4 Bad Habits Newbies Need To Pay Attention

83 replies
Hello Warriors,

Today, I would like to share you with 4 Bad Habits Newbies Need To Pay Attention. Hope this information can help some warriors grow up faster.

Habit #1
: Always Try To Find The Shortcut

Most of newbies always try to find the shortcut but never invest their time to develop their marketing skills. There is no the best way to be successful.. once you take action, you will learn lots of useful skills. It's because of these kinds of skills you become successful. If you try to ignore the hard work, you won't succeed in the long term. You're maybe lucky to earn $100 or $200 a month, but then you won't earn much more because you don't how to make it happen.

Habit #2
: Ask Too Much

"What is the best...?" "Should I..." Personally, I think it's good to ask questions because you gain knowledge by asking. But if you ask too much, you will lose your original purpose. To ignore this you need to set a goal, and then only ask the questions related to your plan. And once you develop your skills, you will know how profitable you will be. And please don't ask about "the best", because there is no the best. If you have to gain information please ask the reasons.

Habit #3
: Want To "Steal" Money

If people are willing to pay you money, it's because they believe your service or product makes their life better. So you shouldn't just focus on making quick money, but try to help more people. The more people you help the more money you make.

Habit #4
: Don't Keep Learning

There are many reasons that can affect your income when you are trying to make money online. Don't try to stop improving, keep learning. By gaining more knowledge you will create a stable income. Don't ask stupid questions like: "Is email marketing dead"? What you do instead is to give your personal best every day to create the kind of results you deserve.

#bad #change #habits #newbies
  • Profile picture of the author SomewhereInAutumn
    I'd like to add one...

    Newbies don't stick to one game plan.
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    • Profile picture of the author Justin Holl
      Originally Posted by SomewhereInAutumn View Post

      I'd like to add one...

      Newbies don't stick to one game plan.
      I'm still trying to learn to ignore all the methods that won't help me to achieve my immediate objective. "Master one method, then move on to the next one," is what I always hear.
      One thing I'm working on now is to detail my strategy so whenever I want to do something else I can remember where I'm at and file that new method I found for later use.
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      • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
        Originally Posted by Justin Holl View Post

        "Master one method, then move on to the next one,"
        Agree with you, Justin.
        Try to improve your skills everyday, you will get better and better.
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    • Many newbies fall into the trap of thinking they need a lot of money and equipment to get started in business. Just use what you have, maximize that and when your income increases, gradually get what you feel you need. Stay away from going into debt trying to start a business. It's much easier to run a business when you don't owe creditors when you have slow or no sales are coming in.
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  • Profile picture of the author PhilJensen
    Originally Posted by MilkerFocus View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    Habit #1: Newbies always try to find the shortcut

    Newbies always try to find the shortcut but never invest their time to develop their marketing skills. There is no the best way to be successful.. once you take action, you will learn lots of useful skills. It's because of these kinds of skills you become successful. If you try to ignore the hard work, you won't succeed in the long term. You're maybe lucky to earn $100 or $200 a month, but then you won't earn much more because you don't how to make it happen.
    Great post.

    I think #1 is the reason why so many people fail at internet marketing. The industry is often introduced to someone (or sold) as an easy alternative to getting a job or starting a business offline.

    In reality it's one of the most difficult things to master and actually make money at.

    There are not shortcuts here....but lots of money for those that realize this.

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  • Profile picture of the author filiptamili
    Something worth learning for a newbie like me, thanks MF, this one's a great help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe R Piercey
    Hi Marcus, I think your generalizing here. Not all "newbies" possess these traits.

    I'm not disagreeing with your argument that these habits have negative effects, but I don't like the fact that you've labeled all 'newbies' as doing this...

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    • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
      Originally Posted by Joe R Piercey View Post

      Hi Marcus, I think your generalizing here. Not all "newbies" possess these traits.

      I'm not disagreeing with your argument that these habits have negative effects, but I don't like the fact that you've labeled all 'newbies' as doing this...

      You have your point. I agree. Let's change it "newbies" to be "Most of newbies".
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    • Profile picture of the author QuantumDon
      Originally Posted by Joe R Piercey View Post

      Hi Marcus, I think your generalizing here. Not all "newbies" possess these traits.

