Are You Up For The Test?

2 replies
I have a question for you IM'ers out there. Are you up for the test? Are you ready to work hard through the trials, tribulations, and turbulence to reach your cruising altitude?

Are you ready to be tested from all different directions? Can you still hear the small voice inside you saying you can do this; even though there's a large voice screaming there's no way?

Are you prepared to take notes all the way along this journey of tests just to build a testimony to help build someone else up that's exactly where you were looking back?

Do you have a persevering spirit that says even though my success has not manifested in the physical yet, I can already see the end result so therefore I'm going to keep pushing while everyone else relaxes?

If you answered yes to all these then there's no doubt in my mind the person reading this is a successful person regardless of how big your sign-up list is or how many products you've sold.

Best of luck

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