How many hours do you sleep?

by abugah
117 replies
I am curious to hear people's sleep patterns.

How many hours do you sleep? And why?

I am asking this because I finding sleeping eating into my productive time.
Even the 4 hours I allocate to this activity is feeling a real waste. 4 hours per day is equivalent of two months in a year. Can you imagine what you can do in two months...

Must we really sleep? What if scientist discovered you can do without sleep and live normally, will you change your pattern?

Let me get your thoughts, studies or links to interesting insights.
#hours #sleep
  • Profile picture of the author doshmachine
    haha My sleep patterns depend on my activity. I can go days with only a few hours sleep a night if I'm intensely into a project. This is usually followed by a good 10-12 hour catch up sleep then back to the night owl routine.
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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    Cool topic! I only sleep because I have to, but I consider it a waste of time! lol

    I typically sleep about five or six hours a night. It is rare that I sleep longer, and I would gladly give it up if there was a healthy, safe way to do it. Unfortunately, our chemistry is such that we need to turn off regularly or our systems start to fail.

    I have thought about this often: what exactly IS it that sleep does for us? What is it that regenerates when we sleep? If we could determine THAT answer, we might discover a new source of accessible energy!

    Arthur C. Clarke (back in the early 60s) talked about a "new" scientific process that would allow people to get a full, restful night's sleep in just a couple of hours. From what I can tell, it never became commercially available and I don't know if it is still being studied or used, or not.


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  • Profile picture of the author psufootball
    I generally get any approximation from 4-7 hours. However, contrary to you I try to get as much as possible. I know it sounds cheesy but I really do find myself much more productive if I am well-rested as opposed to operating on a mere 4 hours. I can think better, analyze better, and get some of my best ideas when I have a clear head as opposed to one that's only thinking of when the next cup of coffee will be done!

    Oh, and as for the second part of your question.. I don't know what I would do if scientists were to develop a way for us not to sleep. But I don't think I have to worry about that decision considering I don't think it's possible. I mean, you can hear all the stories you want about people doing these great accomplishments when operating on no sleep in days or whatever... but you certainly don't hear follow up stories. Why? Because I think it's just a human instinct that we need to shut down and rest just like everything else.
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon Ashari
    Right now I'm sleeping 5-6 hours a night.

    However it depends...

    If I need to stay awake I can go for a few days on 1-2 hours of sleep total.

    If I have something important to do and I can schedule it for the early morning I will. I rarely go back to sleep after waking up early... however if I don't have something on until afternoon then I will sleep later.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    It varies, but I like to get between 7 and 11 hours, with 8-9 being my most usual. I usually go with about 6-7 though. That is, until I can go independent, full-time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Arima Brunson
      I usually sleep 6 to 7 hrs. a night and I never consider it a time waste as this is a need of my body like food is or else we r never gonna feel fresh and do our work properly.
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  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
    6-8. Although sleep feels good and reenergizes the body, talk about a time-waster.


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  • Profile picture of the author NicoRoth
    I heard somewhere that kanye west only sleeps 90 min intervals when he feels tired and he goes on days without a full nights sleep. I get around 6-7, but there was a time during undergrad that i used to sleep for 4 and i did pretty well hahah so maybe im sleeping too much...
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Perry
    Sleep? What's that?! lol. Since I work what it feels to be 24/7 I usually get in 6-7 hours a sleep in a day. My day is pretty nuts, Wake up, work 8-5, gym, supper, more work, sleep. That's pretty much my life.
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    5-6 hours on a workday and 9-10 on weekends.
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  • Profile picture of the author JonathanL
    Ideally I like to get 8-10 hours of quality sleep to feel recharged for the next day.
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    • Profile picture of the author simi
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      • Profile picture of the author value added
        It depends ... Usually, I sleep 5-7 hours per day and 8-9 hours on weekends.
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  • Profile picture of the author icegin
    My sleeping pattern is pretty constant -- I stopped using an alarm clock a long time ago and now I always wake up after 6 hours of rest.
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronMorton
    @abugah lets look at another important bodily function; going to the toilet - if you consider the average wee takes 30 seconds and ill say average about 5 times a day you are looking at around 15hours a year. Having a poo average 3 minutes twice a day, you are looking at 36 hours. So all in all you are doing both over 51 hours in a year.

    try holding all that in...unlikely which is exactly the same as sleep because it is a bodily requirement and the more you try to fight a natural human need the more you will lose;
    - sleep deprived; your brain will (after a while) make you sleep.
    - Try to suffocate yourself; after you pass out your body will start breathing again
    - Stop eating and your body will start consuming its internal organs

    Now sleep has many functions, with the most basic being rejuvinate you. Our days are made up of a series of decisions and those decisions can be influenced by our level of tiredness, as is our level of attention and focus.


