Quit my job next week for fulltime IM, realistic to expect $5,000/mo after 6 months?

55 replies
Is it realistic to expect making $5,000/mo, after 6 months doing Internet Marketing?
What is your thought?

I am thinking to quit my full time job next week. I am going to work 50 hours per week on Internet Marketing. I have only enough saving to pay my expense for 6 months. After 6 months, if I do not make $5,000, I will not be able to pay my mortgage. It will be harder to get my previous job back after 6 months break.

I had worked as a software developer for a few years, lectured at a university for a few years and now working as a quant analyst for a few years.

I am planning to do whatever it take, working as hard/smart as I can for 6 months. I am ok with working 16 hours per day if needed.

Based on my skill and my comitment, am I dreaming? not being realistic....I will take the risk if 80% chance of me to reach that goal.

Please share your thought/experience.
#expect #fulltime #job #months #or mo #quit #realistic #week
  • Profile picture of the author Sigma
    though this shouldn't be my first post, that's a pretty ballsy move your deciding to make my man. I am pretty certain though that there are people on this forum who've come across that amount of success doing IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author skeedio
    Anything is possible, but I don't think it's realistic to expect to make that much after 6 months.

    You say you're willing to work 16 hours a day if necessary. That alone tells me you haven't thought this through.

    Have you ever worked from home before? It sounds easy, but it takes a lot of self-discipline to leave that warm bed in the morning, to ignore friends and family who think it's okay to drop by because you're always home and to focus on work when there's a show on TV you'd really like to see. Even if you can force yourself to sit behind your desk regular work hours, most of them are wasted as you stare at your screen and wonder what it is you need to do. I really don't mean to be negative, but that is usually how it goes when you're new to this.

    If I were you, I'd keep the job and set aside 2 hours a day to get started. If that goes well, increase the hours and spend a few weekends working full-time. You can always quit your job if you see you're adjusting well to working from home. If not, keep working on it until you do.

    Good luck, I really hope you achieve your goal!
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  • Profile picture of the author positivemagic
    Yes, I would work on the internet business while you are working. Then, when you have reached your goal, then quit. I would use some of your current income to fund your marketing with ppc and the like. Especially since you wont get your job back after you quit. Not a smart move.

    I was laid off and was forced to work from home. I had to structure my mindset for working for myself. Not easy let me tell you. Then I literally had to force myself to "work" on my business everyday. Tip: If you do something for 14 days in a row consistently and at the same time everyday it becomes a habit. So changing your mindset would be a new concept to make a habit, for example.

    It took me longer than 6 months for me to make a comfortable income from home and I am still working on making more residuals. And let me mention I have a great work ethic and very tough on myself and it still took me longer than 6 months to "make it".

    Just food for thought. Hope this helps and good luck. I hope you get everything your heart desires!

    Isabella Fiorentino
    PRO Online Marketer

    Ps. What if instead of hunting people down until they begged you to stop... pre-qualified prospects actually sought you out and asked you what you do and how you do it? Click here.

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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph G Spiteri
      I would not quit your job and go full steam ahead into this business.
      Not a very wise move if you only have the money for 6 months
      i would work on your online efforts parallel with your current job,
      Until you get a lot more experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew NY
    I'm sorry if I seem to be raining on your parade. But to be honest, I absolutely hate questions like this. Contrary to popular belief, there is no step-by-step formula that no matter what if you follow it, you will reach $XXXX in X time. What you put in, is what you will get out.

    It depends on what your business plan is, what you're willing to sacrifice, what your budget is, etc.

    Set a goal, and shoot for it. No one else can take you there except yourself. Mentality's such as yours are the reason most internet marketers never make it. Don't expect anything. Just work hard and attain goals. Money will come. Treat it like the business that it is, and you will get there.

