The Law of Attraction does not Work.

237 replies
Yea, yeap. I think I'm over it. From it's inception in 2007, and from the readings of "Think and Grow Rich" to "The Science of getting Rich" - I've delved into and truly believed these practices in their various forms for 5 years now. I've researched stories, and held on to hope merely by reading the stories of other people, their testaments of it's reality, and the like.

I'd love to belive in this stuff, but I am going to be quite honest; It just isn't cutting it for me. In terms of money, women, or anything else. It's just not doing it for me. I've done multiple endless mental experiments on this, and it's never been through.

Do I believe in setting a goal in visualizing it? Absolutely. I think this provides motivation. Do I think that it is brought to you in any way shape or form? Absolutely not. In fact, the only time I've actually had money, is when I busted my ass and worked for it, saved it, and planned for it's inception. Iv'e never had money magially float to me. I've never had things magically come to me.
This is especially true for women. It just never happens. I could visualize a woman and romance and meeting for hours on end, it will never hapen. I have to go out, and use good old fashion charm, time, and sometimes money. I just don't understand how famous others that have perpetuated the business world through time have conclusively passed this on as viable information to the masses. IT's like, how can a book, say there is a "secret" universal power, or "infinate" intelligence that brings things to you?

The only time it seems in life, any changes are made, is when you tell yourself "I'm going to do it." and that's really the only secert, when you have to man up, face the consequences and do hard work. This whole notion of not having to work for anything, (Especially pushed in The Secret) - just bewilders me. Even The Science of getting Rich says you shouldn't be competative, and bargain. But having a competative and bargaining mind is the number 1 tactict successful sales people use. I just don't understand it. I've given so much time and hope, a solid ammount of years into this and I am still broke, single, and unemployed.

Here is another great aspect that is not explained. Any person who generates any type of income has a skill, be it carpentry, woodworking, sales, nurse, doctor, lawyer, investor; it's all skill. The "secret" or Science of getting rich, mentions absolutely nothing of inventing a skill, rendering a service, or planning your life out.

Think and Grow rich talk about having a plan, but that's about it. How can these monetary books talk about thanking God for the riches to be bestowed upon you, yet you are not a productive fucntioning member of society that has absolutely anything to offer?
I'm thinking I should of thrown that book in the trash and went to a trade school back in 2007, I'd probably be somewhere by now.
#attraction #law #work
  • Profile picture of the author Riggs
    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    IT's like, how can a book, say there is a "secret" universal power, or "infinate" intelligence that brings things to you?
    It can because its content orientates metaphysics. And since metaphysics is a philosophical invention with no connection to real physics, either quantum or classical, Rhonda Byrne can pretty much say whatever she wants and there is no scientific way to respond to it.

    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    I'm thinking I should of thrown that book in the trash and went to a trade school back in 2007, I'd probably be somewhere by now.
    That would have been a good call. Judging by your comments, I'm guessing you're not generally healthier or wealthier than anybody else after what you've read, in fact you're probably poorer by the price of the book you've bought that's referenced you the law you speak of.

    Just count yourself lucky Rhonda Byrne doesn't also sell WSOs.
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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      I am in good health; but that is because I have always enjoyed working out and eating healthy at a young age. Setting health goals has kept me in the right frame of mind. In fact, setting and visualize goals will keep you in the right frame of mind (At least for me it does) - however, I have to consciously RUN that 3 miles, and choose to EAT healthyful foods in otder to maintain health. I also have to consciously READ about what promotes good health and what does not, (eat less meat, more fruts and vegtables, ect) .

      Sitting around, visualizing good health WILL NOT DO T. It will only gve me a bit of motivation, the rest is application. I mean, I know this sounds like common sense, but you would not beleve some of the claims these teachers tell you; that you can have energy and health just by "believing" you have it; I mean, come oe. Exercise and healthy diet increases your energy, (And lots of sleep) - NOT "thinking about having energy."

      Sorry, I am just very very very feeling, a bitcheated, and wish I hadn't fallen for this hokey pokey stu.

      Information, planning, and aplication is power. I just wish I didn't waste so many years off and on not adhering to common sense. I want to believe in these things, I really do, however, like I said before, it is sad that so many promote this, and when I consciously chose to persue knowledge of wealth, a lot of these metaphysical books are tossed around. You would think more practical applications (4 day work week / money mastery) - would be in the spectrum of knwoeldge, but.. Guess not.
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      • Profile picture of the author mikelukjaniec
        It sounds to me you're a little overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Last year I attended a 3-day Internet Marketing seminar in London and one of the speakers said that all the most successful people in life have mentors. The main reason he gave was that they clear away the fog and bring clarity to your thinking! My recommendation - Hang onto those books because they may be useful yet!

        Affiliate links are not allowed.

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        • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
          LOA has worked for me, but not without some action on my part.

          There was this one Saturday a couple of months ago when I really needed $600 for something very important. I focused on that amount of money I needed and I told myself I was going to get it. I fully believed I was going to get it.

          I made the $600 that weekend, and it only took about 10 minutes of action on my part and that was in the writing and the placement of an ad.

          the belief part is the hardest part of LOA...most of us have a hard time believing that some things are possible.

          I now know, without any doubts whatsoever, that anything is possible.
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          • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
            Originally Posted by Karen Blundell View Post

            LOA has worked for me, but not without some action on my part.

            There was this one Saturday a couple of months ago when I really needed $600 for something very important. I focused on that amount of money I needed and I told myself I was going to get it. I fully believed I was going to get it.

            I made the $600 that weekend, and it only took about 10 minutes of action on my part and that was in the writing and the placement of an ad.

            the belief part is the hardest part of LOA...most of us have a hard time believing that some things are possible.

            I now know, without any doubts whatsoever, that anything is possible.

            You said you "Made" the $600 that weekend. Yes, you had to "Write" and then place the "Ad" - I'm also assuming it was something that you sold; you can't get $600 for nothing. Sorry that was not the Law of Attraction, or some metaphysical force bringing $600 to your lap. You took a practical plan, executed it, and got results.

            Like a fool, I watched the "Secret" and meditated on all kinds of things. Money, thousands of dollars, romance. I've done those things for hours on end, months at a time. Nothing was ever brought to me. Even when I took action like "The Science of Getting Rich" talks about; was when things happened, and even then, things only happened to the ammount of work I put into it. Had nothing to do with things being brought to me. The more I worked, the more money I had. Ect.

            These books also emphasize lack of effort, and things will easily be brought unto you. (lol) - If I want health, I must EXERCISE; which takes Hard work and effot. Sometimes to start a business or sell a product you must work HOURS on that product or business and refine it. The secrets / Law of ATtraction whole premise of things come to you Easily is false. Tribes would never have to go out and "Hunt" for food, or store things for winter. Animals would never have to hunt all day for food. People would never have to work again and could just imagine things being brought to them.
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            • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
              Originally Posted by MarkMilan View Post

              Believers in psychokinesis use a similar argument. They simply didn't believe strong enough, therefore respectable scientists like Susan Blackmore cannot recreate paranormal phenomena or document it occuring.

              I think it's too simplistic to suggest that whether you achieve something is solely a matter of belief or visualising it clearly.
              You crack open a beer and sit around waiting for money to fall, "expecting" (of course, not really) it to work, then get nothing... that's what you get. Nothing. No scientific data needed for that.

              Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

              Challenge offered.
              I'm gonna be brutally honest with you.

              Considering how many counter-responses you posted, I think you're deadset against anyone trying to help you, or your mentality. This isn't about proving some metaphysical theory. You've had several posts here trying to help you, and so far, you've essentially pushed every last one of them away. Every post of yours that I see in this thread, is rigid, rigid, RIGID.

              Forget "proving" whether LOA works or not. YOU NEED HELP. And you're not letting anyone help you. You've put so much energy into the negative events in your life, and you're looking backward instead of forward. I don't know how much of it has passed, or what you're still dealing with.

              But if you wanna dose of someone else's dark past, you got it.

              Two years ago I had my business literally ripped out of my hands. Family? For a long time I had a love/hate relationship with both my siblings, my parents weren't there for me (for different reasons). I've been through betrayal, extortion, I've had a congregation turned against me because I dared speak out against a sociopathic priest (and when people finally figured him out, no one had the balls to admit I was right), I survived a so-called boyfriend who was abusive on all levels (including sexual), who left SEVERE scarring, both physical and psychological. It took a f*cking LONG ASS TIME to come to terms with everything, to learn from what happened, to heal the wounds, but you know what??

              I DID IT.

              It was an ACT OF WILL to do it, and you know what? I DID IT.

              How? I came to point in my life where Things Had to Change. Yes, there was some dark sh*t I had no control over. But the healing process perhaps took longer than it should've, because hell, I kept reliving it in my mind instead of moving forward. There were a few points in my life where I felt myself succumbing to vengeance, until I realized it was destroying me from the inside out. Vengeance was my focus, vengeance was all I saw, vengeance was all I attracted.

              UNTIL I REALIZED IT WASN'T WORKING. So, I changed.

              It took a lot of deep thinking. I mean, a LOT. And I couldn't sit around waiting for healing balls of white light either. I had to work off the energy. So what did I do? I literally worked off the energy. I got my ass to the gym. I noticed I felt physically better. I channeled the rage into the treadmill. I lost weight. I didn't need as much caffeine. I got a clearer head. Once the excess was gone, I did a lot of processing on my own, as well as with a few close friends.

              Could that have happened had I made the Change in my Mind to do so? Short answer: No. I turned Vengeance away. I allowed more positive things to come to me. I made a point of noticing my true friends, and taking care of THEM instead of looking to them to take care of me.

              In other words, instead of sitting on my ass thinking, so when's this f*ckin ball of positivity gonna fall into my lap, how can I bring positivity to those around me? Oh yeah, it's also an act of service. You know, doing things out of the goodness of your heart, without expectation in return. And no, don't give me "well I gave Tom Dick and Harry $200 when they needed it but none of them ever paid me back." No. I'm talking about doing something out of kindness, and that kindness alone makes you feel good.

              From everything I've seen in your thread, you're so entrenched in your own negativity that you can no longer see the forest for the trees... or should I say, the stinking swamp mire for what it is.

              Get out of your head. Go do some volunteering. Go help someone who needs it more than you do. Don't expect anything in return, just do it because you know you'll get a good feeling in your heart when you do it.

              That's my challenge. I dare you. It's an Act of Will to change what goes on inside your head. That's the Law of Attraction. It's not some ethereal faucet you turn on and off. It's there, like particles in a light wave. Just do it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, make a point of giving yourself, and try bringing in more love by giving it. But first, you have to take that stand.

              Then maybe, just maybe, you'll feel better, and have more clarity when you ask yourself, What is your INTENT?

              In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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              • Profile picture of the author MarkMilan
                Originally Posted by Emily Meeks View Post

                You crack open a beer and sit around waiting for money to fall, "expecting" (of course, not really) it to work, then get nothing... that's what you get. Nothing. No scientific data needed for that.
                I agree with you. My point is that it isn't necessarily right to say that darkwoods didn't succeed because he didn't believe he would get that big pile of money. Maybe he did truly believe and that wasn't enough for him. Given what he's said in this thread, he seems to have tried pretty darn hard to believe.

                I don't doubt the law of attraction works for some people. But that doesn't mean it works for everyone. And it certainly doesn't mean that when it doesn't work, it's because it wasn't applied correctly.

                I'm inclined to think most testimonials for the law of attraction are post hoc reasoning -- assuming that sequentiality implies causality. "I started trying to use the law of attraction, then I had some success, therefore the success is because of the law of attraction."

                The same fallacy is used when explaining why someone hasn't had success: "They claimed to use the law of attraction, but didn't have any success, therefore they didn't use the law of attraction properly." All other factors are ignored.
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              • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
                Originally Posted by Emily Meeks View Post

                You crack open a beer and sit around waiting for money to fall, "expecting" (of course, not really) it to work, then get nothing... that's what you get. Nothing. No scientific data needed for that.

                I'm gonna be brutally honest with you.

                Considering how many counter-responses you posted, I think you're deadset against anyone trying to help you, or your mentality. This isn't about proving some metaphysical theory. You've had several posts here trying to help you, and so far, you've essentially pushed every last one of them away. Every post of yours that I see in this thread, is rigid, rigid, RIGID.

                Forget "proving" whether LOA works or not. YOU NEED HELP. And you're not letting anyone help you. You've put so much energy into the negative events in your life, and you're looking backward instead of forward. I don't know how much of it has passed, or what you're still dealing with.

                But if you wanna dose of someone else's dark past, you got it.

                Two years ago I had my business literally ripped out of my hands. Family? For a long time I had a love/hate relationship with both my siblings, my parents weren't there for me (for different reasons). I've been through betrayal, extortion, I've had a congregation turned against me because I dared speak out against a sociopathic priest (and when people finally figured him out, no one had the balls to admit I was right), I survived a so-called boyfriend who was abusive on all levels (including sexual), who left SEVERE scarring, both physical and psychological. It took a f*cking LONG ASS TIME to come to terms with everything, to learn from what happened, to heal the wounds, but you know what??

                I DID IT.

                It was an ACT OF WILL to do it, and you know what? I DID IT.

                How? I came to point in my life where Things Had to Change. Yes, there was some dark sh*t I had no control over. But the healing process perhaps took longer than it should've, because hell, I kept reliving it in my mind instead of moving forward. There were a few points in my life where I felt myself succumbing to vengeance, until I realized it was destroying me from the inside out. Vengeance was my focus, vengeance was all I saw, vengeance was all I attracted.

                UNTIL I REALIZED IT WASN'T WORKING. So, I changed.

                It took a lot of deep thinking. I mean, a LOT. And I couldn't sit around waiting for healing balls of white light either. I had to work off the energy. So what did I do? I literally worked off the energy. I got my ass to the gym. I noticed I felt physically better. I channeled the rage into the treadmill. I lost weight. I didn't need as much caffeine. I got a clearer head. Once the excess was gone, I did a lot of processing on my own, as well as with a few close friends.

                Could that have happened had I made the Change in my Mind to do so? Short answer: No. I turned Vengeance away. I allowed more positive things to come to me. I made a point of noticing my true friends, and taking care of THEM instead of looking to them to take care of me.

                In other words, instead of sitting on my ass thinking, so when's this f*ckin ball of positivity gonna fall into my lap, how can I bring positivity to those around me? Oh yeah, it's also an act of service. You know, doing things out of the goodness of your heart, without expectation in return. And no, don't give me "well I gave Tom Dick and Harry $200 when they needed it but none of them ever paid me back." No. I'm talking about doing something out of kindness, and that kindness alone makes you feel good.

                From everything I've seen in your thread, you're so entrenched in your own negativity that you can no longer see the forest for the trees... or should I say, the stinking swamp mire for what it is.

                Get out of your head. Go do some volunteering. Go help someone who needs it more than you do. Don't expect anything in return, just do it because you know you'll get a good feeling in your heart when you do it.

                That's my challenge. I dare you. It's an Act of Will to change what goes on inside your head. That's the Law of Attraction. It's not some ethereal faucet you turn on and off. It's there, like particles in a light wave. Just do it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, make a point of giving yourself, and try bringing in more love by giving it. But first, you have to take that stand.

                Then maybe, just maybe, you'll feel better, and have more clarity when you ask yourself, What is your INTENT?

                But you basically affirmed everything I was saying. You took actions and did it all on your own. There was no metaphysical force bringing things to you. If you're saying Being a positive person, and positive peoople will be around you, then you must of watched a different movie, because the movie I watched told me if I think about a Red Corvette it will magically be brought to me. Thats why I say there is no Law of ATtraction.

                No Woman will be brought you by envisioning her.

                NO Big fancy house will be brought to you.

                It wasn't until you started to WORK HARD (Jog on treadmill daily) - get your thoughts together, plan and Execute it is when things changed.
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                • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
                  Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

                  But you basically affirmed everything I was saying. You took actions and did it all on your own. There was no metaphysical force bringing things to you. If you're saying Being a positive person, and positive peoople will be around you, then you must of watched a different movie, because the movie I watched told me if I think about a Red Corvette it will magically be brought to me. Thats why I say there is no Law of ATtraction.

                  No Woman will be brought you by envisioning her.

                  NO Big fancy house will be brought to you.

                  It wasn't until you started to WORK HARD (Jog on treadmill daily) - get your thoughts together, plan and Execute it is when things changed.
                  Congratulations, you missed the entire point of my post.

                  Vengeance attracts vengeance. Love attracts love.

                  Did you see the word "attract" in there? LAW of *ATTRACTION* (imagine that)

                  I give up. You're obviously not privy to anything anyone else has to say to you. Quit blaming something outside yourself for all your problems. You're just using this as an excuse because you're afraid of looking at yourself deep down. But no matter! You won't do it. No one can help you, because you're not willing to help yourself. You wanna stay miserable? Then stay miserable, and keep that misery the hell away from me. After all, misery attracts misery (LOA *AGAIN*)

                  Good luck.

                  In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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                  • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
                    Originally Posted by Emily Meeks View Post

                    Congratulations, you missed the entire point of my post.

                    Vengeance attracts vengeance. Love attracts love.

                    Did you see the word "attract" in there? LAW of *ATTRACTION* (imagine that)

                    I give up. You're obviously not privy to anything anyone else has to say to you. Quit blaming something outside yourself for all your problems. You're just using this as an excuse because you're afraid of looking at yourself deep down. But no matter! You won't do it. No one can help you, because you're not willing to help yourself. You wanna stay miserable? Then stay miserable, and keep that misery the hell away from me. After all, misery attracts misery (LOA *AGAIN*)

                    Good luck.
                    You seem to be eminating some negative energy yourself. I am not "Wailing in my misery" - I am taking a portion of my past, and giving a specific example of how one who holds true "Positive Attracts Positive" just isn't the Case.

                    You say I am afraid of looking at myself deep down. If you read my posts correctly, you would find that is exactly what I did. I meditated on the LOA religiously every morning and night. Now if that is not looking at something deep down, and being a spiritual person, I do not know what is.
                    If the troubles of my past are too much for you to handle, I understand. I sincerely tried the LOA in one of the Worst times of my life and it did not work. The only reason I an bringing all of my past negativity up, is to show an example that; though I focused on my worldly desires and dreams nothing happened.

                    You are saying that "I am not wanting to be helped" - I offered a Challenge, and am giving a testimony of my results. If my life problems are bringing you down, you don't have to read about them. I understand if you can't handle it. But the fact of the matter remains; thinking positive thoughts will not bring people into your life.

                    I am a testament to this. I thought positive with grandiose dreams and plans and it did not change the ammount of people in my life nor did it have any effect on the outside physical world. I should of taken a more realistic approach to my goals rather then listen to "The Secret" and those theories of supposed Quantum Physics that we effect the world around us.

                    But by your logic, something attracted you to my post and to try and convince me of something that is non-existent, correct? I am sorry your efforts did not succeed.
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                    • Profile picture of the author zannix
                      I have a question for you, darkw00ds - is it more important to you to feel good and enjoy life, or to prove that LOA isn't working and something else is?

                      I mean, how much is that going to really change things? Be sincere with yourself.

                      You're bright, you know that there are people that are happy most of the time, and then there are people who feel like **** most of the time. Coincidence? Come on, really.

                      It has little to do with money. And even less to do with luck. So why put the name tags on things? Whether it be called LOA or something else, there is SOMETHING out there, or else you wouldn't see such a huge difference between people's lives.

                      Emily over there is clearly trying to help you, and she is obviously motivated by *pain*, which is a powerful way to be motivated, and she's definitely achieving. Are you?

                      What do you need to start achieving? Why do you even SEEK magic? Once you are willing to commit yourself to obtaining something, once you set your mind to it, and you are willing to invest EVERYTHING, yes even if it means sweating your balls off, then and only then does the MAGIC kick in. Ever considered that?

                      You mentioned you have earned money, but only once you invested effort. Well, voila! Isn't that great? But you don't have to stop there. There's noone telling you the only way to earn money is to bust your ass doing some crappy job.

                      You could invest that same energy into a well constructed plan, and focus solely on that. Change your approach until it works. There's NO WAY IN HELL that it's not going to pay out if you persist and change your approach. But you gotta have faith. And you gotta be willing to stake it all.

                      Do not seek for magic first. Be willing to invest first. To invest everything. Find a goal worth pursuing, a goal worth putting your best. Once you do that, THEN you will begin to feel the "effect" of magic. Not the other way around, as advertised in The Secret.

                      Personally, I've had my life transformed a couple of months after watching The Secret. It got me hooked on self-development. I had met a GF of my dreams, I started earning money online, I am clearing my 2nd year in college without a single test failed so far (whereas I was a dropout before that), and I got off drugs as well.

                      But the man who truly changed my life was Tony Robbins and his life strategies. I think he's much more down-to-earth guy, and I think you'd love his approach.

                      I wish you all the best,
                      All you can do is all you can do - Art Williams
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                      • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
                        @Xanex good post, do you have any particular Tony Robbins CD's you recommend?

                        Here is a funny thing! I was believing in the Secret in 2008; and attended a "Secret" seminar with speakers from the movie.

                        Tony Robbins was one of those speakers. After the guests from The Secret (Michael Bekwith, and someone else, forgot her name) An interesting note was the speakers from the movie "The Secret" treated the seminar as a Church session. spoke; Tony robbins came out.

                        He said something to the effect of "It's nice to believe in the secret and all, but you need to have practical solutions to your situation" - In other words, I interpereted it as; stop dreaming and start doing. He was very practical, talked about mind tricks and mind states, and taking action, rather then "The universe bringing things to you."
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                        • Profile picture of the author Jomuli3
                          Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

                          @Xanex good post, do you have any particular Tony Robbins CD's you recommend?

                          Here is a funny thing! I was believing in the Secret in 2008; and attended a "Secret" seminar with speakers from the movie.

                          Tony Robbins was one of those speakers. After the guests from The Secret (Michael Bekwith, and someone else, forgot her name) An interesting note was the speakers from the movie "The Secret" treated the seminar as a Church session. spoke; Tony robbins came out.

                          He said something to the effect of "It's nice to believe in the secret and all, but you need to have practical solutions to your situation" - In other words, I interpereted it as; stop dreaming and start doing. He was very practical, talked about mind tricks and mind states, and taking action, rather then "The universe bringing things to you."
                          I am glad you have got the point. The universe will not directly and effortlessly bring to us everything we see during visualization. The universe will avail us OPPORTUNITIES we could not see. It is then our task to plan to attain our goals by using those opportunities ( read " Think and Grow Rich " by Napoleon Hill )

                          In visualizing, there are two stages involved. There is a point where you see yourself doing the final touches and another when you sit back with close associates feeling the joy of your accomplishment. In the first visualization you see yourself taking ACTION. When the opportunity avails itself through the LOA you take action too. The LOA does not say there is no action required!

                          I agree with you that the LOA is difficult to practise. We, firstly, have to know how to access the subconscious mind. We then have to be persistent in doing our meditation. Most self development books,however, talk little or unconvincingly about how to access the subconscious mind. This lack of essential knowledge, as a result, hinders us from attaining our hearts' desires.
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                    • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
                      Patronization, really? WOW. I had no idea that you apparently sit on such a high cloud. Excuse me while I bow down to you.

                      You know what? Yeah, was a tad irritated. Came back into this thread to see what anyone else had to say... a lot of people have had something substantial to say, and so far all I see from you is isolating yourself more and more.

                      Condescending and self-righteous as well as closeminded. Do you feel proud of yourself?

                      But you're right. By my own logic, it was a waste of time talking to you. My point still stands - you're not receptive to anyone or anything aside from your own knowledge, and you have the nerve to condescend to other people. Why was I here today? Learned something - my energy is better spent around those who emit positivity, and with you, that's apparently one giant void.

                      So yes, was attracted to reiterate that point. Been thinking about that lately, actually. Recently renounced someone who turned out to be very negative in my life because of it. WHY... turn my efforts on someone, share with someone who obviously doesn't want to be shared to, when my time is worth far more than that?

                      So continue living life on a pedestal and reject anyone with new insights to offer you.

                      I have no more time for you. I have a business to run.

                      In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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                      • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
                        Originally Posted by Emily Meeks View Post

                        Patronization, really? WOW. I had no idea that you apparently sit on such a high cloud. Excuse me while I bow down to you.

                        You know what? Yeah, was a tad irritated. Came back into this thread to see what anyone else had to say... a lot of people have had something substantial to say, and so far all I see from you is isolating yourself more and more.

                        Condescending and self-righteous as well as closeminded. Do you feel proud of yourself?

                        But you're right. By my own logic, it was a waste of time talking to you. My point still stands - you're not receptive to anyone or anything aside from your own knowledge, and you have the nerve to condescend to other people. Why was I here today? Learned something - my energy is better spent around those who emit positivity, and with you, that's apparently one giant void.

                        So yes, was attracted to reiterate that point. Been thinking about that lately, actually. Recently renounced someone who turned out to be very negative in my life because of it. WHY... turn my efforts on someone, share with someone who obviously doesn't want to be shared to, when my time is worth far more than that?

                        So continue living life on a pedestal and reject anyone with new insights to offer you.

                        I have no more time for you. I have a business to run.
                        I am not trying to anger you. I think it is actually kind of cute because you are getting so hostile. As my nephew likes to say, "Calm down baby, have a peice of Cheese." But if my reality bothers you I suggest you do not continue reading about it. -*wink wink* - I am only giving my own personal testiomny to putting these things into action.

                        I respect, and like your attitude. At least you are speaking with emotion and rawness. I like that. So far a lot of my answers have basically regurgitated lines from all the books I read. While I appreciate and would love to adopt their mentallity, maybe my vibrations are not resonating the same with some of these people?

                        "I.E. I can't believe in this because it's not working!"

                        "But it's been 5 years and still.. nothing!"

                        "But It's not working!!"


                        LOL, So you think you can see my frustration?

                        Yes, I am frustrated. I first watched the Secret in 2007. I first read Think and Grow rich in 2007. I read The Science of Getting Rich in 2008. I can honestly say not much has changed since then.

                        Think and Grow Rich at least stresses the importance of having a Plan. I wish I had more of a planning mind, then a manifesting mindset. I would have accomplished so much more and gotten more done probably.

                        I believe if you set a goal have a plan to walk that goal, you're making progress. But I think that's all you really can do, is make progress. This is basically not about, me trying to change your beliefs, or rejectins yours, I am giving my own testimony about certain books that didn't work for me.
                        Let me be Clear, Think and Grow Rich is a useful book.

                        I think if you clear your mind and think of ideas to put into action, and use Autosuggestion you will change your habits and form your life. But unlike "The Secret" or "THe science of getting rich" - I do not believe that visualizing $10,000 in my hand, or a Red Corvette, or a Beautiful Hot woman in my Room is going to stimulate the atomic cells around me to bring it to me.

                        I seriously wish I could beleive in that stuff, I really would love to; no doubt. I honestly truley deep in the bottom of my heart put all of my faith into believing things like that would happen. It never did, and it was my fault for not being realistic with myself. FOr looking at the world for what it is, planning, and taking effective action.

