Have A "Wait" Problem? Lose Your Wait and Succeed in 2012

22 replies
Happy New Year! That means millions of people will make resolutions, goals and promises to lose weight or take off pounds.

But a bigger problem besides taking off the pounds exist. And that’s "waiting" for the perfect opportunity to take actions on our goals.

As you read this millions of people delay, avoid and procrastinate toward taking actions on their dreams because of a wait problem. The result? Millions of opportunities pass by them because of their wait problem.

For example they're waiting for the perfect circumstance, the perfect conditions, the perfect amount of money, or the perfect person.

Yes, procrastination has quietly stolen more dreams, hopes and goals than the slickest thief, crook or swindler could ever do.

That's why we should all renew our commitment to lose some of our "wait' for this coming New Year. If we ever hope to achieve our goals we have to shed the “wait”.

There's a popular saying that “success comes to those who wait". I agree to a certain point. Yes, success can come to those who wait, but it's only achieved and kept by those who take action. And that means losing the wait problem most people have .

Here's 3 tips to help you shed your wait problem in 2012 and achieve more goals.

1. Think Action-Minded.

Practice taking action, however small. There's a law of physics that says a body in motion tends to stay in motion ... and a body at rest tends to stay at rest.

That's why a simple act can often lead to breakthrough discoveries and opportunities.

When facing new challenges, one of the biggest problems to beware of is the dreaded paralysis of analyses. Over-analyzing can often lead to inaction or waiting.

That's why getting in the habit of action is so important. Just do it is more than a clever slogan.

2. Make A Decision to Decide.

Another obstacle that gives most people a wait problem is their difficulty in making decisions. After they ask the questions, spend money on books, DVD's and seminars they never decide or commit to taking persistent actions.

Depending on whose study you read, it's estimated only 10 - 20% of the people who order self-improvement books will take action on the suggestions.

That means 80-90% of the people will simple read or listen to it and lay it to the side and never make the decision to take action.

It's my guess most of those people have a wait problem. They're waiting for something to happen before they take further actions ... and they wait .. and they wait.

3. Be Mentally Prepared To Persist... No Matter What.

In our microwave, push button, got to have in now society, persistence is turning into a dirty word. But it's the key to overcoming your wait problem.

I've often said, “the difference between a goal and a wish is that you're willing to persist“. If you're not willing to persist you're just wishing? The result? You'll often find yourself getting bogged down with a nasty wait problem.

So, mentally prepare yourself to persist through the challenges and obstacles before you start. How? By making a committed decision (See number 2).

So, make it your New Years resolution to exercise these 3 powerful tips and you'll find your wait problems melting away. Happy New Year!
#“wait” #2012 #lose #problem #succeed #wait
  • Profile picture of the author elexmedia
    Just want to add a quote to this wonderful post...

    "Start Now! The time will never be just right."- Napoleon Hill
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by elexmedia View Post

      Just want to add a quote to this wonderful post...

      "Start Now! The time will never be just right."- Napoleon Hill
      Good quote by Napolean Hill. God only knows how many people miss opportunities whose waiting for the time, money or circumstances to be just right.
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  • Profile picture of the author TomHarvey
    Thanks guys, some great tips, great material and ideas to use for a topical New Years blog post!

    Well worth printing and getting up on the wall by the desk!
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  • Profile picture of the author nadia712
    Really great post. Witty wordplay, too. ;-)

    One thing that I've found difficult to overcome (and have to continuously work on) is the fact that I've been a perfectionist basically all of my life. Something that's really gone a long way in helping me is the realisation that there will never be a “perfect” time or “perfect” set of circumstances for anything, as mentioned above.

    I've actually taken the below points directly from my personal notes. They've helped me, so hopefully they'll help someone else see past their perfectionism as well.

    - Don’t wait – do it NOW. Start TODAY. Even taking a small step in the right direction is preferable to endlessly perfecting a leap that you may never take.

    - It doesn't have to be perfect the first time. Even if you can’t finish a task today, finish it up tomorrow. If you fall off the bandwagon for a while, just get back up and start where you left off. It's not a big deal!

    - It doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect – just make sure you’re heading in the right direction and DON’T GIVE UP. That's all that's truly important.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by nadia712 View Post

      Really great post. Witty wordplay, too. ;-)

      One thing that I've found difficult to overcome (and have to continuously work on) is the fact that I've been a perfectionist basically all of my life. Something that's really gone a long way in helping me is the realisation that there will never be a "perfect" time or "perfect" set of circumstances for anything, as mentioned above.

      I've actually taken the below points directly from my personal notes. They've helped me, so hopefully they'll help someone else see past their perfectionism as well.

      - Don't wait - do it NOW. Start TODAY. Even taking a small step in the right direction is preferable to endlessly perfecting a leap that you may never take.

      - It doesn't have to be perfect the first time. Even if you can't finish a task today, finish it up tomorrow. If you fall off the bandwagon for a while, just get back up and start where you left off. It's not a big deal!

