Being Healthy, Wealthy, And Happy ...

by Jonathan 2.0 Banned
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37 Success Secrets For Creating
Health, Wealth, And Happiness ...

(ZigZag's personal notes from Jack
Canfield's "The Success Principles.")

1. Believing in yourself is a choice. It's an attitude you develop over time

2. It's not what life hands you, but how you respond to it, mentally and physically, that matters most!
3. "You have to believe in yourself when no one else does. That's what makes you winner." - Venus Williams

4. Most of the time no one is thinking (negatively) about you at all!

5. When you encounter a challenge, setback, or failure remember to think "This is a good opportunity for personal growth and in a sense I'm lucky!"

6. After something terrible happens we often realize that it was a blessing in disguise

7. "Every negative event carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit" - Napoleon Hill

8. Sometimes you have to be patient for the realization of that send of equivalent or greater benefit and that blessing in disguise to manifest and become more apparent and knowing that it will makes things easier

9. When you take the approach that everyone and everything that shows up there in your life for a reason, and that The Universe is moving you towards your ultimate destiny for learning, growth, and achievement, you'll begin to see every event (nomatter how difficult or challenging) as a chance for enrichment and advancement in your life

10. When something doesn't turn out the way you planned, anticipated, or hoped, then God probably has something better in store for you

11. Remember your break-through goals, things which will change your whole life considerably. For example a break-through goal can be _____________

12. Consider creating a Windows desktop and screen saver of your goal list and vision for the future

13. Make a list of 101 goals including anything and everything that you want to accomplish - let your imagination run wild!

14. The 3 obstacles to success are considerations, fears, and roadblocks

15. Feeling fear when planning and accomplishing something new is not unusual - it's just part of the process

16. "You want to set a goal that is big enough that in the process of achieving it you become someone worth becoming" - Jim Rohn

17. "Money, power, spouses, and fame can all be taken away - sometimes in the blink of an eye. But what can never be taken away is who you have become in the process of achieving your goal" - Jack Canfield

18. Remember that it's OK to ask for guidance when you're not sure how to do something. Get used to asking; "Can you tell me how to go about ..." and; "What would I have to do to ..."

19. Chunk down big goals into manageable steps and consider using MindMapping

20. Complete your most important task at the beginning of every day to set the tone for the rest of the day and eat that "Biggest, ugliest frog first!"

21. Plan your day the night before because your subconscious will work on the tasks while you're sleeping and you can start your day "running" by knowing exactly what has to be done!

22. Successful people have discovered that instead of increasing their willpower, it's more effective to "release the breaks" - Let go of your limiting beliefs and improve your self-image

23. The Negative Self-Talk Loop: 1) Negative thinking (Which forms and reinforces) 2) Self-image (Which determines) 3) Performance (Which stimulates) 1) Negative self-talk

24. When you visualize your goals as already being complete each and every day, it creates "conflict" in your subconscious mind between what you're visualizing and what you currently have. Your subconscious mind then tries to resolve that conflict by turning your current reality into a new, more exciting vision!

25. When using affirmations, goal books, visualization, and vision boards consider using or adding: "This or something better is manifesting for the greater good of all concerned"

26. The Hour Of Power: 20 minutes of visualization and meditation, 20 minutes of exercise, and 20 minutes of reading inspirational or informational books

27. Acting "As If" and feeling like you've already achieved your goals and are where you want to be sends powerful messages to your subconscious mind to find creative ways to achieve your goals

28. Successful people think anything is possible, they take risks, celebrate their success. They save a portion of their income and share a portion with others. You can start doing these things right now!

29. As soon as you've developed a plan, take action. Get into motion. Go! Go! Go! Even if you don't start perfectly, learn from your mistakes, make the necessary corrections, and keep taking action until you're where you want to be, have achieved your goal, or something better!

30. Olympians are willing to commit to a goal, risk adversary in pursuit of it, and fail and keep trying until they accomplish it

31. There's rarely a "perfect" time to do anything. Just get started. Get into the game. Once you do, you'll start to get feedback that will help you to make corrections that you need to make to be successful

32. Ready, fire, aim!

33. "No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes." - William E. Gladstone

34. Fail forward - Fast. Successful people realize that failure is part of the learning process. Get started, make mistakes, listen to feedback and learnsomething, and keep moving forward towards your goal!"

35. Be willing to trust the path you're on and "learn into it" - even if you don't know how events will unfold or where it may take you

36. Psychologists like to say that "Fear" means: Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real. Because all fear is self-created by imagining some negative
outcome in the future

37. New Experiences will often feel a little scary - they're supposed to. But every time you face a fear and do it anyway you build that much more confidence!

My suggestion is to choose the 5 gems of wisdom which "jump out at you" and start internalizing, practicing, and implementing them today!

And I definitely recommend you invest in Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles: How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be." Because I think this book will help you to be super successful. There's a whole chapter full of techniques, advice, strategies, and inspiring stories for every number on my list.

I've only covered 90% of the first volume!
Three are whole more volumes including ... "How To Develop Successful Relationships" ... "How To Build Your Success Team" ... "Success And Money" ... And more!

I'm holding my hefty, well-used copy right now and I wouldn't trade it for anything. This a 471 page book which weights 700kg. And I think its worth that much in gold and platinum.

So go visit to learn more and grab your free goodies. (And just so you know I'm only recommending this book because it has helped me immensely.)
#happy #healthy #wealthy
  • Profile picture of the author WizzyWizh
    2. It's not what life hands you, but how you respond to it, mentally and physically, that matters most!
    I totally agree with this. Everything is possible in this world, but many people fail at doing different things (along with making money) because they are not believers.
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