      I'm not disagreeing with your argument that these habits have negative effects, but I don't like the fact that you've labeled all 'newbies' as doing this...

      I agree and the way its been wrote says to me that the author is no more then a newbie him/her self.

      I mean that all newbies just want to steal?

      I really hope no one pays attention to this forum and though sad I seen someone post that they would always pay attention to this like it was a clone or something!

      Quantum Don Owner and Manager of Pro Plans

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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    Good post Marcus. I would like to add "Internet Marketing Skills" which ties in with Habit #4 on learning.

    As a newbie you have to develop Internet marketing skills. View this as going back to school and getting an education and then applying what you learn. Without applied skills you will never make any long term income online.
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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    • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
      Originally Posted by Jeff Schuman View Post

      Good post Marcus. I would like to add "Internet Marketing Skills" which ties in with Habit #4 on learning.

      As a newbie you have to develop Internet marketing skills. View this as going back to school and getting an education and then applying what you learn. Without applied skills you will never make any long term income online.
      Thanks sharing, Jeff. It's so true.

      Originally Posted by bainbridge80 View Post

      I think your post is a good post with some interesting points. I especially like this one. Although asking questions is good and it can help you avoid certain mistakes. sometimes you need to quit asking and learn from your own trial and error.
      Thanks. bainbridge.
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  • Profile picture of the author tylerjaysen
    hey man....didn't I see this same post from you...on another thread already?...
    ..are you trying to position yourself as a newbie helper...?

    ....because some of the stuff you have on your list is highly debatable...

    ..specifically the shortcut thing..#1...

    ...if a newbie can shortcut years of frustration and trial and error by purchasing a decent product that will help them succeed faster....isn't that a shortcut...?..

    ....and I don't agree with you that newbies stop learning....where did you get that from exactly?...

    ...Or newbies want to steal money...? ....WTF...?

    ...If you want to help out a newbie...who is struggling to make this internet thing work...then why not offer useful advise instead....

    ...this looks more like an attempt to berade and belittle those that are starting out...

    ...Most newbies....from my experience....are overwhelmed with the amount of stuff you have to know..technical...copywriting...traffic...leads... .conversions..tracking..seo...and on and on...

    ...so instead of pointing out what a newbie doesn't need to do....or what their bad habits are....

    ..why not create a thread that will actually help a newbie succeed...make a list of items that anyone can do...starting from scratch..to avoid these bad habits...just a thought...
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    • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
      Originally Posted by tylerjaysen View Post

      hey man....didn't I see this same post from you...on another thread already?...
      ..are you trying to position yourself as a newbie helper...?

      ....because some of the stuff you have on your list is highly debatable...
      Hey, Tyleriysen.

      Yes, I posted the thread on main internet marketing discussion forum yesterday, but it was deleted by Admin. Maybe the admin thought that I posted in wrong position. So I tried to upload it here.

      I am so sorry if there is something make you misunderstand.

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    • Profile picture of the author whpatton
      As with most threads I have found on this site forum so far, this thread has helped.

      The help came in the form of this:
      ...Most newbies....from my experience....are overwhelmed with the amount of stuff you have to know..technical...copywriting...traffic...leads... .conversions..tracking..seo...and on and on...

      While your list is good, I really don't think that it is all that helpful. I am trying to read all that I can before I jump in and finding the skills that need to be in my toolbox I think is more important, than say... asking too much.

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  • Profile picture of the author AchTi
    In defense of 'newbies' I'd like to add another reason:
    "Oldies" get in the way and take advantage of newbies.
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  • Profile picture of the author Koffing
    I'm new to forum but not to Internet Marketing.

    I think the biggest lesson a newbie has to learn is : You have to put some hard work into Internet Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author bainbridge80
    Originally Posted by MilkerFocus View Post

    Habit #2: Most of newbies ask too much

    "What is the best...?" "Should I..." Personally, I think it's good to ask questions because you gain knowledge by asking. But if you ask too much, you will lose your original purpose. To ignore this you need to set a goal, and then only ask the questions related to your plan. And once you develop your skills, you will know how profitable you will be. And please don't ask about "the best", because there is no the best. If you have to gain information please ask the reasons.
    I think your post is a good post with some interesting points. I especially like this one. Although asking questions is good and it can help you avoid certain mistakes. sometimes you need to quit asking and learn from your own trial and error.
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  • Profile picture of the author jayhollander
    We'll in my opinion number 1 on the list should be " Most newbies expect too much ".
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  • Profile picture of the author lamour11
    Great info MilkerFocus!