                        I am still sort of standing inbetween wanting to believe and not wanting to believe in it. Should I be realistic with myself, look at the world for what is, a place of healath wealth and abundance, and also a place of sickness poverty and death?

                        Maybe I have come here to give it one last shot and learn from other peoples stories, be it manifesting a cup of Coffee, or the Hot babe they've always dreamed about.

                        Or should I just look at the world as a place of Health wealth and abundance.

                        I can dream all my dreams, and put out all the Resumes I want, and apply at all the places I want; but if my Car breaks down, there comes a time when I have to pull my head out of the clouds, and take it to the mechanic. Ya know?

                        Anyway I'm probably sounding like a Broken Record by this point. I've said a lot of what I've had to say. I still welcome more points on this ongoing discussion. My challenge is still open for some friendly debate. I find it edifying and stimulating to question things; I am in no way shape or form promoting pessemissm, I am just trying to get to the bottom of this. "LAw of Attraction" mentallity that is prevelant among success orientated people.
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            • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
              Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

              You said you "Made" the $600 that weekend. Yes, you had to "Write" and then place the "Ad" - I'm also assuming it was something that you sold; you can't get $600 for nothing. Sorry that was not the Law of Attraction, or some metaphysical force bringing $600 to your lap. You took a practical plan, executed it, and got results.
              yes, but often times when you sell something, it doesn't sell. Was it just dumb luck,then? Maybe. But luck is something that you can attract, simply by believing in your ability to attract good luck to you. Often times luck finds you when you listen to your own intuition.

              But the law of attraction doesn't just work by wishing. Here's how it works: desire+belief+allowing+inspired action=outcome manifested
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            • Profile picture of the author sadneck
              Really great post darkw00ds! I have to say, I watched the movie "The Secret", (which is basically a documentary on the secret all powerful people have used according to the movie and the secret is the law of attraction.)

              One part in the movie said, "The kid who wishes for the bike and visualizes it and goes to bed every night dreaming of it will get it, while the kid who gives up will never get the bike."

              I think this is the important point. It is not a 1 + 1 = 2 equation, but more of a 1 + ? = 2 equation.

              What I am trying to say is, one thing does not necessarily lead to the other, but it does not hurt the kid to dream and draw pictures of his wish. Sure, 99 kids out of a 100 can draw pictures to they are blue in the face, but the 1 kid will have his parents notice the picture and come birthday time BAM! There is the bike...

              As you have said, it should be used as motivation and visualization only, not as a one thing leads to another GUARANTEED method of success.

              The question mark in the above equation is made of hard work and random luck, (and hard work and random luck are quantifiable.) Does the kid draw 1 picture or does he cover his parents !&$%$ house with bike pictures? haha...

              You know what I mean...

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            • Profile picture of the author Walter Parrish
              Many fail at it, because they don't realize 1 Thing.

              The LOA is like clearing the road. The work you put behind it is like that car moving down the cleared road. You need both to be successful.
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            • Profile picture of the author John D
              If you do the math, you'll come to realize that "The Secret", "Think and Grow Rich", and the various other books along those lines have one thing in common.

              It's mindset! That's the secret, if you want shall have it.

              In "Think and Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill emphasizes that their is no such thing as something for nothing. You have to give something to get something.

              I know that the idea of the law of attraction is to site around and think and focus on what you want. I guess you missed, the underlying reality. Your thoughts are only half the equation, you HAVE TO ALSO TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!

              What comes along with having the proper mindset to achieve a goal, you start doing things to become more valuable. You start doing things that change the way you look at and react to adversity. You become better, you attract better things to you. It's only natural...

              I found that the only person that was standing in the way of success was myself. Once I got out of my own way, and killed my ego...things started happening.

              However, whether you say you can or you can't. Either way you're right.
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            • Profile picture of the author holleythompson
              law of attraction seemed too good to be true. i also read that book a long long time ago. i was trying to understand, trying to inject physics into it. even tried to do it for quite some time. i cut out pictures and pasted in on a notebook i look at for hours a day before i begin each day. but its taking up my time. im not saying its not a good things to do but i wasnt motivated. i mean, you cant just cutout pictures from anywhere and believe its gonna happen someday when you think about it everyday. its gonna work if i do it while working or doing something productive that'll make it happen.
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      • Profile picture of the author phuzzled
        Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

        Sorry, I am just very very very feeling, a bitcheated, and wish I hadn't fallen for this hokey pokey stu.

        Information, planning, and application is power. I just wish I didn't waste so many years off and on not adhering to common sense.
        You sound like you are beating yourself for having a bloody good epiphany.

        Understand that there are people out there who die never realising the importance of ACTION. If someone locks themselves in their bedroom and follows "the secret" and send out all the best intentions into the universe, it is going to equate for squat in the scheme of things unless there is movement behind it... why? because there is power in synergistic action. (Okay, I know i'm probably asking for flaming from those that worship water pixies and the like... I respect the power of thought, however you need some response-ability when it comes to creating results in your life if you hope it to go the direction YOU choose.)

        Your question shouldn't be "why was I so silly?". It would be better to ask yourself "what have I learned from this, and how can I turn this into empowerment?".

        You answered it yourself: "Information, planning, and application is power"

        ... Action!
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Solomon
        IT's like, how can a book, say there is a "secret" universal power, or "infinate" intelligence that brings things to you?
        Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

        I mean, I know this sounds like common sense, but you would not beleve some of the claims these teachers tell you; that you can have energy and health just by "believing" you have it; I mean, come oe.
        Well, let's just say books and teachers making such claims have been around for a long time and well, supposedly a few BILLION people live their lives by them.

        "What things soever ye desire when ye pray believe that ye receive them,
        and ye shall have them."
        Mark 11:24

        "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
        Matthew 11:22

        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought."

        Yet how many truly believe?

        Did YOU ever truly believe?

        And important to understand in this context is that the exact opposite of belief is not dis-belief (which is a sort of belief in itself) but DOUBT.

        You may be able to fake it til you make it, but can never truly make it, as long as you're just faking it.

        Intellectual conviction means nothing, has no effect - other than maybe motivating you to fake it toward making it.

        What do you truly believe deep inside of you?

        And isn't what you truly, deeply believe not EXACTLY what you still experience in your life?

        Changing our central beliefs and world view - and nothing less is required to be able to consciously "work with the Father" - is not quick and easy, WANTING to believe is not enough - but that doesn't mean that that's not how the entire universe functions.

        [and yes, of course action is very important at our current stage of development - as all great teachers such as Wallace Wattles make clear - but the quality of your actions will always be but a reflection of your deeply held beliefs, apart from individual actions in moments of heightened, but temporary states of awareness]
        “There is a SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH, and it is an exact science ... those who do things in this certain way ... get rich, while those who do not ... remain poor.”
        - Wallace D. Wattles

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  • Profile picture of the author avacairns
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    • Profile picture of the author VipsK
      Wow, you really are fed up aren't you! I can understand that too if you have put your faith in what those books tell you to do and nothing has come of it.
      I also know like you that getting somewhere/someone/something in life is not just about thinking about it. You have to ACTIVELY go and get it.
      Strangely enough common sense is not so common anymore, people do not care what they do or say to others, they even lie to get that sale/job/woman etc. Responsibility for ones own action is also lacking in this day and you can see why you lost sight of common sense...there is not much of it left.
      Now that you have opened your eyes I am pretty sure you will be fine :-)

      All the best
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      • Profile picture of the author Lin Raj
        I feel law of attraction do work .I have felt it many times personally.But it works where you don't have even a trace of doubt in its accomplishment.And it is true if you don't have a step by step manual i.e.a clear vision of the goal and the path of its fulfillment then u will always have doubt about it.We get a clear vision by doing creative visualisation.If u want to test it u can test it for some small things like meeting ur mom etc.But remember u have to deeply realise it without a trace of doubt.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    I am 43, and I have known about the law of attraction since I was a boy. My old man gave me a book about it when I was like 13 or so (my memory falters...boy I'm getting old). It works big time, at least for me.

    But I don't approach any book/guru with the idea of throwing away principles that I've had ingrained in me since I was a child. Why would anyone not want to work!! I have used it to accelerate how fast I get some stuff. The last time I did it, it worked so fast, it was almost uncanny. And it works all the time. You used it, even in the post you wrote above -
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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Originally Posted by Michael Newman View Post

      I am 43, and I have known about the law of attraction since I was a boy. My old man gave me a book about it when I was like 13 or so (my memory falters...boy I'm getting old). It works big time, at least for me.

      But I don't approach any book/guru with the idea of throwing away principles that I've had ingrained in me since I was a child. Why would anyone not want to work!! I have used it to accelerate how fast I get some stuff. The last time I did it, it worked so fast, it was almost uncanny. And it works all the time. You used it, even in the post you wrote above -
      Can you explain this?

      I don't really consider it the Law of attraction. It it assumed that if you visualize a certain job you increase your likely-hood of getting it. Well I consider that "planning." - before you must get that job, you must be
      1.) Qualified
      2.) Have the appropriate skills in that particular job.

      I would like an explanation of how this worked for you.
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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

        Can you explain this?

        I don't really consider it the Law of attraction. It it assumed that if you visualize a certain job you increase your likely-hood of getting it. Well I consider that "planning." - before you must get that job, you must be
        1.) Qualified
        2.) Have the appropriate skills in that particular job.
        Well since you haven't had success with this, the opinion of what you do or don't consider something is irrelevant right? Just because someone starts a business and it fails, doesn't mean all businesses fail.

        I don't really care about having a big debate or anything. I also don't really care about the laws of attraction, although I do believe the power of positive thinking is real and that you truly do decide your own path. If you aren't successful, it's your fault... if you are successful it is your fault.

        I think anyone that believes reading a book... and not doing anything but waiting for a big briefcase of money being shipped to you.. is a complete idiot. Of course you have to do something to achieve what you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    I like the saying "when you pray, move your feet".

    It does all work, but you gotta put in a lot of effort!
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    • Profile picture of the author MentorGroup
      You nailed it.

      The other related popular quote is "Faith without works is ____."

      I've yet to see someone get everything they want out of life simply by 'picturing it'

      It's great to start with vision work, and holding a strong vision is key, but it can't stay there alone.

      Originally Posted by brettb View Post

      I like the saying "when you pray, move your feet".

      It does all work, but you gotta put in a lot of effort!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
    Modern science tells us that energy flows where attention goes, which is the energetic principle underpinning the law of attraction.

    Most people missed the other half of the equation. The law of attraction rarely works if you just thing positive thoughts. The second half of the law of attraction tells us that the answer is hidden in plain sight:

    In order to attract, you have to take action. Attract+action=Attraction
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    • Profile picture of the author Salesforce
      I like the split "Attraction=attract+action" and I agree with the statements. We all are made up of matters whose smallest particle is electrone ,which is made of energy and placed in energy levels.This simply says We all (organisms and objects) are different forms of we attract positivity if we are positive.We can feel it by shifting our pt. of view from -ve to +ve for a day.try it out and be happy.BYE...BYE...
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    • Profile picture of the author rrram2
      Very Well said indeed! Thanks!

      Originally Posted by Nic Oliver View Post

      Modern science tells us that energy flows where attention goes, which is the energetic principle underpinning the law of attraction.

      Most people missed the other half of the equation. The law of attraction rarely works if you just thing positive thoughts. The second half of the law of attraction tells us that the answer is hidden in plain sight:

      In order to attract, you have to take action. Attract+action=Attraction
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    • Profile picture of the author NobleSavage
      Originally Posted by Nic Oliver View Post

      Modern science tells us that energy flows where attention goes, which is the energetic principle underpinning the law of attraction.

      Most people missed the other half of the equation. The law of attraction rarely works if you just thing positive thoughts. The second half of the law of attraction tells us that the answer is hidden in plain sight:

      In order to attract, you have to take action. Attract+action=Attraction
      This is complete BS. Science doesn't tell us that energy flows where attention goes. Read a real science book sometime.

      The entire positive-thinking-self-help-mystical-believe-and-achive genera needs to be classified under sci-fi and fantasy.
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  • Profile picture of the author waywrite
    We were talking about this in a group last night and the bottom line is a combination of attitude, gratitude and workatude dude. I see it happen all the time. It is always in addition to what I do, not just what I think. The other day I had a list on my desk for my business. I knew there wasn't time in the day to complete it all myself. I focused on the one job I love, my writing. I was in a really good frame of mind for doing more work after that. Later that day I went to the store and the rest of my list got completed, because I attracted the people into my area who offered to give me everything I needed on my work list. I had never met any of them before.
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  • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
    I am not trying to debunk anyonebody here, or what they believe. I am talking about things being brought here. If we are to work for what we want in life, and set goals; then what is the point of "thinking" they are being brought to you? For example, the anything could be explained by coincidence. Yes, if I have a type of car in my mind, and think about it all the time, my mind naturally will be attracted to different strategies and ways of getting it.

    A lot of you people are claiming that it works but not giving any specific stories that show actual proof. Most of what you said can clearly be explained by circumstance and your own efforts put fourth into the world. I do not believe sitting around thinking positive thoughts consequently allows other positive thoughts to be brought back onto you. If I go around thinking "love" in my mind, it will not get the general public to "Love" me back. But if I tell myself I will have an upbeat, positive attitude toward the population, ne more out-going and talktive, I will recieve it back. Here is another prime example. I was focusing completely on the Law of attraction during a time I obtained a job. I was focusing directly on my goals and qwhat I wanted outof life through mediation everyday. When I got a job, I contributed it to the LOA and lied to myself, saying "Effort" was not needed. I began to live on this plane of less effort, and more visualization. - Indeed money came in, as I worked long hours, but instead of focusing on my job and work more, I focused on goals. I also started to get picked on a little bit by co-workers for no reason. Instead of focusing on defending myself, I focused on my goals and visualization. The result? - Things only got worse. People kept pickign on me at the job, and I wasn't progressing. Did I bring those circumstances into my job? did I bring co-workers into my life to pick on me? These things need to be examined.

    Either way, I still have to put fourth the effort in
    1.) Earning the money to buy the car.
    2.) Searching out the Car online, or through a Sale or auction.
    3.) Purchasing the Car.

    I am going to be practical and realistic with myself. I have also decided to try out an experiment of visualization. I am going to give it one last try. I am going to visualize a very specific occurence in my life, a scene, repeatedly. I am going to do this every night and give it an honest try. The rest of my visualization will be devoted to strategy and planning. But this ONE thing, I am going to just visualize it for the mere feeling. If this one thing does not come true, of if a path to get there does not happen, I am going to go back ot my regular way of thinking; entirely, which is

    1.) Goal
    2.) Knowledge.
    3.) Strategy/Planning
    4.) Application. - That seems to be the only thing that works in life for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
    Again I am not telling you guys to stop believing in the power of LOA, if it makes you a better person or positive person, I am just saying for me, it seems like it encourages to avoid reality and create your own. Hypothetically if my house was being flooded, or I was under attack, or something where to happen that altereted the safety of my life, what would be ideal? Visualize my house not being flooded, or begin to plan out a way to build a make-shift boat? Visualize my home being safe? OR figuring out a self defense mechanism to defend against a would-be attacker.

    I understand a lot of these metaphysical books claim we create our own realities and supposed catastrophes, but I honestly don't think the human species has evolved through 100's of years by not suffering first consequences. Ancestors would be bitten and poisoned by spiders and snakes, giving us the ability to identify which ones are dangerous and to avoid.

    Hailstorms and hurricanes would occur, giving our capacity and thinking brain the ability to develop stronger homes and foundations. The need to go out, gather, and hunt food was necesasry for survival. We couldn't attract "Fruit" to grow, or animals to come kneel down before us and be slain. We had to do the slaying, cooking, gathering, building and all of these things through 100's of years that has built us to the society that we are today.

    The only way I met women, were when I went out, flirted, dated, and charmed. I never "attracted" them to me, and relations ensued. Everything from big or small takes effort. Do I sound retarded here for thining the notion of LOA is completely a farce? I would truly love to believe that; and I am sure so would the linemen who work for the power company, that make so much money..... at the price of risking being shocked by 80,000 watts of Electricity at any given time.

    The question of thngs being brought to you for me, stems merely at the fact that in this universe and world, only effort is rewarded. Only a highly trained doctor is rewarded large sums of money for his years of medical study, and practice. An expert in the ways of finance makes gains for his knowledge of economic factors and investment, and his long hours in application of his knowledge, executng his own "gambles" and reaping the rerwards, and somtimes losing.

    TO me, the importance of "playing the game" of life can't be stressed, and by playing I mean work and effort. AM I crazy for thinking this? Or are th LOA supporters crazy for thinking the avenues can be attracted to you like a ripe fruit, and all you have to do is pick it? In Think and Grow Rich Napolean Hill stresses strategy, goal setting, and having a plan. More practical I would say.
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  • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
    darkwoods, IMHO, everything you are posting is a great example of exactly how the Law of Attraction is working for you.

    You attract exactly that which you believe you will attract. Your life is a perfect example of how everything works with your world view and belief system.

    I always did think it was funny that Rhonda Byrnes called the movie and book "The Secret" because it has been written about for centuries and it was always stated that if this was ever divulged to the populace, it would still remain "unknown" to them.

    So "the secret" is still a secret to most, even those who have read all about it.

    Again, imho.

    Edit: BTW, no where does is say that action is not required.
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  • Profile picture of the author mattryan30
    I think the law of attraction sets you up for a more positive attitude.I have had success following the concepts behind the Secret. It really comes down to how positive thinking plays a role in one's life. If anything it gets you away from negative thinking which caused me so much more grief in life than positive thinking ever did. Negative thinking breed indecisiveness,hurts relationships since people don't want to be around you,and I things are always seeming to get worse.

    I'm actually a Christian,and I don't want to preach to or offend anybody(other religions or atheists) by mentioning it,but being a spiritual person makes me more of a positive person.I know from personal experience positive thinking does work.You do have to try and take action,you can't just do nothing and expect positive results by just thinking things are going to happen by sitting around.I believe there is some truth in the saying "God helps those who help themselves

    One of my stories as to why Positive thinking works is this:I was out of work for over a year after getting laid off from a job making less than $40,000 a year. I was applying all over the place,getting interviews,paid good money to have my resume redone,had a family friend in management promise me a job and still absolutely nothing. I won't go into too detailed specifics but I eventually received a job that some months pays me over 3 times what my last job did.I may work mega overtime some months,but this job is far better than not having one at all. Whats even more to this is that it was a job I hadn't applied to for almost exactly two years!

    The day I got the call I was visualizing all the reasons why I deserve not only a job but a great job.I was comparing myself to a former coworker that has some serious character flaws,but was promoted twice while I was laid off.I knew I deserved better than he did! I won't go much into the religious aspect of this,but this was also the first time I prayed in months.After I finished praying I had so much confidence that I had never felt before that i was going to get a job,all despair and hopelessness went completely out the window.

    I got the call to work about 4 hours after I finished praying and I believe that prayer to God and my positive thinking helped me get this job. Now those who don't believe in God should at least look into the positive thinking side of my story.Some people may say that the Law of Attraction is not compatible with Christianity,but I believe that either God allows this law to happen or its God working directly himself in the matter. Call me naive,idiot,or fool,but I have had enough experiences happen that I can't just chalk to coincidences anymore.

    I have also had a lot of good things come my way,and I didn't take advantage of these because of a negative mindset. I think a lot of people have a lot of favorable opportunities that come their way in life but they pass on them because they don't fully believe in themselves,or doubt the opportunity until its too late. I don't usually share to many personal things to strangers on the net,but hopefully this will encourage somebody on here to either drop their negative thinking or to stay positive.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    Still the law of attraction is a great motivator... It gives hope to a lot of people...Positive thinking works all the time...
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    • Profile picture of the author mllnsgrl

      I think you may have missed an important component of the loa, from my understanding, anyway. And, that is "emotion."

      Reading your first post, I could hear your "frustration," which feeling this particular emotion, will bring about more situations that will be more frustrating, relating to a specific topic.

      Once you move up the emotional scale (and you should do this consciously, deliberately), you'll find the situation will begin to change. Make the effort to move to the next emotion. Working toward the goal is important (when talking about business), but even more important is
      a feeling of ease that everything will flow to you while you're doing some preparation. Any feelings of desperation, or force will bring about more of that.

      Faith feels light as a feather - it's there, but softly, it's a knowing, which takes some practice. Meditation really helps, along with clear visualization, sort of like day dreaming.

      Below is from Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham/Hicks) - they have wonderful video's on youtube.


      emotional scale:

      Joy (where you want to be)
      passion (where you want to be)
      enthusiasm, eagerness, hapiness (where you want to be)
      positive expectation
      frustration, irritation, impatience
      hatred, rage
      insecurity, guilt, unworthiness
      fear, grief, depression, despair, powerlessness

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      • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
        Originally Posted by mllnsgrl View Post


        I think you may have missed an important component of the loa, from my understanding, anyway. And, that is "emotion."

        Reading your first post, I could hear your "frustration," which feeling this particular emotion, will bring about more situations that will be more frustrating, relating to a specific topic.

        Once you move up the emotional scale (and you should do this consciously, deliberately), you'll find the situation will begin to change. Make the effort to move to the next emotion. Working toward the goal is important (when talking about business), but even more important is
        a feeling of ease that everything will flow to you while you're doing some preparation. Any feelings of desperation, or force will bring about more of that.

        Faith feels light as a feather - it's there, but softly, it's a knowing, which takes some practice. Meditation really helps, along with clear visualization, sort of like day dreaming.

        Below is from Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham/Hicks) - they have wonderful video's on youtube.


        emotional scale:

        Joy (where you want to be)
        passion (where you want to be)
        enthusiasm, eagerness, hapiness (where you want to be)
        positive expectation
        frustration, irritation, impatience
        hatred, rage
        insecurity, guilt, unworthiness
        fear, grief, depression, despair, powerlessness
        While I enjoyed this interesting bubbly rhetoric, if one made decisions based truley on how we feel, the foundations of civilizations would crumble. Soldiers would not fight for our freedoms because they didn't "feel" the need to. Construction workers would not wake up to repair the city streets and sewage systems because they did not "feel" like it. For example, I want to do sales, but am afraid of consiously going out and forcing myself to do something I have no skill in. Even though I do not "feel" like doing it, I have to.

        Even when I did practice LOA, and focused on feeling the emotions of "Love" and "Wealth" - during my work days, antagonistic personalities would assault me during work-days, (co-workers) - I was not focusing on it, and would dismiss their energy. It would still persist.

        The only way to stop it wuld be to defend myself from it or ignore it. I still had to focus on solving the matter to get rid of it. Ignoring it and focusing on "Bliss" wasn'tmaking it go away.
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        • Profile picture of the author JasonChoi
          One of the biggest issues I had with the law of attraction (as taught in the Secret) was the fact that it doesn't address our own internal emotional issues.

          I had a hard time getting the law of attraction to work in my favor, until I began addressing a lot of my emotional issues that were preventing me from believing I could get it to work.

          While some people got amazing results with the law of attraction right off the bat, it took me a while before I saw any results, and it had a lot to do with my disbelief, which at the root was based on some deep subconscious negativity.

          Once it was clear was I able to get it to work. So the key for me was to removing negativity until I started to genuinely believe. Abraham-Hicks also says to just focus on the positive, but at the time wasn't so simple. I had to clear a lot of crap to get where I am now, and so when I listen to LoA teachers it suddenly makes sense to me whereas before it didn't.
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        • Profile picture of the author mllnsgrl
          Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

          While I enjoyed this interesting bubbly rhetoric, if one made decisions based truley on how we feel, the foundations of civilizations would crumble. Soldiers would not fight for our freedoms because they didn't "feel" the need to. Construction workers would not wake up to repair the city streets and sewage systems because they did not "feel" like it. For example, I want to do sales, but am afraid of consiously going out and forcing myself to do something I have no skill in. Even though I do not "feel" like doing it, I have to.

          Even when I did practice LOA, and focused on feeling the emotions of "Love" and "Wealth" - during my work days, antagonistic personalities would assault me during work-days, (co-workers) - I was not focusing on it, and would dismiss their energy. It would still persist.

          The only way to stop it wuld be to defend myself from it or ignore it. I still had to focus on solving the matter to get rid of it. Ignoring it and focusing on "Bliss" wasn'tmaking it go away.
          It takes a little time. Have a little self love, and patience. Start to root for yourself, and have faith. Thank your ego for doing it's job of keeping good people away, and let it go. Start to feel you deserve good things (besides money - money is just paper - it's always the feeling that you really want...freedom, acceptance, security, etc.).

          The outer always ='s the inner. Your reality is a manifestation of your subconscious.

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      • Profile picture of the author tlajeune
        Originally Posted by mllnsgrl View Post


        I think you may have missed an important component of the loa, from my understanding, anyway. And, that is "emotion."

        Reading your first post, I could hear your "frustration," which feeling this particular emotion, will bring about more situations that will be more frustrating, relating to a specific topic.

        Once you move up the emotional scale (and you should do this consciously, deliberately), you'll find the situation will begin to change. Make the effort to move to the next emotion. Working toward the goal is important (when talking about business), but even more important is
        a feeling of ease that everything will flow to you while you're doing some preparation. Any feelings of desperation, or force will bring about more of that.

        Faith feels light as a feather - it's there, but softly, it's a knowing, which takes some practice. Meditation really helps, along with clear visualization, sort of like day dreaming.

        Below is from Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham/Hicks) - they have wonderful video's on youtube.


        emotional scale:

        Joy (where you want to be)
        passion (where you want to be)
        enthusiasm, eagerness, hapiness (where you want to be)
        positive expectation
        frustration, irritation, impatience
        hatred, rage
        insecurity, guilt, unworthiness
        fear, grief, depression, despair, powerlessness
        Liz I think you have covered it all.
        I am 57 years old and have had many things happen in my life which could be coincidence or possibly loa. I think the Abraham Hicks material is very good ( note Jerry passed away in November of last year ). Jerry use to teach the Napoleon Hill material but found that though he taught the course not everyone seemed to succeed.
        I believe when you begin to be aware of what you are thinking, not endless chants of positiveness that is the key. Your emotions really help to guide you along.

        Finding out what works for you is the key that everyone is looking for and staying in your house and waiting for someone to make it better is not the answer. I like what race drivers say when they are spinning out of control and heading towards the wall. The last place you want to look is at the wall. I think challenges in life are like that, look at where you want to go and not where you are.

        Great reply Liz and good explaination on your thoughts Darkw00ds
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      • Profile picture of the author Michela
        Originally Posted by mllnsgrl View Post


        I think you may have missed an important component of the loa, from my understanding, anyway. And, that is "emotion."

        Reading your first post, I could hear your "frustration," which feeling this particular emotion, will bring about more situations that will be more frustrating, relating to a specific topic.

        Once you move up the emotional scale (and you should do this consciously, deliberately), you'll find the situation will begin to change. Make the effort to move to the next emotion. Working toward the goal is important (when talking about business), but even more important is
        a feeling of ease that everything will flow to you while you're doing some preparation. Any feelings of desperation, or force will bring about more of that.

