" The Key " The Art of Taking Deliberate Action
From Columbus to Obama one underlying thing unlies their greatness, From Genghis Khan to the great pioneers they all have this trait mastered.
No matter what you read remember' Action Speaks Loader Than Words.
I came to the realization a long time ago that no amount of talking, wishing , praying ,visualizing , affirmations, ect. can replace good ole fashion action.
So why is it so hard for some of us to actually do it ?
What is it that keeps us from taking action , when we atleast have a distinct advantage over many others ?
The Power of Change .
I believe that change is what keeps us in a state of stagnation.
Human beings hate change because it represents the unknown.
We know that in order to acheive our goals we have to do things in a way
that we've never done them before.
The fear of making those changes is what paralyzes us. Most of us would rather stay in our comfort zone then to step out into the unknown.
This is great because it means our survival insticts are working fine, but we don't want to simply survive, we want to thrive and make a difference.
So what is it that will cause us to take action outside of simple survival ?
What is the key that will get us off the couch and actually doing the things that will propell us to the highest rungs of society ?
I believe the true key lies in habits. Habits can absolutely change our life.
Habits are fromed when we do the same things over and over again.
When we first try to form a new habit its very hard but the more we do
it the easier it becomes.
Their are many other traits that will propell you to the upper rungs of society. You have to make a choice. Are you ready to change your life for the better ? Are you committed to your own success ?
I have to grab a snack a watch some star wars now , but you all get my drift.
Tell me what makes you take deliberate Action ? What Mativates You ?
Aspiring Marketer.