Your results is equal to P90X (not what you think it is)
Okay here is what I mean when I say that and its quite simple really.
In p90x you exercise every single day to get the results you want, each workout is like a baby step to getting toward your results.
Now take that and apply it to your IM business or any business for that matter, you take baby steps and make progress every single day until you get the results you want.
Workout programs like p90x say 90 days is all it takes for you to change your body, so apply that with IM :-)
did you buy a product? Try it out for 90 days to see if you get the results you want. Does that go over most refund periods yes it does but still give it a try and see what happens.
- Isaiah Jackson
isaacburks9z -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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Simon Ashari -
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dmarseller -
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Isaiah Jackson -
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