23 Reasons Why Not Everyone Will Make Money Online

84 replies
23 Reasons Why People Fail To Make Money Online:
Are you one of them ?

1. They do not follow their plan
2. They Never take action
3. Excuses (I do not have time, etc)
4. I do not have the right tools.
5. I do not have money to get a domain name
6. I do not have money to pay for hosting

7. I do not have money to create a Newsletter
8. I don’t have technical skills
9. I don’t know how to create a site
10. I don’t speak English very well
11.I don’t know how to create articles
12.I don’t know how to do press releases
13.I don’t know how to get traffic
14.I don’t know how to create a video
15.I don’t know anything about Link Building
16. Trying to be right from beginning(scared of failure)

17. Spending money on new IM products without using it or taking action
18. Never even start
19. They think too much
20. They think it’s too late to jump in
21. They want to make money right now
22. They think it’s too hard
23. They look for push button software

So let’s expand on the above and let me explain what you can do in those cases:

1. Firstly, you have to follow your own plan.

Make a plan and even if you are sick, tired or work till 2AM or 3AM just do it. No one can help you if you do not follow it.

I remember when i had a day job and at the same time I was working for my customers and sometimes I even stayed up till 4AM even 6AM and then I had to be up and ready to go to work. I am glad those days are finished for me and i hope you too will take action and end having a day job.

2.The time you work will come from your plan….even if you work only 15 minutes…that is better than doing nothing…so just manage your time and do something productive.

When I had day job, everything was on my mind except for work! What I had to do when I got back home…I planned everything before coming home and by working my daily job I was able to bring in a substantial income while still working on my online business.

My day job was tough, but just being able to think about what I needed to do for my future online business made it a little bit easier.

3. Excuses have to stay away if you want to be profitable. If something bad or something that you haven’t planned happens…its ok, suck it up and move on! If its something you can correct, get busy and correct it! If its something out of your control, its time to accept this and move on to your next task.

4. You do not need any tools if you do not have money to start. If you don’t have money to register your own domain (as cheap as $10 per year), then you certainly don’t have money to buy IM tools.

5. If you do not have money to get a domain name do not worry, do not get one because there are other ways to do it.

6. If you don’t have money for a domain name or hosting, no problem.

In 2007 I started my online blog using Google.

I used Google because they let me advertise any product, so I started my blog in the Forex niche. Even today I still trade…and every morning before work I make a post and make another post in the evening when I come back from work (you do not have to do the same, depends on your niche).

The blog that I still have is mapthemarket.blogspot.com and trust me I made about $300 or even more every month without having a list but just promoting products from my niche and I still make some money from that blog even if I do not touch it.

7. If you do not have money for a newsletter software then go and get Mailchimp which is free or iContact which is free up till 100 subscribers.

8. There are a lot of step by step online instructions on how to do things, so just search on Google or leave a reply on my blog and let me know exactly what you want to learn and I will be glad to cover it on my blog.

9. If you want use blogspot.com from Google, it’s very easy. If you have a domain and a hosting account just install wordpress from your control panel + your hosting will provide you step by step info on how to do it.

10. If you do not speak English very well use translate.google.com/toolkit/TOS.html and Google Translate and write in your language then translate it into English, but you can also do it in your own language…maybe English speakers haven’t touched your language to do internet marketing
…it could be a goldmine!

11. If you don’t know how to create articles then do not do this step until you have money to do some outsourcing. It’s cheap…but it’s still money.

12. I never did a press release but that doesn’t mean I can’t make money online so do not do it until you can pay someone to do a press release, or research it online and have a go at it!

13. Traffic will come by telling your friends, posting quality content, comment on other blogs, post on forums and add a signature back to your blog, do not think about it too much, just do it.

14. Video marketing is also a great way to get some free traffic, but if you don’t know how then do a quick Google search or you can leave a reply and let me know what exactly you don’t know about videos and I will be glad to help you.

