Examples of the 80/20 Rule

by GT
18 replies
Examples of the 80/20 Rule

Many of us know of examples of the 80/20 Rule. Why not share them here for inspiration?

For example:

Brian Tracy tells us that 20% of the tasks we do account for 80% of the results we get, so we should focus on learning to do those 20% of tasks exceptionally well.

Warriors . . .

What 80/20 examples have you heard of? Please share them here.

#80 or 20 #80/20 rule #examples #inspiration #productivity #rule
  • Profile picture of the author Thrazgard
    20% of the people on this forum enjoy 80% of the success.
    When someone laughs at your dream, its a good dream.
    I'm already rich, because I get to live.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
    The goal should be to focus on tasks that bring you the highest ROI.

    Quite often we do things that don't really add much measurable progress to achieving our desired ROI.

    It's a lot easier to do things such as posting a funny comment on a thread than it is to be productive by learning how to create a sales page.
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  • Hi GT, I believe you should spend 80% of your time on productive tasks,for example doing activities that generate traffic to your site. Spend only 20% of your time on unproductive activities such as checking emails, reading sales letters,etc.
    Struggling To Make Money Online?So Did I. Now I Am On The Journey To Success. Join Me!
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  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    Map out in detail everything you do in a day and you'll be surprised how much time is
    wasted on unnecessary activities when you think you are working.

    80/20 rule (also known as Pareto's rule) goes hand in hand with Parkinson's law which
    states that work expands to fill the time allocated for it.

    Here's a simple method I used to eliminate its negative effects as much as possible:

    First, identify few critical activities that bring the greatest results. Then make your
    maximum effort and measure how much time it takes to do a single unit of work (e.g.
    write one article). Now that you know how much time an activity takes you won't be
    wasting any more time than necessary. Set a timer and dedicate yourself to doing
    that amount of work you can do in 45 minutes or one hour at your maximum performance.
    Work in those short bursts then make breaks. That way you won't be slacking and will
    be focused on doing the work in the optimal time frame.
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  • Profile picture of the author aatyum

    The presented 80/20 rule is less than accurate because it predicates the psychologies involved in human behavior upon a decided upon static prescription that yields less than the value of an effort.

    This means the 80/20 rule is really to be accepted, if there hasn't been exposure to the methods of almost NEVER getting mentally tired or fatigued... Reverse this to 20/80, wherein 100% of a decided upon task, will will demonstrate only a 20% shortfall of inefficiency.

    We should be able to do 80% of our task well without much perceived stress or fatigue.

    Here's a little of the science behind this statement:

    There are ancient technologies which applicably enable an individual to mentally shift the conscious episodes involved in any given discipline, into different temporal atmospheres of activity. Simply put, doing something else mentally and or, doing something else physically.

    The key is to be able to shift mental state dynamics while involved in the activity of a task. Its all about the mental state...

    In effect, different thought trend behaviors that are concerned with a given task, can move the mental fatigue factors, away and into psychological areas that are more than overwhelming to the potency's of those fatigue elements. The fatigue factors become fluidly dilute, less concentrated, and virtually inert.

    More importantly, as the fatigue factors are themselves mentally generated radiant energies, and are subject to the known laws of physics as well as their intrinsic representations, their grade of energy expression is transformable. This is because the energies are initially generated through psychologically emotionally energized perspective incentives.

    These same energies power the place that is a new dynamic of presence, which in laymen terms, is a different decided upon task, endeavor, or subject of attention. Get it? .

    All this is to say, that mental fatigue is naturally and effortlessly displaced, when there is a conscious shift of an individuals attention.

    The trick is to be able to either be attentively conscious of multiple topics at the same time, or, able to displace your conscious attention into other areas of concern while keeping a coordinate record of where you were.

    Also simultaneously, fatigue factors are made inert and transformed into a new power source, when the psychologies of the mind simply decide to shift the thought trend attention away and towards something other than an overly endorsed effort.

    And so; This means the 80/20 rule is really to be accepted, if there hasn't been exposure to the methods of almost NEVER getting mentally tired or fatigued...

    We should be able to do 80% of our task, effectively and efficiently well, without much perceived stress or fatigue.


    p.s.: a few of the ancient technologies involved are: projective geometry, relative correspondence, sympathetic harmonics.........
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    • Profile picture of the author redstanford
      Originally Posted by aatyum View Post


      The presented 80/20 rule is less than accurate because it predicates the psychologies involved in human behavior upon a decided upon static prescription that yields less than the value of an effort.

      This means the 80/20 rule is really to be accepted, if there hasn't been exposure to the methods of almost NEVER getting mentally tired or fatigued... Reverse this to 20/80, wherein 100% of a decided upon task, will will demonstrate only a 20% shortfall of inefficiency.

      We should be able to do 80% of our task well without much perceived stress or fatigue.

