Does online business really give you the freedom that you dream of ??
Still thinking deeply about this and thought should let this thought bounce off other members as well.
The other day i was discussing about a JV with a established WSO creator on Skype with whom i have become quite pally. He is one of the most genuine people i have come across who has his feet firmly bonded to the ground in spite of the remarkable success he has had. We then discussed about families in general. Later he asked me the purpose of entering into IM to which i replied about freedom that one gets by being a online entrepreneur. He smiled. I knew what he was hinting at.
I have been on leave from my day job for about a week to work on my upcoming WSO. For the entire last week i have been online working for this project. I i look at the time sheet i can see i have put in more efforts and time into the project than my regular day job. I know i will enjoy the fruits of this in near future but has internet marketing given me the freedom that i look forward to?. Is it just me or a passing phase. I feel sorry for unable to give time to my family as i need to wrap up the back end work of the WSO before i go back to my day job.
Warriors..Need some serious advise on this. Experienced ones please share your experiences.
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Kuan Yew is a golf addict and a serial golf shopaholic. He calls himself The Golf Man and he blogs at - He believes the world would be a better place if he could golf every day and win millions from golf tournaments around the world.