    Here's a guide to help any newbies (or anyone actually) focusing on their goals:

    1. Visualize yourself as a success.
    Get to the closest car vendor and get quotations on that next car you want to drive.
    Write down all the dreams you want to achieve and the total amount of money you need.
    This will be like your ultimate goal.

    2. Come out of the average. Come out of the comfort zone. Successful people are very few. Take action

    3. Decide to change your Daily habits.
    e.g. if you like complaining others or blaming yourself. STOP IT TODAY

    4. Do Not run against internal resistance (both internal and external). Just work, and move on. It will finally disappear in the end.
    This is called homeostasis.

    5. Change the way you approach your work.
    Come out of the normality. Act to change

    6. Avoid multitasking like plague.
    Go for single tasking inorder to be productive in your business hours. Do one thing at a go.

    7. Adopt the time slitting technique.
    This is good for following up on milestones Download a pomodoro time manager

    8. Stop taking too much time researching. Do time balancing for research and Productive
    tasks like link building , posting on forums, tweeting. Do things that can get you more traffic to website or squeeze page.

    9. A time balancing of 2:1 on study:Action Taking is Recommended. This brings in more
    productivity way better than most newbies do

    10. Do the New habits for 30 Days, and write a report comparing your performance.
    If this indeed helps you, PM Me and say thank you

    12. Block all notifications. Email and skype
    Enabling these notifications can easily generate tension which will make you lose focus when building your online busniess

    13. Set 2-3 Times of checking the notifications in your day so you have more time to do productive things.
    You should also set the same time for coming here to read things instead of spending a whole day showing asking questions.
    Make sure to ask questions, get answers and take action immediately on them before 48 hours elapses.

    14. NEVER check your emails in the Morning.
    Make it like noon and in the evening.

    15. Do a micro goal setting plan.
    Small clear tasks. get focussed and recalibrate the next action on time frams.

    16. Make sure the micro goals are measurable.
    e.g. build 100 links for my site instead of saying link building for my site. At 100 it is indeed finished.

    17. This is one secret to doing procrastinated tasks.
    JUST GET STARTED ..... I know this could be your greatest problem so far
    Secret to kicking off procrastination is breaking a task into chunks and allocating

    18. Make the tasks as micro as possible,
    This is important to reduce the resistance rate.

    19. Let your skills match the difficulty level of a task.
    Optimal skill Vs Optimal task = Good Results
    Less skills Vs Diff. Task - Frustating Attitude
    More Skills Vs Easy Task = Boring Attitude

    20. Do quick reviews on every task daily

    21. Speed of implementation is a core habit of highly successful people. You learn, your apply it immediately.
    You MUST know whaat to take action on though

    22. THERE IS NO MAGIC BUTTON in Internet marketing. It is all about acquiring the
    right skill.
    If you are looking for those SUPER NONJA techniques for making $4000 overnight, then JUST forget it.
    Infact never believe anyone promising such things. This is will take time to stick to your head lol

    23. Pick a skill and Take action on it Massively , REPEAT
    Basically, Try and avoid the shiny object syndrome.

    24. Have an Engine to filter all the crap that you come across.

    25. Ignore eveything unrelated to your focus

    26. Apply everything that passes through, your filtering engine.

    27. Thank all the people who help you along your way to the top.

    28. GET SOME PHYSICAL EXERCIESE daily. Maybe you are suffering from work stress.

    29. Emotional exercise is also key. Talk good about yourself

    30. By the time you are able to do all these things OR Most , you will have started making reasonable income online.

    I personally use this guide and it help me to stay focus.

    Hope this will help...
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    • Profile picture of the author Maya2066
      Thank you MilkerFocus for starting this thread. Great post Lamour11!:-) can you explain and/or clarify the following:
      - Adopt the time slitting technique
      - Why do you advise to NEVER check your emails in the morning? Is it because there is a risk of becoming distracted and losing time?
      - Make the tasks as micro as possible -- this is important to reduce the resistance rate. --- Meaning by taking small steps, one is more likely to persist and take bigger steps?