    Want to see $500 days? Click Above!
    I will guide you the whole way there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bojacked
    I'd give it 2 hours a day and set goals. Don't quit your job until you're making 2.5k a month (at that time you will have broken enough barriers that it's feasible for you to quit your job and double your 2.5k/mo).
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    • Profile picture of the author Saito
      Originally Posted by Bojacked View Post

      I'd give it 2 hours a day and set goals. Don't quit your job until you're making 2.5k a month (at that time you will have broken enough barriers that it's feasible for you to quit your job and double your 2.5k/mo).
      I was going to say keep your job till you're making more at IM, a la Mike Filsaime, but this seems even more reasonable. What's the rush?

      Making the first $1000-2000 is the hardest and most unpredictable part. If you can do that it should be more manage to grow from there. Too much free time and no income and you'll go bonkers.
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    Even if you work 24/7, IM takes a lot of time to go through depending on the methods you use. A lot of IM is also playing the waiting game.

    Also, even when you start making the 2.5k a month, you'll have to make sure it stays stable and increases for a few more months because of fluctuations in earnings.
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    • Profile picture of the author andrew2000
      Thanks everyone, I will not quit my job then. I will take 2 weeks off and just doing Internet Marketing. This will be a good trial on working from home.
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      • Profile picture of the author 11811
        Originally Posted by andrew2000 View Post

        Thanks everyone, I will not quit my job then. I will take 2 weeks off and just doing Internet Marketing. This will be a good trial on working from home.
        The fact that you made such a major decision based on responses you got here tells me that it was the right thing for you - at this time - to not quit yet. (assuming this was the only place you asked for advice of others)

        If you had decided screw you all, I'm going to do it, and it will work, then I think that would have also been the right decision.

        Mindset has so much to do with it. Yes, it probably would require some 16 hour days for you. you'd have to set up a specific set of goals... to-do lists every day and action items that you follow through on, not skipping things here and there or out riding around in your car going 'Gee this is great to not be in the office!' (Working from home does take a lot of discipline, but it builds character that way.)

        Anyway, best of luck to you -- at some point if you're going to jump you gotta just jump instead of going 'Nope I'm not ready yet'. Maybe ask yourself - what's the worst that can happen? Followed up of course by the question - what's the best that can happen...
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      • Profile picture of the author Joseph G Spiteri
        Wise decision on your part,
        I wish you all the best in the future
        in this business.
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        • Profile picture of the author watty12
          This post is a real help to many who think you can make quick money by IM. I hope it puts things into perspective for a lot of people. Like many, I'm still in the day job until I surpass my income plus some, so remember, slow and steady with IM.

          However, I love the post that says something on the lines of "you need to think outside the box" in order to make good money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88

    The two weeks off will definitely make a HUGE difference regardless
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  • Profile picture of the author aireland
    Good choice for now Andrew!
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  • Profile picture of the author feliciayapsl
    As others have advised, keep your job & work on your IM business at the same time. Quit only after you've achieved consistent income.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Do not expect it, but do hope for it, at least. Lolol. I do.
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  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    Saying you're going to quit a job to work at Internet Marketing is not really a plan.

    Do you have any experience? What do you plan to work at exactly? There is quite a steep learning curve for 99% of people getting started.

    If you already have achieved a consistent level of income from your existing online ventures and you have a well thought out plan to increase this income then you would be in a much better position than if you're just starting from scratch.
    RemoteControlHelicopterReviews.(com/net) - Up for sale! No reasonable offer refused. Great branding for a super hot niche!
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Ward
    I would strongly recommend not doing this until you are making some sort of online income that you KNOW you can build on. It's infinitely easier to go from $100/month to $5000 a month than $0/month to $5000 month and jumping in head first with no safety net is not a smart move. All my opinion, though.
    "Keep moving forward."
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  • Profile picture of the author jugnu
    you should not lose your job until you believe you can earn $5000 per month.
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  • Profile picture of the author nPromote
    You said you have worked as a software developer. I believe software developers are a highly paid lot. So why do you want to shift gears when you have an invaluable experience of such a lucrative field?
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    • Profile picture of the author andrew2000
      Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions

      Originally Posted by nPromote View Post

      You said you have worked as a software developer. I believe software developers are a highly paid lot. So why do you want to shift gears when you have an invaluable experience of such a lucrative field?
      As you can see from my experience, I love change job every about 5 years. First, I have worked as a software developer, highly paid, then I worked as a lecture after completing my PhD, got paid much lower. Then working as a finance quant developer/analyst, very well paid.