        Faith feels light as a feather - it's there, but softly, it's a knowing, which takes some practice. Meditation really helps, along with clear visualization, sort of like day dreaming.

        Below is from Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham/Hicks) - they have wonderful video's on youtube.


        emotional scale:

        Joy (where you want to be)
        passion (where you want to be)
        enthusiasm, eagerness, hapiness (where you want to be)
        positive expectation
        frustration, irritation, impatience
        hatred, rage
        insecurity, guilt, unworthiness
        fear, grief, depression, despair, powerlessness
        Perhaps you can utilize the emotional scale as detailed above, and which wasn't really commented on in this thread.

        Attraction is a full time thing. Meditating on it at night when you've been frustrated, downcast, needy, angry etc during the day is not enough.

        You have to live it, recondition yourself, notice every time you are thinking thoughts, speaking to or about others, in a negative way.

        I too watched The Secret and thought is was inspiring - but just the beginning.

        The movie isn't the law of attraction. It's a movie about it, and skims the power of the law.

        For me, Esther and Jerry Hicks fleshed out where I was at regarding the law. The Secret was never going to do that.

        The most important for me, also from Walace Wattles work ..... Value and gratitude.

        Your feeling of lack of abundance is only relative. Someone somewhere else would be ecstatic to have a car, (to sleep in or not), to have access to clean water (even if it's from public bathrooms), to have any money to buy petrol for that car. You have access to an Internet connection. Lucky you!

        So be grateful for what you have. Be grateful for who you are.

        Practice that, if nothing else.

        Practice gratitude.

        Every time you rail against your circumstances, thank the universe that you are you and have what you have.

        If you don't give thanks for what you DO have now, how can you be open to any more?
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      • Profile picture of the author revgerry
        My experience exactly. Until I do the inner spiritual work, nothing much happens. And of course you have to put in other effort too, but how often did I put in effort before and fall flat on my face. It's not just emotion, though, we get what matches our vibrational level.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    There is no one strategy that will work for everyone it seems.
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    • Profile picture of the author kaidaiah
      After reading your posts, it kind of seems as though you already had a belief that LOA would not work before you even began. You hoped it would work, but kept some doubt lingering in the back of your mind. Although you did attempt to try it, you may not have fully expected it to work for you, so even though you were physically and emotionally trying to apply the principles, you still had doubt in the philosophy itself. If you have any doubts in the philosophy then by nature, it will not work for you. You can't really hide your true intent from because it comes from within.

      Of course I could be totally off-base here and feel free to correct me. But if you really fully believed in this philosophy, would you really differentiate between what you do for yourself and what the universe "gives" you?
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    • Profile picture of the author livagoth
      Originally Posted by Michael55555 View Post

      There is no one strategy that will work for everyone it seems.
      So true...Each person has its own buttons
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  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    Let's put it another way... what you focus on, expands.

    There's a bitter quality to your posts. Focusing on failure, even resentment at those who've succeeded. The Law of Attraction - like attracting like - only manifests anything of benefit if you align your actions with your intentions, without lust of result. Lust of result? The ego's desires that get in the way, the attachment to the outcome. Attachment to the outcome - what if the outcome is feeding myself? I will say YES I AM ATTACHED TO THE OUTCOME OF FEEDING MYSELF. I'm also allowed to be a smartass.

    Considering I live in the States and above the poverty line, I have no fear of it. Yes, I need food to live. I'm also sure that I will eat again tomorrow, as I am that the sun will rise another day.

    Why the food example? It's a part of nature. On the other hand, earning a lot of money (notice I didn't say "make" - EARNING a lot of money) or generally being successful at doing what you love, might not be so second-nature. That's where mindset training comes in, especially if you grew up with negativity or had some pretty traumatic events in your life. Can they be overcome? Short answer: YES.

    Can you overcome negative thought patterns by sitting around, wishing? No... you do have to have the action. However, you haven't mentioned the converse: Plenty of action, but wishing life were somehow different.

    Every decision you've ever made has led you here. Even if one little thing were different, we would not be having this conversation. How do you change the quality of your decisions to avoid self-sabotage? Changing your thinking. It's an Act of Will to do so. Every time you have a thought, you - unconsciously - seek to manifest it through your actions.

    I don't know what your background is. I don't know what you've been from, what your family was like, nothing. But your own success, begins in the mind. Right now, it sounds like your mind (and your life) need a MASSIVE overhaul. You can't attract anything worthwhile into your life unless you know your Intent - not only what it is you ultimately *want* to do, but what you know is your TRUE calling.

    Exercise for you... ask yourself this question, in meditation. Do NOT try to force an answer, whatsoever. Don't overanalyze it, just keep repeating it to yourself:

    What. Is. Your. INTENT?

    In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Originally Posted by Emily Meeks View Post

      Every decision you've ever made has led you here. Even if one little thing were different, we would not be having this conversation. How do you change the quality of your decisions to avoid self-sabotage? Changing your thinking. It's an Act of Will to do so. Every time you have a thought, you - unconsciously - seek to manifest it through your actions.

      I don't know what your background is. I don't know what you've been from, what your family was like, nothing. But your own success, begins in the mind. Right now, it sounds like your mind (and your life) need a MASSIVE overhaul. You can't attract anything worthwhile into your life unless you know your Intent - not only what it is you ultimately *want* to do, but what you know is your TRUE calling.

      This is great common sense. Again, my mindset was to fully believe in the Law of Attraction. See-ing the vision. Letting go of all negative energy. And same results.
      By Personality overhaul, I am assuming you mean throwing out the idea that "Things are brought to you" - (Why is it called the Law of Attraction? - And take Direct GOAL Setting, Planning, and Relentless persistence until actual goal is achieved.

      I re-read Napoleans Think and Grow Rich a bit. And while he assumes there is a "Secret power", he also talks about having a practical plan and following it. I think the whole Secret power nonsense is just focusing on trying to keep people from looking at the Negative aspects of life.
      I'm not saying to focus on negative aspects of life, I'm saying be aware of them. You wouldn't try selling Gas guzzeling vehicles in a bad economy with high gas prices would you?

      You wouldn't try a lawn mowing business in the desert, where no lawns grow, would you? I guess that's my point. You can't "Attract" things to you; if that were the case Pepsi and Coca-Cola wouldn't be spending billions of dollars to get your attention, they would just have mediation sessions visualizing billions of people walking to their vendors.
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      • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
        It never has worked ... You have to work "It"! It's a life style.
        Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
        "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
        "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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      • Profile picture of the author tomokun
        LOL, it cracks me up the way some folks keep implying that because the OP didn't "believe hard enough", that is the reason the LOA doesn't work. Someone else posted on prayer, and a few others keep pointing out this type of "magical thinking".

        This is just nonsense.

        The implication is that there is a "right way" to wish for something to happen and a wrong way.

        The premise of LOA is that by passionately and fervently believing, wishing, and focusing on something that you want, you will attract it into your life.

        We can falsify this premise by demonstrating that fervently believing, wishing, and focusing on something by itself does not guarantee it will appear.

        There are thousands of amputees, mothers of sick and dying children, poverty stricken individuals in third world countries who HAPPILY focus, believe and wish for a better life that NEVER materializes because those opportunities don't exist for them.
        • Amputees never grow back limbs. Not with prayers, not with LOA - maybe they get prosthetics, but you can't honestly say that one amputee wished harder for a prosthetic than another.
        • Do you really think that mothers in Africa that have been repeatedly raped by UN workers and gangsters don't PASSIONATELY wish and pray for a better life?
        • Mothers of children with Cancer, Aids, or other life threatening illnesses - if they aren't passionate about believing and attracting a better future for them and their kids, who is?

        On the other hand, there are plenty of people who stumble onto success, either as an accident of birth or through something that become way more profitable then they ever imagined.

        Case in point: The Accidental Millionaires - Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

        So now that we have determined that "wishing" has no direct correlation to success or failure, can you really say that the LOA works any better than throwing something against the wall while wearing rubber underwear and holding a rabbit's foot?

        Positive thinking is absolutely important - but not necessary.

        Luck is also important - but not necessary.

        Hell, even good ideas are important but not required.

        The formula for success is simple as it is matronly.

        Action begets opportunity.

        Opportunity begets failure or success.

        The more action you take, the more opportunities you create, which increases your chance of success.

        Success and failure fall within a range, so even many successes do not guarantee that they will outweigh even a single failure, and vice versa.

        That is why "luck" is just probability taken personally.

        If you want to consult with me, or see what I offer, check out: or contact me at

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      • Profile picture of the author kimfal
        Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

        This is great common sense. Again, my mindset was to fully believe in the Law of Attraction. See-ing the vision. Letting go of all negative energy. And same results.
        By Personality overhaul, I am assuming you mean throwing out the idea that "Things are brought to you" - (Why is it called the Law of Attraction? - And take Direct GOAL Setting, Planning, and Relentless persistence until actual goal is achieved.

        I re-read Napoleans Think and Grow Rich a bit. And while he assumes there is a "Secret power", he also talks about having a practical plan and following it. I think the whole Secret power nonsense is just focusing on trying to keep people from looking at the Negative aspects of life.
        I'm not saying to focus on negative aspects of life, I'm saying be aware of them. You wouldn't try selling Gas guzzeling vehicles in a bad economy with high gas prices would you?

        Really....I look around and they are selling gas guzzling cars in this horrible economy!! Lol

        You wouldn't try a lawn mowing business in the desert, where no lawns grow, would you? I guess that's my point. You can't "Attract" things to you; if that were the case Pepsi and Coca-Cola wouldn't be spending billions of dollars to get your attention, they would just have mediation sessions visualizing billions of people walking to their vendors.
        You just answered your own question! The point of the Law of Attraction is to keep a positive mind followed by hard work! Then you will attract positive outcome. If you have a negative attitude you will attract negative results.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomokun
    I've always found these metaphysical beliefs interesting.

    On the one hand, they are completely unfalsifiable. Even if you tell someone you've done EVERYTHING you were supposed to with no measureable result, there's always some little "hiccup" that you SHOULD have done that would have made everything different.

    That's not to say that you can't learn anything from them. Hell, you can learn lots from anything if you keep your lids peeled.

    On the other hand, positive thinking, problem solving, organization, goal setting - these LOA style products by their nature must contain these elements. These elements certainly promote success, but aren't required if you're honest.

    The only actual requirement for success is action. Even winning the lotto requires you to buy a ticket.

    The BEST advice for success is also the simplest of affirmations:

    "I will do what you won't today so I can do what you can't tomorrow."

    Note this has little to do with unproveable and unreliable metaphysics and EVERYTHING to do with doing what others don't want to in order to achieve what they haven't.

    If you want to consult with me, or see what I offer, check out: or contact me at

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  • Profile picture of the author MarkMilan
    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    I'm thinking I should of thrown that book in the trash and went to a trade school back in 2007, I'd probably be somewhere by now.
    I've recently started reading "Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength", which promises to explain scientifically-tested ways to strengthen your willpower. Near the beginning, it has had some interesting things to say about the history of the self-development field.

    It suggested that books like "Think and Grow Rich" helped people who already had strong wills. What the book provided to its readers was insight about themselves. When they visualized what they truly wanted, they had the willpower to go get it.

    So you get many people singing praises of "Think and Grow Rich", because it solved their particular problem. Unfortunately, it's not the answer for everyone.

    The Stanford marshmallow experiment suggests that how successful a child will be in life is largely determined by their ability to delay gratification. Children were offered a marshmallow with the promise of a 2nd if they could resist eating the first for a period of time. When they grew up, those that resisted were richer, happier, and all the rest.

    The Willpower book suggests willpower is like a muscle. It can be strengthened by using it. If you use it too much it becomes fatigued. If you don't use it at all, it becomes weak.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamacz
    Visualization --> Motivation --> Application --> into your REALIZATION...
    (if you don't get your result after Application) --> redirection--> Application -->
    your REALIZATION... The question is when do you give up? this formula will work if you stick with it. Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Puusaari
    I watched the movie the Secret, sat on my couch, cracked open a beer, and wished for a big pile of money to fall in my lap. I thought about it really hard while I sat there. I am still waiting and wishing, I think the LOA is BS.
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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      Originally Posted by Puusaari View Post

      I watched the movie the Secret, sat on my couch, cracked open a beer, and wished for a big pile of money to fall in my lap. I thought about it really hard while I sat there. I am still waiting and wishing, I think the LOA is BS.
      you did NOT take inspired action, and you did not believe that you would get that big pile of money. LOA worked for you alright. It brought you everything that you believed it would.
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      • Profile picture of the author MarkMilan
        Originally Posted by Karen Blundell View Post

        you did NOT take inspired action, and you did not believe that you would get that big pile of money. LOA worked for you alright. It brought you everything that you believed it would.
        Believers in psychokinesis use a similar argument. They simply didn't believe strong enough, therefore respectable scientists like Susan Blackmore cannot recreate paranormal phenomena or document it occuring.

        I think it's too simplistic to suggest that whether you achieve something is solely a matter of belief or visualising it clearly.
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  • Profile picture of the author nPromote
    I think law of attraction does work, if applied properly. But you have to look at it realistically. It is no magic, it merely programs your subconscious mind and help you cultivate an intense desire for your goals, which is the single most important attribute to get what you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author DezertDawg
    Synical but realistic post.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffduhon
    Hey Darkwoods, Sorry you're so down and out (or seem to be). What's your plan now that you've come to this thought that you can't attract what you want into your life? Forget about your dreams and give up? I hope not...

    My friend always pokes at me because I tell him I use the secret. The truth is you're right and the secret doesn't go into full detail. It tells you 'think awesome and you will be.'

    Anyway, I use SOGR in a sense of I will make it happen if I think about it and then ACT. I will most likely 'fail' for 5 or ten years before I get it right but i'll never stop trying. People I know that live, think and act this way can't comprehend it working any other way. I hope you find yours!


    Bringing others with me on the way to the top!

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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Originally Posted by jeffduhon View Post

      Hey Darkwoods, Sorry you're so down and out (or seem to be). What's your plan now that you've come to this thought that you can't attract what you want into your life? Forget about your dreams and give up? I hope not...

      My friend always pokes at me because I tell him I use the secret. The truth is you're right and the secret doesn't go into full detail. It tells you 'think awesome and you will be.'

      Anyway, I use SOGR in a sense of I will make it happen if I think about it and then ACT. I will most likely 'fail' for 5 or ten years before I get it right but i'll never stop trying. People I know that live, think and act this way can't comprehend it working any other way. I hope you find yours!


      Thank you. YEs I have already a set plan to start a business; I'm going in a partnership with immediate family. I have been contemplating, visualizing my goal and planning it out as well; I also plan a list of things to do everyday.

      Another important thing I want to mention is I plan out the use of readily available resources that are around me, I don't wish around and assume they will be brought to me. (Money for shipping, office, supplies, ect).

      It really does beat meditating and waiting for something to come to you, or only doing things when I "feel" like it.
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      • Profile picture of the author betsyhpars
        All those inspiring stories and motivational books just help you reset a bit but nothing will replace the hard work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    The real story is that positive intentions ONLY work if you already OK in that area. So they only work if you don't need them much, and are guaranteed to fail if you really need them.

    This is due to Reversal. Everything in the physical-universe decays, and that includes your own Goals. So, after a while, a particular Goal might have fallen down the decay scale to the point where it is Reversed, ie. you will get the exact opposite of whatever you ask for using that Goal.

    Energy-workers are very familiar with this phenomenon of Reversal. Learn EFT, and you will learn how Reversal works, and how to temporarily undo it so that the rest of the process works. If you are sensitive, you can definitely learn how to "feel" if a particular Goal (or Meridien) is Reversed or not.

    So, if you want to use the real law of attraction (which all those writing books that make millions even though what they tell you is incorrect), learn and use EFT, which handles Reversals.

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    • Profile picture of the author ace666
      Originally Posted by Chris- View Post

      The real story is that positive intentions ONLY work if you already OK in that area. So they only work if you don't need them much, and are guaranteed to fail if you really need them.

      This is due to Reversal. Everything in the physical-universe decays, and that includes your own Goals. So, after a while, a particular Goal might have fallen down the decay scale to the point where it is Reversed, ie. you will get the exact opposite of whatever you ask for using that Goal.

      Energy-workers are very familiar with this phenomenon of Reversal. Learn EFT, and you will learn how Reversal works, and how to temporarily undo it so that the rest of the process works. If you are sensitive, you can definitely learn how to "feel" if a particular Goal (or Meridien) is Reversed or not.

      So, if you want to use the real law of attraction (which all those writing books that make millions even though what they tell you is incorrect), learn and use EFT, which handles Reversals.

      Put another way you get what you want when you are no longer wanting it
      Because your desire for a thing continues to create a holding pattern around it
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      • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
        Originally Posted by ace666 View Post

        Put another way you get what you want when you are no longer wanting it
        Because your desire for a thing continues to create a holding pattern around it

        So in turn if I start focusing on Being homeless, I will be rich correct? - Or if I start focusing on being single, I will find my true love? Interesting theory there. My quesiton to you is this, does it work?

        Or do I simply not try to "Want" anything. According ot Napoleon Hill the Basis for all action starts with Desire. Desire in turns motivates you. I find this true as when I set my goals I do get more motivated to take action. However according to you, we're not supposed to "Want" or "DEsire" - Correct?

        I would think that would hault all progression to a stand-still. What does one do to "Not Want" and then obtain what they do Want? - How do you know hat you
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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Originally Posted by Chris- View Post

      The real story is that positive intentions ONLY work if you already OK in that area. So they only work if you don't need them much, and are guaranteed to fail if you really need them.

      This is due to Reversal. Everything in the physical-universe decays, and that includes your own Goals. So, after a while, a particular Goal might have fallen down the decay scale to the point where it is Reversed, ie. you will get the exact opposite of whatever you ask for using that Goal.

      Energy-workers are very familiar with this phenomenon of Reversal. Learn EFT, and you will learn how Reversal works, and how to temporarily undo it so that the rest of the process works. If you are sensitive, you can definitely learn how to "feel" if a particular Goal (or Meridien) is Reversed or not.

      So, if you want to use the real law of attraction (which all those writing books that make millions even though what they tell you is incorrect), learn and use EFT, which handles Reversals.

      Sorry bud. I'd love to believe that Goals "Decay" (lol??) - and believe if I improve my energy chakra I will metaphysically alter my reality and energy will bring me abundance and prosperity,

      (What the heckis EFT?) - But I think I'll go back to my realistic thinking self and read some marketing books, plan a business, and work on my day-to-day interpersonal communication abilities.

      When I'm old I'll buy a ticket to tibet and try to move Rocks with my mind later. Right now I need to use practical real world solutions to real world problems in front of me. Thanks though!
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  • Profile picture of the author ace666
    Hey it works for some, not for others, it didn't do a great deal for me until I was matching my intention/ image with repeated action. You can't just focus on receiving a million dollars, you got to focus on it, plus be doing some type of daily action to put you in a space where it can reach you. Plus what are your levels of self worth and entitlement like? If you are interested in a million bucks what is your attitude towards money and what are the attitudes of your mother father they influence you directly.

    My advice would be to find a healer/ metaphysical counsellor & do a session/ series of sessions to address whatever the blocks are you are facing.

    this happens to be an area of my expertise I have continuously manifested a great deal of my heats desires into reality I know how it all works, so if you would like feel free to PM me.
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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Originally Posted by ace666 View Post

      Hey it works for some, not for others, it didn't do a great deal for me until I was matching my intention/ image with repeated action. You can't just focus on receiving a million dollars, you got to focus on it, plus be doing some type of daily action to put you in a space where it can reach you. Plus what are your levels of self worth and entitlement like? If you are interested in a million bucks what is your attitude towards money and what are the attitudes of your mother father they influence you directly.

      My advice would be to find a healer/ metaphysical counsellor & do a session/ series of sessions to address whatever the blocks are you are facing.

      this happens to be an area of my expertise I have continuously manifested a great deal of my heats desires into reality I know how it all works, so if you would like feel free to PM me.

      I want to know how much money you make, and how you made it; what steps you took exactly to make it. If what you say is true, and it involved getting metaphysically healed and putting yoursel fin positions to recieve it, I'm all ears.

      But for now I'm just going to assume money is made of paper, some people own it; and the way to get iit is by earning it through goods and service, investments, and planning.
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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Originally Posted by ace666 View Post

      Hey it works for some, not for others, it didn't do a great deal for me until I was matching my intention/ image with repeated action. You can't just focus on receiving a million dollars, you got to focus on it, plus be doing some type of daily action to put you in a space where it can reach you. Plus what are your levels of self worth and entitlement like? If you are interested in a million bucks what is your attitude towards money and what are the attitudes of your mother father they influence you directly.

      My advice would be to find a healer/ metaphysical counsellor & do a session/ series of sessions to address whatever the blocks are you are facing.

      this happens to be an area of my expertise I have continuously manifested a great deal of my heats desires into reality I know how it all works, so if you would like feel free to PM me.
      Unfortunately I am unable to send PM's to people yet as I am a new user, maybe you can PM me? I'm open to another "Theory" - if it works or not. Got nothing to lose right?

      I would love to hear your explanation on this. Perhaps I am in the wrong geographical location of cooridnates or a low energy area of the Globe to receive my manifestation.
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  • Profile picture of the author StephanieMojica
    I think "The Secret" simplified the Law of Attraction way too much and set up people for disappointment. You HAVE to take action; you just can't sit around hoping for change. I think there is a lot of validity in the points made about positive vs. negative thinking, so I'm not giving up on the Law of Attraction right now. Everyone operates differently, so I do respect the original poster's well-written point of view.

    Are you still struggling to grow your Internet business income? Learn the secrets that increased my income 700%--and can do the same for you--in my free report "5 Business Prosperity Secrets." Go here now to download your copy at no cost to you...
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    • Profile picture of the author Randy Engler
      I like stating the LOA a different way... when you decide exactly what you want, and come up with a plan to get it, and start taking action on that plan, not only do you start moving towards your goal, the goal starts moving towards you.
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  • Profile picture of the author StephanieMojica
    Originally Posted by rodanglee View Post

    For every action, there is an opposite reaction. Whatever you do, it will all balance out. Attraction is only present if you create a void to fill it. So in order to attract money, you have to create a void ( lack of money).
    Yes, but don't focus on the money you don't have. Being grateful for the money you do have to get more coming in is the key behind the Law of Attraction.

    Are you still struggling to grow your Internet business income? Learn the secrets that increased my income 700%--and can do the same for you--in my free report "5 Business Prosperity Secrets." Go here now to download your copy at no cost to you...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jomuli3
    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    Yea, yeap. I think I'm over it. From it's inception in 2007, and from the readings of "Think and Grow Rich" to "The Science of getting Rich" - I've delved into and truly believed these practices in their various forms for 5 years now. I've researched stories, and held on to hope merely by reading the stories of other people, their testaments of it's reality, and the like.

    I'd love to belive in this stuff, but I am going to be quite honest; It just isn't cutting it for me. In terms of money, women, or anything else. It's just not doing it for me. I've done multiple endless mental experiments on this, and it's never been through.

    Do I believe in setting a goal in visualizing it? Absolutely. I think this provides motivation. Do I think that it is brought to you in any way shape or form? Absolutely not. In fact, the only time I've actually had money, is when I busted my ass and worked for it, saved it, and planned for it's inception. Iv'e never had money magially float to me. I've never had things magically come to me.
    This is especially true for women. It just never happens. I could visualize a woman and romance and meeting for hours on end, it will never hapen. I have to go out, and use good old fashion charm, time, and sometimes money. I just don't understand how famous others that have perpetuated the business world through time have conclusively passed this on as viable information to the masses. IT's like, how can a book, say there is a "secret" universal power, or "infinate" intelligence that brings things to you?

    The only time it seems in life, any changes are made, is when you tell yourself "I'm going to do it." and that's really the only secert, when you have to man up, face the consequences and do hard work. This whole notion of not having to work for anything, (Especially pushed in The Secret) - just bewilders me. Even The Science of getting Rich says you shouldn't be competative, and bargain. But having a competative and bargaining mind is the number 1 tactict successful sales people use. I just don't understand it. I've given so much time and hope, a solid ammount of years into this and I am still broke, single, and unemployed.

    Here is another great aspect that is not explained. Any person who generates any type of income has a skill, be it carpentry, woodworking, sales, nurse, doctor, lawyer, investor; it's all skill. The "secret" or Science of getting rich, mentions absolutely nothing of inventing a skill, rendering a service, or planning your life out.

    Think and Grow rich talk about having a plan, but that's about it. How can these monetary books talk about thanking God for the riches to be bestowed upon you, yet you are not a productive fucntioning member of society that has absolutely anything to offer?
    I'm thinking I should of thrown that book in the trash and went to a trade school back in 2007, I'd probably be somewhere by now.
    " That is why I tell you. All the things you pray and ask for have faith that you have practically received them and you will have them," Jesus said. This is what is recorded at Mark 11:24

    When we visualize what we desire we focus on the end result. We have to see ourselves attaining what we want.

    We must see and feel the pleasure of having attained what we want. We must have no doubts; that is why we meditate --- to clear tension in mind and body.

    During the course of the day we should be focused on what we desire by repeating an appropriate affirmation.

    From psychology, metaphysics to religion the law of attraction is evident. It works!

    It is self discipline to do our meditations and doing them properly by evoking emotion/feeling that is a major problem to attaining our hearts desires.I am writing from experience. Suffice to say I have thrice attained what I strongly desired using the LOA. I got my first client with incredible exactitude! It was in the same place, same time and same sex of client as I used to visualize!

    Thanks for the thought provoking thread!
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  • Profile picture of the author mattryan30
    I think I manly have an issue with the title with of this thread being "The Law of Attraction does not work" It should be "The Law of Attraction Does not Work for Me" Some things will work for some people that won't work for others.Even in this scenario, The Law of Attraction may have a profound effect on someone while it may have a minor effect on another.I'm thankful this Law works for me,however.

    I've seen the destructive circular power of negative thinking which has been by far the most prevalent thinking in my life due to environmental factors,yet when I ignore these factors and think positive and believe I'm meant for better things, great things start to happen in my life.

    Like I said earlier, The Law of Attraction sets me up to look at things half full instead of half empty.If anything, people who don't pay attention to the Law of Attraction and focus more on Negativity, ignore the great opportunities in life that come their way. I know I missed a few because my mind would turn a completely positive opportunity into a negative. This Law helps me develop the right mindset. I put aside fear and doubts and I begin to feel I deserve better and more out of life.
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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Originally Posted by mattryan30 View Post

      I think I manly have an issue with the title with of this thread being "The Law of Attraction does not work" It should be "The Law of Attraction Does not Work for Me" Some things will work for some people that won't work for others.Even in this scenario, The Law of Attraction may have a profound effect on someone while it may have a minor effect on another.I'm thankful this Law works for me,however.

      I've seen the destructive circular power of negative thinking which has been by far the most prevalent thinking in my life due to environmental factors,yet when I ignore these factors and think positive and believe I'm meant for better things, great things start to happen in my life.