      FREE Marketing System Helps You Build ANY Business You Want!
      Visit My Blog:

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      • Profile picture of the author guynextdoor
        The reason why most starters fail is because they don't have business skills!

        instead building a business in a WORKABLE market - they follow IM advice which teaches mostly loopholes and methods which dosent make sense without a business concept.

        And so they jump from method to method, niche to niche.. instead of working on getting a strong market position from beginning! After a while they are frustrated and give up.

        IM is NOT a business - IM are methods to PROMOTE a business!
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  • Profile picture of the author Surminga
    Haha, I bet at one time or another we all had a little bit of a few of these points in us. I remember starting out I had a main goal and challenge I set myself but what I really needed was a smaller number of plans to stick to, to build up to the main goal - which I never created or when I did never stuck too.

    So, yea you need a plan and smaller ones to build upon.
    Surminga.com - SEO and Digital Marketing Agency

    Here are a few of our Blog's : Social Media Marketing Guide
    Or if you Fancy a Holiday? - Holiday Guide
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  • Profile picture of the author masterbizcoach
    I want to see your next post how veterans works.
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  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Great tips! I have learned that even when you become a veteran of the game the one key tip there is to never stop learning. No matter how much we know, the greatest wisdom to have is to know that we don't know everything and that there is always room for improvement in every aspect of your business and your life =-)

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  • Profile picture of the author NestZone
    Most newbies need results, they are not ready for action.

    Worst of all, they are just looking for an opt to steal, they don't have any plan to make money
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  • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
    Keep it up.
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    • Profile picture of the author Elamros
      Originally Posted by MilkerFocus View Post

      Habit #3: Most of newbies only want to "steal" money

      If people are willing to pay you money, it's because they believe your service or product makes their life better. So you shouldn't just focus on making quick money, but try to help more people. The more people you help the more money you make.
      This is not true. If it is, the newbie probably learned it from others and try to get back by paying forward which is not good. Hard work is important. If newbies do this they won't get repeat clients. This will do them harm because the client could also give a low or negative feedback.

      And yes, I agree with Habit#4 Most of newbies don't keep learning. Everyone should keep on learning even if you're not a newbie anymore. Many people are guilty of this. I believe that learning doesn't end when you earn a degree or graduate from school. Learning doesn't stop because if you stop learning, you stop growing. You also limit yourself to possibilities and opportunities ahead.
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      • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
        Originally Posted by Elamros View Post

        This is not true. If it is, the newbie probably learned it from others and try to get back by paying forward which is not good. Hard work is important. If newbies do this they won't get repeat clients. This will do them harm because the client could also give a low or negative feedback.
        You can not expect everything is perfect. Just try you best.
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        • Profile picture of the author SangGuna
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          • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
            Originally Posted by SangGuna View Post

            Yes,thats true..try your best..we dont know until we try.. btw nice post here..keep up a good work miker..
            Thanks. Sang.
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  • Profile picture of the author geraldspins
    Agreed! One should focus at becoming a master at a particular technique rather than doing multiple things at once!
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  • Profile picture of the author speedbird
    Three important success factors
    1. Avoid procrastination
    2. Self discipline
    3. Don't work hard, work smart!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ozegbe Azuka
      Originally Posted by speedbird View Post

      Three important success factors
      1. Avoid procrastination
      2. Self discipline
      3. Don't work hard, work smart!
      I am just learning these things the hard way.You reminded me.
      I appreciate
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  • Profile picture of the author usaeed
    Originally Posted by MilkerFocus View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    Today, I would like to share you with 4 bad habits newbies need to pay attention. Hope this information can help newbies grow up faster.

    Habit #1: Most of newbies always try to find the shortcut

    Most of newbies always try to find the shortcut but never invest their time to develop their marketing skills. There is no the best way to be successful.. once you take action, you will learn lots of useful skills. It's because of these kinds of skills you become successful. If you try to ignore the hard work, you won't succeed in the long term. You're maybe lucky to earn $100 or $200 a month, but then you won't earn much more because you don't how to make it happen.

    Habit #2: Most of newbies ask too much

    "What is the best...?" "Should I..." Personally, I think it's good to ask questions because you gain knowledge by asking. But if you ask too much, you will lose your original purpose. To ignore this you need to set a goal, and then only ask the questions related to your plan. And once you develop your skills, you will know how profitable you will be. And please don't ask about "the best", because there is no the best. If you have to gain information please ask the reasons.

