the same thing can happen to two people, yet their reaction and outcome is completely different. WHY!

    When positive things happen, rejoice and enjoy and be thankful.
    When negative things happen, and they will happen, instead of dwelling on why it happened of what happened, start thinking of how to proceed with what happened to achieve the desired outcome.

    Yes, sometimes there's no good out of situation, the only thing you can do is accept that it happened and move on.

    If I had to choose between positive thinking and mental toughness, I take the latter without exception.
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  • Profile picture of the author JRat
    I think its all in how you deal with negative situations. They're going to happen. You're going to have bad days and annoying days and even tragedies. You just cant let it ruin your life and your momentum.
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    • Profile picture of the author smileforevermore
      Originally Posted by JRat View Post

      I think its all in how you deal with negative situations. They're going to happen. You're going to have bad days and annoying days and even tragedies. You just cant let it ruin your life and your momentum.

      Being positive and banishing negative thoughts can turn your life around and make everyday fantastic. We don't have to have bad days. I truly believe our thoughts are what make our future. I love every day that unfolds and through thinking positive I have managed to manifest a life I truly love.
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  • Profile picture of the author kbrady
    I'm a big believer in positive energy. So many people will try to stop you from reaching your goals. This is a big drain on your energy. One thing I like about the WF is all the people reaching for the same goals.
    *** Check out my Daily WSO Reviews and my own online journey at ***
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  • Profile picture of the author smileforevermore
    Originally Posted by itsliz View Post

    I'd like to find positive people to surround myself with, but I'm beginning to wonder if 'positive people' really exist, or if even the positive people have things they complain about?

    Are all people in general going to be negative from time to time?

    I've also found myself questioning if thinking positive is necessary for success and happiness.

    I'm in kind of a bind because the more I read about thinking positive and being positive, the more I notice all the negative things people around me say, and now it seems to irritate me and bring me down more ever since I notice that most people only have negative things to say.

    Then I started thinking - can't it be a good thing to be aware of what things might go wrong, so you can take precautions and make preparations early on to avoid those 'bad' things, while still making progress toward the positive goal?

    When it comes to success, is being positive necessary or good?

    I ask because I know some very 'positive' happy people who are broke and irresponsible , and 'negative' people who aren't into self-improvement at all and are very successful

    What I'm really aiming for is happiness though, so if positivity is what creates happiness, then I'm ready to jump right in.

    I'm not sure how to find positive people to surround myself with though, they don't seem to exist!

    I'm a positive happy person and I'm living my dream life using the law of attraction. I've never been happier since I banished all negative thoughts. It's not easy at first but I've written a book about it all called Life is for Living available from Smashwords. If you want to learn more about the law of attraction visit my website, it's got lots of tips and info and even a LOA forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
    Just because someone is "positive" doesn't mean they don't have their down times or moments where they want to burst.

    I consider myself very positive and I try my hardest to always stay in a positive mood. But when I went to a suicide prevention walk this weekend (Sept 8th with Out of the Darkness) there was one thing that stood out.

    And that's that many people who are extremely depressed, might hide behind a facade of being positive.

    I can tell you right now, I live through depression. I cry periodically, I struggle, I get angry, but that's apart of being human.

    The thing is, why do we cry, why are we angry, etc.

    I cry because I lost my brothers and other family members in the recent years. I'm angry because sometimes even though I'm positive, others are angry.

    Surrounding yourself with other people who are positive, could be a good thing, but remember to be honest with yourself.

    I even have friends that I felt were very positive, but I just talked to them directly and asked them if they were depressed.

    Depression is a serious issue and should be treated quickly, even if it just means allowing them someone to vent to.

    Hope that gives you a bit of feedback from a person who is positive, yet still lives through depression. It's a scary thing, but I love my life and I love everyone around me.

    My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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  • Profile picture of the author Linerider
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    • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
      Originally Posted by Linerider View Post

      I don't trust people who come across as being 100% positive all the time. I think it is disingenous and manipulative. That doesn't mean everyone should be miserable and grumpy, but it's normal to have some complaints in life.

      Also, think of it this way - dissatisfaction promotes progress. If you are permanently happy with everything then nothing would ever get improved.

      I think rather than use the word 'positive', I prefer to use 'proactive'. I am a proactive person and a realist.
      I have to say that I agree.

      If there wasn't a negative, there would be no positive.

      "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."

      Read: Cause and Effect

      My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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  • Profile picture of the author isyanq4r
    Everyone has their bad days, positive people just don't let that affect them 2 much but sometimes the hit is more then one can take
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I think that there are many positive humans that are authentic and genuine, and of course they have complaints and gripes about life. However, I think that their positive outlook ultimately outweighs their negative feelings/thoughts/perspectives and that is what is the fundamental difference between someone who is positive and someone who is negative... their positiveness simply ultimately outweighs whatever negativity they feel/present.
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Spencer
    Originally Posted by itsliz

    Then I started thinking - can't it be a good thing to be aware of what things might go wrong, so you can take precautions and make preparations early on to avoid those 'bad' things, while still making progress toward the positive goal?

    When it comes to success, is being positive necessary or good?

    The solution is to get as absolutely clear as possible and as thorough as you can be
    whenever you are getting ready to make a high gravity decision.

    The best thing to do is to understand the worst and best case scenarios of your

    What you want to do is focus on the positive result and view it as an expectation - opposed to a negative result.

    When you expect something is fuels your mind and gives you the extra capability
    to push through towards your desired end result.