    Recent studies have found the optimal time for sleep is between 6-8 hours; any more or less than that and certain physiological (blood pressure, hormonal changes like ghrelin levels) and psychological changes occur. There is room for hacking this and for this you can look at polyphasic & uberman sleep patterns, but one requires you to be highly anti social or a very understanding other half, while the other requires you to have power naps during the day. But look at what happens if you miss a sleep in both cycles; it fu#ks you up for weeks, so it is still respecting the power of sleep.

    During sleep we enter into what is known as REM patterns at certain times of our sleep. Stick you in an MRI scanner and you see that while the frontal cortex (area for reasoning and language) is quiet, other areas of your brain are working very well; one being the brain region associated with LEARNING. And i know how everyone likes to learn on this forum. The other benefit though is that during sleep your mind is putting issues (problems, scenarios from the day) into a more sensory representation so people often report feeling better about a problem after sleep and come up with solutions.

    So in summary, there are many benefits to sleeping and would be best to incorporate it into your path to success, rather than work out ways to avoid it!

    Hope this helps

    Aaron Morton - The place where mindsets are built
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    • Profile picture of the author abugah

      What would you say about this...
      Sources say that :
      1. Leonardo Da Vinci would be awake and alert for a total of 22 hours a day. He lived for 67 years.
      2. Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors slept for 3 hours max. He lived for 87 years
      3. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of the USA , slept for 2 hours only- lived for 83 years
      4. Thomas Edison, the great scientist believed long sleep was a sign of laziness and he slept less than 5 hours. Lived for 84 years
      5. Sir Isaac Newton, the famous English mathematician and physicist would be awake for 20 hours daily. Lived for 84 years
      6. Napoleon Bonaparte slept from 12-2 am and from 5am to 7am, a total of 4 hours. He lived for 52 years.
      7. Benjamin Franklin one of the founding fathers of the USA slept for 4 hours max. He lived for 84 years
      8. Winston Churchill was okay with just 5 hours a night-lived for 91years

      Originally Posted by AaronMorton View Post

      @abugah lets look at another important bodily function; going to the toilet - if you consider the average wee takes 30 seconds and ill say average about 5 times a day you are looking at around 15hours a year. Having a poo average 3 minutes twice a day, you are looking at 36 hours. So all in all you are doing both over 51 hours in a year.

      try holding all that in...unlikely which is exactly the same as sleep because it is a bodily requirement and the more you try to fight a natural human need the more you will lose;
      - sleep deprived; your brain will (after a while) make you sleep.
      - Try to suffocate yourself; after you pass out your body will start breathing again
      - Stop eating and your body will start consuming its internal organs

      Now sleep has many functions, with the most basic being rejuvinate you. Our days are made up of a series of decisions and those decisions can be influenced by our level of tiredness, as is our level of attention and focus.


      Recent studies have found the optimal time for sleep is between 6-8 hours; any more or less than that and certain physiological (blood pressure, hormonal changes like ghrelin levels) and psychological changes occur. There is room for hacking this and for this you can look at polyphasic & uberman sleep patterns, but one requires you to be highly anti social or a very understanding other half, while the other requires you to have power naps during the day. But look at what happens if you miss a sleep in both cycles; it fu#ks you up for weeks, so it is still respecting the power of sleep.

      During sleep we enter into what is known as REM patterns at certain times of our sleep. Stick you in an MRI scanner and you see that while the frontal cortex (area for reasoning and language) is quiet, other areas of your brain are working very well; one being the brain region associated with LEARNING. And i know how everyone likes to learn on this forum. The other benefit though is that during sleep your mind is putting issues (problems, scenarios from the day) into a more sensory representation so people often report feeling better about a problem after sleep and come up with solutions.