      After 5 years, I want to do something else. I love the idea of working from home, whenever you want to work, just not to sure whether this will work for me. Probably, I will need to invent something new....

      My plan is, if I can make $5,000 per month, then I can scale it up using automation and outsourcing to $50,000 per month

      After reading everyone comment, it seems $5,000 is unrealistic for the first 6 months, that is from $0 to $5,000. I may need a more humble plan, sucah as $50 per month.
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  • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
    Not to get into IM, but years ago, that is exactly what I did AND spent my entire life savings AND my entire retirement to start my first big offline business!

    I had no other source of income and HAD to make it work. I worked just about all the waking time and barely slept. I lost a lot of weight (and was glad I did...told people it was the easiest diet I ever did...LOL).

    I was profitable my first month because I had to be. It paid off big time and is the biggest success story I have to date.

    I know other people who have had to make a business work because they were fired and had to make a living.

    So, yes, I think if is within the realm of possibilites because IM has a low entry fee and low overhead.

    However, you and you alone can make that decisions. But once you make it, don't look back. Don't second guess yourself and then do whatever it takes to make it happen.

    Good luck.
    44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

    Guaranteed 60% Opt In Rate Traffic-Real People-Fresh Today-High Quality Biz Opp traffic![/URL]
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    • Profile picture of the author Jere Kuisma
      Originally Posted by TopKat22 View Post

      Not to get into IM, but years ago, that is exactly what I did AND spent my entire life savings AND my entire retirement to start my first big offline business!

      I had no other source of income and HAD to make it work. I worked just about all the waking time and barely slept. I lost a lot of weight (and was glad I did...told people it was the easiest diet I ever did...LOL).

      I was profitable my first month because I had to be. It paid off big time and is the biggest success story I have to date.

      I know other people who have had to make a business work because they were fired and had to make a living.

      So, yes, I think if is within the realm of possibilites because IM has a low entry fee and low overhead.

      However, you and you alone can make that decisions. But once you make it, don't look back. Don't second guess yourself and then do whatever it takes to make it happen.

      Good luck.
      Out of all the responses this is definately the best. If your mindset is really into it and you are motivated and you get/got someone to guide you through the beginning (to get you going) ; I think 6 months is definately enough to earn 5k/month.

      But still I agree with the others. You should at least stick around to the point where you know if you even like doing the IM stuff. Would not be good if you'd end up like "Gosh I hate doing this".
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  • Profile picture of the author cameronpalte
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    • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
      Originally Posted by cameronpalte View Post

      I'm 13 so I don't need to worry about anything like this because I am hoping to get my site www.cameronpalte.com up and running effectively before I have to go off...

      but anyway no in my opinion what you are doing is not smart. your wording tells me you have not thought this through. it is not easy working from home what is going to make you get out of that warm bed... 6 months is an extremely small timeframe. i would recommend working 3 hours a day on your goal and maybe 5-6 hours a day on your relaxation time (the weekends.). once your in the routine you can look into working from home but give it another year. starting now will result in nothing but disaster because you'll be more focused on just making money than the content which will cause you not to make money.
      And this advise is from your many years of experience. LOL Just kidding.

      How does a 13 year old run a legal business anyway? Is it in your parents name?

      Just curious.
      44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

      Guaranteed 60% Opt In Rate Traffic-Real People-Fresh Today-High Quality Biz Opp traffic![/URL]
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Perhaps you will be luckier or have a better plan, but you won't have a better work ethic and it took me 7 years!

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  • Profile picture of the author LindseyRainwater
    Something else to consider is that when you get into working online, you don't always "get it right" the first time.

    I've been "online" for about five years now, and have just recently started to see success from it. That isn't to say I haven't made money before, but this is the first time that I've been truly happy with what I'm doing.

    I tried many business models, and spent a whole lot of time and money before I found something that I love. I don't regret any of the experiments that I made, since each one got me closer to knowing what I DO what to do, but if I hadn't had someone supporting me the whole time, I would have been screwed many times over.