    Habit #3: Most of newbies only want to "steal" money

    If people are willing to pay you money, it's because they believe your service or product makes their life better. So you shouldn't just focus on making quick money, but try to help more people. The more people you help the more money you make.

    Habit #4: Most of newbies don't keep learning

    There are many reasons that can affect your income when you are trying to make money online. Don't try to stop improving, keep learning. By gaining more knowledge you will create a stable income. Don't ask stupid questions like: "Is email marketing dead"? What you do instead is to give your personal best every day to create the kind of results you deserve.


    A great post, helped me get a clear perspective of what to expect from the near future. What is your take on how should a newbie start
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  • Profile picture of the author Links Sales
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    • Profile picture of the author boosters
      hey OP are you describing my thinking
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      • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
        Originally Posted by boosters View Post

        hey OP are you describing my thinking
        You are funny. Boosters.
        These 4 habits was my mistakes, So I want to remind newbies don't make the mistake I made. I guess you may have this kind of experience, that's why you think that's exactly what you think.
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  • Profile picture of the author bosshoggseo
    I agree with most of what you said. But not all newbies are like this. I was one once as well as every body else. Lol:confused:
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    • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
      Originally Posted by bosshoggseo View Post

      I agree with most of what you said. But not all newbies are like this. I was one once as well as every body else. Lol:confused:
      Not all newbies are like that. I just try to remind some of you.
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  • Profile picture of the author dmarseller
    Very interesting your point of view. I think you're right.

    I like to consider myself newbie because I do not want to fall into the trap of believing wise.
    At first, I always asked a lot and one of my grades every day problems was that I had a "business" again, better than the last. Obviously, I can never finish any until the day I dialed a specific start and end.

    Thanks for your post.
    PS: So I can remember what I shouldn't do. jejejeje

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  • Profile picture of the author RobKonrad
    Originally Posted by MilkerFocus View Post

    Habit #4: Most of newbies don't keep learning

    There are many reasons that can affect your income when you are trying to make money online. Don't try to stop improving, keep learning. By gaining more knowledge you will create a stable income. Don't ask stupid questions like: "Is email marketing dead"? What you do instead is to give your personal best every day to create the kind of results you deserve.

    ... most newbies learn TOO much, and DO too little...

    just my 2ct
    ================================================== ===
    This blog is awesome: http://www.robkonrad.com/blog. Read it.
    ================================================== ===
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  • Profile picture of the author ITGeek
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  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    Thanks a ton, I am a newbie, but I do love learning and helping others. Keep up the good work
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Newbies and non-believers believe that the whole 'Internet Marketing' revolves around the 'get-rich-quick' concept and wants to get their hands fast on cold cash :p

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
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  • Profile picture of the author ju113n
    The worst habit for me is inaction and too much "mental masturbation" i.e.. think too much before action.
    A defeat teach more than anything else.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikestankowski
    Good stuff! I would also add in being afraid to fail or letting failure cripple you. It's about the long term process not the short term profit!

    Discover How To Quit Your Job And Work Online In My Free Video Course!

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  • Profile picture of the author successproducts
    Sometimes we have to try everything to know which way is best to earn money online. There are legitimately ways to earn money online but only one we are the best at. Unfortunately it seems we have to pay newbies due before we even know or realize what we are doing can't bring in any money. I feel newbies or not newbies, one must try to create relationship and I feel that it's one of the most important habits success online people must cultivate. We must make friends and not enemies. I made mistake a long time ago about that. You can't succeed if you make people feel bad. The one you tried to help - is always the one who can't help you further your career. I guess it's how we deliver. Whatever we write it has to come from the heart and sugar coating with respect.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abdul Wafiy
    Newbies tends to loss focus on why they enter IM, keep on moving from one method to another instead of making money in IM they spend more money to find the Magic Bullet courses or softwares that make fake promises
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  • Profile picture of the author Abdul Wafiy
    Some Inspirational quote I don't remember who said it but it goes like this
    "There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs"
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  • Profile picture of the author angshuy2k
    Originally Posted by MilkerFocus View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    Today, I would like to share you with 4 Bad Habits Newbies Need To Pay Attention. Hope this information can help some warriors grow up faster.