      Like I said earlier, The Law of Attraction sets me up to look at things half full instead of half empty.If anything, people who don't pay attention to the Law of Attraction and focus more on Negativity, ignore the great opportunities in life that come their way. I know I missed a few because my mind would turn a completely positive opportunity into a negative. This Law helps me develop the right mindset. I put aside fear and doubts and I begin to feel I deserve better and more out of life.

      While I would like to believe you in this aspect, I was using LOA religiously, morning and night. I would meditate, feel as if I had already attained that which I desired, and used music sometimes. Somtimes, I would get so involved with my experiences I Would feel the emotions of them. Yet day in, and day out, when I went to work, I was bombarded with aggression, negativity, and stressful situations. Was this always the case? No. - But that is life. Even though I had multiple goals in many areas of my life, few of them manifested. In fact, my living situation got worse, I had to move; my car broke down, and I ended up living in my Car for a week while staying in various hotels. -

      Yet day in and day out, Religiously, I practiced the Law of Attraction. however the only thing that got me out of my Car, and into a place to stay, was to scramble on Craigslist and find a place with what little money I had leftover. Interpret that how you want. "positive thinking" did not stop my living situtation to escalate to a worse situation, and result in a Drama that had me forced to move in a Hotel. My thoughts had no baring on the reality I was living. When I went to sleep in my vehicle at night; I mediated on greener pastures. Such wasn't the case. Even though I mediated on having wealth, love, and all my worldly desires; I eventually got laid off.

      Did I for ONE second EVER have a bad attitude about anything? Absolutely not, because I know a bad attitude wouldn't have changed my situation. Did I truley believe that The LOA was going to change my situation? ABsolutlely! Did it? Nope.

      Because I kept saying "The universe will bring my dreams to me" - and held onto the positive belief of my goal. In fact, when I was living in my Car near the beach was the exact time I looked at a particular beach house and told myself, ONE DAY I will own that house; and I set the Goal for that house. Did my situation improve? No.

      BECAUSE I had not set ANY PLANS to get out of it. I just assumed "THe plans" would come to me as the Secret talks about. I assumed I would be "Inspired" to take the right action, or some right person would talk to me, and some opportunity would rarise. Nope. I will neer not plan another goal in my life ever again, I will always plan the path to it and follow it and make the proper adjustments.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jarvis Edwards
        Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

        While I would like to believe you in this aspect, I was using LOA religiously, morning and night. I would meditate, feel as if I had already attained that which I desired, and used music sometimes. Somtimes, I would get so involved with my experiences I Would feel the emotions of them. Yet day in, and day out, when I went to work, I was bombarded with aggression, negativity, and stressful situations. Was this always the case? No. - But that is life. Even though I had multiple goals in many areas of my life, few of them manifested. In fact, my living situation got worse, I had to move; my car broke down, and I ended up living in my Car for a week while staying in various hotels. -

        Yet day in and day out, Religiously, I practiced the Law of Attraction. however the only thing that got me out of my Car, and into a place to stay, was to scramble on Craigslist and find a place with what little money I had leftover. Interpret that how you want. "positive thinking" did not stop my living situtation to escalate to a worse situation, and result in a Drama that had me forced to move in a Hotel. My thoughts had no baring on the reality I was living. When I went to sleep in my vehicle at night; I mediated on greener pastures. Such wasn't the case. Even though I mediated on having wealth, love, and all my worldly desires; I eventually got laid off.

        Did I for ONE second EVER have a bad attitude about anything? Absolutely not, because I know a bad attitude wouldn't have changed my situation. Did I truley believe that The LOA was going to change my situation? ABsolutlely! Did it? Nope.

        Because I kept saying "The universe will bring my dreams to me" - and held onto the positive belief of my goal. In fact, when I was living in my Car near the beach was the exact time I looked at a particular beach house and told myself, ONE DAY I will own that house; and I set the Goal for that house. Did my situation improve? No.

        BECAUSE I had not set ANY PLANS to get out of it. I just assumed "THe plans" would come to me as the Secret talks about. I assumed I would be "Inspired" to take the right action, or some right person would talk to me, and some opportunity would rarise. Nope. I will neer not plan another goal in my life ever again, I will always plan the path to it and follow it and make the proper adjustments.
        The Secret is merely an introduction into the world of metaphysics, and it doesn't go into the depths of explaining the other "laws" that correspond to the LOA. Thoughts are energy, everything is energy. Nothing is solid. That means whatever we think literally affects our own lives and is sent to the "universe" as energy; which will attract like energy whether we want
        it or not.

        The Universe doesn't operate on the boundaries of "time," as we experience. We can't put a date on what will come to us when there are higher powers involved in manifesting, we can only visualize and allow. Sometimes, what we want isn't for our greater good; in those instances hindsight proves to us that what we wanted was actually bad for us, or something better came along.

        See...when we want something in our lives, we usually imagine HOW we will get it. The Universe could be responding to giving us what we want, yet we (in our limited human knowing), are unable to put the pieces of the puzzle together and decipher what is brewing. Everything could be transpiring to make your situation exactly what you wanted, or better.

        Ever heard the phrase "blessing in disguise?"

        Just remember that a bird's feather falling out of the sky can affect the entire planet. Sounds simple but it is an analogy of how our thoughts/actions can affect the entire world--especially our own.

        It also helps to release any subconscious blocks you may have, as we are all held back by our
        subconscious mind in some form or the other. Certain "programming" may be inhibiting you from realizing your goals. Or, your perception could be causing you to want to give up right before you make your "breakthrough."
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  • Profile picture of the author Elizabeth Fee
    I applied the Law of Attraction in my life, and it has taught me how to properly utilize the tools that we all have (but may not use or know to use) to attain what we want in life. I went through a very personal struggle with my husband to create the family we have today. To spare you with the details, the bottom line was that we couldn't get pregnant.

    In any case, when I say that I applied the Law of Attraction in my life, I'm not implying that the only thing we did was "visualize" a family in hopes that something would magically happen. We shifted paths. We saw doctors. We did something about it. All the while we did a lot of positive thinking, and focused on our goals to achieve our dream family. I won't give 100% credit to the LOA on our success, but I certainly will not discredit the idea behind it.

    To me, it worked for us. And I plan to apply the same tools towards my other goals in life. I don't see it as magic, but rather, a vehicle that reminds you that you have choices in life. Such as the choice to be happy or miserable. Some days it takes work to be happy, but then you have the choice to put forth the effort ...or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author kimfal
    darkw00ds, I have a suggestion for you, read "The Power of Focus" by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Lew Hewitt. This might help you change your situation?? Read it follow every word in it to a tee and see if you might not have better luck with getting what you want
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  • Profile picture of the author Krisz Rokk
    Great post.
    If you want something in your life, go out and get it!
    "Human beings must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Albert Einstein
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  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    I guess so. Like you will yourself to think that there is no traffic but is caught in it because a thousand others are thinking of a traffic jam.

    There's no replacement for the good old method of desiring for something and working your butt off to get it.

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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  • Profile picture of the author Entrecon
    An elderly man sat in church and prayed "Lord, I have been a faithful Christian and have devoted my entire life to the needy, please let me win the lottery so I can retire and still do good". Week after week the man continued to pray and week after week he lost. After 2 years of praying one day the man stopped mid-prayer, looked up and said "God, why have you forsaken me, have not won even one dime". A booming voice echoed from the rafters saying "At least meet me half way and BUY A TICKET".

    Regardless of your belief or faith there will always be a need for you to take action!

    Visit My website

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  • Profile picture of the author eshapard
    The law of attraction is like prayer. It can fail 100 times in a row, but if it "works" just one time, it is TOTALLY TRUE!!!! And of course the LOA has an infinite amount of time in which to work...

    The universe doesn't care what you want and it won't give you anything. But take a billion idiots asking the universe for something, and eventually one of them is going to get it. Hallelujah!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    I'm sorry, you seem convinced of your position. I'm not really ready to waste digital ink -
    As I get older, one of the things I'm sure of is the relativity of perception. We see things differently. I'm also sure of the value of having an open mind. I'don't really try to convince/persuade as much as I used to.For example, I've been privileged to perceive energy-fields... countless times. You'd probably throw that into the realm of unicorns and centuars, right?
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  • Profile picture of the author Anton Nadilo
    The fundamental reason why people fail is they do not create a compelling and burning reason "WHY" they are need to achieve a certain goal/outcome. Take the IM niche...most people (not all) get into this niche to do what....make money!! This is probably the very worst reason as to a "why" for you to entered this industry. You are DOOMED (and guaranteed) to fail if this is your primary motive - quit now and save youtself a lot of heartache. Whether you are pro or against the Law of Attraction its fundamental basis is really quite simple. Thoughts mainfest to Emotions/Feelings which results in Actions which create Results/Outcome which we then assimilate as positiver and/or negative. This create expeirences/beliefs etc and the Thought cycle starts over. If your thoughts are not strong and positive and focused on your base reason "WHY" too many other varibales will affect the various factors and likely knock you over. My observations have come for over 10 years coaching others to acheive financial freedom and more importantly the success I have created. Bottom works.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anton Nadilo
    "BECAUSE I had not set ANY PLANS to get out of it. I just assumed "THe plans" would come to me as the Secret talks about. I assumed I would be "Inspired" to take the right action, or some right person would talk to me, and some opportunity would rarise. Nope. I will neer not plan another goal in my life ever again, I will always plan the path to it and follow it and make the proper adjustments"

    Therein my friend lies The Secret.....good luck and I wish you a life filed with abundance in any area you desire.
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  • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
    I'll tell you what. I would like to ask someones best example of the Law Of Attraction; give me some stories. If you believe in it so much, maybe I can be convinced. Here is a Challenge, give me an honest Factual story of how you "attracted" your exact Goal. According to Wallace Wattles, in The Science of Getting Rich, what you visualize will come to you in exact Mathematical Certainty. -

    And since I have not succesfully Manafested a single dime in any realm of mathematical certainty from the LOA, I would like to hear someones story of how they Attracted the One Million Dollars, or the Car of their Dreams, and The Love of their Life through Metaphysical means.

    If you say, "Well I was thinking about a Corvette, I went to the dealership, and bought it on a Lease for $500 a month. OMG! The LOA is true!" - That does not COUNT.

    If you say something like, "WEll I visualized myself being in a Corvette for a month, and finally one day a Man came up to me and said he'll trade me a Corvette for my cheeseburger." - or something of that strange coincidential realm, I will be a believer.

    Just give me a few stories of how you successful people attracted millions of dollars, or are living the life of your dreams and I will believe every word you say. Include some pictures, hey if you truley believe this stuff is true, you wouldn't mind taking the time out of your day to prove a struggling doubter of the amazing possibilities would you?

    So that is my challenge. And remember, it cannot involve the traditional aspect of "I went to college, got my M.D. in Neurosurgery, worked years as a doctor and bought my dream home." - Because rthen you would just be proving my point that Logical planning and setting goals while WORKING HARD is the only "LOA" that exists.

    Challenge offered.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anton Nadilo
    Ohhhhh...I do have one bone to pick with The Secret "gurus". They did make it seem like you could sit on the couch and mediate your way to millions. The one thing they failure to highlight is that you need to take MASSIVE ACTION DAILY. Noon ever got rich doing nothing!!
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  • Profile picture of the author cgallagher93
    Although my personal beliefs differ from your own, I can totally appreciate where you're coming from. Please allow me to offer some thoughts, however, as to why the Law of Attraction hasn't worked for you...

    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    Do I believe in setting a goal in visualizing it? Absolutely. I think this provides motivation. Do I think that it is brought to you in any way shape or form? Absolutely not. In fact, the only time I've actually had money, is when I busted my ass and worked for it, saved it, and planned for it's inception. Iv'e never had money magially float to me. I've never had things magically come to me.
    Firstly, you've interpreted the teachings of the The Secret incorrectly and taken things far too literally. At no point does the Law of Attraction imply that money will "magically float" to you. The Law of Attraction simply states that like attracts like. Consequently, if you're thinking on a negative frequency, you will continue to attract more negative situations into your life until your break that thought pattern, and vice versa.

    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    This is especially true for women. It just never happens. I could visualize a woman and romance and meeting for hours on end, it will never hapen. I have to go out, and use good old fashion charm, time, and sometimes money. I just don't understand how famous others that have perpetuated the business world through time have conclusively passed this on as viable information to the masses. IT's like, how can a book, say there is a "secret" universal power, or "infinate" intelligence that brings things to you?
    Heck, you're using the Law of Attraction to try and pick-up women? Dude, c'mon! My view is that if you're actively trying to seek the attention of women, you're in a constant state of want. This is the complete opposite to what the Law of Attraction teaches. In fact, your inability to attract female attention probably stems from a sub-conscious feeling of not being good enough etc.

    Just be yourself, do the things that you want to do and most importantly enjoy yourself! Once you learn to love yourself and enjoy life women will be naturally attracted to you. Remember also that if a woman cannot accept you for who you truly are then a) she obviously wasn't meant for you in the first place and b) she is shallow and not worth knowing anyway!

    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    The only time it seems in life, any changes are made, is when you tell yourself "I'm going to do it." and that's really the only secert, when you have to man up, face the consequences and do hard work. This whole notion of not having to work for anything, (Especially pushed in The Secret) - just bewilders me.
    Exactly! My interpretation of the Law of Attraction, and the way in which I have chosen to successfully apply it to my life, is to work hard, develop a solid business plan and to focus on and visualize success. You can't have one without the other... you can't work hard and focus on the negative, just like you can't focus on the end goal whilst sitting on your ass all day. In order to succeed in life, you must TAKE ACTION!

    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    I just don't understand it. I've given so much time and hope, a solid ammount of years into this and I am still broke, single, and unemployed.
    You're in a state of hope and want. That's why you're not getting anywhere. You need to sit back, develop an action plan, take the steps you need to take to put that plan into action and then focus on your desired outcome, not the other way round! I bet all the while you've been trying to use the LOA you've had the underlying thought that "this isn't going to work" or "I am still broke, single and unemployed" etc. It doesn't work like that, at all! You need to learn to eliminate such negative thinking from your mind and focus on the positive as much as possible. Yin, yang. Every negative situation has a positive etc, just learn how to look at things from an alternate perspective.

    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    I'm thinking I should of thrown that book in the trash and went to a trade school back in 2007, I'd probably be somewhere by now.
    NO. The only way you'd be somewhere by now is if you'd have taken targeted action, which you obviously haven't done. In my opinion The Secret does make it seem a little too easy, so in order to separate yourself from that, you need to take from it what you want rather than accepting it word for word.

    These may seem like harsh words, and I certainly do not know your personal situation, so please forgive me if this seems overly offensive. But, since I first starting learning the Law of Attraction a few years ago, I have often slipped back into a negative thinking pattern myself, it's easy to do...

    You've just got to learn to stay focused, keep your head up and like you say, to man up! But I promise you this, the Law of Attraction 100% DOES WORK, if you believe in it and apply it effectively coupled with taking targeted action towards your goals!
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  • Profile picture of the author dgmufasa
    I think there are times when stuff comes to you and then there are times where you have to do action. I don't think action is warranted 100% of the time though.

    I am of the belief that "you do the best and let God do the rest" but my grandmother is a "wait on the Lord/Law" person and everything she needs comes to her - just in the nick of time, at the midnight hour, etc in a truly miraculous fashion.

    There are other laws out there too (ex: Law of Gestation) and not just the Law of Attraction. There's a whole list.

    I saw Wayne Dyer on a movie called "The Shift". He said you don't attract what you WANT, you attract what you ARE. So, if you go to someone saying: "gimme, gimme, gimme", then the Universe sends back to you "gimme, gimme, gimme". Then there's this. The Bible states that what you get back is MULTIPLIED. So that should be taken into account as well. If you have the idea "How Can I Serve", then the Universe comes back with "How May I Serve You". Perhaps if you send out "How May I Serve You" and it comes multiplied, it may be interpreted as grace.

    I also think it has something to do with the energy you have (personally) to actually generate the thing. My grandmother has lots of energy. She almost glows. She will sit next to plants and they just "take off" in growth.
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  • Profile picture of the author zannix
    3 words - Get The Edge (that's the first program I listened to)

    You can also consider Personal Power II.

    My 2 cents
    All you can do is all you can do - Art Williams
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  • Profile picture of the author thereikid
    By the fact that you have belief, doubt, and you gave up that is the law of attraction at work! You don't think it work there for it doesn't the experiments and exercises only help you feel good and push you further. They are temporary because you must realize you are the creator of your world really. Don't give up on yourself we need you nobody on in the history of mankind can do what you do and no one can replace you. We need you and love you!
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    • Profile picture of the author samanthastephens
      It's getting late on my side of the world (UK); tomorrow I'll go through and read all this thread but I just wanted to tell you, darkw00ds, you are not alone. Seriously, I related so much to what you wrote!( I got into all this this long before The Secret came out.)
      But, I agree with you about the book -The Secret definitely gave me the message also that you just have to visualize, affirm and whatever you want will just show up. Oh, I want that (diamand necklace/whatever), it would look so lovely around my neck, oh, Poof, here it is! (And maybe for some people, it does work that way at times).

      What I've come up with, is this- it is what your subconscious believes that is most important. For some people, doing visualizations/affirmations, etc will, for them, penetrate more easily into their subconscious and become accepted as a belief. For others, it may take longer, maybe we have more blocks or something that have to be released/transformed before new beliefs are accepted and implemented in our subconscious.

      I feel for you though, I'm going through this process again trying to figure it out! Best to you.
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  • Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    Yea, yeap. I think I'm over it. From it's inception in 2007, and from the readings of "Think and Grow Rich" to "The Science of getting Rich" - I've delved into and truly believed these practices in their various forms for 5 years now. I've researched stories, and held on to hope merely by reading the stories of other people, their testaments of it's reality, and the like................................
    .................................................. ......................................I'd love to belive in this stuff, but I am going to be quite honest; It just isn't cutting it for me. In terms of money, women, or anything else. It's just not doing it for me. I've done multiple endless mental experiments on this, and it's never been through........................................... ...
    .....................Think and Grow rich talk about having a plan, but that's about it. How can these monetary books talk about thanking God for the riches to be bestowed upon you, yet you are not a productive fucntioning member of society that has absolutely anything to offer?
    I'm thinking I should of thrown that book in the trash and went to a trade school back in 2007, I'd probably be somewhere by now.
    Yeah I know what you mean! I read Think and grow Rich decades ago for the first time and I went over in the corner sat down and started thinking....The only thing I got was a sore butt from sitting on a hard floor.

    So I got up and found my science kit from when I was a kid and lit the wood alcohol lamp and tried to figure out The Science of Getting Rich. Couldn't figure it out!

    I was discouraged and thought about drinking the alcohol.

    Yuuupppp! these guys lied to me.

    So I sat down with a guy that had made it in my opinion. He was driving a Jag, had a Queen Aire Turbo prop plane and a personal pilot to fly it. He had a beautiful home in North Carolina, a lovely wife, and 3 pretty young daughters. He also was the one that told me to read those #*%! books! *&#% him anyway!

    There he was sitting in my living room of my heavily mortgaged $28K house on a hassock with stuffing coming out. I told him he was full of it and his books too. I turned from him and looked out the window at the new Jag in my dirt driveway.

    He said to me, "You really are tense aren't you? I didn't say anything thing and he said again, "aren't you?"

    I mumbled something like "yeah I guess".

    I knew his story and he had all kinds of failures and flops in his life. He was about 20 years older than me and for some, God only knows, reason took a liking to me.

    He said, "how many copies of those books have been printed and how many editions do you think there are?" This conversation was taking place in about 1982 and he said, over 20 million at that time 30 years ago.

    He said, "if that book was so wrong why is it still in print?" I had no answer.

    I was an owner of a retail business with no reserves in the 1980 recession. Those books and others and all the positive thinking crap just didn't work and I told him so.

    Now I don't have time in a post go into detail what he taught me that day but it propelled me into a sales career that I wouldn't change for anything.
    Has it been all roses? No! But there have been a lot of roses along the way.

    He said that I was missing the whole point. The books had no magic and the words they contained had no magic. He said "what the words say would be meaningless to me if I didn't figure something out first."
    He then told me that some well known sports figures, businessmen and woman, entertainers, had given credit to Think and Grow Rich in particular and books like it in general for their successes. He said," Old Dog, why would they say that if it were a lie?" Again I had no answer.

    You are tense, mad and fed up for sure, and you will not find your answer to what these books teach until you understand one thing. It all starts with you. You need to back off and step out of the box you are in. Turn off all the junk and look into your own soul or heart. Are you telling your self a bunch of lies. Do you really want what you say you do? You gotta sort that out first. You can't be motivated by what others or society wants from you. It's got to be what you want of you. There's no right or wrong thing if it is what you really want in your heart.

    You have got to be absolutely honest with your self. It certainly is not easy but it's not that hard if you just chill a bit and think about it. Yes Think and Grow Rich!

    ld Dog

    P.S. If I can be of any assistance in your "Off" or "On"- line sales and marketing please PM me or email at . Old Dog

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  • Profile picture of the author fire_fighter
    Don't worry, you're not alone. About 97% of people also couldn't make the Law of Attraction work for them the first time round. Think about it, just like anything else, you have to practice many times before you see success. A child doesn't learn to walk without falling over a couple of times, right?

    But in practice, everything is easier said and done. When you're frustrated, it's hard to stay positive. And it's especially harder to stay positive when the evidence all around you is screams negativity like the unstable economy or senseless acts of violence such as those recently seen in Mumbai.

    And do you know what happens when you fail to stay positive? That's right - you start attracting negative things in to your life.

    The Law of Attraction is NOT the Only Law!
    Discover 11 Other Laws Not Revealed in "the Secret"! >>> HERE<<<

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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Originally Posted by fire_fighter View Post

      Don't worry, you're not alone. About 97% of people also couldn't make the Law of Attraction work for them the first time round. Think about it, just like anything else, you have to practice many times before you see success. A child doesn't learn to walk without falling over a couple of times, right?

      But in practice, everything is easier said and done. When you're frustrated, it's hard to stay positive. And it's especially harder to stay positive when the evidence all around you is screams negativity like the unstable economy or senseless acts of violence such as those recently seen in Mumbai.

      And do you know what happens when you fail to stay positive? That's right - you start attracting negative things in to your life.
      I did. I gave many years of my life and several months of practice of the LOA in my meditation hours.

      Again, I've said this before. I am not saying do not be positive. I am saying be realistic. I am saying you can be positive and realsitic at the same time. If I was in Uganda, I can be positive about setting a goal to finally get food and shelter for my starving family. But I have to be realistic in that, I am living in a poverty stricken geographic location. That is realism. Just as I wouldn't try to start a Humvee Dealership in a struggling economy where gas prices are expected to go up $5.00. Sure I Can be positive and visualize myself having this successful Humvee Dealership, but it wouldn't be realistic.
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  • Profile picture of the author mllnsgrl

    You're stubborn, which is fine. But, having a bad attitude, and wasting people's time is pathetic.

    What do YOU HAVE to offer???....why should you get the girl....have a nice car...?

    You have to "feel wealthy," "feel worthy," "feel gratitude for the air that you breathe, the clothes on your back, etc., first.

    ~~~~you've interpreted the movie wrong~~~so start over~~~take advice from someone else~~~~~

    YOU HAVEN'T THANKED one person on this thread you started - if I missed it, I appologize.

    So, what was your intention when you created this thread?

    I think you totally get off on being combative, getting a reaction out of people.

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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Originally Posted by mllnsgrl View Post


      You're stubborn, which is fine. But, having a bad attitude, and wasting people's time is pathetic.

      What do YOU HAVE to offer???....why should you get the girl....have a nice car...?

      You have to "feel wealthy," "feel worthy," "feel gratitude for the air that you breathe, the clothes on your back, etc., first.

      ~~~~you've interpreted the movie wrong~~~so start over~~~take advice from someone else~~~~~

      YOU HAVEN'T THANKED one person on this thread you started - if I missed it, I appologize.

      So, what was your intention when you created this thread?

      I think you totally get off on being combative, getting a reaction out of people.
      Thank you for reading my post. However, it is only a waste of time if you choose to participate in it. I would also like to bring to your attention a previous quote I stated.

      Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

      I am in no way shape or form promoting pessemissm, I am just trying to get to the bottom of this. "LAw of Attraction" mentallity that is prevelant among success orientated people.

      You have the freedom to simply ignore my post. I am not being combatative, I am questioning a set of beliefs that I have put into practice for many hours, months and even a few years; and nothing has come out of it.

      If someone would have told me, Set goals, be Realistic with whatyou have around you, and Get to work; I would have been somewhere by now. Think and Grow Rich is useful in this sense; it is a more realistic approach to Goal-setting. Napoleon hill talks about a "Great Force" that will "Bring all yoru riches to you" - but I think he is simply refering to "Goal setting" and "working towards that goal."

      There is no force that will magically bring something to you and I've yet to meet someone who claims it actually works. Many of the stories I've heard so far on this forum and elsewhere can merely be explained by one thing. You took an action, and you got rewarded for it. Just as if I wanted $1,000 from a Casino, I would have to first have Gambling money, and I would literally have to Play in hopes of Winning. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, such is life.

      If we took a more realistic approach to "Goal Setting" and "Strategy." I think we would be more productive. But to simply say "The universe will bring it to me." is to let opportunities slip away from you .
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      • Profile picture of the author mllnsgrl
        Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

        Thank you for reading my post. However, it is only a waste of time if you choose to participate in it. I would also like to bring to your attention a previous quote I stated.

        You have the freedom to simply ignore my post. I am not being combatative, I am questioning a set of beliefs that I have put into practice for many hours, months and even a few years; and nothing has come out of it.

        If someone would have told me, Set goals, be Realistic with whatyou have around you, and Get to work; I would have been somewhere by now. Think and Grow Rich is useful in this sense; it is a more realistic approach to Goal-setting. Napoleon hill talks about a "Great Force" that will "Bring all yoru riches to you" - but I think he is simply refering to "Goal setting" and "working towards that goal."

        There is no force that will magically bring something to you and I've yet to meet someone who claims it actually works. Many of the stories I've heard so far on this forum and elsewhere can merely be explained by one thing. You took an action, and you got rewarded for it. Just as if I wanted $1,000 from a Casino, I would have to first have Gambling money, and I would literally have to Play in hopes of Winning. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, such is life.

        If we took a more realistic approach to "Goal Setting" and "Strategy." I think we would be more productive. But to simply say "The universe will bring it to me." is to let opportunities slip away from you .
        I just don't think you are getting the concept (forget about goals, and working hard), which, in my personal opinion, is more "visual," more "alligning with," more "allowing," it to come in to your experience. Just forget about whatever set thoughts you have on loa, or the secret, and start with this:

        1. Be willing to change, and observe your thoughts, whenever possible throughout the day. When you're thinking something negative - gently bring your thoughts back to "the now" - I'm walking down the street.

        2. ASK for what you want, but start out small in the beginning. The universe, force or whatever you want to call it will bring it into your experience, but you have to be in alignment with it. Ex. If you are negative, or have low self esteem - you will not attract positive, or confident people into your life - it cannot happen. They are on a different wavelength/channel.

