What It Means To Be A Leader...

10 replies
Hey guys and gals,

This is actually a thread totally inspired by a previous one on the question of why did we all start our particular businesses.

When I first started business online, it was a major pitch-fest of 'Get Rich Now!' or 'Join Me And You'll Get Massive Results!' and I could clearly see that a lot of the same mentality that existed in the outside world also existed online. I knew that there was something missing and after months of researching the heck out of the internet, I found my answer: Leadership.

Developing the mindset and the behaviours of a leader, deciding to become a leader and creating the skills involved to be one was the most important lesson (one that is often overlooked) I learned.

After that, EVERYTHING changed not only in my relationships and business, but also my confidence, spirit and mentality. Taking the road less travelled was a difficult task at first but now I really am enjoying the results I'm gradually manifesting on a daily basis.

Taking The Road Less Travelled Is More Difficult, But The Rewards Are Greater.
I now know what it truly means to be an entrepreneur and taking the step of deciding to become a leader and doing whatever it takes to achieve that can truthfully have massive impact on you and others around you. I actually created a video on this:

The mindset and skills required to create success are steps that cannot be skipped, the masses however; seem to think they can be skipped and therefore generate mediocre results or fail. As an wise man once said:

The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With The First Step.
And this rings true but you've got to take the right steps. You CANNOT skip the important steps of life-long success. There are principles at play that govern the universe and they cannot be cheated or skipped.

Take this message to heart and start to learn or continue to study and implement these time-tested qualities and you will slowly but surely see results in your life and in your business.
#leader #means #mlm #mlm consultant #mlm success #self improvement #self improvement gurus
  • Profile picture of the author jayden.fellze
    Being a leader means you have to stand as a role model and you have to keep that image as long as you are in that position. It is a hard task because it needs rightful decisions and you have to think always what's is best for the group.
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  • Profile picture of the author warriorjohn1444
    Albert Einstein once said, "We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, ofcourse, powerful muscles but no personality. It cannot lead; it can only serve."Leaders know and science has discovered emotionality's deeper purpose: the timewornmechanisms of emotion allow two human beings to receive the contents of each other's minds. Emotion is the messenger of love; it is the vehicle that carries every signal from onebrimming heart to another. Leadership is applicable to all facets of life: a competency that you can learn to expand yourperspective, set the context of a goal, understand the dynamics of human behavior and take the initiative to get to where you want to be.
    Hone your leadership skills....
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  • Profile picture of the author HappyCommando
    Some quick/easy definitions of "Leadership":

    Leadership = Purpose + Direction + Motivation:

    Purpose is providing the reason "why". Direction are the specific key tasks to accomplish "what" it is we desire to achieve. Motivation is the carrot/stick, pleasure/pain, etc. to inspire action in the direction we want to go.

    another nice acronym...Leadership = S.A.M.
    S - Set Direction: Purpose, Key Tasks, Desired end state
    A - Allocate Resources: tools, skill, knowledge, etc.
    M - Motivate: what would leadership be without inspiration?
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    • Profile picture of the author pwety
      Lead by example. Good listener.
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      • Profile picture of the author GrantFreeman
        Originally Posted by pwety View Post

        Lead by example. Good listener.
        Thats one of the best responses I've read so far (and where I stopped reading while browsing down this great thread).

        Have you noticed that most people who give advice TELL YOU to do things, instead of ASKING YOU QUESTIONS about what it is that you actually want to accomplish as a long or short term goal?

        For example, instead of blurting out suggestions to someone, you might actually try to dig a little deeper, so you can help that person even more:

        "What is it that you REALLY want out of your pursuit into internet marketing"

        "What will you offer your customers in exchange for the money?"

        "What software programs will you need to reach the goals you've set for yourself?"

        To me, great leaders are those people that LISTEN MORE and TALK AT YOU less. People who have a genuine interest in helping you reach your dreams, will ask you questions to help take your success to the next level.

        Great leaders are those who have studied other great leaders who have already documented their success.. and I'm NOT talking about how much money they have.
        Consider: Ghandi, Buddah, Jesus. All great leaders with many followers.

        Great leaders listen with the intent of UNDERSTANDING the individual and his/her situation:

        • Who you are as a person of character
        • Where you want to go/achieve
        • What you are willing to learn in order to get to where you want to go
        • What you are willing to give up in order to get to where you want to go
        • How persistent, and consistent, you are to manifest your dream (level of desire)

        When a great leader knows the answers to these questions, they create more options and opportunity by GETTING PEOPLE TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES.

        Think about this, and remember any thread that asked a question, or opinion.

        Do you realize that, if you just asked yourself the question you were frustrated about in the first place, instead of posting the question in a forum, you could already have the answer?

        Compassion is another topic that's missing so far, and in my opinion, one of the most important. This gives you patience and understanding for other people.

        Finally, leading by example. IMO, it means never expecting more effort out of other people, that you would not do; If you work 8 hours a day, 3 days a week on a project you're sharing with someone, don't expect them to work more than you are. You see..

        Great leaders will never take credit for someone else's success. They understand that YOU already have the potential thats required to do great things. They just help you remember what you've forgotten.

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  • Profile picture of the author RoseRabbit
    Leadership means taking action always to benefit the whole.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sonam22
    We all should be aware that growth in leadership is a continuous process and show this knowledge in all we do. The process of stagnation happens when you're not moving forward, and you could actually be moving backwards. Everything that's not in a state of growth is in a state of decay. Reaching even the highest position in network marketing does not mean you are able to sit back and do nothing. This mentality won't help you become a leader within your company. Genuine leaders are those who continue learning and improving themselves, and can inspire others to do the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author eienblue
    It means dicipline, good heart, not afraid to failed, and responsible for every decision he/she have made
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  • Profile picture of the author theimgroup
    a lot of great responses...my definition of a leader for me is someone that has Honour, Integrity, is loyal to those who follow him/her especially when it is difficult. Practices what they preach and always makes decision based on the good of the majority. Their decision should never be made with the intent to hurt or deceive anyone else. They should be confident, strong but flexible and willing to admit when they are wrong. A good leader always considers all options and opinions before making a decision.
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  • Profile picture of the author shatner
    A natural born leader, follows then acts. The insignia of Courage, Loyalty and Respect is in their blood.
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