How do you manage time?

60 replies
Managing time is like waging an ongoing battle against some terrifying dragon or colossus.
We've all had our days of being wiped unconscious by this beast.
With all the different lives we live, and how each life goes through change everyday, I'm sure many of you-- successful or not-- are forced to come up with new ways of managing this beast called Time.

I have, some quite an emotional battle (believe it or not).

It's difficult at first to turn down a coworker who needs help with the printer(that's been fixed 5 times and has yet to be replaced),
and its difficult to tell my motor-mouth mom "NO!" when she ask you to help her turn on the computer, and INSIST you do so for an infinite amount of times.

But honestly, I have learned that its not always good to be characterized as the "guy to go to for help."
When you have a goal, you have to have a stalwart stance for managing your time, even if you have to be very cold and forceful TO YOURSELF about it.

Has anyone else gone through an uphill battle to manage their time?
Was it an emotional battle?
And what do you think you can do to make your Time-managing experience better?
#goal #manage #time #time management #time management tips
  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    This sounds funny, but as long as I find time to keep the wife happy, I have a better experience getting my time management done. She helps me cope whenever I get short on time to finish a project. But if you run out of time to do something, just relax and know that there is another day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Time management is a misnomer - you can't manage the stuff; you can only manage yourself.

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    • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
      Originally Posted by Will Edwards View Post

      Time management is a misnomer - you can't manage the stuff; you can only manage yourself.

      That's so true, Will! Especially in this business, we only have ourselves to blame for lost time, or for like squandering our time, or for perhaps procrastinating.

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  • Profile picture of the author muzzy4u2
    "You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it".

    (charles Buxtony)
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  • Profile picture of the author forganics
    Treat every day like a full time job. Set a schedule for yourself that allows you to treat your work at home job like a real job. Wake up to an alarm clock and put in 8 hours a day no matter what you're doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author smik778
    Time management is not a difficult task.
    You can easily manage it by setting your schedule according to work hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author HolyWarrior
    Living every day like I'm waking up for a job is a snore-fest. I've finally decided to get rid of my job, and now my dreams are taking flight. I have list of goals that I set to complete every day that contribute to a larger overall goal, which helps keep me focused.

    I can say that some days I wake up, work for a couple hours, and feel burned out, so I turn on some Netflix, Hulu, or a video game for awhile, usually for an hour or so. After that, I usually feel more inspired and get back to work.

    Some days I work two hours, others eight or more. It just depends on what needs to get done, or if nothing is urgent, then simply completing the daily tasks I've laid out for myself, and maybe a little more if I feel like it.

    I enjoy having goals, but living life on somebody else's time, on a job's time, on "TIME'S" time really sucks. I do what I can to avoid that.
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  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    You are right, if you make a habit of helping others with small tasks, you may achieve very little in what you should really do. Time management is a skill that needs to be harnessed every time, and one should continuously grow / improve to achieve much. And you should definitely have a to do list, every morning, and follow it to the letter. But, as you are saying, I find myself not doing this everyday, it's a journey that I'm always improving on.
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
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  • Profile picture of the author OutsourceFactor
    I like lists and that's how I get things done, that's how I multitask and that's how I manage my time everyday. I guess it helps me know what I need to do first, focus on that and then check it out when I'm done. Then, I do it all over again for the next task. Works for me

    Mea @ OutsourceFactor
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  • As Will said, time management is a misnomer. You can't manage time, you can only manage yourself.

    Time is something external and something that we aren't in control of. As such, how can we control it?

    But the best thing you can do instead of managing time is to learn to manage yourself better.

    For instance if you only have 2 minutes to achieve certain results every day. You can't change that 2 minutes. It's fixed.

    But one thing you can do is to learn to get more done in less time within that 2 minutes. Every day, think about how you can get more done within that 2 minutes and you will continually find ways to improve yourself and tricks to help you get more done.

    That being said, the way I make my time-management experience better is similar to the example I quoted above. I set a fixed time period that cannot be changed. And I work on improving the tasks that I am able to perform within that period, day in and day out.

    Testing and tweaking to see how I can get more done within that specific period. What works, I keep it. What doesn't work, I scrap it.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      I've just now started using a small leatherette notepad i bring wherever i go to write down everything I need to remember including bills, to-do errands, and other things i may forget. I also wake up early since i feel more inclined to do tedious work the earlier i begin the day.

      It's never time management, time will go on without a second thought for you. The only thing you can control is yourself, as Mysterious just pointed out.
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      • Profile picture of the author mcwalker25
        Originally Posted by heavysm View Post

        I've just now started using a small leatherette notepad i bring wherever i go to write down everything I need to remember including bills, to-do errands, and other things i may forget. I also wake up early since i feel more inclined to do tedious work the earlier i begin the day.

        It's never time management, time will go on without a second thought for you. The only thing you can control is yourself, as Mysterious just pointed out.

        I use to do that myself, in my younger days of TM. I would even have my litte notepad strapped onto my bet buckle, flapping as I walk about the office -- the thanksgiving pictures are horrible!
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  • Profile picture of the author mcwalker25
    Managing time is like managing a beast.
    I whole-heartedly agree with you CE, it seems like an uphill battle at first.
    I like your imput, I wil actually put this social dynamic of Time management into consideration!
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  • Profile picture of the author gabysanchez225
    Before you manage you have to know what you're going to do. Write out what needs to get done and assign a time to it. Initially you'll over/underestimate but you'll get better and accomplish 3x as much in one day!
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinDahlberg
    I have a to do list, which has helped a lot. I used to have a hard time managing my time.

    I also start my "day" with small tasks that build on to bigger tasks.

