17 replies
Hi All,

Is working full-time for yourself retirement?

Although I am not fully self-employed yet, I believe self-employment is (my) retirement.

Why? Well, for starters, I'm someone who gets bored fairly easily and would be bored after a month of retirement. I'd want to work and work and work and find something to occupy my time and mind. I don't really want to be a career internet marketer, but am going to use this to fund future projects.

I don't even want to say it's controlling my own destiny, per se, but rather I am where I want to be in life, but I want to work on and start larger ventures.

What about you?
  • Profile picture of the author gentryliving
    For me it's not. It is another way of earning another income. A retirement is only for those who are doing nothing for themselves.
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  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
    Perhaps. My definition is more of a metaphor.


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  • Profile picture of the author David Sneen
    If you decide to work full time in something you enjoy, that would sound like a great retirement. I have watched many of my parent's friends retire. The ones who saw retirement as a sit on the couch and watch TV had no purpose. Many of them died within a year. The ones that kept busy---had a purpose; a reason to get up in the morning--- tended to stay healthy longer.
    David Sneen
    It's what you do when no one is watching
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    • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
      Originally Posted by David Sneen View Post

      If you decide to work full time in something you enjoy, that would sound like a great retirement. I have watched many of my parent's friends retire. The ones who saw retirement as a sit on the couch and watch TV had no purpose. Many of them died within a year. The ones that kept busy---had a purpose; a reason to get up in the morning--- tended to stay healthy longer.
      I'm 25, so I'm hoping to not die. But that's a great point about older people dying after they've lost something they're had.


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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    LOL, good question! I have family and friends who I am certain think of me as being "retired" because I work at home! Some of them treat me that way and phone me to get me to do things for them because they think I "don't do anything" so I've got lots of time to deal with their issues! lol

    Personally, I don't think of myself as being retired because I still need to earn income from my efforts and I have not yet achieved the income level that I am working towards. Also, my ultimate goal is to get my Internet Marketing business rolling along independently so that my effort is minimal, but the income is steady.

    Until that happens, I am still "working" for a living . . . (lol, if you can call THIS working! )


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    • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
      Originally Posted by GT View Post

      LOL, good question! I have family and friends who I am certain think of me as being "retired" because I work at home! Some of them treat me that way and phone me to get me to do things for them because they think I "don't do anything" so I've got lots of time to deal with their issues! lol
      Little do they know.
      Personally, I don't think of myself as being retired because I still need to earn income from my efforts and I have not yet achieved the income level that I am working towards. Also, my ultimate goal is to get my Internet Marketing business rolling along independently so that my effort is minimal, but the income is steady.
      Well, again, I'm using it as a metaphor. I don't ever really want to retire. I view working for myself as retirement.


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  • Originally Posted by buckeyes09 View Post

    going to use this to fund future projects.
    I have the same mindset! I love internet marketing etc, but recently I read about a guy who is making $600,000 a year online, but he has an office of staff working for him.
    Honestly, while I'd love the money, I could think of nothing worse than having to go into an office every day to do IM and employing people in that office.

    For me, IM is a way to generate money for future projects. One of my goals it to own 20 properties paid off in full, all earning me rental income each month....Now that is retirement
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    • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
      Originally Posted by TBInternetMarketing View Post

      I have the same mindset! I love internet marketing etc, but recently I read about a guy who is making $600,000 a year online, but he has an office of staff working for him.
      Honestly, while I'd love the money, I could think of nothing worse than having to go into an office every day to do IM and employing people in that office.

      For me, IM is a way to generate money for future projects. One of my goals it to own 20 properties paid off in full, all earning me rental income each month....Now that is retirement
      I picked IM because of the barrier of entry. If I had hundreds of thousands, I'd probably start an offline business.

      If I wanted an IM business as the end, I'd probably just have a much of VAs, not people in the office.


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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Working for yourself is NOT retirement.

    It's more an acceptance that NOBODY ELSE is responsible for your well-being and success...only you are.

    True retirement is a state in which you have all the money you need for the rest of your life, and can fill your days with things that don't involve making money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jit Lim
      Great post and discussions! For me there's no such thing as retirement, its more about being "financially free" where your passive income exceeds your expenses. Basically you are free to do whatever you like to do and not worry about money.

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  • Profile picture of the author exiegarrett
    nice post.....
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  • Profile picture of the author zeekr
    I agree with Jit Lim. I think the key is to reach financial freedom, and I think most people that get there with their own effort would not choose to do nothing ever again with their lives but would leverage that to get even higher and better. Which would certainly still make money one way or another, or not?
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  • Profile picture of the author NicheDad
    Heh, not even close bud. At least me personally anyway. I work harder now than ever!

    I will say though, how hard you have to work depends on how smart you are about automation. Right now I'm in the building phase still so to speak, so I haven't yet automated all the stuff I need to.

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    • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Working for yourself is NOT retirement.

      It's more an acceptance that NOBODY ELSE is responsible for your well-being and success...only you are.

      True retirement is a state in which you have all the money you need for the rest of your life, and can fill your days with things that don't involve making money.
      Originally Posted by NicheDad View Post

      Heh, not even close bud. At least me personally anyway. I work harder now than ever!

      I will say though, how hard you have to work depends on how smart you are about automation. Right now I'm in the building phase still so to speak, so I haven't yet automated all the stuff I need to.
      Guys, it's a metaphor.


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  • Profile picture of the author inf
    Same here, I can't imaging myself retiring and having nothing to do. I constantly need smth to keep my mind working
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  • Profile picture of the author Usmile
    For now, it's too early for me to say a word about retirement. Like you I also enjoy working, I love spending my time in productive things so that at the end of the day I can always say, it's good to be alive
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    i guess i am semi retired, i only work 6 months of the year

    life really is a beach
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