        Learning how to "asK" and not doubt is not easy. Starting small helps with this.

        When you order a sandwich, do you keep checking on it, or argue with the waitstaff.. No, because you know (have faith) that the sandwich will be there. Same concept only different "thing"

        3. Put a small order into the universe (ask, don't demand) and then "detach" from the outcome. Start with a parking space, a penny on the sidewalk, etc. There has to be a feeling of "knowing," "acceptance," "gratitude." When you find the penny - say "thank you!!" Not, I wanted thousands.

        4.Start your gratitude journal tonight. Everynight write down 3 things you are thankful/grateful for. -even if it's "I got up out of bed this morning... I am grateful for a working refrigerator, that I saw the sun today, etc.)

        5. Stick with it. Go about your day with a sense of peace, and gratitude.

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  • Profile picture of the author stranger11
    After briefly watching the video, and briefly reading the book, I stopped reading anything related to personal development for a long time. Made me sick. They take hard work completely out of the equation and just say things to make you feel good.
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  • Profile picture of the author dogstar
    Dear darkwOOds,
    its only true if you say so

    Truth About Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqontheweb

    I watched 'The Secret' years ago & it open many doors for me. To me, that's the keyword. Opening doors. 'The Secret' is like this big massive door that is all bright and shiny and you think it leads to the Garden of Eden or something. But it doesn't. To me it leads to a huge library that it would take a few lifetimes for me to go through.

    Though you don't have to read everything but I believe that you should not take 'The Secret' as the answer. It should lead you to more questions. Because of 'The Secret' I went deeper into researching on metaphysics, quantum physics, positive thinking, bla bla bla :-) And though the educational ride can be confusing but I also appreciate it.

    I think you are on this journey Darkwoods, so to be honest, I don't see anything wrong with your posting or your disputes. I believe that this is your own personal journey & you need to make it on your own, man. But may I give you some tips? You can use all or some or none at all. But I do hope you spend some time reading it.

    1. What is the story behind 'Darkwood'? If the story is not good, change your avatar. I'm not suggesting you put 'My Little Pony' or something, but you can start with calling yourself something better.

    2. Instead of studying the LOA on 'The Secret', study the 'teachers' behind it. What is their story? How did they make it? Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Abraham-Hicks (she was in the original DVD) & etc. Find out their secret & you might find out why they agree on LOA.

    3. I believe all the methods mentioned by ANY 'teachers' I've read or watched. But I don't believe that all of them is right for me. You need to find something that you feel is right for you. That makes you feel good when you do it. If you believe in working hard, taking action is right for you then go ahead & do it. But IMHO, the keyword here is believing in the end results. And you need to understand who you are first.

    4. Stephen Covey, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, Paolo Coelho...These are among my fav teachers. You can see that this list is a mix of individuals from diff beliefs. It helps to open my mind to many things & it does not stay in only one box.

    Does LOA works for me? I believe so. I've seen how I attract both good & bad things in my life. Now, I'm learning to filter out the bad things.

    So good luck in your journey. God bless. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Congratulations, you're in a good place my man. You saw through the BS after only three years. I've seen people waste decades on the belief that thoughts alone will attract success.

    As a coach of entrepreneurs, I fight this on a consistent basis. Well read people who have to unlearn what they "know" so they can have a shot at prosperity and success.

    I sometimes spend chapters of my personal growth courses and hours of coaching helping people "unlearn" the fallacies that are keeping them stuck before we can get busy with a strategy.

    It's like being a rehab coach sometimes lol

    I know, the law of attraction teachings made Rhonda Byrne rich. But PT Barnum made himself rich with the same line of thinking:

    "There's a sucker born every minute."

    No judgement here. I've been a sucker plenty of times in my life. Hell, it's the only way to learn what really works sometimes.

    But Napoleon Hill's six steps for accomplishing anything you want were laid out like this in "Think and Grow Rich:"

    1) Determine the amount of money you want
    2) Determine a date when you want to have it by
    3) Determine what you intend to give in exchange for it (where Hill claims there's "no such thing as something for nothing")
    4) Write out a plan and get started right away, whether you're ready or not
    5) Write out the details of steps 1-4
    6) Read them aloud twice daily

    Yet, here are the steps laid out in "The Secret" and most Law of Attraction courses today:

    1) Ask
    2) Believe
    3) Receive

    What happened to the plan and getting to work whether you were ready or not? What happened to determining what you were willing to give in return? What happened to "no such thing as something for nothing?"

    I'll tell you what happened. The same thing that happened to the essential nutrients in our foods. They got sucked out and replaced with stuff that was cheaper and better tasting.

    Even Hill said this in "Think and Grow Rich:"

    "Riches do not respond to wishes, they respond to definite plans, backed by definite action through constant persistence."

    There's ^ your secret right there:

    1) Clarity: definite plans
    2) Elimination: neglect of everything that doesn't support that plan
    3) Contribution: definite action invested towards achieving your plans
    4) Perseverance: pace and presence during times of sowing and times of reaping.

    That's the most effective approach I've found for achieving personal and professional goals. I suspect that's the Law of Attraction in its pure, unfiltered form.

    The "Hollywood" Law of Attraction has survived scrutiny for two reasons:

    First, because it's so damn alluring. I mean it feels really warm and fuzzy. Its easy to deny the cold reality that you have to invest energy through actions if you want to make something happen.

    Sure, thoughts are a form of energy.

    We can measure a thought.

    But we can measure actions too.

    They give off energy too.

    They give off more energy than thoughts do.

    More energy invested = more results.

    Of course, there's the "change your thinking to change your actions" argument, but thoughts don't always lead to actions. If they did, we wouldn't have a little demon called procrastination breathing down our necks.

    Thoughts only become actions when activated by value, that's what turns thoughts into beliefs, beliefs into actions and actions into results.

    The second reason the dummed down version of the Law of Attraction has survived is because it's based on the assumption that you have to believe and not doubt, so doubting it would automatically nullify it's power.

    It's classic circular reasoning:

    1) You have to believe it for it to work
    2) If it doesn't work, you keep believing that it will and eventually it will
    3) If you dare say "It's not working" the universe will hear your doubt and it won't work.

    Being stuck in this loop robs you of your personal Clarity and Clarity is the first step of success.

    Know yourself.
    Know you limits.
    Give yourself.
    Never give up.

    Without Clarity, you can be fully motivated and fully committed, hauling ass towards your dream, but following the wrong road.

    Epic fail. I've been there, we all have.

    Clarity requires a healthy balance of skepticism and wonder (thanks Carl Sagan). You spent some time too far on the wonder side, nothing wrong with that. Now, your inner skeptic is stepping in to balance things out.

    Just don't let the skeptic take over.

    Keep dreaming, keep questioning, keep hoping, keep testing and keep persevering.

    It took a lot of guts to admit you've been following a path that's not working for three years, and I believe the person who can honestly face their own faults can face anything.

    Value Driven Transcendence
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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Gentlemen, these have been the most sensible replies to date, and I Thank you for them.

      Which brought me to another interesting thing, George Carlin! - I've been thinking... how did George Carlin get so successful? He certainly died a millionaire, famous for his dark, cynical, and brutally honest comedy.

      He definately didn't walk around with a positive mental attitude towards prosperity; in fact he condemns a lot of traits about capitalism!

      Point is, even negative people can be wealthy!
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      • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
        Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

        Gentlemen, these have been the most sensible replies to date, and I Thank you for them.

        Which brought me to another interesting thing, George Carlin! - I've been thinking... how did George Carlin get so successful? He certainly died a millionaire, famous for his dark, cynical, and brutally honest comedy.

        He definately didn't walk around with a positive mental attitude towards prosperity; in fact he condemns a lot of traits about capitalism!

        Point is, even negative people can be wealthy!
        You know, Robert Ringer wrote about this ^ in "To Be or Not to Be Intimidated," and I agree with him wholeheartedly.

        I've met a lot of successful people and contrary to the common belief, most of them are naturally wired to be pessimistic. They're not positive thinkers, they're proactive thinkers. They're always thinking in terms of strategy and how to create results and overcome obstacles before they happen.

        Proactive thinking requires a healthy streak of pessimism and good problem solving skills. To be a proactive problem solver, you need the naturally ability to see problems before they arise. Most naturally optimistic people aren't very good at that, so they get blindsided by obstacles and quickly discouraged.

        Pessimism can be just as valuable for creating success and optimistic and optimism can be just as crippling as pessimism. After all, there's no difference between this:

        "Ah, no use in even trying, it won't work out anyway. God/The universe hates me."

        and this...

        "Ah, it'll all work out fine anyway. Don't worry about it. Just give it to God/The Universe." either case ^, nothing gets done and nothing gets accomplished.

        The question is: what action does your thinking lead you to? Do you remain focused on what is valuable and seek out ways to proactively overcome problems and proactively create opportunity?
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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      Originally Posted by sethczerepak View Post

      But Napoleon Hill's six steps for accomplishing anything you want were laid out like this in "Think and Grow Rich:"

      1) Determine the amount of money you want
      2) Determine a date when you want to have it by
      3) Determine what you intend to give in exchange for it (where Hill claims there's "no such thing as something for nothing")
      4) Write out a plan and get started right away, whether you're ready or not
      5) Write out the details of steps 1-4
      6) Read them aloud twice daily

      Yet, here are the steps laid out in "The Secret" and most Law of Attraction courses today:

      1) Ask
      2) Believe
      3) Receive

      What happened to the plan and getting to work whether you were ready or not? What happened to determining what you were willing to give in return? What happened to "no such thing as something for nothing?"

      I'll tell you what happened. The same thing that happened to the essential nutrients in our foods. They got sucked out and replaced with stuff that was cheaper and better tasting.

      Even Hill said this in "Think and Grow Rich:"

      "Riches do not respond to wishes, they respond to definite plans, backed by definite action through constant persistence."

      There's ^ your secret right there:

      1) Clarity: definite plans
      2) Elimination: neglect of everything that doesn't support that plan
      3) Contribution: definite action invested towards achieving your plans
      4) Perseverance: pace and presence during times of sowing and times of reaping.

      That's the most effective approach I've found for achieving personal and professional goals. I suspect that's the Law of Attraction in its pure, unfiltered form.
      thank you. You explained what I tried to earlier and wasn't clear enough.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneMcc
    having a positive attitude is very important in succeding in anything in life. Visualising yourself being successful at anything in particular is also very important to help you succeed. But after visualising you have to take action. Things do not happen for you witthout you putting in teh work. You have to think about what you truly want, visualise it, visualise how you plan to achieve it then go and do the work. If it was true that you will be rich if you simply think about being rich then why are we stuck in one of teh biggest recessions in recent years, with so many people thinking about being rich after the release of the secret you would think it would be boom times at the moment
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  • Profile picture of the author nickstrech
    Thinking on its own obviously sorts out nothing thinking goes with implementing. The authors of these books didnt just think them onto paper they put their thoughts into writing, then made money.

    My #1 Recommendation To Make a Full-Time Income Online.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tiffiney Cowan
    There certainly is something to having skill; however there are plenty of people with skills who do nothing with them. It's the people who are willing to put in the effort to leverage their skills that achieve success.
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  • Profile picture of the author eshapard
    Wow... this thread is still going.

    People sure are passionate about clinging to a belief in LOA.

    Thoughts are energy, everything is energy. Nothing is solid. That means whatever we think literally affects our own lives and is sent to the "universe" as energy; which will attract like energy whether we want
    it or not.
    I found this particularly egregious. Even if I accept your premise that everything is energy (thoughts included), how does any of the rest of what you said follow??? This is a non sequitur.

    You might as well say that speech is a wave and all matter has wave-like properties, therefore this means that if you say the right words, magical unicorns will sing you to sleep and bring you clean underwear from Atlantis.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hardcoremarketing
    You are 100% right and 100% wrong. The Law of Attraction is not the lottery.
    But, I'll bet a ton of money that I can prove you wrong if you are willing to spend some time with me.
    No obligation and no fee, just a testimonial from you as you start progressing.
    I'm not able to PM yet, but if you send me a yahoo email, handle is saleclozer, I'll personally coach you through the process for at least 90 days, if you truly want it.
    There, you just witnessed the Law of Attraction at work. You want to attract money, women, etc. and now you have landed a personal coach for free.
    Any questions?
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  • Profile picture of the author aatyum

    The Law of Attraction Does Work. The science behind its presentation is diluted, incomplete, at times flawed, and can be discomforting to others in the wake of its proximity of radiant effect.

    There is a simple key to recognize regarding certain understandings presented by modern day mavens through methods of commercialized media. It's not that a correct body of information isn't presented as an offering towards the attraction of balancing desires; it's just that the whole and complete story of actuality is not presented.

    The public in general, is presented with less than a 7th of a complete system, which is ancient, scientific, and intrinsically immortal.

    This comment has nothing to do with what is termed metaphysics, as it has more to do with comprehensive understandings of the actuality behind reality.

    These understandings will involve:

    • temporal physics,

    • ancient prescriptions of mathematics wherein numeric symbol integers are treated as 'living qualities' and 'living quantities' with their own caste system culture,

    • the understanding that the value prescriptions of numeric symbol integers are immortal,

    • the understanding that creation is a friction between two polar irregularities,

    • the understanding that time is a condition,

    • the understanding that geometry is simultaneously a relative static and or dynamic correspondence within cyclic condition of time,

    • the understanding that frequency specifics seek to be sympathetically harmonic at coordinate intersections of material expression,

    • and so much more.

    The disciplines mentioned are measurable, observable, and applicability harvestable, as can be seen in the significance of the relative design of ancient monumental structures, their coordinate locations, and within the coded scriptural text presented through various cultural theocratic communities.

    No, I am not kidding. It only takes a bit of research and investigation, or might I say, a lot of research and investigation, to recognize how to assign the sympathies of evidence, that cross-pollinate each of these seemingly unrelated disciplines, to within an understanding of a uniform tolerance of each others influence.

    You might consider studying:

    • Prime numbers and prime number quadruplets, which concern the structural fabric of the physics of this mother nature,

    • ancient 'Kemi and 'Kawil' mathematics, which concern numeric symbol integer value coordinate positioning as well as value difference relationships,

    • 'Fibonacci' ratio proportion relationships, which concern the growth prescriptions of organic material, virtual geometric expressions of psychic and mental radiance, as well as temporal event occurrence happenings,

    • 'Hermetic Science.', concerning a body of relative intrinsic laws, that should not be divorced away from themselves, as is currently done through the presentations of modern day mavens that present such technologies without their balancing counterparts (i.e.: The Secret, Think And Grow Rich, etc), *The 'Law Of Attraction' falls under and is subordinate to one of the following principles:
    1. Everything Is Mental - Principle Of Mentalism
    2. Everything Is Correspondent - Principle Of Correspondence
    3. Everything Vibrates - Principle Of Vibration
    4. Everything Is Polarized - Principle Of Polarity
    5. Everything Is Rythmic - Principle Of Rhythm
    6. Everything Is Cause And Effect - Principle Of Cause And Effect
    7. Everything Is Gender - Principle Of Gender

    These principles can best be evidenced, observed, and or practically applied through rudimentary sciences as tangible explanations throughout our modern day use of:

    1. magnetic technology - power generation,
    2. electromagnetic planetary influences - earth shield against solar wind,
    3. electroencephalogram technology - brain scan radiation coordinates,
    4. quartz crystal technology - condition of time management, information storage,
    5. sonic structural technology - Grand Central Station - New York city, 'Mayan' temple complex,
    6. geometric release of nuclear force - nuclear explosions
    7. geometric computer science technology - computer array load distribution
    8. interferometer technology - 'Harrp'
    9. etc.......
    • ' Mayan' mathematics , which is based on a base 20 vegismal system,
    • 'Vedic' mathematics, which infuses a more complete system concerning the relative correspondence between all things of measure, as well as presenting an understanding of the behavior of numeric symbol integer values, in terms of their functional expressions of dynamic with, toward, and between each other,

    • 'Vortex' mathematics, which will serve to delineate the expressions of fluid energies 'from' potential, as they involve and interact with the physics of this Mother Nature,

    • Celestial astronomy (not astrology), which will evidence accuracies that regard periods of cyclic determination and their component measure within spatial disciplines of coordinate,

    • etc..

    Even the understanding of how geometry can harvest and contain energy from beyond the absolute of potential, is not a foreign understanding to our modern day technology, as can be evidenced in the initial construction of the dodecahedral sphere, that encapsulated the compressive potential necessary to release nuclear energy at the dropping of the first atomic bomb.

    I think you get the point. There are measurable sciences that our general population is either not exposed to, presented a shroud or cloud of mystery with, divorced away from in terms of technology impossibility orientation, or just simply told, that these mechanisms don't exist. This can be done due to the ancient psychological sciences involved in understanding the behavioral mechanisms of humankind in mass.

    An example of this is the symbolism involved in currency. They're a symbols inscribed and printed on today's U.S. dollar bill. The technology involved is one that understands that the purpose and intent infused into the design and construction of a symbol, can be passed through the ravages of the condition of time, so as to affect the behavioral consciousness of individuals in a similar fashion within multiple periods of conditioned atmospheres of event.
    This is a technology that dissolves the influence of temporal period separation. Think about it...

    What I've written here is only the surface of a truer and more complete explanation as to the mechanics behind this existence. Less than a tip of an iceberg...

    And after reading this, you might get a better hint as to where the basic information of some of our modern day books come from. The information is not new.

    So, if the law of attraction doesn't seem like it's your cup of tea in terms of cause and effect, it might be wise to get a better handle on the supporting cast of characters that ancient technologies seem to have applicably realized as necessary components to incorporate, when desiring a cause to be a cause, and an effect to be in effect. Something to think about!

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  • Profile picture of the author aatyum

    The Law of Attraction Does Work. The science behind its presentation is diluted, incomplete, at times flawed, and can be discomforting to others in the wake of its proximity of radiant effect.

    There is a simple key to recognize regarding certain understandings presented by modern day mavens through methods of commercialized media. It's not that a correct body of information isn't presented as an offering towards the attraction of balancing desires; it's just that the whole and complete story of actuality is not presented.

    The public in general, is presented with less than a 7th of a complete system, which is ancient, scientific, and intrinsically immortal.

    This comment has nothing to do with what is termed metaphysics, as it has more to do with comprehensive understandings of the actuality behind reality.

    These understandings will involve:

    • temporal physics,

    • ancient prescriptions of mathematics wherein numeric symbol integers are treated as 'living qualities' and 'living quantities' with their own caste system culture,

    • the understanding that the value prescriptions of numeric symbol integers are immortal,

    • the understanding that creation is a friction between two polar irregularities,

    • the understanding that time is a condition,

    • the understanding that geometry is simultaneously a relative static and or dynamic correspondence within cyclic condition of time,

    • the understanding that frequency specifics seek to be sympathetically harmonic at coordinate intersections of material expression,

    • and so much more.

    The disciplines mentioned are measurable, observable, and applicability harvestable, as can be seen in the significance of the relative design of ancient monumental structures, their coordinate locations, and within the coded scriptural text presented through various cultural theocratic communities.

    No, I am not kidding. It only takes a bit of research and investigation, or might I say, a lot of research and investigation, to recognize how to assign the sympathies of evidence, that cross-pollinate each of these seemingly unrelated disciplines, to within an understanding of a uniform tolerance of each others influence.

    You might consider studying:

    • Prime numbers and prime number quadruplets, which concern the structural fabric of the physics of this mother nature,

    • ancient 'Kemi and 'Kawil' mathematics, which concern numeric symbol integer value coordinate positioning as well as value difference relationships,

    • 'Fibonacci' ratio proportion relationships, which concern the growth prescriptions of organic material, virtual geometric expressions of psychic and mental radiance, as well as temporal event occurrence happenings,

    • 'Hermetic Science.', concerning a body of relative intrinsic laws, that should not be divorced away from themselves, as is currently done through the presentations of modern day mavens that present such technologies without their balancing counterparts (i.e.: The Secret, Think And Grow Rich, etc), *The 'Law Of Attraction' falls under and is subordinate to one of the following principles:
    1. Everything Is Mental - Principle Of Mentalism
    2. Everything Is Correspondent - Principle Of Correspondence
    3. Everything Vibrates - Principle Of Vibration
    4. Everything Is Polarized - Principle Of Polarity
    5. Everything Is Rythmic - Principle Of Rhythm
    6. Everything Is Cause And Effect - Principle Of Cause And Effect
    7. Everything Is Gender - Principle Of Gender

    These principles can best be evidenced, observed, and or practically applied through rudimentary sciences as tangible explanations throughout our modern day use of:
    1. magnetic technology - power generation,
    2. electromagnetic planetary influences - earth shield against solar wind,
    3. electroencephalogram technology - brain scan radiation coordinates,
    4. quartz crystal technology - condition of time management, information storage,
    5. sonic structural technology - Grand Central Station - New York city, 'Mayan' temple complex,
    6. etc.......

    • ' Mayan' mathematics , which is based on a base 20 vegismal system,

    • 'Vedic' mathematics, which infuses a more complete system concerning the relative correspondence between all things of measure, as well as presenting an understanding of the behavior of numeric symbol integer values, in terms of their functional expressions of dynamic with, toward, and between each other,

    • 'Vortex' mathematics, which will serve to delineate the expressions of fluid energies 'from' potential, as they involve and interact with the physics of this Mother Nature,

    • Celestial astronomy (not astrology), which will evidence accuracies that regard periods of cyclic determination and their component measure within spatial disciplines of coordinate,

    • etc..

    Even the understanding of how geometry can harvest and contain energy from beyond the absolute of potential, is not a foreign understanding to our modern day technology, as can be evidenced in the initial construction of the dodecahedral sphere, that encapsulated the compressive potential necessary to release nuclear energy at the dropping of the first atomic bomb.

    I think you get the point. There are measurable sciences that our general population is either not exposed to, presented a shroud or cloud of mystery with, divorced away from in terms of technology impossibility orientation, or just simply told, that these mechanisms don't exist. This can be done due to the ancient psychological sciences involved in understanding the behavioral mechanisms of humankind in mass.

    An example of this is the symbolism involved in currency. They're a symbols inscribed and printed on today's U.S. dollar bill. The technology involved is one that understands that the purpose and intent infused into the design and construction of a symbol, can be passed through the ravages of the condition of time, so as to affect the behavioral consciousness of individuals in a similar fashion within multiple periods of conditioned atmospheres of event.
    This is a technology that dissolves the influence of temporal period separation. Think about it...

    What I've written here is only the surface of a truer and more complete explanation as to the mechanics behind this existence. Less than a tip of an iceberg...

    And after reading this, you might get a better hint as to where the basic information of some of our modern day books come from. The information is not new.

    So, if the law of attraction doesn't seem like it's your cup of tea in terms of cause and effect, it might be wise to get a better handle on the supporting cast of characters that ancient technologies seem to have applicably realized as necessary components to incorporate, when designing a cause to be a cause, and an effect to be an effect. Something to think about!

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  • Profile picture of the author tomokun
    *Sighs heavily* Metaphysics. If there was EVER a word or an idea that was more harmful to the human race than metaphysics, I don't know what it is.

    Metaphysics is synonymous with "unproveable, untestable nonsense".

    Words like "energy" have a meaning that has NOTHING to do with ever morphing definitions posed by preachers, psychics, and other charlatans who actively take advantage of genuine interest and confusion of scientific explanations by using scientific sounding words to gain some of the credibility that scientific experts enjoy.

    If you value truth at all, like me you are probably disgusted with "metaphysical" beliefs and their penchant for divesting the credulous from their hard-earned money.

    IF as aatyum implies there IS a science behind why the claims of LOA are true, I'm not familiar with it. I don't mean to call you out, but some of what you are talking about (symbology, numerology, crystals, etc.) are nothing more than interesting collections of coincidence conflated with the Forer effect.

    I'm familiar with many scientific concepts, theories, etc. - but LOA strikes me as something more akin to wishful thinking rather than a provable, testable hypothesis.

    Other than that though, I agree with one thing.



    These are the things which separate fact from fiction.

    If you make a claim, and you can't prove it - it's BS.

    If you make a claim that cannot be tested - it's BS.

    If something is only true sometimes then there is NOTHING that separates it from coincidence. Divine providence or "intelligent energy" deserve no special treatment in a world where true knowledge and proven ideas are all starkly marked by their predictive reliability.

    If you want to consult with me, or see what I offer, check out: or contact me at

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    • Profile picture of the author Thrazgard
      This thread is sorely lacking some specific stories from all the believers, detailing exactly how it has worked for them. All I read is stories of people working to achieve something, and crediting it to the Law of Attraction.

      Being humble is great, but it's sad how people credit the universe for their hard work, instead of themselves.

      Originally Posted by tomokun View Post

      *Sighs heavily* Metaphysics. If there was EVER a word or an idea that was more harmful to the human race than metaphysics, I don't know what it is.
      When someone laughs at your dream, its a good dream.
      I'm already rich, because I get to live.
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      • Profile picture of the author chemo38
        Originally Posted by Thrazgard View Post

        This thread is sorely lacking some specific stories from all the believers, detailing exactly how it has worked for them. All I read is stories of people working to achieve something, and crediting it to the Law of Attraction.

        Being humble is great, but it's sad how people credit the universe for their hard work, instead of themselves.


        You want proof? My wife got us a van using LOA in 3 days from a source that neither of us could have imagined. Second, my wife acquired her guest cottage rental house by using LOA AND visualizing it in EXACT detail! Third, I used it to "attract" a hose clamp that I needed for a hobby project of mine. This clamp appeared in a portion of my back yard that i rarely, if ever, go to! Lastly, I used LOA to acquire money to pay for an excellent LOA product! It worked for me!

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  • Profile picture of the author carolynhoney
    In my experience, the Law of Attraction works in a much more subtle and emotional way than advertised. It has to do with the basic resonance of your being and how free / nonreactive your consciousness is, not how much time you spend visualizing fancy stuff.

    And by "basic resonance of your being" I mean - are you a genuinely loving person? Do you honestly wish happiness and peace even for people who offend you or try to hurt you? Are you generous, patient, kind - without resentment, entitlement, or any trace of self-pity? If so, you'll be able to attract other loving, generous and free people into your life. It's my experience that opportunities and help come from exactly those kind of people.

    The other dimension I mentioned is how free / nonreactive your consciousness is. In other words - do you panic if you don't have money in your bank account? Are you willing to treat other people poorly in order to get something you feel you need or want? Those qualities of reactivity and manipulation are grounded in grasping and fear and tend to actually repulse happiness from our lives. In other words, you might be able to trample or trick your way to material bounty, but that bounty won't bring you any joy because your consciousness, or quality of awareness, is itself mired in fear.

    Having a free / nonreactive consciousness enables you to see opportunities and respond to them with much more clarity, peace, and effectiveness. In other words, if you can feel free and happy with nothing or very little, you're more able to go about taking action towards your goals in a way that continues to create happiness and freedom.