    So unless you know EXACTLY what you want to do online, you're going to have to take some time to figure that out before you see any real money. (And even then, you may make money and STILL decide to change course because you aren't happy.)

    Good luck with your efforts!
    Limited Time: Grab the "Pay Your Way" option, and get a complete website with content created - without having to pay the full amount up-front! Pay what you can today, and make payments from there! Click HERE for more info!
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  • Profile picture of the author kaidaiah
    Exactly as how others are saying. IM has a vastly different learning curve than most other career choices. It is just the dynamic nature of the game. Obviously if you put in the time and effort into a solid strategy, you could definitely be doing better than 5K a month after six months, but that is a big COULD. Not many people are able to achieve that so soon.

    You can compare the pay structure of IM to jobs in sales that are 100% commission based. When you first start out in sales, you're not going to be closing all the deals you could have because you're still learning. Same as IM, it's going to take time to really learn and then be able to capitalize on the knowledge.

    However, you shouldn't need to lower your expectations of earnings just yet. Just because they are not realistic to some people, does not mean they are unachievable. Think out your exact plan to earn that 5K a month and you just do it! Do not assume any strategy will work if you put in the time, it just doesn't work that way.
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    • Profile picture of the author andrew2000
      Thanks everyone for sharing your thought

      Originally Posted by honestbizpro View Post

      Software developer? Are you kidding me?
      I would be all over creating a facebook app or teaching people the basics of it or the pitfalls of developing software.
      Good point, however I am working long hours, 10 sometimes 12 hours per day. Yes, it is a very well paid job. But it burn me down. I will need to put aside sometime to moonlighting my business adventure. That is why I am thinking to just quit, or have a three months break, then back to the industry if it does not work. The longer I have the break, the harder to return to my previous type of job.

      My plan:
      doing something similar to making 5 different type of websites
      plus running PPC campaigns for CPA networks

      As most of you think, it is not realistic to expect making $5,000/mo from $0/mo within 6 months. I will test the water first, 2 week leave, working on IM. If I can make some money, then I will quit for 3 months, after securing a future contract, so I will be guaranteed to have a job after 3 months.

      If after 3 months, I can make $1000 per month, then I will quit my full time job.

      Thanks again
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  • Profile picture of the author MariaFrolova
    May be you should switch with more time suitable and inet access job? As a precaution measure)

    Occupation: MDM Architect

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  • Early on, I very badly wanted to go learn a programming language so that I could build a product that people need. I wish to God that I had gone to school for a different major. I chose English Literature, and while that helps me to write and to speak creatively, it really doesn't help me with product creation. lol

    You are blessed to be able to take off two weeks to really immerse yourself and see what IM is all about.

    Best to you! I'll be watching your progress, friend!!

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    • Profile picture of the author BeauJustin
      One option if your job is really burning you out, is to consider freelancing as a
      programmer while you develop your IM skills. That's what I did. I worked (and
      still do) as a web programmer locally, and for many people on this very board.

      No one, not even someone who has had a lot of IM success, can say you'll
      EVER make $5k per month IMing.

      However, I can say with reasonable certainty that, if you have the programming
      chops you can make just as much, if not more, VERY quickly.

      There's an old adage: During the California gold rush, the only people who got rich
      were the company stores.

      That's who we intrepid programmers and designers are - the company
      store (aka: suppliers) for IMers on the gold rush.

      I say stay away from places like Elance and Freelancer. Most people there
      are bargain shoppers who want the world for peanuts, pennies, and pocket
      lent. You'll find a lot of that on the WF, as well, but there are also some
      gemstone employers here. Start by making a post on the Warriors for Hire

      You can also check dice.com for companies looking for freelancers. My
      favorite place to find new clients is freelanceswitch.com. Some of my best
      clients have come from their job board. It's only $7 per month, and worth
      every penny.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Essi
    Originally Posted by andrew2000 View Post

    Is it realistic to expect making $5,000/mo, after 6 months doing Internet Marketing?
    What is your thought?

