by IM Pro
4 replies
First off... if you have anxiety and/or depression or any negative thoughts, it is for a reason. If they didn't have a purpose, they wouldn't exist. It's your subconscious giving you a sign that something is wrong.

So how do we resolve this?

It's time to make a new PLAN!

Your subconscious is looking at the current equation of the path you are on, and it is not confident in its success level. So, to get rid of these negative emotions, it's time to hit the drawing board, figure out what your good at, what opportunities are out there, and come up with a rock solid PLAN. Have deadlines and clearly defined actions.

Once you have an equation for success, those feeling seem to just meltttttttt awayyyyyyy.......
#anxiety #beat #depression
  • Profile picture of the author WiFi
    If you're going through this somethign I'm familiar with, please find someone that understands what you're going through to confide in. This can be a good friend or family member. All of us must occasionally get stuff off our chest. It's calming and releases tension. You may have something on your mind that's been bothering you and made your anxiety flare up. I'm not going to say that it's going to cure your problem, but it surely won't hurt.
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  • Profile picture of the author iidesu
    however, in the process of pursuing your goals, you're still gonna encounter different kinds of difficulties, setbacks, or total failures that once again threaten to depress you or cause you fresh anxieties.
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  • Profile picture of the author tarad
    Anxiety as u said Mr. IM Pro? is or cud be as you say it is, But as for depression, I beg to differ. It isn't a mere sign of error in your buz. no. Infact it is the result of an anomaly in your Health (usually mental, emotional, etc)

    If you can't shake off that depression with a nice routine of relaxation, or brake, then you should seek professional help.
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  • Profile picture of the author RavishingRajni
    Simple way to BEAT ANXIETY & DEPRESSION -
    do something that relaxes your mind and body
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