      So in summary, there are many benefits to sleeping and would be best to incorporate it into your path to success, rather than work out ways to avoid it!

      Hope this helps

      Aaron Morton - The place where mindsets are built
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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony707
    I feel good and function very well with 6 hours sleep. I've tried to sleep longer and always feel worse with more sleep than this (unless feeling under the weather or drinking too much red wine - then a bit more sleep helps me).
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Wilhite
    I do 4 hours or less. Depends on the workload and pending deadlines.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxwellB
    Why does nobody sleep around here?

    I get a good 8 hours of sleep a night.
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  • Profile picture of the author aderra
    I'm turning into such an insomniac. It's so difficult to shut off your brain when you have a bunch of ideas that you want to work on. It catches up to you eventually, though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric S
    I typically sleep 4-5 hours a night during the week and try to sleep in a little on weekends.

    One thing I don't do is get 7 hours of sleep a night, lol. My body hates me when I get 7 hours! 6 and 8 are fine, but 7 is no bueno!
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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    Usually I sleep for 5 to 6 hours. I rarely have a 7-8 hours of sleep. Maybe because of my body clock.
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  • Profile picture of the author tracyganey
    nice topic...for me i think 5-8 hrs.
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    • Profile picture of the author anarki450
      I don't like to sleep, I slept like only 4-6 hours irregularly for the last few years since college. One thing I found is that I becoming less and less efficient as I realize I think slower and get tired quite easily. I do sports few times a week and eat healthy, but still get tired easily compare to 4 years ago. This is not good to me as my offline business require me to decide quickly especially during negotiations. There were few cases that I could make better decisions but the lack of sleep didn't allow me think quick at that moment.

      Some people sleep 2-4 hours a day but their brain still stay fresh and healthy. How did they do that?
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  • Profile picture of the author katjapalmu
    I sleep 8 hours per day and 10-12 hours during the weekend. If I work just before going to bed (I always fall asleep immediately) I will work during the time I sleep at least some of it. I'm just going thru the next day's tasks in my mind and do problem solving so to me it is not a waste of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author cathyzxy
    Il like sleep very much.I sleep about 8 hours on weekdays and more than 10 hours during weekends.
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    • Profile picture of the author Christines Dream
      I find I only need 5.5 hours. I sleep more than 6 and I get really disturbing nightmares that make me panic. And when I'm working on something with a deadline I take 2.5 hour rest periods but only when I'm sleep deprived impaired and it starts to affect me. So I consider sleep to be mandatory. For me it is like a system reset. But too much is also bad.

      I think the amount of sleep our bodies require is dependent on our age. What we actually to do is something completely different.
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  • Profile picture of the author ish88an
    Good topic!!! i am sleeping 8-10 hours a night.
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  • Profile picture of the author powerofschool
    I sleep 6-8 hours every day. It really Depend up on the works.

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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    Great discussion and insight! Goes to show that different people have different needs and that what works for one person may not be so effective for another.

    I think the key is finding the "sleep zone" that works best for us. We absolutely need sleep, but if we can determine the right number of hours and the best time of night (or day) to get that sleep, we will do fine.


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  • Profile picture of the author Daystar11
    I am a long time member of a meditation group, which teaches (among other things) that 1 hour of perfect meditation, is equivalent to 4 hours of sleep. In other words, if you meditate successfully, you need much less sleep, in a 1:4 proportion. The key of course is meditating perfectly, which is a bit of a challenge. One's mind does tend to wander, and reining the mind in, and learning to concentrate is the eventual achievement after long time practice. Meditation is really perfect concentration, and in the meditative state, our brain produces theta waves, which is a deep state where healing occurs. I suspect this is how the many famous (and also us more anonymous) people who needed little sleep did it.
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronMorton
    @abugah I have no personal experience with these guys so can only go on accounts from historical biographies.

    What I will say is this; ultimately the best measure is whether low amounts of sleep works for you. So self-experiment; set out a criteria that will let you know whether the experiment was a success, something tangible that you can see a before and after. Give yourself a 4-6 week period and confine yourself to 3-4 hours sleep a day.

    Document your experiences and after the 6 weeks, test and see whether the reduction in sleep made an effect. If it did, great and decide whether this is something you would like to continue. If you found your working performance diminish, discover what tweaks you can make and that might involve getting more sleep.

