Is it a too Big Dream? Have I some chances?

by maxp76
8 replies
Hello my friends (I consider WF a large circle of friends ),

I want to share with you some of my thoughts..

Here my story:

I'm a computer tech since 1998. In the last 10 years I'm working for a public company, but since 2009 I've change my fulltime job into a part.time job to work in the IM World

After some trial and error, I've found some good opportunities into the offline arena (and in the while, my public company is going to be closed... )

But.. there's always a but..

My dream is to be a full international IM people (create a lot of infoproducts, be a guru, make a lot of money with an email , go around the world, help other people to have success..)

To accomplish it I need to heavily improve my English.

So, just taking the idea to leave Italy (I dont feel it my country anymore..) I want to start another life in another country (Ireland).

I've choose IE because of the language (I love English, and improve that language it's a good deal to relocate myself in a lot of other countries ) and the European life (the US are at the moment too much far )

So I would like to get a job into the IM world (email marketing specialist, Sem/seo consultant, and so on), and develope my presence into the IM world in parallel.

I need a full time job at the beginning because I've a wife and a little child, and I must be a responsable father

My guess is: is this dream too much difficult?
What do you think? Is it possible to do it without being a english-mother-tongue? or doint it part-time (at the beginning..)

Please be honest (and rude if necessary).

Thank you again for all the opinions, ideas and slap-on-the-backs (or a slap-on-the-face ) you could give to me!


ps: my wife is supporting me, and she also wants to transfer her to Ireland
#big #chances #dream
  • Profile picture of the author memme
    try it, you have a solid job you can go back to...
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    • Profile picture of the author Hils
      Your written English is very good, Massimo. I don't think it needs heavily improving at all.

      And no, I don't think your dream is TOO difficult. (Not that I'm an expert in moving from Italy to Ireland.)

      It's great that your wife is supporting you. What may help you is if you both start putting your dreams into intentions. So for example, start saying you INTEND to move to Ireland and get a full time IM job.

      This might sound silly and insignificant, and obviously it won't change anything overnight, but believe me, it will start directing your expectations and, as such, behaviour.

      Whatever you decide, best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author maxp76
    Hello guys for your feedback!
    I think it's always a mind-state problem.
    I know that "Everything you can image, you can do" ...
    I will try to write a step-by-step plan, and try to put all of my energy into it

    ** The Offline Marketer :) **

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  • Profile picture of the author Social Expert
    If you are dreaming, dream big, if aim for moon, you miss it then you still end up between stars... increase your goal dreams by 100 percent and you will likely achieve the original dream.
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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    Focus on getting an income from a 9 to 5 job then use some extra % of your money to invest in online marketing. That way you aren't being too risky.
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    • Profile picture of the author maxp76
      Originally Posted by perfectlovehere View Post

      Focus on getting an income from a 9 to 5 job then use some extra % of your money to invest in online marketing. That way you aren't being too risky.
      Yes, that's my idea.
      I would try this method before to start in fulltime way..

      ** The Offline Marketer :) **

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  • Profile picture of the author Shubh Ashish
    Listen.You have infinite potential and anyone can get or do anything he/she want to accomplish.You have decided your goal.Now stick to it , have faith in it , and take inspired actions.Thats it.Hope to see your product soon.
    Sell Dreams, Not Products
    - Steve Jobs
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