15. Link building is easy and you do not have to use any paid software or stress too much….go and find blogs in your niche and comment and leave your blog link.

16. No one is right and you do not have to stress so much because you can fail….we learn in our failures. “It is better to have tried and failed then to never have tried at all.”

17. Oh man….stop buying product after product….If you have one then take action and see if it really works. If it works great, rinse and repeat.

18. Just start! That’s right. Just start. More people research so much and read so much and take so many internet courses that they get burnt out before they even start putting everything into action! In this industry the term is “information overload”. Just start, the worse case scenario is that it didn’t work and
its time to try something new!

19. If you think too much about how much money you can make or need to make, then you may very well make nothing! As you go you will learn more and more…and tweek your plan to what you notice works.

20. It’s Never too late to start!

21. Making money right now online is not as easy as you think. Work step by step and you will see returns. Try not to skip any steps to get closer to the money, it may hurt you in the long run.

22. Something is Hard….but its even harder if you don’t do it.

23. Don’t fall for the push button software solutions that claim to make you rich overnight. The only person getting rich overnight is the creator of that software. It takes time and work to make money online…there is no such thing as push button success!

There are more?
#fail #make #money #online #reasons
  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    This is a great list, but I'm surprised you didn't mention distractions!

    When I first started, I couldn't put down the video games or Facebook. Every ten minutes I was "taking a break".

    Or looking on the WSO forum...

    Or Googling some random crap and going off on a pointless tangent searching stuff I don't need to get work done.

    Other than that I think this list nails it.

    No signature here today!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5856975].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author magiccashlady
      Originally Posted by Cataclysm1987 View Post

      This is a great list, but I'm surprised you didn't mention distractions!

      When I first started, I couldn't put down the video games or Facebook. Every ten minutes I was "taking a break".

      Or looking on the WSO forum...

      Or Googling some random crap and going off on a pointless tangent searching stuff I don't need to get work done.

      Other than that I think this list nails it.
      This is very true. There are many distractions working online but it is a matter of discipline and bookmarking and prioritizing so you will stay focused on the task at hand until complete.

      For example. I have not used warrior forum as much in the past but now I am and I cannot do certain things like, a new post, add certain helpful links to my post, or even pm WSO's ive purchased until I reach 50 post. So I could easily give up and do nothing.

      SMH that's not an option. I will do what is required and contribute relevant post and learn along the way and hopefully make some new friends to help me use Warrior Forum More effectively.
      **WANTED!** People to Join a New Mastermind for FREE helping you succeed online with usable feedback. Contact me on skype for details.
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      Atarah Wright The Magiccashlady
      Let's Connect on Facebook
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5857017].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by Cataclysm1987 View Post

      This is a great list, but I'm surprised you didn't mention distractions!

      When I first started, I couldn't put down the video games or Facebook. Every ten minutes I was "taking a break".

      Or looking on the WSO forum...

      Or Googling some random crap and going off on a pointless tangent searching stuff I don't need to get work done.

      Other than that I think this list nails it.
      I totally missed that one and i agree with you.
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    • Profile picture of the author cwilliams6009
      Originally Posted by Cataclysm1987 View Post

      This is a great list, but I'm surprised you didn't mention distractions! . . .Or looking on the WSO forum...
      That's me. I loooove looking at the WSO's! It's like candy. great way to avoid doing any real work!
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  • Profile picture of the author magiccashlady
    Great post. This is true why people will fail. Just remember that successful people do what unsuccesful people wont do. Love it. Thanks.
    **WANTED!** People to Join a New Mastermind for FREE helping you succeed online with usable feedback. Contact me on skype for details.
    Get Paid to Give Away Free Money? Empowering Information Click Here
    Atarah Wright The Magiccashlady
    Let's Connect on Facebook
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  • Profile picture of the author Hentie
    Mmmmm... "1. They do not follow their plan"
    That is perfectly true but it took me buying quite a few crappy and good products to be able to formulate a plan in which I had enough confidence to overcome "2. They Never take action"!

