Now is the time i stop living a life i hate.

by solado
20 replies
Today I sat down at my desk at work and thought hard about my life, im 21 years old and I hate work, with a passion; its not the normal Monday morning blues I feel its a deep hatred that changes my entire being. I knew I hated work since I left school at 16 and started my HND I never wanted to work, I do 40 hours a week as a computer technician and I hate every last minute of it, Its time I could spend living the life I dream of.

My friends think im lazy, my mother looks at me confused when I tell her 'I don’t want to work'.

It took a year for me to learn that whinging about my situation wont get me to where I want to be in life, no one is going to save me. I have to save my self and build the life I want.

Affiliate marketing and IM in general allows me to live the life I want, I dream of owning my own business. People will probably say "How can you build a business if you hate work?", but its not working, a passion and dream is not work, its living. To have a system where I can control my own time, im call this true freedom.

So that’s why, today. I start my dream and working to make it a reality.
#hate #life #living #stop #time
  • Profile picture of the author Larkrise
    Hey solado

    I beleive that when you love what you do, it isnt really work. But 'work' is just a word that we use to represent something that we do. We have negative associations attached to it.

    Trying to explain to friends of family that you are willing and desire to earn a living from your activities, but don't want to work - is difficult simply because of the use of the word 'work'.

    So don't say anything, just do it. If you're already online savvy and have found the Warrior Forum, then you're already half way there.

    Pick some niches that you are interested in. Choose a method - be careful not to pick them all - one at a time. Get good at that, start earning a living from it. Then you can branch out and test drive a few more methods/models.

    Best of luck to you, you can and if you really want to, you will - succeed!
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Brands
    hi Solado,
    doing work is an important part of our life. Work to survive, to fulfill our needs. Try to make your work interesting. Take little breaks between your work, this minimize getting bored of long working hours. Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Elizabeth Fee
    Originally Posted by solado View Post

    I have to save my self and build the life I want.
    That's the key sentence right there. It's so much easier to sit there and do nothing. It's easy to feel sorry for yourself. It's easy to complain about a job, or a problem, or life in general. It's also easier to blame someone or something else for your woes.

    But to actually take action, even if just a first step, towards changing the source of your unhappiness... now that takes a ton of courage. For many, this is impossible. But it sounds like you'll find your dreams. Acknowledging the fact that change is in order... and then taking action to see that change come to fruition - that's when you realize just how much control you have over your OWN life's happiness.

    Why not go out on a limb... the fruit tends to be sweeter there.

    Good luck - we'll be here rootin' for ya.

    Elizabeth Fee
    The Niche Mom - My personal blog to inspire and guide you towards earning an income online.

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    • Profile picture of the author deepestblue
      Originally Posted by Elizabeth Fee View Post

      Why not go out on a limb... the fruit tends to be sweeter there.
      Ilike that quote.

      Freedom is another key in the OP's post....As Brian Tracy has said, a person's sense of well being is directly related to the amount of control they feel they have in their own life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrod
    Making money online is not as easy and glamorous as many think it is getting into it. It takes a LOT of hard work.

    If you have a burning passion within you then doing the work is often fun, and when it's not it will still fuel you with the energy to carry through and get it done.

    You've made a decision, and that's good. As Tony Robbins says "“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped."

    Just be aware it will be tough at times and there will be many unforeseen obstacles.

    You can do it!
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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    Good luck! Remember to always save more than you spend. I think this is an important concept that people may tend to forget.
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    • Profile picture of the author sprice
      Stick with it, that's the important thing. Talk is cheap... only action will get you the dreams you desire.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    My situation at one point sort of matches yours. I hated the job I was in; but have been lucky enough to have been out of it since March. I can tell you though that if you stick with your convictions and make things work then the life you are expecting to live is a lot closer than you think.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulpower
    To me a life of freedom begins when you realise that you are at rock bottom at a particular time.

    From there, you can truly eductae your mind to become more successful, as a focused mind, is a productive one.

