Does Self-Help Really Help?

by YoungAndOpulent Banned
17 replies
This is something I've been pondering over since I began making moves in my business over the past couple of years. Before then, I was really big on the self-help stuff. I'd read most of the classics on the subject. But the problem was that I wasn't getting anywhere. I was one of those people who'd read one self-help book, get a quick burst of motivation that lasted for a few days or weeks, then would eventually go back to my old ways, then start looking for another book to get that same feeling. Crazy enough, I'd experienced success in business BEFORE I started studying self-help materials. However, I wasn't rich. Since my goal was to get rich, I began reading the self-help materials because I thought the knowledge contained was the missing piece to the puzzle.

Over the past year, I put the self-help material away and began studying material from the technical side of the business I'm involved in. Not only studying it, but putting it into action. Then I began reading material by businessmen who'd actually gotten rich outside of writing books on how to get rich, and they had some not-so-kind things to say about some of the things the self-help industry teaches. Since putting away the self-help stuff and studying business from a pragmatic viewpoint, things changed. Foolish enough, after reading enough of this stuff, I'd actually believed that you could get as wealthy as you'd like without having to work that hard. I believed that if your thoughts were right, you could have it all. LOL!!!!

I've noticed that the people who the biggest fans of self-help are usually not very successful in their business endeavors. I've met lots of people who could quote chapters of various self-help books almost verbatim, but weren't doing well. Don't get me wrong, some of the principles in self-help are very useful. In fact, I believe the Law of Attraction is VERY real. So much so that I study Metaphysics now instead of self-help. But the way in which its taught nowadays is BS. That being said, there are 3 books from this genre (though they were written during the early 1900s) that have been very helpful. But it seems today that self-help has become a cult ruled by snakeoil salesmen who's only agenda is to fatten their pockets. A lot of people who read this stuff are too busy trying to think their way into riches instead of actually doing it. It amazes me how I log into my Facebook account and see my news feed full of inspirational quotes, but I often wonder if any of those people are actually putting that stuff into action. From my experience, the best way to be motivated and inspired to achieve a goal is by actively working on it. But that's my own experience.

Sorry for the long thread, but that was my premise. So the question is: Does self-help really help? Or does it stunt growth and productivity? What do YOU think? Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.
  • Profile picture of the author Robert M Gouge
    Originally Posted by YoungAndOpulent View Post

    It amazes me how I log into my Facebook account and see my news feed full of inspirational quotes, but I often wonder if any of those people are actually putting that stuff into action. From my experience, the best way to be motivated and inspired to achieve a goal is by actively working on it. But that's my own experience.

    I think you answered your own question.

    People can read stuff until they are blue in the face. But, if they don't implement consistent action using what they have learned, nothing changes.

    Some people do seek out the self-help stuff simply to get their "high" from the material. They consume the material, get motivated, feel empowered for a little while, but do nothing different than they normally would. The feeling wears off, their lives don't change, and they go seeking their next "fix."

    Some people read personal development material, take it to heart, and create new, positive daily rituals and habits. Creating these new habits and taking the action to do so is what produces changes in the lives of these people. So, for these people, the information they've gained to improve themselves is invaluable.

    You even say in your own post that you didn't see any changes until you started taking massive action by studying and implementing.

    I guess the lesson here is that if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Self help stuff does work. My favorite book is Law of Success. Why? Its 25 years of secrets from the richest men in the world. Unfortunately most people's parents and family were not rich and passed down poor programming. They taught the typical 97% poor and middle class ways. Autosuggestion is necessary to turn your belief system around. Its a bunch of giants running around thinking they are ants and a few giants who know they are giants. Self help if you follow what you read and hear allows you to awaken the giant and become a more powerful human being.
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    • Profile picture of the author YoungAndOpulent
      Originally Posted by jamesrich1 View Post

      Self help stuff does work. My favorite book is Law of Success. Why? Its 25 years of secrets from the richest men in the world. Unfortunately most people's parents and family were not rich and passed down poor programming. They taught the typical 97% poor and middle class ways. Autosuggestion is necessary to turn your belief system around. Its a bunch of giants running around thinking they are ants and a few giants who know they are giants. Self help if you follow what you read and hear allows you to awaken the giant and become a more powerful human being.
      Actually, The Law of Success is one of the 3 books I was referring to that was helpful. IMO, that and The Master Key System are the only self-help books you need.
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      • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
        It absolutely does help. It provides tools and inspiration. You provide the action.
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  • Profile picture of the author BugHo
    Yes it helps. Its a matter to learning and applying correctly and a need to balance and complement both.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ericparke
    You need to be out there already and read the books along the way. Not the other way around
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  • Profile picture of the author lukeLeiws
    Sometimes it is better to help yourself than to seek help to others when no one can help. You will learn from your mistakes.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProScribe
    Self help is a pretty broad topic and not limited to only the Law of Attraction. I think personal development definitely helps and it should be remembered that using it to make money is only one area.

    For example most atheletes use some form of sports psychology which is typically based on the principles of visualization, psycho cybernetics etc.

    It is true though that a lot of people who study self help are not financially successful, but the fact is that only a small minority of the population in general is financially successful. Which is probably largely because it is easier to say an affirmation or dream about being wealthy than it is to do the work that is required to make it a reality.
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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    Obviously self help is the best help,no confusion here.
    For this reason ,every single person should self sufficient.
    Every legend in the history talk about it ,they define it in many ways but meaning is always same.
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  • Profile picture of the author riverview
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    • Profile picture of the author YoungAndOpulent
      Originally Posted by riverview View Post things we should always remember that god helps those who help themselves.
      Could we please leave the god stuff out of this? Not all of us subscribe to that way of thought. Thanks in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author YoungAndOpulent
    I might not have been clear in my original post. What I mean is that there are two types of self-help genres (from my observation). There's the practical, pragmatic side, which is the side that gives the reader practical information which could be put into immediate action. Then there's the side that just write feel good stuff that leaves the reader lost. The latter, I think, is purposely done for obvious reasons.
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  • Profile picture of the author roni994
    No doubt, self help is best help. every successful person have belief on self.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg71
    Self help is good when you need medicine from being around negative people. Watch a YT vid or something.
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  • Profile picture of the author bsbear
    Self-help in a lot of ways, changed my life for the better. Not only pertaining to IM but also things like girls and just being social.
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  • Profile picture of the author KickAss Marketing
    Self-help really helps especially, when reading books that helps us motivates ourselves. Especially if we are putting them into action, sometimes its inevitable for us to lose control and would sometimes feel down because we think we can no longer surpass the problems that we encounter. But with the help of reading books, quotes and others will definitely helps us move forward.
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  • Profile picture of the author annsjones
    I think self help training helps, but in small doses, so someone digests it easily, and put it to action. If self help is too much, someone can become overwhelmed, and instead of taking action, is paralized by analysis.
    So, to my opinion....self help needs to be handled with care, to avoid the overdose
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  • Profile picture of the author allen12
    Self-help is effective, I mean it has to. We don't really have much of a choice. After all, if we cant "self-help" ourselves (sorry for the redundancy), then nobody else will.
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