    Although I now follow my plan and work it and have some success I still "17. Spending money on new IM products without using it or taking action" but I do not totally abandon my current actions but learn and maybe modify my actions.

    So I think the key is to first develop a plan without falling into the "19. They think too much" trap and then follow it.

    Just one more comment:
    "4. I do not have the right tools.
    5. I do not have money to get a domain name
    6. I do not have money to pay for hosting"
    ...it is far less expensive to get the right tools than to jump from one thing to the next and achieve nothing
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  • Profile picture of the author Usmile
    Great post, you definitely stated it right. I agree with your thoughts. Some of the points struck me, but I am thankful I'm able to cope with it. thanks for sharing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author greenetheresa
    great ideas...thanks for the share
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  • Profile picture of the author David Sneen
    There are a plethora of ways to fail. The list was eye opening. So many of those items are easy to prevent.

    One needs to figure out what they are doing...focus...and do it.
    David Sneen
    It's what you do when no one is watching
    that determines what you will be able to
    do when everyone is watching.
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by David Sneen View Post

      There are a plethora of ways to fail. The list was eye opening. So many of those items are easy to prevent.

      One needs to figure out what they are doing...focus...and do it.
      Yep there are many ways to fail but i remember when i start making money online how much i complain and i write from my own experience and i hope others can learn from them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Crizby
    Thanks a bunch. I'm brand new to ALL of this, so 18 and 19 definitely hit home.
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  • Profile picture of the author camitran1
    Nice info. That is what I need now for my plan. I find out the my problem.
    Thank for share.
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  • Profile picture of the author camitran1
    Nice info. That is what I need now for my plan. I find out the my problem.
    Thank for share.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tiffany Carter
    Love this list!

    God,Family,Business. In that Order.
    .99 Cents Into A Million?

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  • Profile picture of the author kinnethharring
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  • Profile picture of the author sandhi
    Great list marius..
    you're reminded me of my past failure..take action now, don't just become an audience for birth of succeeded people, but you must be one of them..
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  • Profile picture of the author Jit Lim
    Great post Marius, I can certainly relate to a number of points in there!
    "Take Inspired Action!"
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by Jit Lim View Post

      Great post Marius, I can certainly relate to a number of points in there!
      I'm sure all of us was in one of those points and some still are so i hope they will learn something from my thread.

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  • Profile picture of the author success4all
    Originally Posted by MariusPrice View Post

    23 Reasons Why People Fail To Make Money Online:
    Are you one of them ?

    1. They do not follow their plan
    2. They Never take action
    Thanks for a great post. You have correctly identified the two most important reasons why people fail not only in making money online, but any endeavor they undertake.

    When you have a solid plan and take action to implement your plan, everything will fall into place & your success is guaranteed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5863179].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ExpressFans
    Great post thanks for sharing with us my friend

    Thanks again
    Cheapest Facebook Fans / Twitter Followers / Google + / YouTube services ONLINE! 500 Fans only $7!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5863635].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by ExpressFans View Post

      Great post thanks for sharing with us my friend

      Thanks again
      Glad you enjoy man.
      Wish you success!

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  • Profile picture of the author keivn2
    Wow...That is a great list...and fews of them are perfectly described about me. Nice read.
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by keivn2 View Post

      Wow...That is a great list...and fews of them are perfectly described about me. Nice read.
      Make a plan and follow and learn from other mistakes. Hope that helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
    Negative thoughts facilitate a self-fulfilling prophecy.


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    • Profile picture of the author Jon Sullivan
      Originally Posted by buckeyes09 View Post

      Negative thoughts facilitate a self-fulfilling prophecy.
      Negative thoughts will kill you.

