Are you the HERO or the COWARD?

8 replies
Hello Warriors!

Everyday, I believe we are making a decision if we will be The hero or The coward.

Now, according to Webster, a Hero is defined in many ways; however, I like these two definitions the best:

*Hero -a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities -one who shows great courage

Ironically, Coward is defined in one way according to Webster:

*Coward -one who shows disgraceful fear or timidity

This was interesting to me. How the dictionary defines a hero in many different ways, but defines a coward in one.

Here are my questions to you in addition to the the title question:

Who are you becoming, the hero or the coward in your life?
Will you be the hero or the coward today?
Are you going to be the hero or the coward for your kids?
Are you going to be a hero or a coward for a kid?
What do you define as the hero or coward in your life?

I believe the world has enough Cowards, it needs more Hero's.

What do you think?

"Today is your opportunity, tomorrow never told me it would arrive."
#coward #hero
  • Profile picture of the author JoeDRL
    I think you are a hero when you have the courage to face your fears, cowards simply ignore them or choose to let them control your life.

    Thanks for this, I actually decided to face a personal fear yesterday so I guess I was a Hero

    Have the greatest day of your life,
    ~ JoeDRL
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    • Profile picture of the author Jager
      I think being a hero means standing up for something even if it's unpopular. It may sound corny and like a cliche, but it's not an easy thing to do. More importantly though, being a hero means staying true to core values: Integrity, honor, courage. Cowards can get the highest positions in the world, but they lack any of the above.

      So it's not just about success, it's about character.

      I have to return some videotapes.

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      • Profile picture of the author AJ Smith44
        That was a good point Jager. Character is very important.
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  • Profile picture of the author russkampmann
    "A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer". - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    My personal heroes have always been people that live their lives according to their convictions, and have treated everyone equally and fairly.

    I also like Jager's comment: "it's about character."
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  • Profile picture of the author wendystark
    "A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer".
    nice statement....i agree to this
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  • Profile picture of the author nicelife
    Hi AJ,

    I've always been a Hero, at least in my book.

    I've never had anything or anyone to hide behind
    and that has been tough a lot of times, some
    people quickly pick up on things like these and try
    to take advantage of it.

    But it has made me pretty darn strong ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeDRL
    Yeah, very good point Jagger.
    Toughts = Actions = Habits = Character = Destiny.

    Good day everybody,
    ~ JoeDRL
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  • Profile picture of the author addison.agnote
    I think you are a hero if you are brave enough to admit that you are coward.
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