10 Day Gratitude Challenge...
Have you ever woke up grumpy, resentful or a little depressed?
It sounded like work, but I agreed and got up the next morning to begin my list thinking it would be a be a piece of cake to slam out 10 things only to find out it was much harder to come up with a full 10 things I had to be grateful for. My resentment list could fill 3 pages, but this was tough.
Do you think it is easy to come up with 10? Try it and see for yourself.
I kept going and as the days passed it got easier and every day I began to realize I was starting out my day differently and what I ended up with was days that were starting out with an...
As the days passed, the list became easier and I began to see things differently with a more "positive" outlook and attitude. I was happier, more energized, more positive and my eyes were smiling again.
Interestingly enough, I now do this regularly anytime I want to revitalize my "Attitude of Gratitude". It wasn't easy at first, as I didn't have the right mindset. I was wrapped up in some of the "poor-me" syndrome nonsense that we sometimes experience.
** 10 Day Gratitude Challenge **
Here's the scoop...
For the next 10 days when you get up, write down 10 different things you have to be grateful for. Don't repeat the same ones over and over, think of 10 different things you truly can be (or are) grateful for EVERY day 10 days in a row.
The challenge is in doing it...and actually getting a full 10 different, unique items to be grateful for 10 days in a row. If you miss a day, you have to start the count over again.
If you want to improve your mindset (which ultimately equates to making more money by osmosis), then start out your day with an "Attitude of Gratitude", avoid the pity pot at all costs and do this challenge.
Good luck...Let me know how it goes!
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