    Remember, focus is the key, and that key unlocks the door of success, whatever you do in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
    I'm in the same boat that the OP is in, but 13 years his senior LOL. It's not so much the job itself that I hate, I just hate that I'm not completely satisfied with what I'm doing. I may or may not do IM full-time (I would love to have a job that's fulfilling), but IM is something that I plan on doing for a long time, because I have a passion for writing and helping people out.

    I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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    • Profile picture of the author 3000
      I definitely agree with you. With work, I love it and hate it.

      I HATE working my 9-5 job I work customer service and you know how that goes.


      I L.O.V.E coming home after work to start working on my online business. Whenever I work on a new site or project I just lose myself then coming to later realize I've been at it for hours.

      I don't really see it as work because I enjoy doing it.

      I'm making a passive income but it's not sufficient enough for me to quit my day job.

      You just have to keep going at it until one day you can finally live your dream. It takes a lot of work at first but once the initial work is done then your set.
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      • Profile picture of the author abundantlife
        Hate is a strong word and an even stronger emotion. I would suggest that you allow your new interest in building your own business be your driving force rather than having the hate for your present work become the pusher.

        You might think of your present situation as an opportunity to earn an income while you are learning how to market online. That way you can learn to enjoy your work situation and perhaps even find enjoyment in it. I'm guessing that you are also competent at your work and that is actually a gift. I wonder how many people would be thankful to just have a job like you have in order to support their family.

        We always have much to be thankful for, but sometimes we forget about our blessings.
        David Tampien
        Top Ten Reasons to Use Aloe Vera Every Day

        Prov. 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.
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      • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
        Originally Posted by 3000 View Post

        I definitely agree with you. With work, I love it and hate it.

        I HATE working my 9-5 job I work customer service and you know how that goes.


        I L.O.V.E coming home after work to start working on my online business. Whenever I work on a new site or project I just lose myself then coming to later realize I've been at it for hours.

        I don't really see it as work because I enjoy doing it.

        I'm making a passive income but it's not sufficient enough for me to quit my day job.

        You just have to keep going at it until one day you can finally live your dream. It takes a lot of work at first but once the initial work is done then your set.
        I'm in the same boat as you...but you're probably farther along than I am. How do you carve out time after work to do so? I work out regularly and am married now, so it's a bit tougher LOL.

        I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    You need to explain to your mom what you mean. You want to work you just don't want to work in the job you are in. There is a big difference and you need to show her your ambition. It's not about getting away from your job it is about building your business and doing work you want to do.

    If you love what you are doing work will never seem like "work".
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Zaydman
    There is absolutely no reason in 2011 to do anything you don't like doing or even worse HATE doing. If your not happy doing what your doing then (and this might seem obvious) but do something else...

    Best pressure-less sales method to get local small business clients to try your services

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  • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
    Thanks abundantlife...yeah, I have to constantly remind myself that a lot of people would kill to be in my position now, and I am very fortunate to have the flexibility to be able to come up with new ideas/thoughts during the day.

    I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author davidlieder
    If I could respectfully say that you are missing something here. Life is not just about selfish desires. Work can be about helping other people. Providing a product or service online - even as an affiliate - can be about providing something of value to others. If the only reason you are doing your life is to have fun and freedom and find your dreams, it seems to me to be completely selfish and even when you have it you will grow to hate yourself. Life is partly about who you love and who you help, giving back to the community. Its interesting that you "hate" work and you cannot find any value, so it seems you admit that you are not there to help anyone (which would be some kind of value), it is just a paycheck.
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  • Profile picture of the author chelsean
    I commend you for taking a stand and deciding to do something you love. We all have the right to be in a job that we love. It can be hard to finally make that move, but it will be worth it. Congrats and good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author Seleon
    Remember yesterday is history, tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone, so we only have today to life. Live it with passion!
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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    I agree....stop living the life you hate. It won't do anything for you. It will just make you a very pessimistic kind of person. Just be happy and have a positive outlook in life.
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