    I am thinking to quit my full time job next week. I am going to work 50 hours per week on Internet Marketing. I have only enough saving to pay my expense for 6 months. After 6 months, if I do not make $5,000, I will not be able to pay my mortgage. It will be harder to get my previous job back after 6 months break.

    I had worked as a software developer for a few years, lectured at a university for a few years and now working as a quant analyst for a few years.

    I am planning to do whatever it take, working as hard/smart as I can for 6 months. I am ok with working 16 hours per day if needed.

    Based on my skill and my comitment, am I dreaming? not being realistic....I will take the risk if 80% chance of me to reach that goal.

    Please share your thought/experience.
    Hi Andrew!

    I like you boldness and can smell determination in your voice.

    Learning to juggle your day job and your business at the same time is the best skill you can develop.

    I did this for almost 10 years before quitting my 70k job.

    Like Will mentioned earlier, the key is developping an impeccable work ethic, a discipline made of steel and the perseverance of a warrior.

    To do Internet Marketing from home full time demands a tremendous amount of focus and discipline! If not, you will be distracted silly!

    Keep trying, failing and learning. Don't focus so much on the time frame for now. Focus more on gaining as much value as possible to give out as much value as possible.

    In doing this, you will have plenty to give! When you start giving generously of your experience and your knowledge obtained through your learning, failing and experimenting, you will activate the season of reaping in your life.

    In other words, focus your six months on acquiring the most value, and the rest will follow...

    Hope this helps!

    Confused? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? And Tired? Let's Talk...
    How To Think And Become A Successful Webpreneur"By Richard Essi

    Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.

    --Gillian Anderson
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  • Profile picture of the author iwillbeontop

    Heck Yes!!!

    But alot of variables involved. Your current level of expertise in IM etc and your discipline....
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  • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
    Like skeedio said, anything is definitely possible. No matter what you do, leaving a job (a secure one, anyway) is a risk. However, you can keep that risk low by making sure your prepared for it as much as possible.

    Overall, 6 months of expenses is a great start, but if you have zero income coming in right now, I'd hold off on jumping the ship. Start slow and progressively build up your income in your spare time. Once you start creating a steady stream of income, slap that all back into your "cushion account" to give yourself even MORE breathing room.

    After you're income is steady and you feel confident enough to jump ship, that's when you should make the leap. By that time you should have even more than 6 months of expenses saved up, which will come in handy when you hit a rut or two along the way.

    I'm in the same process of quitting my day job, but only after I have a nice cushion built up and my income is close enough to match my minimum expenses. I'm getting closer by the day, but I'd rather take it slow and steady while I have the ability to. I know that if I am able to build a thriving business in my spare time, I will be able to take that business to another level when I have all of my time to devote to it.

    Good luck with everything man! Keep that burning drive and desire alive and you will get to where you want to go in due time!
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  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    Setting a goal of $5,000 a month is a start. Have you laid out your plans on how you can actually get this amount? If there is already a realistic plan on how you can achieve that, then you might as well go for it. How old are you by the way? The reason I wanted to ask is because I believe that as long as you are still young, take all the calculated risks that you can get because if you are young there is plenty of time to bounce back.
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    • Profile picture of the author MrClemons
      I'm not going to post any links, but I feel the need to put my 2 cent's in...

      11811 was right it your mindset...

      The man who says he can't is probably right...
      The man who says he can is probably right..

      In short through the truth of what you say with your mindset & character backing what you are saying is why the man is probably right.

      I highly suggest intervening Network Marketing (MLM)
      with Internet Marketing (IM) pursuing both
      will bring your maximum profits.

      I have a fairly nice set up going on & was planning on public releasing myself but I accidentally deleted the mySQL database while creating deleting others. I'm out 6 months of work with no backup. I highly suggest creating the habit of doing backups even if they are not daily.

      For product creation, I use alternative sources
      PLR/MRR/RR/GA licenses to products that I can market which are reasonably cheap in the long terms of marketing that specific product.