    Habit #1
    : Always Try To Find The Shortcut

    Most of newbies always try to find the shortcut but never invest their time to develop their marketing skills. There is no the best way to be successful.. once you take action, you will learn lots of useful skills. It's because of these kinds of skills you become successful. If you try to ignore the hard work, you won't succeed in the long term. You're maybe lucky to earn $100 or $200 a month, but then you won't earn much more because you don't how to make it happen.

    Habit #2
    : Ask Too Much

    "What is the best...?" "Should I..." Personally, I think it's good to ask questions because you gain knowledge by asking. But if you ask too much, you will lose your original purpose. To ignore this you need to set a goal, and then only ask the questions related to your plan. And once you develop your skills, you will know how profitable you will be. And please don't ask about "the best", because there is no the best. If you have to gain information please ask the reasons.

    Habit #3
    : Want To "Steal" Money

    If people are willing to pay you money, it's because they believe your service or product makes their life better. So you shouldn't just focus on making quick money, but try to help more people. The more people you help the more money you make.

    Habit #4
    : Don't Keep Learning

    There are many reasons that can affect your income when you are trying to make money online. Don't try to stop improving, keep learning. By gaining more knowledge you will create a stable income. Don't ask stupid questions like: "Is email marketing dead"? What you do instead is to give your personal best every day to create the kind of results you deserve.

    Thank you Marcus, what I have searched in this forum is what you wrote about newbie. That is very true and seriously now I am re thinking about myself.

    Kind regards and Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    I have to agree with you on all 4 counts. It's a good thing people learn no matter how stubborn they might be. I believe being successful on any area of our lives, career, family or business would all depend on having an open-mind and doing something about it.

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  • Profile picture of the author jsonjylee
    Milker focus i totally agree with you. most newbies have no patience to stick to one marketing strategy and jump to a new strategy when the see a new ''guranteed marketing strategy'' ad. Great information here for newbies who are starting IM

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    • Profile picture of the author markove
      Marketing strategy is based up on the applications of mind. Its goal is to catch the other mind to make a business. It's not a magic to become rich in overnight. It requires lot of mental activity as well physical effort to reach the goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author timoteocruz
    You forgot the fifth newbie bad habit 5. Don't expect too much.
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  • Profile picture of the author milonger
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  • Profile picture of the author Mrizzle1991
    I have these problems, especially since I can never stick with one method
    But I think I'm gonna try making a site and driving traffic to it and stick with that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    You mentioned learning; I think learning is the one variable that determines whether or not you become successful longterm.

    Remember, you're only "old" when you stop learning.

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  • Profile picture of the author aliveder
    There are a lot of bad habits that newbies have to battle when they start in the IM world.

    -They jump from one shiny thing to another

    Everything and anything will earn you money if you actually implement it. Dont just read the WSO, go out and do it. Buy/Come up with one money making system and work at it until you are the BOSS of it. Then only then can you go on to another project. Don't do anything half assed and wonder why you did not succeed.

    - They don't write down golden nuggets

    There are a million golden nuggets on this forum. There is such an influx of valuable information here, and on other parts of the internet. Always write everything down that seems valuable to you, or that others are praising, because they may know more than you. Afterwards look back at your notebook/pad and you will see that you can pull a tactic out of those notes that can potentially earn you a higher conversion rate, or just simply not allow you to made horrible mistakes.

    - Inability to TAKE ACTION

    I used to suffer from this. I would read so much, take so many notes. I have tens of notebooks that I wouldn't sell for a hundred thousand dollars because they are filled with such valuable information. My only problem was going out and doing something. I kept putting things off, wanting to perfect my outline. In the end things happen, nothing is ever perfect. You will be waiting forever for the stars to align. It is better to have low conversions rather than no conversions. THEN work on how to increase the productivity of your venture.

    - Not having the right mindset

    In the beginning you get sold on so many nice shiny things. All of these success stories. So many things looking easy. Those people worked their butts off. The blueprint is simple, and you may have thought that you will start earning a thousand dollars a day 24 hours after just buying your domain. When it doesn't happen you get discouraged. It is rare that things happen quickly. It takes time and patience. Always be upbeat, and know that you will succeed if you believe you will. Make it not a fantasy, but a fact in your mind.