      Here's a little of the science behind this statement:

      There are ancient technologies which applicably enable an individual to mentally shift the conscious episodes involved in any given discipline, into different temporal atmospheres of activity. Simply put, doing something else mentally and or, doing something else physically.

      The key is to be able to shift mental state dynamics while involved in the activity of a task. Its all about the mental state...

      In effect, different thought trend behaviors that are concerned with a given task, can move the mental fatigue factors, away and into psychological areas that are more than overwhelming to the potency's of those fatigue elements. The fatigue factors become fluidly dilute, less concentrated, and virtually inert.

      More importantly, as the fatigue factors are themselves mentally generated radiant energies, and are subject to the known laws of physics as well as their intrinsic representations, their grade of energy expression is transformable. This is because the energies are initially generated through psychologically emotionally energized perspective incentives.

      These same energies power the place that is a new dynamic of presence, which in laymen terms, is a different decided upon task, endeavor, or subject of attention. Get it? .

      All this is to say, that mental fatigue is naturally and effortlessly displaced, when there is a conscious shift of an individuals attention.

      The trick is to be able to either be attentively conscious of multiple topics at the same time, or, able to displace your conscious attention into other areas of concern while keeping a coordinate record of where you were.

      Also simultaneously, fatigue factors are made inert and transformed into a new power source, when the psychologies of the mind simply decide to shift the thought trend attention away and towards something other than an overly endorsed effort.

      And so; This means the 80/20 rule is really to be accepted, if there hasn't been exposure to the methods of almost NEVER getting mentally tired or fatigued...

      We should be able to do 80% of our task, effectively and efficiently well, without much perceived stress or fatigue.


      p.s.: a few of the ancient technologies involved are: projective geometry, relative correspondence, sympathetic harmonics.........
      this way over my head. read it twice and i'm still not sure what he was tring to convey
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingstatic
    @Aatyum-I have no idea what you just said

    Happy new Year 2019

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    • Profile picture of the author Snd65

      Its a great point to share.

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  • Profile picture of the author quercus5
    20 percent of your sites will create 80 percent of your income. I always try to remember this so I don't get too spread out and focus on the activities that are going to be driving an income.

    FREE WSO Ebook: Offline Marketing Vault ($17 Value): Download Here

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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    Thanks, WF Team, for the answers and insight! It really makes us think about what we do, how we do it, and how we can better focus our attention and energies to achieve better results.

    Please keep these 80/20 comments and ideas coming!


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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    Hey, Friends:

    What other applications can you find for the 80/20 rule?
    (Pareto Principle, as Zak Exel noted)

    Basically, "for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes."

    How would you apply this to your Internet Marketing business?


    * You Can Begin Earning Affiliate Income Here – Direct Commissions and Residual Income!
    * Home Business Resources and Affiliate Opportunities
    * Visit This Library to Expand Your Knowledge – Blog Post
    * Reinventing Your Life - Make the Rest of Your Life the BEST of Your Life!
    * Follow Me On Twitter ===> MyPowerSite <===| gtbulmer | StarrBizzcom

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  • Profile picture of the author carmanjosephine
    great thought
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  • Profile picture of the author Beno27
    Didn't Seth Godin write about this too?
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  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    20 percent of the traffic you drive opts in, the other 80 percent doesn't.

    20 percent of the links you build get crawled and stay up and indexed, 80 percent don't at all.

    20 percent of the money you spend on advertising converts like crazy, the rest just meh.

    Obviously the numbers don't have that exact breakdown but I'm sticking with the current theme.

    No signature here today!

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    • maybe a rule of life.

      20% of the sales force make up 80% of the sales revenue. (read research that in that 20%, is another 80/20!).

      80% of WSO's are low quality

      20% of what you hear benefits you.

      80% of what you say is irrelevant, unimportant, or you talking that no one hears or no one wants to listen, let alone remember.

      80% of good business advice, is not acted on.

      80% say no to you and your business, 20% you can get (we just don't know that 20% beforehand)
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  • saw this from a google search :

    In 1906 the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) determined that about 80% of Italy's wealth was controlled by about 20% of the people. This has evolved into the 80/20 Rule or Pareto principle which is frequently applied to business or quality control problems. For example: 20% of the employees do 80% of the work or 20% of the quality problems account for 80% of the rejects. This is only a rule of thumb since actual proportions are rarely exactly 20% and 80%. However, it's a very useful rule of thumb.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    20% of the customers requests 80% of the refunds.
    20% of the book provides 80% of the value.
    20% of the forum posters provides 80% of the good stuff.
    20% of your marketing efforts provides 80% of the results (now figure out which ones)
    20% of your products will provide 80% of your income (focus on those)
    20% of your products will provide 80% of problems, negativity, bad things (eliminate them)

    If you turn it around though it has a different mental effect at least to me.

    80% of your income is caused by only 20% of your efforts.
    80% of the fights in your marriage are caused by only 20% of your actions or words.

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