      I've been "Online" for almost 7 years now & I'm dependent upon myself to see progress & to "Work" for my company. I do have a registered business with the proper county/city licenses of the place I reside. I'm also trying to balance a job with my parents company & working on my business. I'm actually about to create my parents company's website & become their online marketing consultant while earning my hourly wage & 10% back commission on any online converted leads of the net profit. I'm going to "hook" them up, in the sense of creating a website, mobile website, cross platform mobile app, & possibly even get them to start SMS marketing

      My work ethics are profound & unquestionable.

      In the 6 months of the time I was working that website I was putting in multiple 16 hour days with 8 hour days minimal. I was in the works of creating a viral online franchise of digital products.. Back to sq 1

      Create my own products to set the twist, while letting the other products I own bring in additional cash flows.

      Each of those products are considered a "business" purchase, they are each their own income streams. You were talking about scaling the business up. Each product is their own income stream, your earnings on each of those income streams in dependent on how well you convert from your own marketing efforts unless you leverage the power of duplication in digital replication. Then you could have a whole army using the very marketing strategy you are using & teaching while reaping the earnings..

      I really tried to my honest, & optimistic...

      The truth is it's a jungle out there. The opportunities are endless....

      Don't get side tracked, "Set Up" yourself while approaching the opportunities you believe that can help you expand.

      You'll be fine,

      Christopher Clemons
      Chris Clemons Enterprises, LLC
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  • Profile picture of the author AskScottLindstrom
    I totally want to say yes it is possible. And it is completely up to you what is possible. There are so may factors involved... Never quit your job to do any venture have one foot on your job that is going to provide stability. I work a full time job 40 hr a week and go to the Library (free wireless internet) and do my business (5 to 6) hrs a day 5 days a week... My mentor was making twice that ammount before a year was up...
    One thing I must shout from the rooftops "It's not about the money" 90 percent of the marketers will not get this. It's about developing relationships and helping people. Much like I am writing right now I have nothing to gain but helping someone else... then the money will follow... I have 3 parting words "BUILD YOUR LIST' and the money will follow.
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  • Profile picture of the author MariaFrolova
    Go reach 78 lvl, increase all your skills and perks up to 300% (hi fallout 2))))

    Occupation: MDM Architect

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  • Profile picture of the author erkut
    No work hard only Work Smart=)
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    • Profile picture of the author andrew2000
      First, many thanks to everyone for your suggestions and encouragements.
      I am glad that I shared this with you, so I got many helpful recommendations...

      Apologize that the quotes do not have your name...

      keep the job untill $1,000 - $2,000
      focus on: to gain value and to give value
      keep the full time job to reduce risk
      Thanks for your suggestions, I will keep my job until I earn some money
      preferable close to $5,000. Well, my ultimate goal is $50,000/mo, I know it is a dream, we never know.

      And I will keep my job just to lower my risk and also I need my current job to fund my PPC campaigns, this will have to wait untill I understand the PPC and CPA networks in details.

      Setting a goal of $5,000 a month is a start. Have you laid out your plans on how you can actually get this amount? If there is already a realistic plan on how you can achieve that, then you might as well go for it. How old are you by the way?
      So far, I have one specific plan, not sure whether this plan will work.
      I will create a new thread for this plan, I will refer this as project#2.

      How old are you by the way?
      I am 39 year old, with some experience as a software developer, a computer scientist and a quant finance developer.

      Network Marketing (MLM) with Internet Marketing (IM)? Interesting, like building multi level of affiliate?
      Good idea, when I have a product, I will do a multilevel affiliates to market the product. Need to think about the details so it is legal and not evolve into pyramid scheme.