    - Not doing your own research

    Take everything with a grain of salt. There are so many viewpoints, and strategies out there. Do your own research, and structure your business how you think it should be structured. Different things work for different people.

    Don't Forget To Give Thanks to Those That Have Helped You!

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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    You forgot procrastination and not taking action, being stuck in the information zone.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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    • Profile picture of the author webcashuk
      This is a brilliant thread and well worth reading for any newbies and dare i say it some oldies also.There are always lots of new ideas and shiny ticket items , there is always lots of new things to learn.

      What i would advise is to really choose one method and stick to it.Learn as much as you can by asking but remain focused on that one method and dont even consider moving on until you have mastered that method and are making money.

      Dont spend too much time on this or other forums or skype , you wont make money sitting in here reading you have to be doing.

      Whilst learning by reading and asking questions also learn by making mistakes , think about how we all learned to walk there were lots of bumps and falls along the way but as we got better and learned more we eventually cracked it and were able to master the art.The same can be said of internet marketing , you can master it you just have to keep getting up and dusting yourself down

      Hope that helps

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  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    Originally Posted by MilkerFocus View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    Today, I would like to share you with 4 Bad Habits Newbies Need To Pay Attention. Hope this information can help some warriors grow up faster.

    Habit #1
    : Always Try To Find The Shortcut

    Most of newbies always try to find the shortcut but never invest their time to develop their marketing skills. There is no the best way to be successful.. once you take action, you will learn lots of useful skills. It's because of these kinds of skills you become successful. If you try to ignore the hard work, you won't succeed in the long term. You're maybe lucky to earn $100 or $200 a month, but then you won't earn much more because you don't how to make it happen.

    Habit #2
    : Ask Too Much

    "What is the best...?" "Should I..." Personally, I think it's good to ask questions because you gain knowledge by asking. But if you ask too much, you will lose your original purpose. To ignore this you need to set a goal, and then only ask the questions related to your plan. And once you develop your skills, you will know how profitable you will be. And please don't ask about "the best", because there is no the best. If you have to gain information please ask the reasons.

    Habit #3
    : Want To "Steal" Money

    If people are willing to pay you money, it's because they believe your service or product makes their life better. So you shouldn't just focus on making quick money, but try to help more people. The more people you help the more money you make.

    Habit #4
    : Don't Keep Learning

    There are many reasons that can affect your income when you are trying to make money online. Don't try to stop improving, keep learning. By gaining more knowledge you will create a stable income. Don't ask stupid questions like: "Is email marketing dead"? What you do instead is to give your personal best every day to create the kind of results you deserve.

    Great post. I agree with everything you said. Newbies really have to learn that it takes hard work and dedication to be successful online. There are absolutely no shortcuts.
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  • Profile picture of the author ashwin77
    I really liked the 3rd point....we should focus on how to provide value with our product/service rather than think about how to earn money with our product/service
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  • Profile picture of the author nawshale
    Hi MF,

    Your post is one of the most helpful for us newbies.
    I will put that in my mind and make sure that I will not going in the wrong path.
    Thanks MF!

    Keep it up!
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  • Profile picture of the author mrswagset
    You forgot procrastination LOL But great post! Im saving this to keep a reminder of the DONTs
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  • Profile picture of the author MarvyDery
    thanks so much for this insight. it came in handy. I must add, the best way to succeed is to persist until something happens. stick to one game plan until it yields results. none of the ways to make money is easier than the other. they all depend on your effort you put in.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Davy
    I found opportunity hopping can be a real distraction. It is all over the place.. Nice piece
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  • Profile picture of the author montozza
    the biggest newbie mistake:
    jumping from one method to another, thuinking "this one will work".
    there is no magic trick. every method works, but some method are more successful for some marketers than the other.
    Stick to one method, read case studies about it, try it and try it again and again and again. until you perfect your method.

    “You can automate everything except content and relationships.”