      - It doesn't matter if it's not perfect - just make sure you're heading in the right direction and DON'T GIVE UP. That's all that's truly important.
      I too am a recovering perfectionist. The best I could do was learn to turn it up and turn it down like a volumne knob. That allowed me to escape the analysis of paralysis chains and get more done. And you're right it doesn't always have to be the perfect time the first time ... or most times. That is unles you're a bomb specialist or sword swallower.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aesop87
    Originally Posted by The Niche Man View Post

    [FONT=Courier New][SIZE=3]
    3. Be Mentally Prepared To Persist... No Matter What.

    In our microwave, push button, got to have in now society, persistence is turning into a dirty word. But it's the key to overcoming your wait problem.

    I've often said, “the difference between a goal and a wish is that you're willing to persist". If you're not willing to persist you're just wishing? The result? You'll often find yourself getting bogged down with a nasty wait problem.

    So, mentally prepare yourself to persist through the challenges and obstacles before you start. How? By making a committed decision (See number 2).

    So, make it your New Years resolution to exercise these 3 powerful tips and you'll find your wait problems melting away. Happy New Year!
    It's so easy to see the idea of success as an event, when really it is a series of tiny steps that cumulatively add up to success. I totally agree -- the ease of access to information ironically makes it harder to act. We are consumed by the wash of choices that overwhelm us. It's critical to unplug as much as possible and focus only on the small bits of information necessary to take that next step. Otherwise, it's easy to get stuck in the mud.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexRyan
    I agree it is the little moments in between that make the difference. This is something many people see past, time and time again.
    PM Me For Real xxxx.edu/blogs Article With Backlinks
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  • Profile picture of the author iidesu
    thank you! I do have a long history of having procrastination problem, which stymied a lot of golden opportunities to happen on me.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by iidesu View Post

      thank you! I do have a long history of having procrastination problem, which stymied a lot of golden opportunities to happen on me.
      Truth be told I've been in that boat more times than most. My only hope is to keep it a a minimum.
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      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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  • Excellent advice.
    I procrastinated in my current online business, and most of my warm market had already signed up under someone else!!!

    Don't procrastinate!
    Dive in head first and go for it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5319960].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author VladS
    Thanks The Niche Man for ispiration and plan to take action. Prosperous New Year to you all!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author focused
    Thanks for the post.
    One aspect in the Wait Game that is very prevalent is the perceived
    need to always gather more information and learn more before taking
    that first action step. Effective action-taking will require that those all
    important first steps be taken without "perfect" knowledge.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5330740].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rileyenterprises
    Hello Niche Man;

    Wonderful reminder for me to stop talking and start doing. I am new to the forum, and finally able to stop the procrastinating and get on with it. Your post struck a note and moved me to respond. Will be moving on some new things shortly.
    No time like NOW!!


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5334085].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by rileyenterprises View Post

      Hello Niche Man;

      Wonderful reminder for me to stop talking and start doing. I am new to the forum, and finally able to stop the procrastinating and get on with it. Your post struck a note and moved me to respond. Will be moving on some new things shortly.
      No time like NOW!!


      Welcome to the W.F, your time to shine. Your fellow Warriors stand at the ready to help you if needed. Let's do it in 2012.
      - Forever forward ... never backward.
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      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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  • Profile picture of the author djshaz
    A quote for the WAIT believers....MAKE THIS RIGHT THE BEST TIME !
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  • Profile picture of the author 23profit
    Yes my problem is i get sidetracked a little, well ok sometimes alot! but this year it wont happen Promise! Sometimes I get writers block as well to and i plan on working on that Obstacle to. Great post Niche Man
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5345517].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by 23profit View Post

      Yes my problem is i get sidetracked a little, well ok sometimes alot! but this year it wont happen Promise! Sometimes I get writers block as well to and i plan on working on that Obstacle to. Great post Niche Man
      That would be a good question to ask other Warriors about. Lots of help, inspiration and motivation here at the W.F. Wish you the best. Peace!
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      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Patrick
    A basic fact of doing business online is that it's the action you take that counts. All the ideas, the lists, and the plans are fine. But if you don't take action and turn it into a real thing, none of that will ever matter.
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  • Profile picture of the author joelewis
    pretty awesome share
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  • Profile picture of the author charliesheen
    Great article!

    [FONT=Courier New][SIZE=3]There's a popular saying that "success comes to those who wait".

    I'm sure you mean patience, that would fit their perfectly.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5348740].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dominicsloane
    Great share, hope I can be more focused with my goals this year.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by dominicsloane View Post

      Great share, hope I can be more focused with my goals this year.
      With so many distractions going on that was one of my biggest challenges.

      But when I begain to focus and drop the losers and time wasters from my life (although they were a lot of fun) I achieved a lot more of my goals ... faster!

      I'm sure focusing will work the same or better for you. To your success!
      Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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