    If you're interested in learning about this more subtle form of the law of attraction, I suggest reading the essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson. He was the father of American self-help, and his metaphysics were based in a very in-depth understanding of philosophy and science.

    But I agree with darkW00Ds - the whole "visualize a diamond necklace and in two seconds it'll appear on your neck" is childish magical thinking - and not even the interesting kind of childish magical thinking. Just the boring, grubby kind.
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  • Profile picture of the author successproducts
    this reply may be old but here is what I want to say about this. Persevere works period. Nothing comes without our effort. If someone gets rich quick that is very good for him but it is the exception and not the rule.

    But dream we must because nothing can begin without the first thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author sabinavarga
    I'm not going to agree with or contradict anyone because I haven't read that much about LOA, or watched that many movies, or seriously tried it on myself.

    I want to just say that LOA, just like other similar "theories" or "laws", have to be taken with a bit of salt. Take them literally and expect amazing results, and you're headed for disappointment. Learn from them and take just what applies to you, what pushes YOUR buttons, and what you think that could help you in life, and you're headed for personal development.

    I think everyone should have their personal "law" - a mix-up of the best of everything you learn through different experiences.
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    • Profile picture of the author tomokun
      Originally Posted by sabinavarga View Post

      I'm not going to agree with or contradict anyone because I haven't read that much about LOA, or watched that many movies, or seriously tried it on myself.

      I want to just say that LOA, just like other similar "theories" or "laws", have to be taken with a bit of salt. Take them literally and expect amazing results, and you're headed for disappointment. Learn from them and take just what applies to you, what pushes YOUR buttons, and what you think that could help you in life, and you're headed for personal development.

      I think everyone should have their personal "law" - a mix-up of the best of everything you learn through different experiences.
      Agreed. The whole problem is that people take these guidelines as gospel - expecting that the incredible claims are based in truth, and not just unreliable personal anecdotes that don't take into account the very real work and luck that played a part in their experience.

      If you want to consult with me, or see what I offer, check out: or contact me at

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  • Profile picture of the author Skaught27
    I do belief there is some truth in the Law of Attraction. I believe that if you actively focus on what you want, it has a much better chance of coming to you.

    What I believe to be an even stronger force is the Abundance Mentality. Believing that you have an abundance of everything you want takes the pressure of everything. You can go in an do whatever you want and get whatever you want because even if you don't there are still tons of opportunities everywhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author bushidosurfer
    As I am a fan of the LOA, was really curious why darkw00ds did not believe it works.

    After reading through the thread, it did make me think more about what darkw00dsthinks about how LOA teaching works i.e. by getting what you want through thinking, believing and receiving it - without any effort.

    Here's what "The Secret" teaches,
    1. Ask
    2. Belief
    3. Receive

    I personally think this was a good starting point but over simplified and may give the wrong impression that no action is require since it's not there

    So he's not completely wrong in saying that what we've achieved is through our own effort and not some silly law.

    I believe the misunderstanding/disagreement with folks seems to be also the action/in-action bit.

    So do we count it as LOA if there's effort? Our own effort? Or the LOA actually involves no effort? But still getting what we want?

    I read a few times that OP do not expect LOA to involve any action.
    Wow! I didn't look at or understand LOA this way - I had hope that would happen to me too without any intended action

    As Jim Rohn teaches, "Affirmation without action is delusion". And I somehow believed that 'cos what I've achieved so far definitely involves action - the LOA just helps me understand how I've achieved it before and gives me a way to repeat this success.

    The explanation of LOA from Ester/Abraham teachings is definitely more detailed. She share another few sets of sub-Laws the comes with it namely,
    Law of Deliberate Creation.
    Law of Intention.
    Law of Allowing.

    Ester also says LOA simply put is "that which is liken to itself is drawn".
    If you are positive, you are friendly to folks, you will likely receive positivity and friendiness from other folks. If you feel and act abundant, you will attract abundance into your life.

    So for me what's more important is that it gives me a way to understand what I am getting what I am getting. This law may be based on our own effort. Heck, this Law probably came about because of how humans were achieving things and someone just "framed" it into a so-called Law as it could be repeated. So human success first, then Law instead of the other way around etc. But what's important is how using a method (or law) makes it quicker and a way to achieve what you want.

    So it works, be it with or without action and I believe in this thing called LOA or you can call it LOA with Action .

    To me darkw00dsis already using/knowing LOAA to achieve what he wants. He's just looking for a way - hey that's what "The Secret" teaches isn't it? - to do it without the additional A. Maybe that's possible, but I've not experience it. And I've not seen anyone successful achieving it.
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  • Profile picture of the author TG12
    Im just reading the LOA (About half way through) I cant wait to finish it. Great Book!
    Vaoser Link Ninja Software
    DHV Delivery Systems FAILING at online dating???
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Everyone who's contributed a response on emotions being the energy which creates attraction are right on.

    That's the first half of the Law of Attraction, and you need that working to make the law work. The slippery slope is where you leave the second half of the law out...

    ...which I realize makes it more marketable, but it also renders the LOA worthless. Most of the people I've met who are frustrated with the LOA have only heard or applied the first half:

    Positive thoughts + positive emotions = prosperity.

    However, the second half is...

    Release from negative emotions through honest expression + massive action = results.

    The moment you start saying: "well of course it's not working because you're giving off negativity and doubt and the universe hears that doubt..." you create a double bind that forbids a person to honestly express their negative emotions.

    I think that's a mistake.

    I encourage my students to be critical and doubtful at times, even if it means being honest about your frustration and anger. When frustration and anger are honestly expressed, you're released from them and you can open your mind and heart to learn again and to refine and deepen your understanding.

    But if you repress and bury them for fear that they'll "mess up your LOA vibe," you create a cesspool of repressed negative emotions inside yourself. (read Dr. Candice Pert's research on this, there's scientific evidence to prove it). Negative emotions don't just go away, they have to be released through honest expression.

    You can keep believing and feeling the vibe and expecting LOA to work, but that doesn't mean it will work...especially when you're violating basic laws of physics...

    If the fact that thoughts are a form of energy proves that the Law of Attraction can cause things to happen in the physical realm (which I believe it does, partially), we also have take into account the energy created by our actions.

    Actions contribute a whole lot more energy than thoughts do.

    If your thoughts and emotions are directed towards creating prosperity, but your actions are directed towards feeling good and comfortable by avoiding negative things and pursuing only pleasurable things, you'll end up building your life up with one hand and tearing it down with the other.

    I'm not talking about metaphysics against vs practicality here, I'm talking math and the basic laws of physics. I went to the gym today, took a lot of action, endured a lot of discomfort, delayed pleasurable feelings and contributed a lot more energy towards having a healthy body than I could have contributed through 24 hours of visualizing a healthy body while sitting comfortably in my meditation room.

    Yes, I've trained myself to have a positive outlook on the idea of working out...but I still have to honestly push through discomfort to make things happen.

    And if a month from now, I'm not reaching my health goals, I'm going to be honest with myself about where I'm frustrated and I'm going to apply critical thinking, refine my approach and reapply myself to investing energy into reaching my goal.

    That honest expression of frustration and application of critical thinking is a vital part of the process of attracting what you desire.

    Thought energy + Positive emotional energy + Energy through actions + Honest release from negative emotions through honest expression = prosperity.

    I know that's not as sexy as this...

    Positive thoughts + feel good emotions = prosperity.

    ...but like anything else that produces worthy results, you have to stop living in this pattern...

    Avoid pain and pursue pleasure.

    ...and start living in this one...

    Endure pain and delay pleasure for the sake of creating value.

    To the original poster, your frustration and even negativity are human and all a part of growing into the person who will attract what you want. Don't let anyone tell you the same time, don't stay there and stew in your own juices.

    Let the negativity out, analyze where you left out the second two components, refine your approach and persevere.

    Value Driven Transcendence
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  • Profile picture of the author MBDirect
    WOW what a fabulous and fascinating flood of intelligent people your post has drawn out here – in itself a demonstration of LOA? There are countless participants we could quote that nail it ever so simply, like sethczerepak and Success Products above, and many many more.

    Your post gives the impression you've been grossly misled by what is indeed misleading about "The Secret," i.e. " Ask - Believe - Receive." I think this overriding theme leads people to see only what they want to see about LOA, namely the easy way. Your post shows it in the fact that you complain about the effort you’d need to put forth to get women, as though you expected they should just come somehow magically come to you because you’ve been studying LOA for some time. Likewise, you seem to have missed Napoleon Hill's hammering in "Think and Grow Rich" that you must be willing to sacrifice - pay the price - for what you want. He lays out all the things you have to do and it all spells disciplined, persistent belief, work and effort. And he shows countless examples of people who succeeded because they believed, planned, took action and persevered.

    It all boils down to the simplest equations that say “it all begins with you.”
    Successproducts above says “nothing can begin without the first thought.” Your thought.

    Sethczerepak above says “Most of the people I've met who are frustrated with the LOA have only heard or applied the first half:

    “Positive thoughts + positive emotions = prosperity.

    “However, the second half is...

    “Release from negative emotions through honest expression + massive action = results.”

    And before all that, you really need to be READY to give it a chance and do whatever it takes. Hopefully you’ll accept that golden invitation of the generous soul that has offered to mentor you for free, somewhere in this thread.

    It is terribly hard to switch your thinking from the current circumstances that you want to improve, to the future circumstances that you want to achieve, but that’s where it begins. Once you can do that, you will be applying the principle of “belief” that you will have what you want; and you then take persistent action until you manifest your dream as physical reality. Spaceflight being one of countless examples.

    All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Law of Attraction + Action with confidence = Better chance of success

    Even if you don't use law of attraction, but you focus on being honest with yourself and disciplined and focused, you have a better chance of success.

    But nothing is for sure in this life. Law of attraction, in my view of it, is there to give you more confidence and belief in what you are doing so you don't give up as easily and you force yourself to think positively.

    Positive people are more successful because they don't let doubt cripple them. They don't find every reason a project will fail and give up at the first sign of distress. They find every reason a project will succeed and go ahead with it, even if it's not perfect.

    I think you can use law of attraction to turn your thinking around, but you have to actually do something, not just believe it's "magic." It's not magic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Thrazgard
      Originally Posted by redicelander View Post

      Law of Attraction + Action with confidence = Better chance of success
      Action with confidence equals better chance of success. :p

      This is where your law falls flat on its face. It depends on things that are already proved working without your law.
      When someone laughs at your dream, its a good dream.
      I'm already rich, because I get to live.
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    OP just don't put a whole bunch of stock in LOA. Jack Lalanne once said, if you are short don't expect to grow taller, control what you can control. He also said(when asked about prayer), that he think in terms of doing all he can with his body, and, mind to return the favor he was given. He pray when driving his corvette, and, reflecting on his body parts. He prays all the time!!!!

    In other words, let the other stuff work itself out.

    Another analogy is a sport team goal maybe a championship, but, they only focus on the now. One practice, one game at a time... and, then they let the big goal kind of float out there. Even guys who have Hall Of Fame dreams they let their career playout and focus on that end goal when it comes after their careers.

    I think life is hard enough trying to control habits, focus, and, succeed without trying to add something you don't really understand and no one can say for certain whether it works or not. Your life isn't someone elses. All you need to know is what works for you and do that! Write the dream down as a summary, but, not as the base of your life. Live while your living.

    Now these things are things you can control....if LOA can provide something outside of normalcy such as; growing bigger hands, feet, height (when over the age of 25), or, at age 90 you can look a youthful 35 years of age all naturally then lets hear it! Something that is actually outside the realm of your own compacity.
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  • Profile picture of the author BLM
    well it works, if you understand how it works at a deeper level
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    • Profile picture of the author theory expert
      Originally Posted by BLM View Post

      well it works, if you understand how it works at a deeper level
      Tell us what level do we need to understand. I'll pass your information off to a balding guy and see if it helps grow his frontal hair loss back for starters.
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      • Profile picture of the author kardesh10
        To the OP. Thank you so much for creating this thread. It gave me more clarity on how the law of attraction is not working in my life. I realize that taking massive action is much more important and beneficial than just visualizing and even taking little action. More action is better than less action.

        For now I'm letting go of my belief in LoA. If someday they discover some secret technique that guarantees success in LoA 100%, then I'll reconsider. But I don't think that will happen.

        Right now it's time to take massive action.

        I need to work on willpower, self-discipline, and motivation instead of visualizing myself wealthy, successful, etc.
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        • Profile picture of the author theory expert
          Originally Posted by kardesh10 View Post

          To the OP. Thank you so much for creating this thread. It gave me more clarity on how the law of attraction is not working in my life. I realize that taking massive action is much more important and beneficial than just visualizing and even taking little action. More action is better than less action.

          For now I'm letting go of my belief in LoA. If someday they discover some secret technique that guarantees success in LoA 100%, then I'll reconsider. But I don't think that will happen.

          Right now it's time to take massive action.

          I need to work on willpower, self-discipline, and motivation instead of visualizing myself wealthy, successful, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author sharonhurley
    Power law of attraction is such a natural approach that it can be applied for any thing, any time, in any circumstances, to manifest anything that you want, in any part of the universe, by anyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ferma231
    It works if you believe in it.

    How can it work if you make useless thread like this ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Innersky23
    The Law of attraction works, but saying that it "works" is implying that there is a possibility of it not working, as is it were something that was just magically invented.

    Although it has been popularized by "The Secret" the law of attraction is a universal law, its like the law of gravity and the law of cause and effect.

    The law of gravity doesn't care if you're a good person or a bad person, if two people jump off a building they will both splatter when they hit the ground! So the law of gravity is impersonal, just like the law of attraction is impersonal.

    The law of attraction was oversimplified in the media and in "The Secret", misleading people that do not understand the concepts of quantum physics and metaphysics. Meta- the Greek word meaning beyond...and physics. So metaphysics is defined as "beyond the physical". have to take action. As the Quakers say "As you pray move your feet".
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  • Profile picture of the author Thrazgard
    What was the situation with the van? What was the source?

    You are leaving out the details. And it is the details us skeptics are looking for.

    Finding junk in your yard does not impress anyone.
    When someone laughs at your dream, its a good dream.
    I'm already rich, because I get to live.
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  • Profile picture of the author gynbeck
    I believe life is meant to be something of a puzzle. If we had a complete map with all the answers, life would get rather boring - and pretty fast. LOA has become a peculiar phenomenon in that the principles seem to originate from various sources. If one chooses one source and sticks with its specific regimen, success can be achieved. Attuning the self is very subtle business; it's like creating and coordinating several ripples in a pond all at once!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Solomon
    Originally Posted by gynbeck View Post

    I believe life is meant to be something of a puzzle. If we had a complete map with all the answers, life would get rather boring - and pretty fast. LOA has become a peculiar phenomenon in that the principles seem to originate from various sources. If one chooses one source and sticks with its specific regimen, success can be achieved. Attuning the self is very subtle business; it's like creating and coordinating several ripples in a pond all at once!
    Well said. And combine the many sources and one approaches divine truth.
    “There is a SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH, and it is an exact science ... those who do things in this certain way ... get rich, while those who do not ... remain poor.”
    - Wallace D. Wattles

    Get The Great Formula + powerful tools to master it for up to 95% OFF with The Science of Success WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author John F Kennedy
    It does work my friend, seems to me that your mere questioning it has led to you building a resistance against it.

    I was like you for a long time until I stopped looking for proof and just went with it.

    I knew of it for many years but it was not right for me at that given time. Your time may not be right now, just letting go can often lead to better results.

    I wish you well
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Solomon
      Originally Posted by John F Kennedy View Post

      It does work my friend, seems to me that your mere questioning it has led to you building a resistance against it.

      I was like you for a long time until I stopped looking for proof and just went with it.

      I knew of it for many years but it was not right for me at that given time. Your time may not be right now, just letting go can often lead to better results.

      I wish you well
      Letting go is sound advice.
      “There is a SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH, and it is an exact science ... those who do things in this certain way ... get rich, while those who do not ... remain poor.”
      - Wallace D. Wattles

      Get The Great Formula + powerful tools to master it for up to 95% OFF with The Science of Success WSO.
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      • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
        Ha! The bull-sh*t is really flowing now. We have god promoting the law-of-attraction.

        Joe Mobley


        Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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        • Profile picture of the author Michael Solomon
          Originally Posted by Joe Mobley View Post

          Ha! The bull-sh*t is really flowing now. We have god promoting the law-of-attraction.

          Joe Mobley
          Not today. It's Sunday, his day off.
          “There is a SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH, and it is an exact science ... those who do things in this certain way ... get rich, while those who do not ... remain poor.”
          - Wallace D. Wattles

          Get The Great Formula + powerful tools to master it for up to 95% OFF with The Science of Success WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author eguinan
    it works for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author HolyWarrior
    The Law of Attraction is explained in a more "down to earth" manner within The Law of Success, and is presented more realistically by Dr. David Hawkins.
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    • Profile picture of the author darkw00ds
      Yep, I'm reviving a somewhat dead thread. I reviewed everything, and like a religious cult, I got repeated responses.

      "The Law of Attraction Works"

      "It shall Work for you my friend."

      I still say, NOPE. NOPE, and NO THANKS.

      I was living in my Car, broke as dirt, wishing hoping and praying. I listened to Michael Beckwith, Abraham hicks, and all of those guru's advice. I was waiting for something to happen, a chance, or miracle. Nothing.

      We live in a Rule with laws, regulations, monetary systems, educations, qualifications, skills, and talents. These are the the things. To recieve you must give.

      Give your time, effort, and will. To say I will receieve a Ferarri, or house, simply by staring at a "Vision board" or "Imagining it in my hands" is foolish and always will be.

      Does the mind have an impact on it's surroundings? Sure it does. Buddhist practice the development of Chi. Some healers in Asia are curing cancer with their mental power. You can make your Rice mold faster by simply writting negative words on it.

      In a minute scale, your mind effects your surroundings, sure. Will it attract a red ferrari in your front lawn, pink slip and All? Hell no.

      I've given years of time invested into thinking these things. If the Law of Attraction were real, I could become a brigadier general simply by visualizing it. I'd be banging porn stars in my Private Yacht, sipping champange and shooting paintballs at seagulls. I'd be doing lines of cocaine with $1,000 bills, and transporting myself via jetpack.

      Suffering brings reward. We can't Visualize a perfect body without suffering the effort by sculpting it. Sweat, dieting, and pain. You can't expect to make millions of money without first developing a plan, or intelligent system of raking it in, with effort and long hours of contemplation, analyzing and obsession. Think Mark Zuckerburg, and his endless nights programming Facebook, or Bill gates hunched over a computer inventing Windows, ect.

      I swear if I hear someone say "If you believe you will receieve" one more time, I'm going to lump you into the cultist category. I'm agnostic. I believe in a high energy. I leave it at that. When you throw bible scriptures, LOA Scriptures, and other cultist, rhetoric and dogma, my mind tunes you out. When you say Jesus this, Buddha that, when all I was just trying to do was make a buck, I tune you out.

      Keep your religion to yourself. Let's look at the facts.

      1.) Meditating on an object, will not bring it o you. I can fantasize about Pamela Anderson or some Porn star for 8 hours a day. Guess what? She's not going to show up in my room.

      But I can say, "I will do this, to earn this much, and then hang out in these areas, and spend this money, and learn charm, and wit, and blah blah - I will then have that hot babe."

      2.) Repeating something over and over, hitting the hammer into the nail, in someones head, is likened to brainwashing. I am brainwash proof. The more you hit the hammer of "The LOA Works!" - "You can attract large sums of money to you without any effort!" - The less I listen.

      Unless someone does a 30 day trial of themselves, "Attracting" items to their front door, and has documented proof of a Columbia coffee maker bringing freshly brewed coffee to his window, like Bruce Almighty, or a sweet new Hot Rod appearing in your Front Porch, show me these things happening on camera and I'll believe you.

      Till then, I remember that we're not Gods. We don't have mental telepathic powers. I'm not Professior Xavier, wheel chair bound, reading peoples minds and throwing 220 pound mutants across my room. (Unless I'm on Acid) - Otherwise we'd be living out some strange X-men, sci fi reality, Jedi Knights would be the new Police, and my Chevy Silverado would be flying.

      Please don't respond with your Ancient Mayan meta physical, Alien religious, cult BS, or the third forgotten laws of LOA, 4th edition. I know you paid $50.00 for the special edition "14 forgotten laws" from Amazon, and want to believe your money did not go into a Rich Guru's pocket and you're still working in a cubicle. I'm in the business of trying to make money in this world called "Reality" where laws like "Supply and demand" and "The Stock Market" are very real, real, and tangible things.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Focus and concentrate on what you want to have happen _and_ take action/follow a plan and you'll succeed.

        I think visualization and keeping you vision in mind can speed up the process of accomplishment. In fact you have to envision something before you can create a practical means for achieving it.

        Many times a person can't see past their (sometimes limiting) “beliefs.” For instance a man may be convinced that women don't find him attractive. However, by practicing LOA and concentrating on what he desires, he will see what's been there in “objective reality” all along: Women finding him attractive.
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    I don't know whether to clap for you or just to agree with you it seems the whole book packet had a few fantasies. Did you forget the part about putting yourself in the way of these services like transport etc
    Signature Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author Uros Novak
    Law of attraction is amazing. Work if you believe in it or you are not believe in law of attraction.

    If you want that will work for own good, must know how the law of attraction actualy work.

    You must go deeper and deeper. I highly recommend series of 14 Cd's from Kevin Trudeau Your Wish Is Your Command. This cd series is recorded on live webinar, he speaks very in deep about law of attraction, about The Secret...
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Bucker
    I did not read every post on here before I am posting this. My friend because something did not work for you does not mean it does not work. As for think and grow rich, I have to wonder if you read the same book I was reading because it clearly does not talk about just envisioning to me. I actually points out that several never succeed because of lack of action.

    Regardless of that point do you know the list of people who have made it rich after reading that one book and contribute their success as starting with reading that one book.

    As a sales trainer and still a salesperson in many ways I have used these principles with success. Sometimes it is in the application, also in some cases your path is merely a different one to success. If there was one that worked for everyone there would only be one book written to cover it all.

    Any one method can only be used properly of one relates to it and becomes one with it. Often we all have to search until we find the one method that gels with us completely. It was not these books for you, it may be another or none at all it may be exactly as you said, simple busting your rear to get yours. Everyone does their time before success tho, be it in mind or in physical the time is still spent as well as the effort before success is met. Even nepolean hill spent I think it was 20 years of study and almost broke before his success.

    This law is simular to the law of faith. However faith without works is dead. I dont think any author I have read that says to use the law of attraction says that I all you need. I know the book I read that you read "think and grow rich" does not say that at all. It outlines sevarl things you need including action.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      My friend, just because you have given a name to something does not mean that it exist.

      Originally Posted by Michael Bucker View Post

      My friend because something did not work for you does not mean it does not work.

      Ah yes, faith. The absolute belief in something with absolutely no evidence, truth, facts, logic, or reason. Second only to prayer in the scope of it's failure.

      Originally Posted by Michael Bucker View Post

      This law is simular to the law of faith.

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author Dianzo
    We have same problem, i'm now can't even focus for my school.
    Everyday just booring and full of doubt day. Am I depressed or what?
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  • Profile picture of the author bartm
    It doesn't work by itself. You need a compelling vision, good enough reasons to do it and take massive action. Just thinking doesnt do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jomuli3
    It has been like frantically searching for an item in a dark room. We have been hitting ourselves on chairs, tables, fridges etc.

    We need some light --- focused light to find what we want in this dark room.

    Let us look at the issue from another angle.

    Why does the Law of Attraction fail to work for some people?

    What is it that they are not doing in order to succeed?
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      Originally Posted by Jomuli3 View Post

      Why does the Law of Attraction fail to work for some people?
      Because it doesn't exist.

      Originally Posted by Jomuli3 View Post

      What is it that they are not doing in order to succeed?
      Totally different question on a totally different subject.

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
      Originally Posted by Jomuli3 View Post

      Why does the Law of Attraction fail to work for some people?

      What is it that they are not doing in order to succeed?
      Solution/Missing Element: Massive Action!

      Taking Massive Action is Conducive and Congruent with the Law of Attraction.

      A person who truly BELIEVES...takes massive, overwhelming action, towards that which they wish to attract into their lives.

      Continuous Massive Action reinforces your beliefs.

      It's almost impossible to fail, if you will just take ENOUGH action.

      The abundance of opportunities has never been greater.

      What will you DO about it?

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  • Profile picture of the author Leeds Man
    Sounds like it went completely over your head. The mind is powerful if you believe and exercise your mind to work in a certain way then yes you will achieve the things you visualize by taking action.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      Originally Posted by Leeds Man View Post

      Sounds like it went completely over your head.
      Ah... insults. Those usually come about when there is a shortage of facts to back up an idea.

      Originally Posted by Leeds Man View Post

      The mind is powerful if you believe and exercise your mind to work in a certain way then yes you will achieve the things you visualize by taking action.
      1) Your belief.
      2) Exercising your mind.
      3) Things you visualize.

      Name 3 thing that don't apply to scientific law (or in the real world.)

      Gravity doesn't care about your beliefs, exercise routine, or what you day-dream about.

      Roll off the couch and you're probably going to have a short trip to the floor.

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author Praney Behl
    Works me me
    Complete WordPress Management Tool (Coming Soon) - WP Master Blaster
    Get 100's of links from Powerful Wiki Sites - Wiki Master Blaster
    The number of possibilities to do something with a tool you master, are only limited to your imagination. I like to think outside of the box.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    You missed the whole point in those books. What has been your definite purpose that you have been striving to achieve for the last 5 years? You don't even need to answer because from reading your words you do not have a definite specific purpose that you have had laser focus on. Have you been using the 6th step to wealth creation daily? Judging from your words, no. Follow the lessons and it will work for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author alanng1069
    Wow Darkwoods!

    Amazingly you created a topic of controversy, and reading the threads is pretty interesting. Seems that you are debating the whole world - and your point is that success primarily has to do with action and nothing to do with Law of Attraction...

    Emm.. first of all, I am a strong believer of Law of Attraction (nothing to do with spiritual believes), and on the contrary from scientific evidences.

    Our emotional states and physio states are highly related. A lot of research has been done in this area, and if you read Daniel Goleman's works on Emotional Intelligence. Clinical studies have been done and proven that a person with a high EQ will have a higher chance of success. And EQ is deeply related to physio status, aka actions. This Emotional Quotient relates to how your mind works when you face issues, challenges etc. And if you state of mind is negative, positive actions CANNOT happen.

    And you have to know that there are also other universal laws that goes along with LOA - they are greatly inter-related. E.g. the Law of Harmony, Law of Health, Law of Compensation etc. These Laws do not work alone, just like in IM, you can create a beautiful, good keyword site, but do not do any backlinks; and your Google ranking may not be there - are you to say that keyword is BS?... I guess not.

    Basic believe is Law of Supply, which primarily is believing in abundance. It will change the way you interact with people, and the outcome of your success. Also, believe in Law of Compensation, which means you need to "invest" and "give" before you reap.