      I have a fairly nice set up going on & was planning on public releasing myself but I accidentally deleted the mySQL database while creating deleting others. I'm out 6 months of work with no backup. I highly suggest creating the habit of doing backups even if they are not daily.
      Thanks for your reminder about backup.
      I always backup the SQL data, so I can repopulate the data if needed.
      I ftp all of them into my fileserver at home, 4 TB x 2 using RAID 1 setup.
      I also backup the important data into two 1 TB external, one stay at home and another one at a safe deposit in a bank, just in case some one steal my computer. All sensitive data are encrypted. Yes, I know what you might think, I am a paranoid in data security.

      intrepid programmers and designers are
      Great idea, I may sell some software later and give some for free too.

      nice cushion built up and my income is close enough to match my minimum expenses.
      Yes, definitely, I have to support a family of 4 and pay mortgage

      For product creation, I use alternative sources
      PLR/MRR/RR/GA licenses to products that I can market which are reasonably cheap in the long terms of marketing that specific product.
      Not sure what are PLR/MRR/RR/GA will google this later.

      $15 a month on your membership site,
      Great idea, I am more thinking about just $7. Will do this after I have enough products

      I work a full time job 40 hr a week and go to the Library (free wireless internet) and do my business (5 to 6) hrs a day 5 days a week
      Good idea to save some money in the early stage. No distraction too.
      I have to work at home as I love having three monitors, increase my productivity.

      I have 3 parting words "BUILD YOUR LIST' and the money will follow.
      Thanks, I will buy aweber soon

      No work hard only Work Smart=)
      It is probably just me, for me it seems more humble to SAY working hard and smart....it seems you can read my mind....
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      • Profile picture of the author akazzz
        Use your salary to outsource 90% of your IM work.

        That's the best advice I can give you. Most of IMers do not have the luxury to outsource their work from the beginning. Since you have it, just outsource it until you get that consistent income from IM.

        Keep outsourcing until you reach that goal. and you can choose to continue with your job and IM (double-income) or IM only (single income, IM lifestyle)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5537860].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JForsberg
          Hey Andrew.

          I got some tips & ideas for you regarding IM. I've tried to send a PM, but got blocked due to lacking post count. Could you please send a PM with some contact info (email)?
          I can't leave my email here - once again, lack of post count. Gotta do something about it
          Hope to hear from you,


          Rocking a new project at Kan Leve Uden, focusing on everything for a lovely night.

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  • Profile picture of the author SeoKnightsInc
    I think you must wait for a month so that you will get experience as well as a little more to take the risk.

    Awww!!! that's posted twice !! sorry i cant find a button to delete it.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeoKnightsInc
    I think you must wait or a month so that you can get more experience and can cover more risk. Entering a battle without full preparation can lead to loss
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  • Profile picture of the author kangtj
    Andrew, I think you should consider your decision to quit your job. I think better if you doing IM outside of working hours. After you mastering IM then you may quit your job. Good luck to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author andrew2000
      By the way, my detail plan to make $5,000 is here

      Any weakness in this money making plan, $2,400/mo from 900 MFA pages?

      please share your thought

      Use your salary to outsource 90% of your IM work.
      That's the best advice I can give you. Most of IMers do not have the luxury to outsource their work from the beginning. Since you have it, just outsource it until you get that consistent income from IM.
      Yes, I will outsource the tedious jobs such as backlinking. The automation part I will need to do it myself.

      Could you please send a PM with some contact info (email)?
      Pm sent, thanks

      I think you should consider your decision to quit your job.
      I will try to get 2-3 months break in between job, after securing a future contract, so I will guarantee to have a job after 2-3 months.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5538496].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lane Bowers
      Hey Andrew2000 - it is like this, you will only do what you 'think' you
      can do that is always the case.

      The money you are talking about creating in the next few months is
      is only waiting for you if you see yourself having it.

      In the natural - with your skills - the global market - a creative idea,
      techie stuff.

      See (imagine) how it could be in your own mind and go for it.

      You can have whatever you want - just move toward it. I was on the
      Warrior Special Offer section a bit ago and came across some things
      that would be right up your alley.

      I will not do any blatant plugs here I would suggest going there and
      looking through the post yourself and follow your own intuition.

      Everything | Is | Possible Follow you heart dude and I wish you the best.

      What I am saying is don't listen so much to what others say, folks
      I am not saying that to be rude. Everyone has their own path we will
      help by providing a bit of Encouragement instead of Discouragement.

      Follow your dream it's waiting for you.