    I would be interested in your results.

    Aaron Morton
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    • Profile picture of the author MattOwen
      Abugah, I love the question and its something I have looked into recently and just started experimenting with. I also felt like I spent all my time sleeping when I could be doing more. Take a look on google for polyphasic sleep. one gentleman documented a ton of his own experimenting with sleep cycles. I believe his last name starts with an S, sillvain or something similar. Its on his blog and you'll find it in the results

      I've started experimenting with it because I'm a full time student and with my workload and my business I don't have much time for anything else. But he went for quite a while with six 20 minute naps each day. so only 2 hours per 24hour period. currently I am sleeping 4.5 core hours at night and I take a 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon.

      I just started but maybe I'll make a thread in a week or so when I have some better results for you.

      Oh and to add to the conversation. I don't know exactly what it is that is replenished when we sleep but I know its during your REM cycle when the regeneration happens. In a normal 8 hour stretch you come in and out of REM several times. the idea behind polyphasic is that you force your body into REM sleep whenever you take one of your short 20 minute naps. Less time asleep but a similar amount of time in REM cycles.

      Hope you found that helpful. Let me know what you think,

      Take care
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    • Profile picture of the author abugah
      Great challenge.

      In fact that has been on mind for a while.

      Starting 1st March 2012, I will do an experiment of sleeping between 1.00 am to 4 am ( about 3 hours) for an initial twenty one days.

      After the 21 days I will give feedback right on this thread and give indication whether I will move forward for 6 weeks or not.

      Originally Posted by AaronMorton View Post

      @abugah I have no personal experience with these guys so can only go on accounts from historical biographies.

      What I will say is this; ultimately the best measure is whether low amounts of sleep works for you. So self-experiment; set out a criteria that will let you know whether the experiment was a success, something tangible that you can see a before and after. Give yourself a 4-6 week period and confine yourself to 3-4 hours sleep a day.

      Document your experiences and after the 6 weeks, test and see whether the reduction in sleep made an effect. If it did, great and decide whether this is something you would like to continue. If you found your working performance diminish, discover what tweaks you can make and that might involve getting more sleep.

      I would be interested in your results.

      Aaron Morton
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  • Profile picture of the author liovvoil
    How can they/you sleep for 2 hours daily?
    I get dizzy if I sleep less than 8 hours.
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  • I am sleeping 6-8 hours at night.. by the way cool topic.
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  • Profile picture of the author melahi
    I need my 8 hours of sleep and do not think one has to sleep like 2 hours to live a really long time or achieve a lot in life. Nevertheless, there is an argument for 5-6 hours of sleep giving you a lot more time to get things done, read and edify yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Between 7-9 hours...No I wouldnt give up sleeping are you kidding? I love it! lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Not enough.

    These days I'm going to bed around 1AM and I'm up at 6AM. That waking time is enforced by hungry hungry hippos I mean cats and dogs.

    They've trained me well...
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  • Profile picture of the author keithbrown
    you must get enough rest then you brain can work more efficient.. More time not always more productive..
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    hahaha call me a pig, but i can slp 12 hours a day (of course NOT everyday) without much problem.. Huge waste of time.. but really felt energized after i woke up!
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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    I like to get 8 hours but more often than not I get 4-6 hours of sleep.
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  • Profile picture of the author almiller
    It varies, but I get between 5 and 7 hours, any less I'm drowzy all day, and more I'm drowzy all day

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    depriving yourself of what your body needs ..will always catch up to you..

    how much sleep you need really depends on.. everything else you are doing to maintain you physical body ..and everything you do to support you mental health.

    it is like diet .. if you are plugging away working at a computer all day your diet should be a lot different than if your out doing physically intense work .

    sleep is mainly to shut your mind of so your body can repair itself.. but if your not eating right and your overly stressed out .. and you don't pay attention to having the proper sleeping environment .. then you will probably need a lot more sleep ..

    one of the things i have always done is have some motivational stuff playing while i am asleep..i notice a difference when i don't have that ..
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  • Profile picture of the author abuhanifa
    i hardly sleep for 4 hours in work days and on weekends i sleep for 6 hours , nothing more than that .
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  • Sleeping time depends on my activities.I feel good and function very well with 6 hours sleep.When i have lot of work,then i sleep 4 hour.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    The biggest mistake you can do, is never sleep enough. I use to sleep at least 7 hours a day. Because if i sleep less(4-6 hours), i feel much less productive and creative.. Internet Marketing needs a clear mind, a creative mind all day long!

