Do you know your personality type?

by tsx
26 replies
Do you find that exploring your personality type helps you in your work and life?

I have been exploring mine and find that knowing my personality helps me understand my strengths and weaknesses better and it guides me into fields where I will be more fulfilled and successful.

I am interested to know how others feel about this aspect of their self.
#personality #type
  • Profile picture of the author robinsonelmer
    great post....
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  • Profile picture of the author flaminjo
    Yes completely agree! Knowing yourself; your strengths and weaknesses help you plan your success strategy a lot better.
    ArcadeZeal: Play free Arcade Games
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    • Profile picture of the author Niky Ray
      Exploring your personality type sounds useful and fascinating!

      Yet, it is a deep process as you have to dive below your programming to see what really lies in your core.

      Most people are "wearing" a personality that suits their social circumstances but has nothing to do with their truth!

      The biggest challenge in discovering and fully embracing your personality is owning your "dark"...
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      • Profile picture of the author tsx
        Originally Posted by Niky Ray View Post

        Exploring your personality type sounds useful and fascinating!

        Yet, it is a deep process as you have to dive below your programming to see what really lies in your core.

        Most people are "wearing" a personality that suits their social circumstances but has nothing to do with their truth!

        The biggest challenge in discovering and fully embracing your personality is owning your "dark"...
        Very well put. It can be very difficult to find out what personality really is below all the socializing we have been put through.

        Question: How do you explore your personality? Do you just take tests or do you do a more profound soul searching?
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  • Profile picture of the author leorocking25
    yeah that's right .i know myself very well and i deserve extrovert personality...
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  • Profile picture of the author Usmile
    Every breathing moment is my greatest time in getting to know myself more. I do it by engaging myself in various activities for me to know my weaknesses and strength
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Had a friend at my old brick and mortar job that was very into socionics. My personality type based on that model was ENTJ (perfect for this type of work).

    Description is here: The best ENTJ Guide Ever
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    I'd say more than anything else I use it to identify and try to rectify personality flaws. I already know what I am good at, it is what I lack that keeps me interested and motivated.
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  • Profile picture of the author bushidosurfer
    I did my Strength Finder 2.0 test a while back and it certainly helps me know and understand my strength better Highly recommended for anyone wanting to know him/her self.
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  • Profile picture of the author therenegadeleader
    Well, I can't tell that much about my personality type. But I am who I am.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Sneen
    My personality is the ENTP type. I am the jumpy type that goes from one thing to the next. I did a lot of jumping around (business wise), until...

    But, I am happy where I am, and have focussed solely on my blog for 3 years. I have no intentions of doing anything else.
    David Sneen
    It's what you do when no one is watching
    that determines what you will be able to
    do when everyone is watching.
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  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
    I'm a pretty hard core ENTJ (~90 E ~75 N ~75 T ~40 J). I find it interesting because that link fits me to a tee (or t?). I find it interesting, but not terribly helpful, because I'd know my tendencies regardless of MBTI knowledge. Yeah, I know I'm a big picture think who lives in the future (and really who's only now started to partially live in the present).


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  • great valuable information! I agree with your post..and its so nice to know the real you..
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    • Knowing your personality type is important. And you generally have two types as dual operating systems which work in tandem throughout your life.

      There are four basic personality types: Controller, Promoter, Supporter, Analyzer.

      One of these personality types is your primary operating system. One of the others is your secondary operating system and is usually less dominant than the main type.

      As far as the world is concerned the stronger of the dual set of personality types is the Controller / Promoter. This is the person who gets things done. (primary type - controller) and gets the impressively big ideas the (secondary type - promoter) comes up with on a regular basis.

      But each dual combo personality types have their rolls to play out in life and each one can be the greatest adventure of all. You know Forest Gump's mother's quotation: "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get".

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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    I don't think knowing would change anything. I am who I am, knowing how its described is unlikely to change my behavior ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Yes, I am enneagram type 5.

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  • Profile picture of the author natebunger
    I don't really know this personality type thing but I definitely know who I am.

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  • Profile picture of the author SoCal Digital
    What do you mean by exploring your personality type?

    Are you saying know yourself and what situations you like to be in or to know your personality type and stretch your experiences by doing things you are not comfortable with?

    Search engine optimization and social media marketing services

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  • Profile picture of the author lincolndesigns
    Being aware of your personality type is a great way to figure out what worksheets for you when it comes to pretty much anything. For example, knowing when you feel the most energized throughout the day is important because when you figure that out, that's when you should handle your most important and hardest tasks. Figuring out my personality type has helping me be more productive.
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  • Profile picture of the author superhuman247
    I've had profiling done both through Myers-Briggs and Insights Discovery. Although both are based on the work of Carl Jung, Insights is far more accurate in my opinion than MBTI - my issue with MBTI is that it categorises you as either/or whereas Insights describes your preferences towards.

    And yes, I think it is essential to have an understanding of self
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  • Profile picture of the author Priki
    Mate, I must admit and agree with you in the same time... The day when I start to explore my self, was the day when I change my life forever!

    I know now how I am, why I am here on Earth and where my path continue after I finish the journey. Because, the journey is the meaning, not the destination. If you chose the right path, then you don't have to worry about the destination.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    i am my own best friend, we like us both very well
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    • Profile picture of the author Shana Walters
      I don't know if the day will ever come that I will know myself completely.
      Just when I think I know all about Shana, somethings happens to show me that I just peeled away one layer and there are many others to go.
      I can say getting me know is so much fun.

      Best Regards,
      Shana Jahsinta Walters.
      Write until my fingers fall off. LOL!!!
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