How you enslave yourself unintentionally - and pay the consequences
If any of them tried to quit - which I saw happen - they'd have to give up being part of that subculture. And that made it much harder to quit. This is a small example of a much bigger problem.
- What subcultures are you a part of?
- Are they helping you or hindering you?
What commitments, thoughts, and people can you eliminate to make it easier to do what you know you need to?
We all tend to have traits of the subcultures of which we are a part. Be careful about joining ones that you won't want to be in later. If you can avoid setting that first precedent, you can often save yourself a lot of struggle down the road.
But, I don't think I have the full story. I'd like to hear what all of you think. We're all being influenced by our subcultures. or have been. Have you learned you could share? We'd love to hear from you. :-)
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