    A mentor once told me, "Alan, if you come across someone who shows you the way; even the most difficult and impossible mission can be a breeze."
    This is to say that you should seek to attract people who is willing and can help you.

    It does not really matter whether you believe in LOA - it is just a name and comes in many forms. Importantly, understand who you are right now, and who you seek to be - understand the gap, and understand what it takes for you to reach there. Not merely in terms of actions and plans, but "who you really are", and "are you willing to go through the pain (process) in order to enjoy the fruits of your success later..." - and I will not be surprised that for some, they would rather not go through the pain.
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  • Profile picture of the author talia88
    I agree that the Law of Attraction does work but your thought and actions have to agree and work together. You must put an effort into achieving your goals. If you want a successful business you must know wholeheartedly that you will have a successful business and also work hard to make that business dream into a reality. Success, Money, Love etc just don't appear out of the blue for most people you have to take action. You also must believe without any doubts in your dreams. If you allow doubt to settle in then you are allowing your negative thoughts to win (you attract what you think about). Therefore if you are working to achieve your goals but at the same time thinking "This will never happen" then you are allowing your negative thoughts to become your reality. Every successful person has failed, every rich person has lost money, everyone in love has been heart broken so even bad things happen to you know that you will rise above the situation and you will be successful. Never give up on your dreams! You don't want to get to the end of your life and regret that you never fully pursued your dream! When you fail pick yourself back up and keep going! Successful people did not give up when they failed they picked themselves up and kept pursuing their dreams, that's what we all must do. Remember if someone else could do it (ie be rich, have a successful business, great career, love, happiness, & inspire others) than so can you.
    Thank you. Take 20% OFF Entire Store! Click Here Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
    The law of attraction does work. It works like magic. I have done experiment after experiment and attract all sorts of things into my life. Action really is not required for it to work! But it is required for 99% of people because they believe that without action they can not manifest what they need.

    I admit that you can not manifest being on the beach when you are locked inside your house. What works well for me is moving towards your goal while knowing you have reached it already.

    I have made all sorts of things "come" to me. As in they appear in my life in a fashion where I could not avoid it. The Secret makes the LOA seem so simple but in reality you need a very strong belief to manifest at will.

    I have been heavily involved with the LOA the last say 5-6 years. When I say heavily I mean there is not a day when I do not read something about the LOA. I tried it and failed to manifest anything for the first year. I was too desperate and lacked belief.

    If you are serious about using the LOA I advise that you manifest something small and common. My first manifestation was an apple. I wanted a apple to come to me in one way or another. I did not want to buy one or see one in a common area.

    The apple came to me in a way I could not avoid. I do not want to go into details but it was a "breakthrough" for me in the LOA that made my belief level go up to a level that was never possible without manifesting the apple.

    From there I worked my way up with other small common items that all manifested. Then I manifested something huge that was simply incredible and life changing.

    I will admit I do not use the LOA to manifest money usually because im too busy manifesting my "huge huge goal" which I consider much more important than money. I can only visualize so much per night

    But here's the basic formula:

    1. Visualize in first person with all senses involved right before you fall asleep at night. "Live and experience" the end goal as if it was real. Smell it, touch it, see it, hear it etc.

    2. Play emotional music during this visualization and get as emotional as possible. Make it your "victory music" or whatever really makes you feel emotional and get goosebumps.

    3. Do this for 5-20 mins every night before bed. Feel free to take a few days off and never make it a chore.

    4. Don't look for your manifestation. Instead move towards it in the best possible non desperate way you know possible. Almost like you would move towards taking a vacation. You know it will happen and you simply prepare for it.

    5. Just know that the act of visualizing alone will bring your manifestation to you eventually. Realize it could happen today or months down the road. The bottom line is it will manifest and already has manifested.

    That's my basic formula. You must know whatever you want to manifest will manifest. Also I find writing down your manifestation in a journal helps too.

    This all takes practice and I suggest manifesting small items first. When you see how they come to you belief starts to build to a level that's not possible without this. I still have trouble manifesting some things myself so im not an expert. But I have manifested dozens of things without any action except visualizing and moving towards my manifestation the best way I know possible.

    Hope this helps and sorry for any errors in my writing as I don't have time to proof read right now
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  • Profile picture of the author cbader
    Well you also have to release the thoughts from your mind. Meditate. Of course nothing happens if you do not TAKE ACTION.

    Great write up by the way. I agree with what you say. Possitive attitude is just the start. IT TAKES WORK.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg71
    I've been subscribed to Randy Gage on Youtube for a while. He's right into all this stuff and I find him very good at teaching. He has been a student of prosperity for years and he points out that what brings it into reality is action. Action bridges the gap between metaphysical and real-world.

    I think some of the Secrect might be about programming your mind yourself, consciously, rather than letting it be programmed by your environment automatically.

    If you visualize the goal, you have put that image into your mind on purpose. Works for athletes apparently.

    Maybe do the Secret thing with women and money, but asking yourself the question, "What do I have to do to get that?". You might get the answer, a hunch etc, which you then act on. Action.

    To get a different result, you have to take different action. Expecting anything else is, apparently, insanity.

    Randy has a book that explains the 7 universal laws. One is cause and effect. The effect is you are healthy. You cause it by eating right and exercising.

    I guess it works with women and money that way. You have to do whatever it takes to make yourself attractive to them. What cause will bring the effect? Might be a CB book on pheremones, who knows.

    Which brings you back's really up to you to produce your own results because no-one is gonna hand you the keys to a Lambo or a beachfront mansion. Become a real estate investor and at least you're in with a chance. You can't win Lotto without a ticket.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I've been working with LoA for a while now and it's simply something you have to get better at harnessing.

      The Law of Attraction

      That is a free run down of what LoA is.

      The Law of Attraction Made Simple by Jonathan Manske

      That is soft cover book for about $20 but simplifies the process into something you can do and get better at on a daily basis. Highly recommended if you want to put Loa into practice but just don't understand how to apply it to your life.

      Effortless Success by LearningStrategies Corp.

      If you can afford to dip into your pockets a little bit that is an audio guide of how to find life purpose and aim your LoA at exactly what you want. This is about dreaming big and achieving big, so those with humble interests should probably stick to the first two options if you don't have big success in mind.

      I admit I'm a personal development junkie, but it's ok because the more i learn and the more BS i come across allows me to appreciate the genuine teachings and inspirations from those sources of good intention.

      The title of this thread is definitely debatable (if not completely wrong :rolleyes so i had to chime in.

      Sorry if others get pissed that i bumped it :p
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  • Profile picture of the author Rigpa
    The Law of Attraction is only one half of the most supreme Law in this universe. And that law is balance. I know there are people that would say that Love is the supreme Law and it is true that the Law of Love and the Law of Light is superior to the Law of Attraction and the Law of Balance, but those laws are not of this universe. They sometimes shine through a little crack and that's it!

    As the Law of Attraction is only one half of the Law of Balance we have a problem. Every thing has a price. What ever I get from the Law of Attraction I have to pay back some day. Some call it karma because they don't really know what it is - then it goes religious even though it isn't.

    The only thing in this universe that comes for free is the Love and the Light that comes through the cracks.

    If you find the center of your own being you also find this law of Balance. It works inside as well as outside of us. And if you go even deeper you find the Law of Love and the Law of Light.

    Sounds spooky and religious right? Well it ain't. Every body can experience it if they have the persistence - it only takes half a life :-) But it's worth it :-)

    And the Mind... The best thing you ca do about your Mind is to forget it. Completely! The Mind can't attract any thing!
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  • Profile picture of the author bnorton2010
    The law of attraction is hard for people to believe in because most people believe we live in a physical universe. Well, that is not the case at all, and it has been proven by science that we are vibrational and everything in existence is nothing more than a vibrational frequency. When you look at the world in that way, as it really is, the law of attraction makes a lot more sense.

    The people that believe ACTION is the key to making things happen obviously aren't paying much attention to their THOUGHTS prior to, during, and after they take the action. When you're feeling lazy, your thoughts are of a much different nature than when you are productive and taking action. It is the thoughts that create the action. If you focus your thoughts on a particular goal for long enough, and believe with all your heart that you can achieve that goal, you WILL take action. If you believe that action is the key, then you are just not very aware of your thoughts, which is completely normal. Becoming extremely aware of your thoughts and emotions is the first step to making the law of attraction work in your favor.

    If you have any doubt, start studying the most successful people in the world. You will find they all have one thing in common: an intense focus on a particular goal and absolute belief that they can achieve it.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarah23
    Positive thinking will make law of attraction work.
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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    It's stupid that anyone thought LoA "would work" in the first place. Are people that intellectually lazy and desperate?

    LoA is great along w/ programming your mind, studying the science of happy, BUT it takes ACTION to see real results. LoA is ONE tool, ONE part of the process of real results.

    Do carpenters get all pissy and say golly gee, my nice design and blueprints I though of haven't transformed into a nice house! Gee, I bought a hammer but the house isn't built yet!!!

    People need to quit being such lazy entitled lemmings to put any stock in just thinking of something (usually just selfish BS to boot) will make it magically appear.

    I find it good that there are many of these idiots out there. It makes it easier to sell them stuff and compete against them.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author damiensuccess
    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    I'd love to belive in this stuff, but I am going to be quite honest; It just isn't cutting it for me. In terms of money, women, or anything else. It's just not doing it for me. I've done multiple endless mental experiments on this, and it's never been through.
    Belief is where many people fail... Understanding is where people will succeed.

    The Secret was misinterpreted and very vague. Little explanation and meaning is given and people are left with belief.

    The law of attraction is also very difficult to give a define explanation. Due to metaphysics being heavily influenced by probable interference and the mental response of others.

    I have written an article that many has appreciated. Maybe you expected differently from what you were taught or have read. My understanding with the law of attraction may give you a perspective you can harness wherever you go in life.
    Hope this will help you! - The Law of Attraction - Making it obvious, clearer and work for you | Successful Marketing Secrets
    Damien Parsons
    Success Coach | Writer
    Join me on Successful Lifestyle Secrets
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  • Profile picture of the author howarddavidson
    I think it can only work as a guide which helps encourage you. Maybe the idea is just that you can attain anything you can visualize attaining, which can be anything. But, maybe the authors forget to say that just doing this is only the very beginning stage, that you must put in a lot of work to bring your visualizations to fruition!
    Signature - Howard Davidson, marketing guy in Arlington, MA writes about marketing, advertising, social media and brand strategy with a touch of sarcasm. - My secondary blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Young Financier
    I feel the same way as you, at least for the most part. I do believe in an infinite intelligence but I don't believe that it "brings" anything to people. My beef with this whole secret, law of attraction crap is that it has really convinced people that they don't have to work hard to succeed. People believe that they can just think and things will fall into place. But we know that to be nonsense. By using visualization and the various auto-suggestion techniques, what does happen is that ideally, a person would become success conscious and see opportunities which they didn't see before.

    In terms of infinite intelligence, properly interpreted, infinite intelligence describes that part of the mind of man that knows how to acquire knowledge from unknown sources. Ever notice that when you concentrate obsessively on a problem, an answer eventually appears from out of nowhere? By using infinite intelligence, a person can use their mind to gather ideas and knowledge to which they wouldn't have access. This is why Napoleon Hill emphasized concentration as being a key principle to success.

    I'm gonna tell you like this. When I high on the law of attraction hype, I got nowhere in life. I actually moved backwards. But after I let that crap go and became pragmatic and logical about my approach towards success, I've been on a steady path.
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  • Profile picture of the author ddev
    BIG Desire + Positive Thinking + Action = Results.
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  • Profile picture of the author drem
    I've had mixed experiences with the LOA. I think the hardest part, in my opinion, is letting go of the "metaphysical" aspect of it all. If you want something bad enough, you'll do whatever it takes to get it, right? I think this is really the core of what the law of attraction is. We just mess up the process by adding all of these extra metaphysical aspects that make us feel doubt and frustration. In my own personal experience, it was hard for my brain to really grasp the idea of the things I want just suddenly making their way into my life. That made me doubt the process and as a result, doubt the prospect of my goal becoming a reality. If you take that away and just focus on visualizing your goal, creating a plan and taking action - you'll find success every time. You still need to get rid of doubt though.
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  • Profile picture of the author artkho
    Law of attraction is misconceived by many people, who think it is basically a form of wish fulfillment.

    The latest research in neuroscience has shown that 97-99% of our perceptions, feelings, behaviors as well as our beliefs, values, and habits reside in our subconscious mind. That means in order to reprogram yourself for anything you wish to attract and change your current realities, it is critical to access the subconscious mind and change your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, beliefs, perceptions, emotions, and habits that will result in taking relevant actions in a daily life.

    This is where the power of attraction comes up.
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  • Profile picture of the author damiensuccess
    Your all experiencing the LoA as we speak.. Misunderstanding it too

    Its obvious your current thoughts are affecting what your next action might be. It would be ignorant to believe that those possible actions will cause reactions..

    Whether these reactions echo back to us Emotionally or physically tomorrow or 10 years down the road. The fact is,, SOMEBODY or SOMETHING caught that echo and is echoing the same vibration you put off. Whether You or somebody else steps into that echo later, it will in turn continue to echo and effect the world around its minor influence.

    The concept to time travel in TV and Movies point out that changing something silly from the past can vastly change the outcome of the future. The same concept except we have to look in the future about the possibilities of our actions.
    Damien Parsons
    Success Coach | Writer
    Join me on Successful Lifestyle Secrets
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  • Profile picture of the author bnorton2010
    The reason it is hard to believe in the law of attraction for most people is because they believe in causality, that is that actions cause results. In reality, there is no time but now, therefore causality is an impossibility. Really, everything is manifesting at this very moment as a result of our thoughts/level of consciousness (energy). The illusion of causality is a result on our senses and our linear way of thinking. The non-linear domain is impossible for the ego to comprehend, and so there can never be a satisfactory explanation for how the law of attraction works or the universe in general. The best way to describe it is that everything is in a continuous evolution and the mind is continuously creating. Just because the results show up "later" does not mean that you aren't creating it "now."

    If you are serious about spiritual development and understanding these things, then reading the work of David Hawkins is a must. It's only for the serious student and you must be open minded, but it is life changing stuff. Start with Power Vs. Force
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    The Law of Attraction works or not depending on your beliefs.

    It is as simple as this:

    "The ONLY thing you can CONTROL absolutely are your thoughts, make them good ones!"

    EVERYTHING you have right now in your life is a result of your thinking and the thoughts you were having.

    No it is not magic, BUT the fact is that ANYTHING starts with a thought.

    It is as easy to think "How can i make $10 today?" as "How can i make $10,000 today?"

    The RESULTS you get will be down to the belief you have for each statement and the ACTION you take fueled by that belief.

    If the belief is lacking and then so will action.

    The Law of Attraction is EXACTLY what you think it is and you can use it by matching your thoughts to obtain higher feelings and taking better actions.

    Last thing look at your results - if they are not what you want change your thoughts.

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  • Profile picture of the author sujit1717
    The best thing is Believe in God. And do what you love. The point is Life is easy when you have someone to look after. A hope.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eloquent
    Read this about LoA and Action -
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Stewart
    Beliefs are a VERY powerful tool when it comes to long term success. Faith will carry you through the hard times of fear and despair. Visualization helps reinforce belief.... This is the law of attraction summed up, without all of the mystical jargon.

    I believe that LOA works. I also believe that it's the same thing that other self help gurus since the 70's have been teaching, but in a new age wrapper.

    Take away the mysticism, and you're left with NLP, Tony Robbins, and Brian Tracy.

    Beat the competition with better long tail keywords:

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  • Profile picture of the author Meta Morph
    The secret really did people a disservice by only focusing on one small part of the equation...It was sort of like they told people "hey if you want to build a house all you have to do is draw up a blueprint". While yes it is true that if you want to build a house you do have to have a blueprint to work from but you will also need the skills and materials necessary to actually manifest the object into physical reality.

    The key point of all of this law of attraction stuff is that ANYTHING THAT IS MANIFESTED IN YOUR PHYSICAL REALITY STARTS WITH AN IDEA. It starts as an idea that you then cultivate into an ideal which eventually evolves into a central theme that your entire life is orchestrated around. You have to put in serious internal work to construct this central theme and get all facets of your life operating around it. I think the biggest failure of the secret and other "mystical" BS is that they convinced people that completely overhauling your entire life was easy when in fact it is the most challenging task that you will ever undertake....You have to first get over yourself and get out of your own way before you can ever accomplish anything. You have to become a new person and revamp your entire life. You have to live it every single second of every single day because as soon as you get comfortable...just as soon as you step back and slack off just a little bit, you will slip right back into your old ways of thinking. As long as you are moving towards your goal, your ideal life situation, you are successful. As soon as you stop advancing, changing, growing, and making have failed and accepted defeat.

    It's called a law for a reason. These laws state many things. It's a law that if I lift weights regularly I WILL become more muscular. It is a law that if I eat healthy food and workout then I will feel better and be slimmer. Just the same that it is an ABSOLUTE LAW that if you focus on your dreams and ARE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE of achieving them (learning the skills, reading the books, going to the seminars, DOING THE WORK) then it will manifest in your reality.

    Of course you can't sit there and dream about something and it will happen...GET REAL! Yes think about what you want and then come up with a practical application that will enable you to obtain it in this dimension. You have to extrapolate what you want from the imagination and pursue it in actual physical reality...The secret is leaving people lost in their imaginations sitting there wondering why they aren't getting closer to their's because you aren't moving toward it.

    A good book that was written that explains the law of attraction very well was "What would napoleon hill do" and it was put together by two of his chief editors and they break down all of his teachings into practical, actionable forms and explain everything so that these misinterpretations can be put to rest. Be logical, be practical...don't try to take the easy way out because the real secret is like Brian Tracy says "the real secret is that there is no secret".

    In summary, the law of attraction only works when you do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    I'd love to belive in this stuff, but I am going to be quite honest; It just isn't cutting it for me. In terms of money, women, or anything else. It's just not doing it for me. I've done multiple endless mental experiments on this, and it's never been through.
    Your attention is what attracts (or creates) your experiences.

    You're too focused on contrast to see that what you're focusing on IS your experience.


    P.S. I didn't read anyone's responses. I just FINALLY felt compelled to click on this thread - after seeing it a few times.

    Do you want a 9 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you, on zoom, to help write your copy or client copy... while you learn from one of the few copywriters to legit hit 9 figures in gross sales! Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author Salada325
    This. I think when LOA "works," it's not really LOA that's working. When people visualize themselves doing or getting or achieving, and then they do it, it's because they shifted their focus, attention, and the outpouring of their energy away from "if I can do this," and toward "how I can do this."

    I think what LOA says it is and what it actually is are two different things. LOA (as I understand it) states basically that all the universe is energy, and like energy attracts like circumstances. The practical outworking of this is essentially that you need to believe you can do something before you can do it (oversimplification). But, those things are really independent of one another. You can accomplish things just by believing you can, acting like you can, and then working hard without subscribing to LOA, and it really doesn't have anything to do with the aforementioned laws of energy and whatnot. All this to say, what's really being taught here is pragmatism. Like Jason said, wrap it up in whatever you want, because it doesn't have anything to do with the 'mystic' side of it.

    The more frustrating thing for me is that there's an implication here that your success and your circumstances are all on you. To allude to the earlier point that you can wrap this personal philosophy in any wrapper, perhaps you've heard of Joel Olsteen. He claims to be coming from a Biblical perspective, but his teachings are very centered around the idea of "total victory" for the individual in all areas--health, finances, success, etc. He often points to words as having the power to achieve these things for you--you can only lay hold of these if you claim them! And yes, we can see to a degree that you're more likely to fail if you think you can't succeed. You're more likely to feel bad and think you're dying if you act like a hypochondriac and think you're chronically sick. But what happens when you are generally positive (regardless of your faith/philosophy of choice, since LOA would claim you're practicing it whether you believe in it or not, if I'm not mistaken), and bad things happen anyway? If you believe that the Infinite Intelligence (to borrow a term mentioned previously in the thread) responds only to your own stimuli, then what does that mean? It means that you are doing something wrong. You're not believing hard enough. Your energy is bad. You're not claiming your rightful victory zealously enough. "But I was trying so hard!" Well, apparently not, or you wouldn't have failed. You wouldn't have gotten sick. And as beliefs are a powerful thing, that can begin to reinforce crappy and untrue self-beliefs.

    And I think that's the danger of wrapping a pragmatic philosophy in mystical stuff. Whether pragmatism is the best overall worldview to adopt or not, we know that it is limited. Doing your best to eliminate negative thinking, focusing on useful "how" questions instead of useless "if" questions, and backing your fervent desires with fervent work, those are all awesome things. But we know that sometimes they don't work, or something completely outside of our control happens. That doesn't mean we are doing something wrong in our visualization or beliefs, it means sometimes bad things just happen for reasons that are beyond our human perspective.

    In conclusion, I think these pragmatic principles have their place and their proper scope, and they ought not be confused with something different.
    Originally Posted by Jason Stewart View Post

    Beliefs are a VERY powerful tool when it comes to long term success. Faith will carry you through the hard times of fear and despair. Visualization helps reinforce belief.... This is the law of attraction summed up, without all of the mystical jargon.

    I believe that LOA works. I also believe that it's the same thing that other self help gurus since the 70's have been teaching, but in a new age wrapper.

    Take away the mysticism, and you're left with NLP, Tony Robbins, and Brian Tracy.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdWordsUzmani
    There is no ATTRACTION!, I don't belive that but "You get what you focus on"

    Here is a simple trick.
    Close your eyes and say red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red and open your eyes.
    You'll see all the red objects on your arraound. But if you want to see more red objects you have to go out, because you can't ATTRACT them by just visiualizing...
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  • Profile picture of the author shifter88
    Dark woods read infinite possibilities by Mike Dooley. You have contradicting thoughts that are beating out the good ones think of a scale how does it work? We think about 65000 thoughts a day maybe some of those are not good hmmm?..
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  • Profile picture of the author PeterAbundant
    As a Spiritual teacher of such things as the law of attraction. I'm going to say one thing and keep it to the point. Many of these books are vague and usually miss the key component to how it works, that is action. You have to have a plan and follow through with action. Sitting in a room and looking at a visionboard is part of it and many people such as yourself believe that is all you do. Everything they teach in books such as the secret are very basic and that is for one reason, to make it commercially appealing and making the material able to be applied to everyone's situation. You have to keep up with studying the concept but more importantly taking action as you learn. the Law of Attraction isn't something you decide to apply or not, it is always in action. The way you think about things dictates your results and that can be proven by science I'm sure. Even science is grounded is this fact, a scientist has a vision to create a cure and that scientist or another eventually creates one and it is because they have a clear picture in their mind as to what they want and they continue tirelessly to make it happen and so it does.

    The real secret to all of this is persistence and positive mentally. the law of attraction is about programming the brain and that is the magic. You started studying this because something about it resonates with you and you have to master YOUR way of practicing the law of attraction. Different things work for different people, do not listen to people who have no connection to the law of attraction and tell you it doesn't work. the reality is that what they believe in won't work for you because we are all different. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and continue the work, the law of attraction and spirituality isn't for punks, it takes faith and that is real strength. it takes patience and trusting yourself.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Originally Posted by PeterAbundant View Post

      Different things work for different people, do not listen to people who have no connection to the law of attraction and tell you it doesn't work. the reality is that what they believe in won't work for you because we are all different. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and continue the work, the law of attraction and spirituality isn't for punks, it takes faith and that is real strength. it takes patience and trusting yourself.
      This pretty much sums it up.

      The main idea behind the law of attraction isn't simply that we attract what we want. It's that we become more loving and positive people who naturally attract those good things to us because our vibration is increased through good thoughts and emotions.

      Concentrating on LoA too much for the effect of having more money or success is going a bit beyond the point, sort of like getting all A's in school is nice but you cheated the whole time you were there.

      We cannot place the locus of control on material effect as that is only the physical manifestation of our internal congruence. I might be speaking a little to spiritual/esoteric here but I've worked with as much personal development stuff as anyone else (likely a lot more lol). But I keep seeing people focus on effects they want rather than looking inward to fix their internal problems which then allows them to naturally attract good things.

      I also agree that the mainstream LoA centered things like The Secret are far too simple to be taken As Is. It's not that simple because you're personal growth shouldn't be taken so simply.

      As Mr. Peter here mentions the law of attraction and spirituality aren't for punks who want quick gains. This is something that when done properly affects your entire reality holistically.

      It's sort of like fixing your health so that you can breath better. You think clearer because you can breath properly. Your relationships enhance because you can think easier and relate to others better. Job/business flourish because you're functioning at a higher level. You feel a great sense of life purpose because you're getting shit done and you feel good about yourself.

      Now spirituality is like one level of above bodily health. One you align yourself spiritually everything else falls into place, sort of like how i painted out optimal health benefiting your entire life.

      Bottom line, LoA is only the tip of the iceberg for real self growth and development.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Tyler
    Law Of Attraction:

    1. Desire (remember how napoleon hill talked about that burning desire?)
    2. Faith (more desire = more faith)
    3. Action (action leads to more desire)

    It works by the action you put into your work, the more desire you will get. When failure hits you down, faith comes to rescure.

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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Okay, I've been getting updates on this post for more than a year now. Dozens of my coaching clients come with this complaint. Most of them make the same basic errors.

    Check out this video, it explains the most common mistake people are making when using the Law of Attraction

    Case in point, #2 in this video...Napoleon Hill talked about the Mastermind and power gained through Organized knowledge. But you also need to work with people who challenge you to succeed instead of holding you back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ean Stark
    I will have to slightly agree with you,its not just what you think btw- you gotta do and work smart.

    Hope that helps.

    Live your dreams,
    Ean Stark
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikeshinton
    If you're interested, which I suspect you won't be, I can easily tell you where you are going wrong
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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    darkw00ds – yep, you have been cheated.

    Are you going to be cheated again? It sounds like it. You are not out of the woods yet but quite close.

    Think of LOA as the placebo effect. That changes everything. Faith, trust, hope, etc.
    Let’s add the law, “What you focus on, expands.” To this.
    Are you seeing now that the placebo effect and action are not enough?
    It is like saying the number six is stupid. What a waste. All it does is move from five to seven. Get rid of it.

    How simple minded is that? There are more ways to use the number six than just in counting to ten. The same is with LOA. It is only one part of a many, many skills.

    Also the movie, “The Secret” had one line it that said, “Now go out and take action.” I was listening for it so I heard it. It was just buried too far into the second half of the film. Plus there are also two cuts of the film released. Not sure if it is both of them. Regardless, we know better. As do you. Why buy into obvious marketing schemes? We are on one of the largest marketing sites on the net. We all know better here.

    Do not confuse setting an intention (including goals) as being able to achieve the goal itself. The incredibly valuable point here is that intention (another form of LOA) is vitally crucial to achieving our success. Where would you be without intention?

    Also what about enjoying the journey let alone enjoying the success? This aspect of LOA about just having some fun with the steps to success is just as important in being able to keep going. Being able to have a taste of the end result helps us to keep going. Rewards along the way, so to speak.

