Who can you appreciate today?

1 replies
Here's something to consider:

Have you ever spent time expressing appreciation towards a friend?

If so, can you imagine what would happen to your friend if you were to do it right now?

Can you also imagine how good you would feel if you were to do that?

Do you see that by appreciating, not only do they feel wonderful, you feel wonderful! It's mutual.

So what difference would this make in your business if you appreciated your clients/customers, and those who work with or for you

What effect would this have towards your business even if you just did it mentally? How would this shift your attitude/mindset if you really felt that sense of appreciation?

I highly recommend you do this and see what happens!
  • Profile picture of the author maskmirror
    This thread is probably one of the most positive interpretations of 'you reap what you sow' In my experience, sending out positive energy does two things: it reinforces your own positivism and added to that, it feeds you more positive energy from around you. It can manifest itself in the smallest things, like holding the door for a stranger, or kindly smiling at someone on a bus.

    I think there's a lot that connects and binds us humans. In fact, there's probably more to unite us than to drive us apart. Of course this is fairly obvious when dealing with people you know, such as friends or family, but it definitely goes for every other human being you ever encounter. By emphasizing the major commonality you have with other people (namely: you're both part of the same humanity), you set the basis for pleasant and often fruitful interaction. And the word 'fruitful' can be applied on every level, it be business, spiritual or anything in between...

    Expressing your appreciation for other people I think is an essential part of being human and it's something that's arguably lacking a bit in modern society. Since every human being inherently looks for affirmation of him-/herself, by giving this to people you automatically up the value of your product. I know the question of what showing appreciation for your customers/colleagues would do businesswise was kinda rhetorical, but felt like answering it anyway
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