Does your heart beat?

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My wife and I attended a seminar last week. The keynote speaker said something in a way that I had never heard before and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I've heard people say to find your passion, your reason, or your life's mission. But the way he said it trumps all the other ways I've heard it said.

He said that you have to find out and ask yourself: Why does your heart beat? Why does blood run through your veins?

Now stop. Look inside and see what you're feeling after reading that. Many of us know our reason but many of us don't and have yet to find it.

But if you know the reason you will have felt something in your soul, in the inner and deepest core of you - the real you - that told you that you know why your heart beats.

And if you know are you honoring that reason? Are you doing it? Or are you finding, like many of us, every reason and excuse under the sun not to?

If you know the reason your heart beats and you aren't honoring it yet, there's always today forward. It's not so much where we've been or what we've done as it is where we're headed and what we're going to do differently.

What is your reason for living? What are you here for? Why does your heart beat?

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