Thank God...I was going to skip this !

2 replies
Hey warriors,
Yesterday (Saturday,9th Oct.) , I was in a Book Mall and I saw a book written By the famous Deepak Chopra.And guess what I picked the Book and kept it back.And then read the Title again and it was written The seven Spiritual Laws of SUPERHEROES.And I got the Book.
I can't stress this enough that what a Book it is.I read the contents of the Book last night and then started with the Introduction.And I was so much mesmerized with the Information that I read the whole Book in a night.There were 167 pages.Full of great Information that reveals the secrets about none other than YOU.It revealed all the secrets that I had in me but never discovered them.
If you are into Self-help and want just one Book that can change your life then just give a chance to The 7 Spiritual laws of Superheroes.Its not about success on a low scale but at a huge level.
I said earlier that I have no words for this Book and can't stress enough that How wonderful the Book is.
Do yourself a favor and get this little Goldmine.

Very Thankful to Dr.Deepak Chopra for releasing this Information.

#godi #skip
  • Profile picture of the author hardwork7
    thanks, but I dont know about this
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7206692].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ellie M
    Thanks for the information about this book. I'll definitely check it out!

    Ellie Manwiller
    Unbridled Traveler
    "With enchanted eyes we watch as these sweet moments turn to memories."

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