      Have a Gd' Day!
      "Brilliance meets you on the road to destiny, direct your actions toward the place you intend to arrive, all will be well with your entire journey." L. L. Bowers 2011′
      Being The Positive Influence Making A Difference Is What Matters Most.
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  • Profile picture of the author accendo
    It's not just savings. You might consider waiting until IM is matching our job income for 6 months. LIke you said, it will be hard to get the real job back if it fails.
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    • Profile picture of the author andrew2000
      Thanks everyone. I will quit my current job for 2 months, after I secured another contract started within 2 months. So, I definitely got a job after 2 month. I will work on IM until my income at least able to pay my minimum expense.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5544115].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author skeedio
        Originally Posted by andrew2000 View Post

        Thanks everyone. I will quit my current job for 2 months, after I secured another contract started within 2 months. So, I definitely got a job after 2 month. I will work on IM until my income at least able to pay my minimum expense.
        That's great news! Good luck!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5544228].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mattryan30
    Yes,the rule of thumb is to never quit your job unless you have another job that is lined up that you are sure will pay the bills. While I think you will most likely do fine in IM,you need to spend some money to make money in Im which necessitates that you have another source of income until you start becoming successful at Internet marketing.

    I think the reason most people give up on IM is because they think they'll make good money in a short amount of time and that isn't always true.In fact its usually because they get sidetracked and do various IM related things instead of sticking to one. The successful marketers that are honest will tell you it takes a good deal of patience and that you need to stick to one thing until you get good at it,then you can move onto other ways to make money off the internet.
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  • Profile picture of the author dugu56
    It's great that you decided not to quit your job but to try it with 2 weeks off.
    Do not push yourself by working up to 16 hours a day as it will cause a burnout for sure. And I am talking from 1st hand experience.
    Work on your future next to your job until you have achieved at least 1/2 of what you wish fore. Good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5552888].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author frankm
    Hi Andrew

    I applaud your spirit, but I think you're right not to quit your job yet!

    Getting to your goal, using the idea of daily incremental daily revenue increases, would mean monthly revenue jumps of:

    February $51.54
    March $382.08
    April $1,006.17
    May $2,029.78
    June $3,240.65
    July $5,000.00

    That gives you a much clearer picture of your targets... and really the question becomes "Can you develop a piece of software in February and sell $51.54 worth of it?"

    If you can do that, then you can probably hit March's target and April's too... and after that it all depends if you've enough dedication to stick with it all the way to the end.

    So I say stick with your goals, but stick with your job for the moment too, you should be able to hit your early targets while still working!

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    • Profile picture of the author andrew2000
      Many thanks for sharing your experience. I think I read too many WSOs, it makes my motivaton soo high.

      I learn so many helpful/useful thought from this thread.

      From the quotes below, I learn that:

      It is possible if I can think outside the box, invent a new tool, discover a new technique.
      It is basically to boldly explore beyond anything that have been done before, that is far beyond the state of the art. That is hard and risky, even for someone with a research background like me.

      It is not realistic, based on the mainstream experience. Yes, I do not need to learn about the internet technology. But I still need to learn the internet marketing business. Anything that work for someone else may not work for me. I will need to find my niche where I can leverage my skillsets to build/add values where there are demands for such values. This will take time, if I have a full time job, I can reduce my risk and use my disposable income to invest.

      Frank noted about scalability, yes, I agree with that. My approach usually, start really small, make sure I understand every details.

      Then the next steps would be scalability
      1. Optimization: improve the performance, more hardware, better software, better techniques, keep monitoring the return of investment (ROI)
      2. Automation: if it can be automated, do it
      3. Outsourcing: if it can not be automated, then try outsourcing, then go to step 1 again

      In all of these steps, I will keep learning.

      Thanks again everyone and good luck.

      February $51.54
      March $382.08
      April $1,006.17
      May $2,029.78
      June $3,240.65
      July $5,000.00
      skeedio:Anything is possible, but I don't think it's realistic to expect to make that much after 6 months.
      watty12:However, I love the post that says something on the lines of "you need to think outside the box" in order to make good money online.
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