    If there was a way not to sleep at all and still feel fresh and with a clear mind, i would do it!But unfortunately there is not!So, let's take a rest!


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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    I try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep
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  • Profile picture of the author Austin357
    In the beginning I was barely getting 4 hours a night. Now, I try to get at least 6.5 so I can operate during the day with energy and efficiency. When I was going below 6 hours I needed too much coffee or other energy boosting things during the day. Now, just pure adrenaline makes it work.
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  • Profile picture of the author phpPro
    it depends on which stage you are in your business,
    when i was a newbie i was sleeping good 10 hours a day!
    when i got serious about making more $$ than my peers i was sleeping 4 ~ 5 hours a day!
    and then i became drop dead zombie,.... i ensured to sleep 7 hours.

    now i know how to make money effectively, i sleep good 9 hours a day,
    and i still make more than i made sleeping 5 hours a day!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author ExploringInfinity
    Sleep? Who needs sleep?
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  • Do you want to know how much sleep I get when I'm asleep or how much sleep do I get when I'm awake?

    They are probably about equal......

    I often thought about if I sleep with my left eye closed then my right brain can rest then about 8hrs later switching and sleeping with my right eye closed thus allowing my left brain to rest. Doing this would allow me to keep working 24 hrs. a day.

    They say we only use 10-20% of our brain anyway so with 50% of my brain sleeping at any one time it shouldn't slow me down too much.

    When I talked to my doctor about this.....he called me a "Half-Wit!"

    Am I supposed to be insulted?

    :confused:ld Dog

    P.S. If I can be of any assistance in your "Off" or "On"- line sales and marketing please PM me or email at . Old Dog

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  • Profile picture of the author TheeBook
    9 hours only. Because I start the work as a freelancer immediately.
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  • Profile picture of the author Arroway
    A healthy sleep pattern is very important. Not sleeping properly diminishes our ability to think and function. It's equivalent to getting drunk, as a sleep scientist once told me. You may save time, but if you can't function efficiently, the quality of all the time you have suffers.

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  • Profile picture of the author abugah
    While we are still on this subject, perhaps this article may help debunk some myths about sleeping...
    BBC News - The myth of the eight-hour sleep
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimagiba
    I only sleep for almost 4 hours a day.. I think I will die young. lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    I sleep 8 hours. If I don't, I can't concentrate and I'm not very productive.
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  • Profile picture of the author MPPTrainer
    I sleep 6 to 8 hours a night. I hate to say I used to think like you and I slept 3 to 4 hours a day and an hour nap in the afternoon, but I'm probably much younger, so that used to stuff probably doesn't stand up well. I was always worn down, but I was very productive, I was writing a book every three months (a 300 to 500 page book), nonetheless I was feeling out of it often. I find personally--and I don't know if this is the case with anyone else--when you do a time audit of your day, you'll find a lot of holes in your peak performance hours that if you filled with activity would actually make you more productive and take less time. I organize events now, I'm managing a business, and I'm trying to learn this entire internet marketing thing from scratch (dedicating four hours or more a day to study and application)... I'm reading 2 to 5 books a week, I watch 1 to 2 hours television a day, I spend 3 to 5 hours with family and friends, and then I sleep for 8 hours, it's a fun and full life where no one is left out.

    However, if you do feel like you want to cut back on your sleep even more, and you have a job that lets you, there's a protocol where you can sleep for twenty minutes every few hours and have the same energy as several hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author gentryliving
    I have a normal sleep for about 4-5 daily. But during weekends i normally had 5-7 hours of sleep.
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  • Profile picture of the author wordcatcher
    The amount of sleep you need depends on various factors, especially your age. The average adult functions best with 7-8 hours of sleep a night. The number of hours needed to sleep is a matter of the biological clock function which regulates our sleep-wake cycles.
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  • Profile picture of the author keiranorton
    Since I have new tasks now, I sleep 5-6 hours daily.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor M
    I generally sleep for about 7 hours... so just the average.