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    • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
      Originally Posted by montozza View Post

      the biggest newbie mistake:
      jumping from one method to another, thuinking "this one will work".
      there is no magic trick. every method works, but some method are more successful for some marketers than the other.
      Stick to one method, read case studies about it, try it and try it again and again and again. until you perfect your method.
      Yes, that's we call Expert.
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  • Profile picture of the author qadar
    thanks for the tips. i'm newbie and have to learn many things before becoming successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Donne
    I think one major issue is that many newbies stay in "learning only mode" and dont get into "action mode" I say this from experience of a group I recently worked with. They tend to think they dont know enough, instead of deciding what to sell, and learn one strategy to market it and do it every single day, then learn and master another marketing strategy and do that everyday, etc, etc. They want to do everything all at once, get totally overwhelmed, dissapointed and frustrated that things arent happening quick enough, then unfortunately give up. They need very clear set of goals, a plan to achieve those goals, and a marketing strategy to make the plan happen.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author QuanWar
    great thread; saved me a lot of time and got me in the right mentality
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  • Profile picture of the author chaleboy
    I think that the helping people part is the most important one. The money comes if you are always concerned about your customer's well being. Great observations.
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    The list is really a wake up call, not only for newbies but for experienced marketers as well. Right set of mind and perseverance to reach one's goal is really needed to be able to become successful.
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  • Here's another:

    Newbies PAY too much!

    I see them buy service after service after service - but only end up using 1 or 2 of them that are truly useful.

    Or, end up finding a cheaper one a couple of days/weeks later.

    Or, find out that there was a free option.

    Been there.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
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  • Profile picture of the author gabkwong
    After reading through your whole thread, I've found out these are actually very good tips for newbies, but I doubt they will really give up on finding shortcuts in internet marketting tho.
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  • Profile picture of the author RWB
    Interesting article Marcus, thanks for sharing. Let me push back a little bit on this though, while newbies may do this often I would also add that experience online marketers can do this just as well...we all need to focus and become very clear on our goals and objectives.
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    • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
      Originally Posted by RWB View Post

      Interesting article Marcus, thanks for sharing. Let me push back a little bit on this though, while newbies may do this often I would also add that experience online marketers can do this just as well...we all need to focus and become very clear on our goals and objectives.
      good point. there are lots of people just read, but never take action. You may said my partner also do nothing, it's all about you. you do it first. If you can motivate them, you both have benefit.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mas Agung Laksana
    I agree about habit number 2,

    the most important for newbie to do is... be brave to take an experiments about only one idea, then make it reality,

    although wrong or failed, is better than ask too much
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  • Profile picture of the author milonger
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    • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
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      • Profile picture of the author Shadowflux
        I'll add some:

        1. They think "writing articles" is a good way to start making money.

        Seriously, this needs to stop. There are real writers out there and they do not appreciate this sort of thing. People need to stop suggesting writing of any kind to newbies unless they specifically wish to become a writer. You're not doing anyone any favors.

        2. They refuse to find things out for themselves.

        I've lost count of how many times I've had to answer a question which would've been answered with less than 5 minutes of searching. If you're not willing to take the initiative and fill in the gaps in your knowledge then you simply don't have the drive to succeed in IM.

        3. They believe everything they hear.

        I understand that the ability to see through BS is something that takes time to develop but I am always baffled by full grown adults who will believe everything they hear or read. If it's too good to be true, it's not true. If it sounds incredibly easy, it's probably not true. Don't listen to this stuff about "Newbie marketer makes millions a month", it's not true.

        4. They lack creativity.

        Everything you do in IM, no matter what it is, will require a bit of creative tweaking to succeed. If you're looking for a step by step formula which you can follow exactly, you'll never find it. You have to be able to make small changes to things to make them fit for what you're doing.
        Native Advertising Specialist
        Dangerously Effective
        Always Discreet
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        • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
          You are awesome.Totally agree with you. Especially first one.

          Originally Posted by Shadowflux View Post

          I'll add some:

          1. They think "writing articles" is a good way to start making money.

          Seriously, this needs to stop. There are real writers out there and they do not appreciate this sort of thing. People need to stop suggesting writing of any kind to newbies unless they specifically wish to become a writer. You're not doing anyone any favors.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheDavid8
    Something that I would like to add-

    Focus on content first, not monetization.
    Making money is easy, but only if you know how to help people and solve a problem.
    It's not, how can I make money, it's how can I help people; Then its how can I make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author VivekThakur
    I know only three things
    Self confidence
    hard work
    Your all point is out of syllabus.

    Enjoy Life.

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