      The psycho-cybernetic was a great book that talks about how we create our own self-fulfilling prophecies.
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  • Profile picture of the author kiarasteere
    Super post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nerohawk
    I always have a plan whether it involves my work or in all the things i do that's why i have a high percentage of success with my online job.
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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    You've got an amazing list Marius! They are indeed reasons why not everyone will make money online. Your post is very helpful and informative. Very much appreciated!
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    Hi there,

    This is a great thread, but I believe this thread will be much better when you emphasize more on the "Positive" instead of "Negative".. for instance, instead of title it: "why NOT everyone make money online" maybe you could use a more positive title like "How some make MILLIONS online" ..

    haha.. I'm just saying, but seriously.. It's good to emphasize more on the "wants" instead of the "don't want"... in this case "positive" instead of negative"

    Still, thank you so much for posting such a thread, I believe it's still gonna be a great reminder for many..

    God bless you,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5880276].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author inf
    I think the most important one is the 2nd one. People just need to take their asses off of reading and absorbing info, and start doing smth. Even if you lose money, it's the best way to learn a lesson.
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    • Profile picture of the author PattC
      Mindset is everything, without the right mindset you're sure to fail.
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  • Profile picture of the author ValdemarG
    I really like how you put this list together...All true. We basically set up our own excuses. And the more we fall to excuses, the more we program ourselves towards not doing anything...or as some might describe it: Failure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Beno27
    Great list, I couldn't agree more.
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  • Profile picture of the author starbolt
    Summary: focus and motion
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Wilhite
    I have found that people are not naturally wired for success. That's why they will come up with all the reasons why the can't move forward. In fact, you have to go against the current if you are ever to make it in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author wangui
    That is great motivation for someone who is starting out like myself. It is well written. I love it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Taba
      So same was mine. My main excuse was "I don't have technical skills" but now I'm learning and it really helped me to gain confidence
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  • Profile picture of the author stan07
    Thanks for this post Marius, it would be great for anyone who decides they want to quit their job and collect those riches that are flowing in the internet it's all about the mindset. This is very sound advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author cuple
    Great list.. Impossible is nothing!
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  • Profile picture of the author katerinamos
    I totally agree with you and could not add more reason. It is enough to start for everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author leorocking25
    That's great.I am also agreed with you in all this point.
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  • Profile picture of the author elizabeththomas
    There is a need for marketing speakers because they will serve as the way on the gaps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hobo82
    Thanks Marius for a great post, you are right on the money with this list.

    >>>>>>Creative Writing and More>>>>>>>>

    ****Don't Settle For The Same Old Same***

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  • Profile picture of the author narendras83
    Thanks for the addition to Lesley’s post!
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  • Profile picture of the author fearlesspioneer
    In a word, most people are lack of confidence when trying to make money online. If you can not develop a success mindset, you can never succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author natep219
    Great post. I am still brand new to the internet marketing and 'earn a living online' mindset and am in the fitness niche as a marathon runner. Thanks for the tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author ezplr
    Great post, with the right mindset you can achieve anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author ontarget13
    I think the keys are to never quit and to not let failure deter you, be it fear of failure or previous failure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Butazi
    I'm a big victim of, "I don't know where to start".

    I don't learn that well until I can get some traction learning beginner concepts and then I can make a lot of headway
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Glad i help you with the right mindset.
      Keep going guys and never give up!

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  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Hey what a great list! It was awesome how you not only provided the reasons why many won't make it on the web but also illustrated on possible solutions and on the fact that most things can be solved and you can overcome them as long as you have the desire and the will to do so!

    =-) Good going! This is why I am a big believer in never giving up, always find a way, change your approach or realize that what you know now is not enough and so you must seek the right information to make things happen! There is always...ALWAYS room for improvement.