    Always have so much trouble getting to sleep unless i'm super tired because of the amount of things running through my head that i can't switch off.
    Never have any trouble sleeping in though

    Crazy to read about those famous names only sleeping 2 - 4 hours a night!


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  • Profile picture of the author terrimurray
    Actually it depends on my daily tasks. 4-6 hours of sleep is enough for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author braydenblake
    I can't hardly sleep when I have so much to do. But I at least 4 to 5 hours to recharge.
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  • Profile picture of the author silverfirefly
    If I'm getting quality sleep then 6-8 hours recharges me. If my sleep is broken, restless, etc then I need 8-10 hours. I try to be up between 5-8am each morning. That means going to sleep between 10pm and 12am.

    FYI sleep is not a waste of time when you learn good dream recall. At my peak, it was like I was living another life. Absolutely fascinating.

    BTW, how do I thank someone here???
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  • Profile picture of the author WarriorDiscount
    i sleep after i finished my task of the day
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  • Profile picture of the author anamariemcatway
    I will maintain my sleep hour at least 12 hour, sleeping is the best thing to do to get rest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janis Ian
    6-8 hours a day. My concentration and focus were affected when I did not get enough sleep.
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  • Profile picture of the author decentouch
    I sleep near about 12 hrs a day.
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  • Profile picture of the author HKSEO Jonbones
    Depends on the day for me...If it was a hard jiu jitsu class that night after a long day of work, I'll need 8+ hours. Light day at the gym and a light work day, I might need 6, if that.

    If I have nothing to do the next day and I'm exhausted, I can knock out 10+ hours with out much problem--

    There is definitely A fine line between not enough and too much sleep, though...If I don't get enough, I'm dozing throughout the day, If I get to much sleep, I find that I never really wake up--so there is that goldylocks zone for me, certainly
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  • Profile picture of the author jonmay
    I like to get 6 hours a night, but I'm never consistent. I'm definitely a night owl.
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  • Profile picture of the author JD Ways
    I like to sleep, but yeah, it IS a waste of time!! I have heard that there is acondition where the person doesn't sleep..AT ALL?? Sounds perfect LOL!
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  • Profile picture of the author jeresteem99
    OMG.. Im just sleeping everyday for 4-5 hours... Im thinking I die soon in doing online jobs.

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  • Profile picture of the author WikiWarrior
    I'll sleep when I'm dead! Seriously though, by the looks of all the answers here I'm getting way too much sleep: currently averaging 8 hours. I feel like I'm missing out on something. Actually, I do wake up after around 7 - 7.5 hours but I really love a good lie-in.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bluestarace
    I am lucky when I can sleep for 4 hours. I feel like I am wasting time. But I have noticed that the more I sleep, the more productive I am the next day.

    So I need to start changing my sleeping pattern without worrying about wasting time. I can afford to waste 6 hours, I just wish my mind could understand that. Lol

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    Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.~ Walt Disney.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Copy
    Generally 8 hours. My girlfriend is a Polysomnographic Technologist and conducts sleep studies on patients, so if anyone has any sleep related questions about disorders and such feel free to ask.
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  • Profile picture of the author Warrior Junior
    I am a pig, i like to sleep. I know sleeping really wasted a lot of my time but whenever I sleep less than 8 hours I can't concentrate and my mind not working quick enough. Sigh!
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  • Profile picture of the author Evocess
    Great share!
    I actually sleep 6-8 hours If you're getting less than eight hours of sleep each night, chances are you're sleep deprived. What's more, you probably have no idea just how much lack of sleep is affecting you. How is it possible to be sleep deprived without knowing it? Most of the signs of sleep deprivation are much more subtle than falling face first into your dinner plate. Furthermore, if you've made a habit of skimping on sleep, you may not even remember what it feels like to be wide-awake, fully alert, and firing on all cylinders. It feels normal to get sleepy when you're in a boring meeting, struggle through the afternoon slump, or doze off after dinner.
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  • Profile picture of the author goclad
    I Sleep about 4 to 6 hours
    for some reason everytime i wake up i feel like i never slept
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  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    My take on this - if you don't have a regular pattern of 6-8 hours a day, it will not be healthy for you. And it is definitely related to how you work, what you eat, and your other activities, including keeping fit and relationship with close people, especially family.
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrian Jong
    I guess it really depends on people. For me, i also sleep for 7 to 8 hours per day. I don't mind it as long as i wake up feeling recharged & energized for the new day ahead. ^^