    The opposite of expectation is "hoping". Don't hope for the result. Expect it.

    Get super clear and aware about what you're doing and the possible ramifications about what you're doing.

    Being positive is not a requirement for success.

    It's simply a STRONG and USEFUL tool for achieving success. So I highly recommend focusing on the positive but still NOTICING the negative.

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  • Profile picture of the author ownergolan
    Real is relative, especially with the time factor.
    "Aiyyo I'm gonna be on ti-dop, that's all my eyes can see..
    Ill put in work, and watch my status escalate"
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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    Obviously,be positive for every moment
    and situation,I think it will help you to get success
    so quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerome Y
    I think it's hard to find someone who is positive all the time. Being humans, we are prone to negativity when life presents us with situations that we aren't too pleased with.

    But in general, there are many "positive people", people who generally believe in the power of positivity and the benefits of such thinking. I believe that being positive isn't about being in denial of negative things.

    Be positive about the big picture but be negative in the details. Let me give an example, I am positive that my holiday trip will be an awesome and fun adventure. But I have to be negative about getting pickpocketed, about getting my air flight delayed, about being cheated while in a foreign land.

    These "negative" issues actually prepare me for such cases and what can I do when I run into them. You never want to assume everything will go well and nothing bad can happen, life happens, shit happens and when it does, you know you have done the necessary preparations for it. So I firmly believe that being positive and negative at the same time is actually possible and in reality, a better choice.
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  • Profile picture of the author copystud
    Positive people are out there. They're just hard to find if you don't know where to look. I have a group of friends: all of whom are exceptionally positive in nature, and I am too. We all agree that we tend to avoid negative people -- based on body posture, look on face, and the overall impression we get of the person from the way they speak, etc.

    It's all an effort to protect that positive attitude that my close friends and I possess. So you'll have a hard time finding positive people who want to hang around you, unless you yourself have the same mindset.

    It's a tough road, but ridding yourself of negativity is worth it.

    Listen to some Tony Robbins and "change your state."
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    • Profile picture of the author abundantlife085
      I agree. Proactive is exactly what I mean. I want to find people to surround myself with who want to actually do something about the problems they have. Or if it's something they can't control, accept it.

      Accepting everything that's bad rather than trying to change it is not a great way to live either. What I really don't like though is the victim mindset and hearing people complain about things that can't be changed and need to simply be accepted. Who spend the whole day complaining about every single little thing rather than having some gratitude. Or complaining about something but refusing to take responsibility for their part in it and do something about it. Or always thinking and saying negative things about practically every person they come across.

      Every so often I come across someone who is more of a 'accept what can't be changed, change what can be changed' type, and it's absolutely wonderful, and I'd like to make more friends like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author successproducts
    For God's sake - you think 'TOO' much hehehe ... enjoy yourself. One little negative remark isn't going to take you to hell -- I guess zen is saying Live in the world but not in it ..or something like that .. I enjoy your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author CoachJohn
    In my experience 'overly positive' people often aren't being real. I do know a few genuine and realistic 'balanced' positive people.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    In bad days, there might have something negative hidden in unconscious mind of the positive people. But their positive attitude wipes away those negative ideas. Ya, there obviously are positive people for real.
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  • Profile picture of the author KrystenRae
    The most successful people in the world are those who maintain a positive outlook even as failures arise, and as a result, keep trying until they succeed. For this reason, yes I do think it is necessary to remain positive in order to become successful. However, not all "positive" people see "success" in the same way as other people. Studies have shown that the happiest people on the planet exist in cultures that don't put such great value on material things as we do here in North America. In fact, Buddhists maintain that to achieve "Nirvana" (ultimate happiness), you need to free yourself from all attachments, material and otherwise. There may be a lot of "successful" people who appear negative, but that is likely because psychologists have found that when you equate happiness with money, once you have reached a certain income level, you start to compare your life with the lives of those in similar income brackets or higher - and you're once again unhappy with what you have. Success, to me, is creating wealth as a means to an end in order to create freedom. And staying positive is most definitely the key to getting there, in my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author nuworld
    It may be hard to be 100% positive, but one should strive to be nice. You never know what someone is going through.
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  • Profile picture of the author motivatedchampion
    It's more than just "being positive." It's staying motivated to achieve your Why in life and building a like-minded mastermind team of champions that encourage you to achieve your dreams.
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    A true "positive" person is one who can still be positive even if the situation is not so good, he is also one who can inspire people to be the best that they can be. If that "positive" person is a bum or a happy-go-lucky guy who doesn't know what he wants out of life then he isn't really a positive person. It's a good thing there are still people on this planet who are really "positive" people...they inspire greatness in others.

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  • Profile picture of the author LisaAllen
    Positivity exists on a sliding scale, and we're all on that scale, somewhere. What you should be concerned about is what direction you are moving, rather than your exact point on it. Definitely thinking positively takes practice.. and of course.. when you are working on it specifically, you'll notice those lapses even more. Try not to dwell on them.

    The best thing for a bad day is rolling up your sleeves and working on something you care about and can get some results with.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    I think positive people are real. I like this kind of people. People who are positive can succeed in life easily. They do not suffer from lack of confidence.
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  • Profile picture of the author glavilla
    Not all people are the same, There are people good in front of you and when you are not around they are talking against you. So I would say that not all positive people are real.
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  • Profile picture of the author ih8themall
    No one can be positive 100% of the time. However if someone tried, I would say it was disingenuous.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetex Marketing
    Everyone has their bad days. It is important to know how to overcome things that make you feel bad.
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