The Law of Attraction does not Work.
Yea, yeap. I think I'm over it. From it's inception in 2007, and from the readings of "Think and Grow Rich" to "The Science of getting Rich" - I've delved into and truly believed these practices in their various forms for 5 years now. I've researched stories, and held on to hope merely by reading the stories of other people, their testaments of it's reality, and the like.
I'd love to belive in this stuff, but I am going to be quite honest; It just isn't cutting it for me. In terms of money, women, or anything else. It's just not doing it for me. I've done multiple endless mental experiments on this, and it's never been through.
Do I believe in setting a goal in visualizing it? Absolutely. I think this provides motivation. Do I think that it is brought to you in any way shape or form? Absolutely not. In fact, the only time I've actually had money, is when I busted my ass and worked for it, saved it, and planned for it's inception. Iv'e never had money magially float to me. I've never had things magically come to me.
This is especially true for women. It just never happens. I could visualize a woman and romance and meeting for hours on end, it will never hapen. I have to go out, and use good old fashion charm, time, and sometimes money. I just don't understand how famous others that have perpetuated the business world through time have conclusively passed this on as viable information to the masses. IT's like, how can a book, say there is a "secret" universal power, or "infinate" intelligence that brings things to you?
The only time it seems in life, any changes are made, is when you tell yourself "I'm going to do it." and that's really the only secert, when you have to man up, face the consequences and do hard work. This whole notion of not having to work for anything, (Especially pushed in The Secret) - just bewilders me. Even The Science of getting Rich says you shouldn't be competative, and bargain. But having a competative and bargaining mind is the number 1 tactict successful sales people use. I just don't understand it. I've given so much time and hope, a solid ammount of years into this and I am still broke, single, and unemployed.
Here is another great aspect that is not explained. Any person who generates any type of income has a skill, be it carpentry, woodworking, sales, nurse, doctor, lawyer, investor; it's all skill. The "secret" or Science of getting rich, mentions absolutely nothing of inventing a skill, rendering a service, or planning your life out.
Think and Grow rich talk about having a plan, but that's about it. How can these monetary books talk about thanking God for the riches to be bestowed upon you, yet you are not a productive fucntioning member of society that has absolutely anything to offer?
I'm thinking I should of thrown that book in the trash and went to a trade school back in 2007, I'd probably be somewhere by now.
I'd love to belive in this stuff, but I am going to be quite honest; It just isn't cutting it for me. In terms of money, women, or anything else. It's just not doing it for me. I've done multiple endless mental experiments on this, and it's never been through.
Do I believe in setting a goal in visualizing it? Absolutely. I think this provides motivation. Do I think that it is brought to you in any way shape or form? Absolutely not. In fact, the only time I've actually had money, is when I busted my ass and worked for it, saved it, and planned for it's inception. Iv'e never had money magially float to me. I've never had things magically come to me.
This is especially true for women. It just never happens. I could visualize a woman and romance and meeting for hours on end, it will never hapen. I have to go out, and use good old fashion charm, time, and sometimes money. I just don't understand how famous others that have perpetuated the business world through time have conclusively passed this on as viable information to the masses. IT's like, how can a book, say there is a "secret" universal power, or "infinate" intelligence that brings things to you?
The only time it seems in life, any changes are made, is when you tell yourself "I'm going to do it." and that's really the only secert, when you have to man up, face the consequences and do hard work. This whole notion of not having to work for anything, (Especially pushed in The Secret) - just bewilders me. Even The Science of getting Rich says you shouldn't be competative, and bargain. But having a competative and bargaining mind is the number 1 tactict successful sales people use. I just don't understand it. I've given so much time and hope, a solid ammount of years into this and I am still broke, single, and unemployed.
Here is another great aspect that is not explained. Any person who generates any type of income has a skill, be it carpentry, woodworking, sales, nurse, doctor, lawyer, investor; it's all skill. The "secret" or Science of getting rich, mentions absolutely nothing of inventing a skill, rendering a service, or planning your life out.
Think and Grow rich talk about having a plan, but that's about it. How can these monetary books talk about thanking God for the riches to be bestowed upon you, yet you are not a productive fucntioning member of society that has absolutely anything to offer?
I'm thinking I should of thrown that book in the trash and went to a trade school back in 2007, I'd probably be somewhere by now.
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