    If i get any less of those hours of sleep, i'll definitely be in a grumpy mood.
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  • Profile picture of the author nocentdvil
    Well, there is as such no particular time frame and schedule for my sleep, the time I'm done with my stuff, I get sleep. Though, today is weekend, so no chance to fall asleep before 3am
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  • Profile picture of the author Scrape
    I got only around 5 hours per day. I always excited to wake up and start working early
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    But to be honest I don't find sleep to be a waste of time at all. It really depends on how productive you are through out your day.

    So if you set out 1 hour to get nothing but work done and eliminate distractions you'll find that you get WAY more done
    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    I've been playing around with my sleep schedule for the better part of a year now. Sometimes I'll do the 7-8 hour schedule, just because it has a certain comfort and familiarity to it. Earlier this year I was doing the Uberman sleep schedule, but had too much left over time to make it useful. I'm now doing a variation of that, which gives me four hours of sleep total instead of 2. It works well for my purposes for now.
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  • Profile picture of the author TamilYoung
    I sleep between 10 pm - 5 am, pretty 7 hours! But I wish to cut that to 6 hours soon. Probably, 11 - 5 am.
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  • Profile picture of the author quercus5
    Usually I get about 7 hours or so. I get headaches if I get really tired so I find I work better when I'm well rested. Wish I didn't have to sleep though!

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  • Profile picture of the author TMercT
    I sleep 7.5-8.5 hours a day, I function the best that way, I don't know how some of you can live off 4 hours of sleep, I would be a zombie by now.
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    • Profile picture of the author twelveo
      The thing is, if you sleep lesser but it eats into your level of focus that you'll be able to have with more sleep, wouldnt it be better to have more rest so as to be in an optimal state to perform.

      It's really something like quality not quantity but in a different context.

      I remember seeing somewhere that we need 6-8 hours of sleep minimal, and it's okay to sleep lesser only we get older.

      But I also remember that people used to tell me, we get all the sleep we would want when we die, so why waste time sleeping when alive.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chronic IM

    Well, I usually lack rest and sleep cause I have many activities both day and night time. But sleeping is usually based on my activities. I usually have at least 5 hours of sleep if I can sleep properly. And if ever scientists finds out we can do without sleep, well surely I would change my sleeping pattern.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbusiness
    I used to sleep between 4-6 hours.
    But i've noticed a better productivity if i give myself just a bit more sleep!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimachaerus
    I don't know why I don't like sleeping a lot at all, If I get around 5-6 hours I sleep I can do fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    Does anyone else think it's odd that a two month old thread is responded to?
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  • Profile picture of the author cpaviking
    I tend to work late, so about 8 hours on a good day. Ah, the bliss of being an IMer
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  • I think I did watch a documentary that said that sleep is a necessary bodily function, or the combination of physical and mental rest. Six hours a day does it for me, and keeps my thoughts in order.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shounenbat
    Am I the only one who enjoys sleeping? I have pretty wild dreams, though, so maybe that's why I like it. I do a lot of things that others would consider a waste of time, though, like spending time with my family, taking walks, etc. Life isn't all about money - money is just a tool I use to support myself and others.
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  • Profile picture of the author dadan001
    I sleep around 4-6 hours.

    but, it is healthy to sleep good night's
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  • Profile picture of the author 3afash
    I experimented with this a lot and from what I found, you really don't need that much sleep. The stuff that's being sold to us that we need at least 8 hours of sleep a day is not completely right...We need to move away from this business of sleeping and start getting into LIVING MORE...there are factors that will make your body need less sleep and some of these are:

