What is Money? How Subliminal Video helps

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What is Money
Have you ever thought about what money is really? Money is an idea. Money is energy. Let me explain. Money is an idea created to establish a value system so that fairness existed among people bartering, trading, investing and giving. Money is nothing more than an idea and ideas are nothing more than electromagnetic energy.

Money is also used as a means of exchange in our society and if you do not understand the laws of compensation and exchange, you will never win the inner game of money and you will never achieve what you want to earn.

In neuroscience, there are five commonly-recognized brain wave patterns:

Beta (14-39.9 Hz) — Alert/Working/Stress
Waking to Fast. Not conducive to super-learning. This is our day-to-day awake state — the higher end of the spectrum indicates when we are engaged or stressed.

Alpha (8-13.9 Hz) — Relaxed Focus
Eased. Can be induced by meditation, relaxation, or light trance. Indicates increased serotonin production and beginning of access to non-conscious mind. Conducive to super-learning and higher intuitive factors.

Delta (.1-3.9Hz) — Non-Focus
Very slow. Indicates dreamless sleep or deep meditative state. Human growth hormone released.

Theta (4-7.9 Hz) — Internal/Integrative Focus
Slowed. Can be induced by meditation, dreaming (REM) sleep. Indicates increased creativity and production of catecholamine (vital for learning and memory). Conducive to integrating emotional experiences and changing behavior. Can tap into universal intelligence.

Gamma Waves (40-100 Hz) — Peak Performance
Super fast. Indicates higher mental activity (not normal thinking or problem-solving), flashes of brilliance and consolidation of information from all areas of the brain.

How to Tap and uncover infinite potential
We all have infinite untapped potential that is blocked by our subconscious conditioning. This is referred to as neural resonance.
The power of your subconscious mind will greatly amplify your success, and is one of your best untapped tools.

How to Change Your Thoughts Fast
In order to change your current thoughts, feelings, behaviors and results, it is essential to change your beliefs, perceptions, emotions, and habits. The most powerful way to do so is by accessing the subconscious mind through affirmations, hypnosis, visualization, alpha brain wave frequencies and positive repetitive behavioral modification.

The most direct way to access the subconscious is through hypnosis, visualization, brain entrainment technology and meditation also known as Subliminal Messages.

Why Subliminal Videos works amazingly well
Video tap our three senses as opposed to audio/mp3 which works on 2 senses only. Have you ever wondered why youtube is successful because we learn faster involving more than 2 senses in the process of learning. The Three senses are Visual, Audio and Kinestetic.

How to Use Subliminal DVD
Whenever you're free in a relaxed state of mind, highly recommended to use it just before going to bed at night and just after you get up. See the results in your thinking. Try it continuously for 30 days without any break in between.

It will help your brain to built a new neurological pathway. That's how habits are formed.*
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