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    • Profile picture of the author chrisnos
      The problem is most people only see a successful person once they're successful, and even if they're just 23 or 24 there can be 6 or 7+ years of total failure behind them that was never recorded anywhere, but I've found behind 99.9% of major successes there was a HUGE learning curve they took of failing over and over and over to learn what they did to get everything right.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7087764].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dmarseller
        Originally Posted by chrisnos View Post

        The problem is most people only see a successful person once they're successful, and even if they're just 23 or 24 there can be 6 or 7+ years of total failure behind them that was never recorded anywhere, but I've found behind 99.9% of major successes there was a HUGE learning curve they took of failing over and over and over to learn what they did to get everything right.

        Chrisnos! 100% True!

        This is like the before and after in a diet product or a musclebuilding shake!

        Yes...it can be true, it's true, we know but....between the before and after....Few people explains that they often fail to achieve their goals .

        Have a nice day!

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  • Profile picture of the author therenegadeleader
    There are many things that why people fails, but their are only few needs to be successful. Discipline.
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  • Profile picture of the author masterbizcoach
    Most of the list is made of excuses, if you want something go get it and work for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author densho
    It's a very long list indeed , I eliminated half of them and already make some money, can wait to see what will happen when I will elinate them all
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  • Profile picture of the author ken.online
    great article, i like it
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  • Profile picture of the author bluewell
    Re-start the affiliate marketing.
    it was three years ago, i quited my job and do a full time marketing. after several sales and loss much money,i took a another job.
    But the idea never leave my heart, I just find i need do it new way: outsourced the content creation , then site building by myself, i am figuring out how to promote.
    I consider the marketing as running biz,so it is essential to do a math of profit and ROI .My plan is making $300 in net profit before end of this year,more important: build my team and effective workflow.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7096308].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by bluewell View Post

      Re-start the affiliate marketing.
      it was three years ago, i quited my job and do a full time marketing. after several sales and loss much money,i took a another job.
      But the idea never leave my heart, I just find i need do it new way: outsourced the content creation , then site building by myself, i am figuring out how to promote.
      I consider the marketing as running biz,so it is essential to do a math of profit and ROI .My plan is making $300 in net profit before end of this year,more important: build my team and effective workflow.
      Only $300 ? You can make this money in one day very easy but of course stop wasting your time and take action.
      I made a lot of money from first two months when i started to make money online and i made more money than at my daily job but i quit after 2 years

      Hope you will make it done but change your plan and force yourself to make even more not just $300
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  • Profile picture of the author shaktitanwar
    That's a great list.. I am feeling much more confident now. .I will succeed and you will hear my name soon
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by shaktitanwar View Post

      That's a great list.. I am feeling much more confident now. .I will succeed and you will hear my name soon
      That's great my friend. Keep going, take action and don't give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author muzzy4u2
    Great Post the points you have listed are the ones which every Individual who is into IM goes through at least once or more in their life time.

    Thanks for posting.
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by muzzy4u2 View Post

      Great Post the points you have listed are the ones which every Individual who is into IM goes through at least once or more in their life time.

      Thanks for posting.
      I think everyone had some of issues that i listed so lets stop complaining and lets make money

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  • Profile picture of the author Shakircont
    A nice list of why people fail, so the summery is we need strong will power to prevail all of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author chukster
    When I first started I must admit I did make a few excuses then worry why i did not make much money
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by chukster View Post

      When I first started I must admit I did make a few excuses then worry why i did not make much money
      We learn from mistakes but some just give up.

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  • Profile picture of the author chukster
    These are my Four reasons why people fail to make money online summed up

    1. Jump ship
    Most people email inbox is inundated with offers of get rich scheme and while they are working on a strategy. When the going gets tough they will no doubt see another way to make money online and will unfortunately jump ship. This process will keep on happening and they will make no money.

    2. Spread themselves to thin
    A great example of this is when people start to do marketing they have various ways to drive traffic from ppc, article marketing, video marketing etc. They try and do everything all at once and while they are learning all these strategies they get bogged and don’t progress.

    3. Keep it simple
    A lot people tend to over complicate a simple strategy what to do instead of jsut keeping it simple a good example will be doing ppc. Instead of just throwing a ad and some keywords and then testing the response. Most people will indivertibly get bogged down in too many details and end up being in learner mode.

