How you enslave yourself unintentionally - and pay the consequences

10 replies
I originally picked up this gem when reading "I can read you like a book." There are a lot of subcultures. When I used to work construction, one was the guys who go outside at break-time to smoke a cigarette. here's the problem.

If any of them tried to quit - which I saw happen - they'd have to give up being part of that subculture. And that made it much harder to quit. This is a small example of a much bigger problem.
  • What subcultures are you a part of?
  • Are they helping you or hindering you?

What commitments, thoughts, and people can you eliminate to make it easier to do what you know you need to?

We all tend to have traits of the subcultures of which we are a part. Be careful about joining ones that you won't want to be in later. If you can avoid setting that first precedent, you can often save yourself a lot of struggle down the road.

But, I don't think I have the full story. I'd like to hear what all of you think. We're all being influenced by our subcultures. or have been. Have you learned you could share? We'd love to hear from you. :-)
#consequences #enslave #pay #unintentionally
  • Profile picture of the author janicelou
    "A Birds of a feather, flock together"

    its very true. to often we keep ourselves under performing by staying with a group of people or a certain activity that only brings us down. Our familiarity keeps us wanting to stay in the group even if we no its not conducive to our long term goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizlinkx
    This is very true. I use to be a smoker and I would look around at the people I associated myself with, many of them were smokers. I realized that after I quit smoking that, that was the only thing we had in common.

    I've always been different and being different makes us the oddball. Everyone wants to be apart of the group. It's up to us to be leaders and sometimes being a leader means that we have to seperate ourselves from the group mentality.
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  • Profile picture of the author focused
    You guys are right in that certain groups you belong to can impact you negatively,
    such as for drinking, smoking, drugs or any hobby or past-time that starts to dominate
    your life. So you do have to exercise judgment there.

    And on the flip side, there are groups and activities that would tend to promote
    beneficial effects in your life, such as for the WF, a gym membership, friendships
    with people at school, etc.

    There are choices we always face as we go through life, and hopefully we can
    make ever more beneficial choices.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      How you enslave yourself unintentionally - and pay the consequences

      The first thought that comes to mind is religion. I have made the appropriate adjustments in that area some years ago.

      As I watch others, it is interesting to see how many people lie to themselves. This makes me take notice of what I say to myself.

      A good book that might give you some ideas about how you lie to yourself is

      17 Lies That Are Holding You Back & The Truth That Will Set You Free. Chandler, Steve (2007).

      There are many other things that come to mind but this will do for a start.

      Should you to decide to make high level changes in your life, be aware that many will not be supportive of your actions.

      "Wisdom is folly to a fool."

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    I spend a lot of time with my Brother and we inspire each other. (In business and in life.) I haven't heard of those books but they sound interesting.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author gonzalesjacquelyn
    thanks for sharing diferrent ideas....
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  • Profile picture of the author SolveProblemsNow
    An old friend of mine, Charlie "Tremendous" Jones used to say: "You will be the same tomorrow as you are today except for the people you meet and the boooks you read."

    And he was right.

    You are the average of the 5 people you associate with the most. To take your game to the next level adjust the people you hang out with.

    Get unstuck, get rid of bad behaviors and habits, discover what is important to you in life and get motivated at

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  • Profile picture of the author RHert
    You truly are the sum of your thoughts and actions. Those you associate with help shape your thoughts and actions. Several years ago I decided to change my associations and since I'm a completely different person. The things I do today, (including making money) would never have been done in previous years. I have learned so much from those I now associate with. Though I must admit when I do talk to a few people from previous years they irritate me. It's hard for me to fathom how they can think the way they do about so many things.
    Copywriting at it's Best! - Tips and tricks to connect with your reader.
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  • Profile picture of the author emmndi
    Great ideas. Very informative thread.

    backpacking in Kenya

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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    subcultures really bring ius down but there are ways to minimize the time you relate and still keep focus
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