    Here is a discussion where I thoroughly discussed this with examples that people are wanting.

    Now the big test is doing what else you need to be doing besides intention (LOA) and smart work. Do you even know that? I understand your pain, my friend, but you are also dangerously close to missing future pieces by not understanding LOA thoroughly to begin with. With that blindness . . . well, you can . . .

    “if one made decisions based truley on how we feel, the foundations of civilizations would crumble.” Ummm, can I be standing just off to one side while you tell that to a room full of women? (serious)

    “You wouldn't try a lawn mowing business in the desert, where no lawns grow, would you?”
    How about starting a retail business with weird hours, extremely high prices, and very limited inventory? Does that sound like a smart idea? The founders of 7-Eleven thought so. (Perspective)

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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  • Profile picture of the author rap3003
    It doesn't work on me. If i think positive, the results would be negative.
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    I'm noticing a pattern in this thread. People who say it hasn't worked for them seem to believe that the universe responds to thoughts. It doesn't. The universe responds to vibration. It's how you FEEL about what you're thinking.

    The universe is like a polygraph test. It responds to what you feel, which is shaped, not by what you think but by what you believe.

    If you think about how you want to get rich, yet you're envious of wealthy people and/or believe that they got there by hurting others, the universe responds to the feeling which those beliefs creates.
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  • Profile picture of the author star007
    I see your point. Keep in mind that DESIRE without appropriate ACTION will take you nowhere. Just my three cents!
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    I read the latter book a decade or so ago. I long discarded its ideas in the bin. Well it said the obvious -for you to gain wealth you have to position yourself between services and the customers. I did that but it was not enough.
    Signature Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author billybob
    Of course the Law Of Attraction, and The Secret and all of its ilk are nonsense. They are MARKETERS who created these concepts. Duh!

    Do some reading on the topic of Confirmation Bias. This will change your life. Confirmation bias is deeply ingrained in many fields, and is difficult for people to escape.

    Seriously, read a little about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mariamcm
    Darkwoods... I can tell you exactly why the LoA is not working for you... it's very plain to me. Watch this space as I'm working on a product now that I will be launching in a few weeks... it might just change your mind.

    Maria McMahon

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  • Profile picture of the author osamaye360
    i agree so much with Nick Oliver. the law of attraction is not just about thinking alone. you have a duty to act. Personally, it has worked for me. and recently, i tried one and it worked. i wrote a check in my name of about $10,000 in my country's equivalent in January. as at that time, my monthly earnings all round was just about $200.

    i pasted it on my cupboard. beneath the check i wrote on a plain sheet words thought by my Pastor in church. Those words i spoke them often. and sometimes i look into the check.

    as at June last month, when i did a calculation of all the cashflows i had, i discovered that the money i had crossed a little above $5000. of course i didnt hit the $10,000 but there was progress. and there was no way as at January when i wrote the check that i was gonna make that amount of money.

    so my bro, the law of attraction works not if you are passive about. also you've got to be talking about. by doing this, your thoughts will be dominated by it; attracting those things that dominate your thoughts.

    Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrod
    Those who believe in the LOA usually agree that emotion plays a big part.

    William James once said: "The emotions aren't always immediately subject to reason, but they are always immediately subject to action."

    So, assuming if the LOA is true, then you need some positive emotion to get you going, and the best way to do that is by taking action.

    Assuming LOA is not true, then feelings and thoughts and vibrations account for crap, and what you really need to do is take action.

    So basically, either way, just get busy and take action!
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  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    I think it works but you have to put some action into it. You have to fully believe it to work, don't half baked it. You have to be aware also of your energy and be positive vibration always.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    The problem is that the people who are teaching it have never used it to grow a real business. They've made themselves teachers of it, removed all the "hard to accept" points and are using the good points to sell people expensive "Me too" products.

    If anyone is interested in hearing a story about an entrepreneur who went from rags to riches (zero cash to $100 million net worth), check out this interview...

    Law of Attraction Success Story – How a Poor Man Built a $100 Million Net Worth | VQ Success

    See if you can find the missing pieces that the teachers in 'The Secret" didn't want to talk about.
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberzolo
    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    Yea, yeap. I think I'm over it. From it's inception in 2007, and from the readings of "Think and Grow Rich" to "The Science of getting Rich" - I've delved into and truly believed these practices in their various forms for 5 years now. I've researched stories, and held on to hope merely by reading the stories of other people, their testaments of it's reality, and the like.

    I'd love to belive in this stuff, but I am going to be quite honest; It just isn't cutting it for me. In terms of money, women, or anything else. It's just not doing it for me. I've done multiple endless mental experiments on this, and it's never been through.

    Do I believe in setting a goal in visualizing it? Absolutely. I think this provides motivation. Do I think that it is brought to you in any way shape or form? Absolutely not. In fact, the only time I've actually had money, is when I busted my ass and worked for it, saved it, and planned for it's inception. Iv'e never had money magially float to me. I've never had things magically come to me.
    This is especially true for women. It just never happens. I could visualize a woman and romance and meeting for hours on end, it will never hapen. I have to go out, and use good old fashion charm, time, and sometimes money. I just don't understand how famous others that have perpetuated the business world through time have conclusively passed this on as viable information to the masses. IT's like, how can a book, say there is a "secret" universal power, or "infinate" intelligence that brings things to you?

    The only time it seems in life, any changes are made, is when you tell yourself "I'm going to do it." and that's really the only secert, when you have to man up, face the consequences and do hard work. This whole notion of not having to work for anything, (Especially pushed in The Secret) - just bewilders me. Even The Science of getting Rich says you shouldn't be competative, and bargain. But having a competative and bargaining mind is the number 1 tactict successful sales people use. I just don't understand it. I've given so much time and hope, a solid ammount of years into this and I am still broke, single, and unemployed.

    Here is another great aspect that is not explained. Any person who generates any type of income has a skill, be it carpentry, woodworking, sales, nurse, doctor, lawyer, investor; it's all skill. The "secret" or Science of getting rich, mentions absolutely nothing of inventing a skill, rendering a service, or planning your life out.

    Think and Grow rich talk about having a plan, but that's about it. How can these monetary books talk about thanking God for the riches to be bestowed upon you, yet you are not a productive fucntioning member of society that has absolutely anything to offer?
    I'm thinking I should of thrown that book in the trash and went to a trade school back in 2007, I'd probably be somewhere by now.
    It could work but you are right the only time things have happened for me is when I made them happen, hear me out here, the LOA is suggesting that we can control the universe and make it gives us what we want. If you are a Christian that couldn't be further from the truth.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Wow I didn't know there were so many "it doesn't work" threads for LoA.

      One big tenant of LoA is that you have full acceptance and appreciation for your current know the one you're trying desperately to escape (why else would you be looking to LoA to solve your problems? )

      When you get frustrated or pull any negative emotion into your present condition you essentially reject that your present condition is alright.

      This is where a lot of people mess up...and it's hardly even the first step of the process. It's like starting a running marathon only to be tripped up at the starting line and immediately trampled by the other runners.

      Only for LoA you don't even realize that you're trampled but you still go on thinking that you're making effective change.

      True LoA isn't as simple as The Secret or whatever will have you to believe. It's a process of self discovery pushing your internal boundary for self-love. If you don't have full acceptance for yourself as you are this gets projects back onto the world and you get no where.

      When you truly charge up using LoA the world feels amazingly better. You breath differently and even the smallest experiences become satisfying and fulfilling.

      Sad to say that society, as the mainstream media has presented it, has effectively screwed up the true meaning of LoA and it's root origins.
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  • Profile picture of the author nbreau
    Hi gang,

    I'm new to the forum, as a LOA coach who works with clients all over the world I though I'd throw in my 2c.

    LOA isn't something that you "make work" .. it's something you've been doing since birth. Regardless of whether you know about LOA or not, the key thing to understand is that you have an attraction point, based on your thoughts and feelings. You ATTRACT to you based on how you think and feel at both the conscious and SUBCONSCIOUS level. This is what "The Secret" left out.

    If you have repressed emotions of powerlessness from childhood, you're going to attract situations that bring forth experiences that reflect that emotion. When you see individuals constantly attracting the same relationship situations over and over this is the root cause.

    Your outer world is literally reflecting back to you how you think and feel. It's a law, like gravity.

    Take a second and look at all the past relationships, traumas, unwanted situations in your life ... make a list. Write down the top 1-2 emotions each of these brings up. You'll often notice a pattern. You`ll also often be able to trace the emotion back to a childhood experience. Clear the emotions (working with an EFT practitioner is one way to effectively clear) and your outside circumstances will change. I'm a few weeks away from launching a free worksheet and meditation to help with identify these emotions (I call them dominant negative emotions) and do basic clearing work. I'm not sure if I can post my website url in the forums, but you can pm me for it.

    Hard to believe, yes. But I see it time and time again. I'm not here to try and convince you that it works, simply trying to provide a bit more clarity to those who may be trying to figure it out.
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    • Profile picture of the author NobleSavage
      Originally Posted by nbreau View Post

      Hi gang,

      I'm new to the forum, as a LOA coach who works with clients all over the world I though I'd throw in my 2c.

      LOA isn't something that you "make work" .. it's something you've been doing since birth. Regardless of whether you know about LOA or not, the key thing to understand is that you have an attraction point, based on your thoughts and feelings. You ATTRACT to you based on how you think and feel at both the conscious and SUBCONSCIOUS level. This is what "The Secret" left out.
      Can you back any of this up by pointing to research in a reputable peer reviewed scientific journal?
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  • Profile picture of the author NobleSavage
    Instead of all this LOA crap, Google a book called "The Power of Negative Thinking" It's written by Bobby Knight arguably the best coach in the NCAA.

    "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”
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  • Profile picture of the author celebcaleb
    Not everyone who is "rich" has a skill. How did the Kardashians build an empire? No skill whatsoever! But still liked your post and hit thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jarvis Edwards
      Originally Posted by celebcaleb View Post

      Not everyone who is "rich" has a skill. How did the Kardashians build an empire? No skill whatsoever! But still liked your post and hit thanks!
      Well, O.J. Simpson's famous criminal attorney was Robert Kardashian. So that's how they technically "built their empire."
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  • Profile picture of the author JPBailey
    I too feel I was fooled by Positive Thinking, LOA, quantum physics-type attracting with the right feeling, intention and belief. I too felt they let me down and I too had wasted probably years of my life on daydreams that could have been used for more action and practice of my true art or science or work or calling.

    For years I wrote hundreds of affirmations every day. Journals full of dreams and lists.

    Life still had its ups and downs anyway.

    For years I took massive action and had great success and other times I was tossed adrift by life's ever-changing events.

    Life still had its ups and downs anyway.

    I went through a phase of not believing in anything.

    Life had its ups and downs anyway.

    I finally realized if I take action or use positive thinking, just taking action alone still got things done, where just positive thinking didn't do much beyond the occasional thing that "was going to happen anyway".

    Years after I stopped all that wizard nonsense I made huge sums of money and had all sorts of things falling into place, including love, health, etc.

    Other times I've lost big and had big set backs and health scares.

    All of this was going to happen anyway, cuz that's life. However we get there, if it works; work it baby. If it doesn't, get help, try another way, etc. just don't give up, keep an open mind.

    Praying doesn't hurt, but not to try and force god to your will when its suppose to be the other way around, so that part of LOA surely doesn't jive with meditation or prayer, two things for comfort, self-reflection, etc. and maybe for asking for help, but knowing we're on our own down here. The comfort part is 'don't worry you're not alone and someone higher still loves you'. But tragedies still and will happen to the best of us. And the worst of us. Bad things happen to people who don't deserve it. Good things happen to people who don't deserve it.

    They will anyway whether one prays or not. Dreams of not. Works or not. It helps to do all three maybe... but I'm off the point I was going to make.

    What I know is that LOA works in the self-help niche like "Push-Button Software that Makes Thousands Overnight" in the make-money-online niche. It's some made-up hype that is suppose to caught attention. But once you buy it they're like, "oh, it doesn't really work like that, you gotta take action".

    A bunch of Self-Help List owners, coaches and product creators, got together to do a big JV to write a book. They would each write a chapter, and then sell the book to all their lists. They all knew how to market, write good titles, copy, etc. and had relationships with their raving fans on their lists. That book ended up being LOA. It did so well on their lists that it literally then went 'public'. Just like '4 Hour workweek" or other IM/MMO book hits the larger public.

    They will anyway. Every few years something big hits each of the large niches. They can't NOT grow because of human interest and growth, etc. so something is always on top and every year its a new thing/twist.

    Anyway, my point being... it's not science, its not low, its some made-up happy-time thoughts that trick people into buying using their own laziness trigger.

    I think its an illusion that can waste people's time, like gambling. Sigh, but then again, who am I to say what other people do. If they want to spend years smoking crack wasting life then that's on them. I am just saying what I think. I help people all the time who have "shiny-object syndrome" and what they "BELIEVE" about how it all works is all over the spectrum. But their troubles and feelings are all the same.

    In other words, doesn't matter if they believe in LOA or not, shiny object syndrome is the same for everyone who is addicted to distraction and inaction or feeling stuck.

    I got atheist construction workers and christian IT guys and spiritual coaches all having the same every day life issues and feelings and ups and downs that are going to happen anyway.

    The quicker we learn how to deal with them and get on the better, IMHO/IME.

    JP Bailey, MA
    The Psych Marketer

    P.S. (Besides, in the psych field, with a license, there is no practicing LOA, same with being a doctor or nurse. I even called the quantum physics department at UCSD and had a list of questions. The first question was about "the law of attraction", I wanted to get the scientific viewpoint, and the professor said, "there is no law of attraction". None of the other questions made any sense and it ended mid-way through. Well, I knew for sure then that the answer was in my next Tarot card reading on the third moon from Sunday and quickly called my star sign guide for what the stars had to say about that!)

    NLP Ninja for Success Mindset - Master Your Inner Game. Check Out My WSO Here

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  • Profile picture of the author RVS3
    To the Original Poster, if you don't believe in the Law of Attraction, I don't think you've been paying your dues. This stuff takes persistence, and action. If you have faith that what you desire will come to you, it ultimately will, but you must take the steps to head in that direction.

    "You may understand something, but unless you do it, you will never know it"

    But ultimately, if you don't believe it will work, then it won't.

    It is up to you whether the law of attraction works or not
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  • It can work with anyone. I believe it did not work for you because THERE IS SOMETHING MORE... that you didn't discover, for you to be able to attain success as many others have achieved by reading these books you mentioned above.
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  • The law of attraction does work, but it has to be accompanied by action. It has worked long before the movie, books and other hype. There is really nothing mystical about it, figure out what you want and take responsibility to make it happen.

    A big problem is that many people often don't know what they really want out of life, which makes it difficult to impossible to attract anything of value. Vague thoughts and general desires such as "more money" or a "better job" won't cut it. You need clarity, you need a vision and you need a plan. All of this takes considerable effort along with painful honesty and deep soul searching.

    There are no shortcuts, this is the best way to attract what you want.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    Think & Grow Rich is called Think & Grow Rich; but you can't overlook one of the first principles - which is - Desire.

    You have to place yourself in a position where you have to succeed! I didn't start seeing my biggest sales until I just decided to quit my job, drop out of college and go for my dreams. When you "burn the boats"; you HAVE to take action. I had to get up in the morning or else.

    I do not recommend everybody do this (I made sure I surrounded myself with people who were already successful); but it helped out!

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

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  • Profile picture of the author dghyer
    Originally Posted by darkw00ds View Post

    Yea, yeap. I think I'm over it. From it's inception in 2007, and from the readings of "Think and Grow Rich" to "The Science of getting Rich" - I've delved into and truly believed these practices in their various forms for 5 years now. I've researched stories, and held on to hope merely by reading the stories of other people, their testaments of it's reality, and the like.....
    Original Poster: I have been in a similar mental frame as you find yourself now. What helped me was to throw away my preconceived notions about the Law of Attraction and just consider a couple of key points.
    First, can you imagine going to work tomorrow and feeling a total sense of joy and confidence? (Yes I know this sounds like more BS, but just suspend judgment for 4 minutes and try this...) Imagine you walk into your office and all of the little annoying things that usually bug the crap out of you somehow didn't bother you on this day. You radiate warmth to the people around you even though they still have all of the flaws that they have now. You see the list of tasks you need to accomplish as challenging, fun, and good for your development and furthermore you know that you have the skill to complete them or that you can easily develop that skill. And you feel excited to take them on EVEN THOUGH they are still the same list of tasks you had before this day. Can you imagine that if you lived one day like this your coworkers might respond differently to you than they are now? And you might be slightly more effective at accomplishing the things you needed to accomplish. And can you imagine that in a state of total confidence, you might be willing to take on different, bolder, perhaps more controversial but much needed tasks? Similarly, imagine on this day you meet a stranger at the coffee shop. You are feeling on top of the world, joyful, excited, confident. You have no "need" to impress her, and you have no care whether she likes you or not. Is it possible that in that scenario you might be more witty, more interesting, and perhaps would it be more likely that this stranger would want to spend more time with you after this day?

    If you can start to see how your mood affects your world, and then you begin to see how your thoughts affect your mood, you can begin to see a glimmer of truth in the Law of Attraction. Now, I agree that the marketing hype, and much of the BS you read on the internet is complete garbage. But please consider this story and whether there might be some truth in it for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author garysvpa
    It works for me. I think the reason why it did not work for you is because you expected heavens to give you directly what you wanted. You still have to work for it, it wont happen like magic. Opportunity will come for you, and it depends on you if you will do something about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gopro28
    The problem is the main introduction to LoA for people was the movie 'The Secret' and unfortunately they left a lot out of it so they could sell you the rest later. They pretty much made it out that you just had to think of what you wanted and it would manifest. And most people have this reaction :

    OK, so now what? How come we can think of all the stuff we want and it doesn't show up? Where's my Genie!?!?

    I believe the root cause of the appearance of failure is the difference between "Wishful thinking" and "Knowing".

    Have you ever wished you had a new car yet knew it would not appear? Sure...when there's only $56.33 in your bank account and the car you want costs over 40K, duh! You KNOW it won't materialize. That, my good friend, is wishful thinking.

    Starting with a couple obvious examples, you KNOW the sky is blue and you KNOW that night will come at the end of the day. How about some other instances of knowing: have you ever known you were going to have a good time at a particular party, or that you were going to get what you wanted for Christmas, or that you were going to bump into a good friend you hadn't seen for awhile? You were using the Law of Attraction! You combined certainty with a good feeling. There must be both, just one won't bring your vision to life. it again, deliberately and repeatedly. Consciously focus on your desired outcome and work up some really good feelings about it. Those heartfelt feelings give the Universe guidance about what you want. On the negative side, when you feel really bad about something, those feelings are intense enough to guide the Universe to give you more of whatever you feel about.

    I have finally started having some success with the Law of Attraction. I guided my feelings by telling myself I am "falling in love" with my desires. The concept of "falling in love" allows you to feel deeply, those feelings that send a warm sensation through you like a sip of a fine liqueur will. It also keeps that desire in the top of your mind so you focus on it a lot and with great feeling.

    Remember, combine the two aspects of Knowing and Feeling Good. As Donald Trump is quoted as saying: "As long as you're going to be thinking anyway, think big". A variation could be: "As long as you're going to be thinking & feeling anyway, think & feel about everything you really want!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric D Greene
      Originally Posted by Gopro28 View Post

      The problem is the main introduction to LoA for people was the movie 'The Secret' and unfortunately they left a lot out of it so they could sell you the rest later. They pretty much made it out that you just had to think of what you wanted and it would manifest.
      Although I agree with most of your post, gopro28, I think there's actually some pretty deep stuff throughout The Secret... much more than simply "think about what you want and it will come". They do emphasize the need to not just think it but also to feel it and believe it. There is also discussion on focus and intention... I see the movie as more of a beginner's guide, which I don't view that as a problem.

      My own view is that everything hinges on belief. So I always ask myself the question, what do I really believe? As you said, gopro: it's "the difference between "Wishful thinking" and "Knowing"... " right? So if you truly have the belief/knowing that something will manifest just because you spent some time day dreaming about it, perhaps that is actually the case. See the thing is, for most of us, we don't really believe that you can just think about it and suddenly it shows up. But what if belief really was the single determining factor?

      "even with faith as small as the size of a mustard seed, mountains can be moved"

      Anyway, I do wish they hadn't cut out Abraham ... I think she is fantastic. If people want to really take a deep dive into the metaphysics and technical details, I would say listen to her and check out some videos of Bashar.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan
    You want something. You think about it. Want it hard enough and you'll eventually take action.

    This action leads to positive or negative results, negative being defined as the goal not being achieved.

    What's so difficult about it?

    Yes, I've tried to accept the Law of Attraction. I still consider it BS.

    But you attract circumstances based on your circumstances. How come? You create them. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    I've found myself in situations where I told myself "I hope we won't get into an argument tonight, I'm really stressed and pissed about certain things".

    And guess what? It got into an argument.

    It is just causality. Thoughts leads to emotion. Emotions lead to action. Actions lead to consequence.

    You don't need to buy a $19.97 book to understand this.

    Consider your thoughts to be like a laser beacon. It shows the way.

    Consider your actions to be like a guided missile.

    The rocket will go wherever the beacon is unless it meets a big enough obstacle in the way. If you think you are stupid, you'll act in ways that it will prove you are stupid. If you think you are smart, you'll act in ways that confirms to yourself (but maybe not to others) that you are smart.

    Wherever you point that laser and the more you leave it fixed on a certain thing, the more likely is that you are going to take action towards it.

    But this is not metaphysics. It is basic psychology.

    What people generally miss is that objects don't get from point A to point B through teleportation. There must be a force to move them in that direction. Smoking a cigarette because you are stressed requires the energy to pick up one and light it up. Building a business on the other hand requires the energy of ... building a business.

    If you think that simply thinking about stuff and not doing anything will bring them into your life, good luck. There was once a saying "Even a blind pig can sometimes find food". For the rest of us, life is consistent hard work towards a given goal. And yes, sometimes serendipity happens. Like a miracle. But remember that statistically for every good thing you get that you don't deserve you'll also get a bad one. Systems tend to balance themselves.

    So instead of waiting for the universe to make something of yourself, maybe it is best to get your ass up and do something yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author mspillman
    Sure, there seems to be an idea of "wave the magic wand" in some of this stuff. But, I do think that at the very core it IS true and that you DO attract what you "send out".

    I actually believe that to be a basic fact of life. But again, not the "magic wand" type of idea or thought.

    So many people misquote Napoleon Hill and the idea of "what you believe, you can achieve". I once even heard a very well known speaker that is considered to be an expert in the are of leadership do that. He chastised this thought and said that there had to be ACTION behind the belief.

    Well, that very statement told me that he likely never actually read the book, "Think and Grow Rich" because, if he had (or if ANYONE does), then he could not have missed the point that Mr. Hill makes in the book about ACTION. He very clearly says that one MUST take action.

    The mind is such an amazing thing that many - if not most or all - of us simply cannot grasp how it works. I know I don't!

    Yes, people that sit back and do nothing and expect all good things to come there way are likely to be disappointed for sure.

    Anyway, main thing I would say is this: in the are of "what you send out, you receive", I'd start with ATTITUDE. Pure and simple.

    Read my article on 4 "no cost or low cost" opportunities to make money!

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  • Profile picture of the author snginc
    The principles of the Law of Attraction have been around for hundreds of years. It's simply wasnt named the Law of Attraction.

    One of the falacies of The Secret is they didnt list that you had to take ACTION!

    The Law of Attraction does work.

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  • Profile picture of the author sobbycv
    You did not Understand the concept clearly,,,,,

    Many people have difficulty understanding NO ACTION part
    It seems so weird

    Did your actions help you till now ?? Does everyone take thre "Right action " ???


    The law of attraction is "trusting the Universe"

    That the Universe KNOWS whats best for you and will bring it for you ONLY if you TRUST it !!

    "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed"

    Then the action will not be an issue as it will come all together in a strange way of coincidences that may surprise you or even freak you may put it down to "coincidences" but you will soon understand that the UNIVERSE delivers if you trust implictly.... then your actions will be so smooth and not full of effort and huff and puff ....

    and you dont need the law of attraction if you trust god or the universe

    when you ask
    KNOW that its done

    but difficult for skeptics

    Trust means having no doubt

    KNOWING is trust
    knowing that it is done

    You need to let go of worldly logic and theories to make it work !!!

    You also need to know what you want and ask properly

    I used the LOA to attract my car and my house

    Both came to me in the form of loans
    I was happy and overjoyed in the beggining
    But few years on as the home loans became a burden i thought over my "asking"....i never thought of loans... I just wanted the house fast and "no matter what "....thats what i asked and thats what i got infact even in the exact neighbourhood

    Now I know how to ask ..

    try small stuff and go to the big things as you succeed

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  • It works. I use hypnosis just before going to sleep and reality manifests no problem. I consider myself very fortunate and I'm on the edge of my seat to keep manifesting more amazing things. You just have to plug your headphones and let hypnosis guide your subconscious to a whole new dimension.
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    • Profile picture of the author sobbycv
      Originally Posted by The Little Weasel View Post

      It works. I use hypnosis just before going to sleep and reality manifests no problem. I consider myself very fortunate and I'm on the edge of my seat to keep manifesting more amazing things. You just have to plug your headphones and let hypnosis guide your subconscious to a whole new dimension.
      Yes thats a very good technique as sleep puts the resistance of the conscious to minimum and has more chances of working as Dr wayne Dyer has told in one of his seminars " do this 5 minutes before sleep "
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  • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
    Someone I know won a Jackpot by using hypnosis systematically for 2 years straight in a row. He never missed playing. That makes this guy a player and worthy for being loyal to himself. Some call it LOA. Others have a more scientific approach that clings onto the laws of probabilities.
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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    Sometimes you have to silence your way to the top.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi D,

    The LOA just *is*. Like a principle. Saying this principle doesn't work is like saying electricity doesn't work LOL!

    I get you have had some tough times, and have some doubt/skepticism stuff to clear, but the fact you're frustrated/angry is a blessing! You just cleared some angry/frustrated energy, which will help you allow in what you want

    Happy Manifesting

    Ryan Biddulph
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Make Me Coffee
    I have always been interested in the law of attraction but never quite acknowledged how to apply it to every day living. The guidance comes from within and is so easy understand when it comes to actual application, there's no real reason for you not to do it. The abyss of the mind is infinite. You have to do drills that engage you to actually make changes rather than just read about what you could do. Playing hypnosis tracks while you doze or meditate of even passively listen, can actually trigger the mechanics of LOA do the work for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author AL Hummel
    Having loving most faith in the Divine God Source is the most powerful practice in our known universe. If not... what else is left? Even if our beliefs are challenged for years and years, as long as we are keeping loving and confident we are doing and being the best that we can be. Good things come to those who wait and feel faith. Blessings to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikeman
    The major point that's left out is that action engages the law of attraction.

    Take action from the right frame of mind and you will attract situations, people and events to you based off of those actions....

    Actions must be continually taken thereafter, as well...