    4. 1 strategy and massive action
    A lot of people find the right strategy that works but for some reason instead of taking massive action they let activities such as family, friends and don’t dedicate a strict daily schedule to making money online
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by chukster View Post

      These are my Four reasons why people fail to make money online summed up

      1. Jump ship
      Most people email inbox is inundated with offers of get rich scheme and while they are working on a strategy. When the going gets tough they will no doubt see another way to make money online and will unfortunately jump ship. This process will keep on happening and they will make no money.

      2. Spread themselves to thin
      A great example of this is when people start to do marketing they have various ways to drive traffic from ppc, article marketing, video marketing etc. They try and do everything all at once and while they are learning all these strategies they get bogged and don't progress.

      3. Keep it simple
      A lot people tend to over complicate a simple strategy what to do instead of jsut keeping it simple a good example will be doing ppc. Instead of just throwing a ad and some keywords and then testing the response. Most people will indivertibly get bogged down in too many details and end up being in learner mode.

      4. 1 strategy and massive action
      A lot of people find the right strategy that works but for some reason instead of taking massive action they let activities such as family, friends and don't dedicate a strict daily schedule to making money online
      Good points chukster
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    If you follow these steps success is inevitable..

    Stop buying WSOs and BSOs and take action.

    Excellent share.


    Gary Ning Lo
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  • Profile picture of the author makemoneyinlife
    Not everyone is making money online because they don't have patience. Just work hard and have a patience for a year, and after that year is done, you will see the true power of the online world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shakircont
    Fantastic explanation why we fail always. It will help us avoid those points to be successful.
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by Shakircont View Post

      Fantastic explanation why we fail always. It will help us avoid those points to be successful.
      Glad it helps bro.

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  • Profile picture of the author apkkadam
    Great post Marius. It is evident from the post that you have spent quite a bit of time on the subject and presented it very nicely. Excellent work.
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by apkkadam View Post

      Great post Marius. It is evident from the post that you have spent quite a bit of time on the subject and presented it very nicely. Excellent work.
      Thanks and i hope you will be ready to succeed now!

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  • Profile picture of the author TomerN
    Awesome post, thank you.

    I found the biggest problem for most new Internet marketers is being impatient. They have this mentality that by opening a hosting account and installing Wordpress they'll start seeing thousands of dollars coming in overnight and then get upset when it doesn't happen.

    Seeing success requires building an actual business, improving it, and building upon it. Internet marketing is a business, not some copy and paste system, no matter what the "Guru's" tell you.
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    • Profile picture of the author SP ESP
      Good list and so true but also rather sad.

      I think that most people have to go through a pretty long learning curve before they become 'successful' online (whatever their definition of successful is) and for many this will take too long. Only the persistent ones will keep at it and achieve what they desire.

      In many cases you only succeed after many failures.
      Use my List Building Secret Weapon to kickstart your own list building

      List Building Secret Weapon - Free Download

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      • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
        I think learning from your mistakes is the best way to learn and same thing happen to real life....no matter who tell you don't do that and that till you wont fail you will not understand what the hack they are saying

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        • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
          Wired a lot of posts and good resource but no one rated this thread?
          Can i ask why ?

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  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    You are right on point. Most of the IMers identify with these. I just remember what my tutor told me - just do it. Great post.
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfdem
    Hi Marius , one question ; do you have some wso about how to create newsletters and sell them with a monthly pay membership?
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by wolfdem View Post

      Hi Marius , one question ; do you have some wso about how to create newsletters and sell them with a monthly pay membership?
      No i don't

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  • Profile picture of the author Lokahi
    Good post. Most of the ones that do not succeed are not willing to either try hard enough or willing to learn. Or they think that they already know everything and that no one's way is right but theirs, which is obviously not the case because they are not making any money and succeeding.
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