    - eating lighter, healthier foods. I'm a raw vegan myself and ever since I made that change I started needing a lot less sleep. Not only that but I don't feel like a building has fell down on me when I wake up as I used to feel like before...The #1 thing that takes up energy from your body is digestion. So the more you eat, especially if it's unhealthy or heavy foods, the more energy you will expend and the more you'll have to sleep and the less energy you'll have to pursue your life purpose. I would recommend a clean diet. Read Mark Hyman's book The Ultramind Solution to learn more about this as forum post won't do justice to this topic.
    - Cutting out refined sugar, alcohol, and smoking...Your body has to work overtime to deal with these objects and detoxify them...Cut them out and the energy will be used in other more useful activities.
    - avoid excessive masturbation if you're a male.
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  • Profile picture of the author therenegadeleader
    You did a great computations. But I spent regular hours of sleep, you don't have to weary yourself, get somebody to work for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Viramara
    Regardless what hour I'm sleeping I always on 8 hours. I want to gain weight and better sleep, so my bf recommends me to drink milk prior to sleep. Duoh, my throat is so choked of mucus since then that I can't even do my favorite thing : singing.

    I try to eat lighter too but I cant sleep on hungry and rumbling stomach begging to feed on, LOL.
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    • Profile picture of the author webjudge
      I just read recently that eating late at night and gaining weight just because of the timing is a myth. But, I agree that the fullness factor is uncomfortable when trying to go to bed.
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  • Profile picture of the author webjudge
    I hear over and over again, from a health standpoint, that eight hours is by far best. I myself probably average 6 1/2 per night and that works just fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author scrapcar
    I seem to get by especially in the summer 5.30 /6 hours what ever time i go to bed,
    even at the week end when i would like a bit of a lye-in.

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  • Profile picture of the author Racquel_McFarlane07
    I get about 5 hours at night and I try for good 2 hours during the day. I know alot can be done in two months but a lot can also be enjoyed. If scientists could eliminate sleep safely I would spend the time with family and friends. I am all for being productive but finding time to work has never been an issue but creating time for loved ones is.
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  • Profile picture of the author jchoros
    i go to bed at 2am and wake up at 9am, my day job is a 2-10pm shift so I usually stay up a while longer!
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  • Profile picture of the author freshpublishing
    I always aim to get 8 hours of sleep at night. Sleep might feel like a waste of time but it helps you stay focused longer when working.

    Well, it helps me anyway...

    When I know I'm too busy to get my 8 hours, I have a short nap the following day - right after lunch. This is one of my least productive times anyway.

    That short nap usually boosts my productivity for the afternoon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ender Ayanethos
    How much to I sleep? Right now? About 3 hours a day, trying to get it down to two hours a day soon. Polyphasic sleep; a new lifestyle design experiment in progress at my blog.
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    • Profile picture of the author WebPen
      Originally Posted by Ender Ayanethos View Post

      How much to I sleep? Right now? About 3 hours a day, trying to get it down to two hours a day soon. Polyphasic sleep; a new lifestyle design experiment in progress at my blog.
      Good luck with that one- I've read about it before, but from my understanding your sleep schedule has to be extremely structured.

      If you oversleep just once or don't time your nap just right, the whole cycle gets jacked up.

      At least, so I've heard- maybe you'll find its not that bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
    I try to get 8 hours, but that doesn't usually work out too well. Also, I am a natural night owl, so some things are made difficult by my normal patterns.
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  • Profile picture of the author Certitude
    I aim for about 8 hours. Sometimes this is enough and other times I feel like I need more. It all depends on how well I sleep. If I have a lot going on and am worried or stressed I find the quality of my sleep isn't as good and I need to sleep longer.

    Another thing affecting my sleep is when I go to bed. I tend to be more productive after midnight but if I work through my feelings of tiredness I don't sleep as well. So for me it's always a balancing act of getting enough work done without messing up my sleep.
    “We Dream And We Build. We Never Give Up, We Never Quit.” ~ Jeremy Renner as Carmine Polito in American Hustle
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  • Profile picture of the author Cataleya
    My optimum is either 6 or 9 hours. Anything in between and I`m cranky all day long
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Joseph
    At least 8 hours every night... or else I won't function the next day. I LOVE sleep!
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    • Profile picture of the author DGFletcher
      6 hours works if I go to bed at the right *time*. Any other bedtime and I can sleep for about twelve hours and wake up wanting to pretty much go back to bed and end up taking a nap later in the day. It's awful.

      The space between 'you got in the covers' and 'I'm unconscious!' and 'I'm waking up' and 'I'm out of bed' is where 90% of my best ideas come from. ^ ^ I love sleep.
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