The Basement: An expressive Story I wrote about wasted time and regret.

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This is a story I wrote one day when I was feeling really down. Hope you guys like it.

The bottom is a place where bottom feeders dwell it is a place where no one wants to be and no one should ever be. What is the bottom? Well the bottom is a place in your life that is so dark and it is so depressing and it is so dreary you believe you will never escape it. It is a place where you wake up each morning feeling like you don't have a purpose and that it would not matter if you woke up because no one would miss you. You look around you and you see where you've ended up and you like how the hell did I get here? But you don't know how and you don't know how you will ever get out.

You look around and you see al the things that are usually at the bottom. You see bugs and you see spiders and you see rust, mold, darkness and limitation all around you. You try to stand but the roof is so low you just stay down. You try to walk but there are rocks that stab into your feet when you do. There is wetness and there is dampness. You see only one way out. It is a brick wall that is sealed off. You can see the light peeking through wall. You know that there is another world out there. You can hear it. You can see the children laughing and you can hear the birds chirping. You see the sunlight. You go and you lean against the wall just to feel the sunlight on your skin. You think to yourself, Man the sun must be beautiful. You hear the sounds. You can see the leaves began to come back on the trees after there long vacation. You can see that and you get even more depressed.

"Hello my friends you say to them". They have become your friends; they let you know when the season has changed. They say to you, hey you, the weather Is nice why don't you come out and see it. You look around you and you see your cramped space. You lay down on the dirt and you look up at you limitation. You wish that you could just break through and run outside and say, look world here I am I have always been here, why haven't you noticed me. I was in this basement for so long that no body bothered to tell me how beautiful the outside is or how sweet summer smells. Or how beautiful the women are. How nice the flowers look and smell. Nobody told me that the fresh air feels so good against your skin, nobody told me how good it feels to just sit by the lake and watch all the boats and see all the happy people and wish that you could be them.
You wake up from your dream and you say to yourself "damn I knew it was too good to be true. I should have known better". The spiders and the rats and all the creepy crawly things that have become your friends welcome you back to reality. You have become there companion. They will not eat away the walls so that you can break free. They'll only come out to watch you suffer. You grow so desperate for human contact that you began to talk to your new friends. They began to talk to you back. "We have been in this basement all of our lives and we are not going to let you leave us". They began to taunt you and let you know how you got there.

"You are here because you wasted time, look at the webs around you; those are the webs that you wove not us you're the spider and the fly all in one. We will not let you leave us because you belong down here with us". You ask them how and why. "Why do I belong down here with you? "Because you were never good enough to be up there in the first place", they say to you. "You never had what it took and you never will". You look at them and you cannot help to wonder why they resent you so much. "Why do you hate me"? You ask them. What did I do? "That's exactly it. They say to you. You did not do anything, you wasted your time and you did nothing and now you're here and you're going to stay here".

You try to run for the brick wall, it is the wall that will not come down. You punch it hard with your fist and they began to bleed. You kick it but then you realize that you do not have on any shoes so you try to go out one of the windows but they are sealed off as well and you cut yourself on the glass trying to get out. You try to run up the stair but they break on you and your leg is broken in the process. Battered and defeated you limo back into your dark corner where you belong and you sit down. You began to cry and you notice that an audience has formed. It is an audience of your friends. The spiders, rats and the other things that at the bottom. They gather around you and they began to laugh at you. You look up and you cannot help but to laugh back. You yell out loud to yourself and you slump down to watch your blood dry.

The pain feels good to you. You know you're alive so you ask and you ask and even beg to be hurt. It lets you know you're alive when you can no longer feel. So that's what it is to feel you say with a smile. The spiders, rats and bugs began to bite you and empty there poison into you. You look up at the roof and your smile begins to fade. Your eyes get glossy and you lay down. You close your eyes. And you remember the sun, you remember the lake, flowers and all the beautiful women and the smell of the grass, the blue sky, the sound of laughing children and you say to yourself that was all just a dream. You feel the poison beginning to drain the life from you. You began to slip away. You're beginning to realize that this is what you wanted all along. You have gone limp now, you can no longer feel, you can no longer see and so you fade into black and your eyes go dark.

Then all the things that you imagined and all the things that you though could be come back to you, but it is too late. You are gone. No more basements and no more darkness and no more fear, just the sun and the blue sky and the deep green sea. You get up from yourself and you walk away right out the door and you began running and laughing. "You could not keep me down for long", you laugh at the basement, but you tried and I go up. But with sadness you realize that it is too late. You had your chance and you wasted it all away." "Can I have one more chance? you yell out to no one in particular. You see that no one is listening and you see all the things around you that you always wanted but you cannot touch it. Damn! you yell as you begin to run round begging to be touched. "Please somebody touch me and let me know I am alive please somebody". No one hears you and no one looks.

You shake you head and you walk away, it's the kind of walk you always wanted to have but not this way. With your head down you wipe away your tears and you pick yourself up, then you realize what it is all about. The basement, spiders, rats and all. The webs, It was all you. You created it. Those webs were wasted life and wasted time. They collected themselves and built a wall for you. You made those wall you created your own hell. A hell you could not escape. You had the power to tear it down anytime you wanted, but you could not get up, you could not make it out and now it is all over. The sights and the sounds are too much for you because it is a torture that you cannot be apart of any of it. So what do you do now? You go back to your basement and you get back into your corner. Slide down and go to sleep. You'll have along time to do that.

Your friends come back around you and they touch you. Rather sad when enjoy that touch, but it is the only touch I will ever have, you say to yourself. Go back to sleep, you began to hear the whispers. This is where it is safe. Not like out there where people can hurt you. I do not like it here. Why can't I leave here? Because it is easier to stay the same then it is to change. Yeah I guess your right. I nod off. And I feel rather comfortable in my misery. Because even though I am gone and even thought the moment has past me by, this is me and this is my basement. And no one will take it from me. You give one final laugh and you close your eyes. Good bye world.

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#basement #expressive #regret #story #time #wasted #wrote

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