    I also have a list of tasks that I complete every day. That way I have a daily routine that I can go through.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonkk47
    I work during the day. and currently I'm into internet marketing, so I learn and work at night for my upcoming online venture.

    Time management is a matter a being focus.
    I put things down in a list then go to bed.
    and the next day I just follow whatever I have planned the day before.

    Setting priority is the first thing you should do when it comes to time management.
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    I made two videos on how I manage my time will be uploading them and sharing them with my fellow warriors in a few.
    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    Time management is a good skill. People are very busy today with their own professions. In this case, managing time is a very tough thing. I actually do not waste any time. After my job, I just divide my time and do other formalities.
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    • Profile picture of the author mcwalker25
      Originally Posted by eternalsongbird View Post

      Time management is a good skill. People are very busy today with their own professions. In this case, managing time is a very tough thing. I actually do not waste any time. After my job, I just divide my time and do other formalities.
      It can be even more broad then that.
      If I learned to manage myself way back in the school days, I would have had more then enough time for fun, play, and everything in between.
      My friend's high school son is learning to be more efficient from his father...
      For what its worth for a kid, that is.
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  • Profile picture of the author motivatedchampion
    Time management skills are definitely a must in today's society with so many distractions. I believe in having a paper planner and writing everything down. Yes, actually detailing your day instead of trying to keep up with it in some type of device that loses data or you can't quickly jot notes down on. I also believe that we have the right to set boundaries for our day and our we want to invest our 24 hours. If someone continually interrupts your schedule or causes distractions, then it's time to have a heart to heart with the person about how you are really trying to structure your day to manage your time for efficiently. I did this and it's worked amazingly!
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    Managing our time shouldn't be too complex if we know our priorities. I know sometimes it can be hard to help others and give them a portion of our time. So it is important that from the very start, we should know what we can do and finish in 24 hours then we will know how to deal with the not so important tasks.

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    • Profile picture of the author mcwalker25
      Originally Posted by eugenedm View Post

      Managing our time shouldn't be too complex if we know our priorities. I know sometimes it can be hard to help others and give them a portion of our time. So it is important that from the very start, we should know what we can do and finish in 24 hours then we will know how to deal with the not so important tasks.
      Once you know your priorities, then is the time to know your distractions, and the distraction isn't always yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author mcwalker25
    Time management is most definitely an art.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetex Marketing
    I write down my goals for a day, starting from morning exercise and to the end of the day. This keeps everything organized and it sure helps me alot.
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  • one should have a list of goals, and a task list for the day, the week, and the month, and such task must potent enough to progress to your goal, otherwise it is a waste of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    Originally Posted by Creativistenterprise View Post

    Managing time is like waging an ongoing battle against some terrifying dragon or colossus.
    There are days when I feel the same way. I do try to schedule my time, plan my days, focus on priorities, etc., etc., but life is life and there are days when your time simply does not seem to be your own. As you noted with your co-worker and your mom.

    I work at home, so I have family members in the community who think that because I work at home, I have no schedule or "work" responsibilities. They are getting much better because over the past number of years I have been training them to realize that I do have work to do, even though I am available any time of the day.

    Part of my problem is that I LIKE what I do (writing and Internet Marketing), so it is not work to me and therefore I enjoy doing it from the time I wake up until the time I head to bed. That means I am busy "working" all day long (except meal times). Some people who have day jobs don't understand why I keep "working" in the evenings and weekends, so they have no hesitation about phoning or dropping in to use up my time (lol).

    It just means I have to be more aware of their schedules and more tolerant of their needs and interests. That means I have to manage my time better.


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  • Profile picture of the author markstipends
    Time management is the most difficult thing to do. For me time management is spending my time wisely, not just depending on my organizer just to not follow it.
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  • Profile picture of the author muddywaters
    I think it would be impossible to manage time, because it's fixed (60sec a minute, 60min an hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, an so on...). What needs to be manage is YOU and I. How we put priorities in order for what we seek to achieve. I myself is still figuring out the best way to manage myself to maximize my time... just my thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author mcwalker25
    A lot of you have hit the nail on the head, but how many of you actually live up to what you say?
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  • Profile picture of the author ArnoldCreste
    Time management is needful to complete your work in real time. If you are punctual for time so that's good to get a good opportunity in each business. When you are preplanned for your work so that's good to easily manage your work on perfect time.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    I am quite busy and I have to do a lot of works a day. So I keep a routine of my works and work in due tine.
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  • Profile picture of the author leungwilkins
    I have a sheet made by myself or an organizer. And the goal is to follow it religiously, that's how i manage my time.
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  • Profile picture of the author juliuskersey
    Making an organizer is really a great help in time management. Forgetfulness isn't an excuse so i suggest you write it up and have a glimpes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lou Murphy
    Time is something I have been chasing for years.

    Something that has REALLY helped me is using time tracking software installed on your desktop, such as TimeDoctor or Klok.
    This way you can see exactly, minute by minute, where your time is going.

    And I tell you, it's SO much easier to manage yourself when you are conscious of this, and you can then evaluate the activities that are just unproductive and unnecessary.
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    • Profile picture of the author jessiem
      Originally Posted by Lou Murphy View Post

      Time is something I have been chasing for years.

      Something that has REALLY helped me is using time tracking software installed on your desktop, such as TimeDoctor or Klok.
      This way you can see exactly, minute by minute, where your time is going.

      And I tell you, it's SO much easier to manage yourself when you are conscious of this, and you can then evaluate the activities that are just unproductive and unnecessary.
      We use Time Doctor and it's one of the best software we've tried to track time and productivity. Although there are other software that is best for tracking our time (like Harvest too) but Time Doctor's features are quite unique for us.
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  • Profile picture of the author betsyanne
    I sometimes make to-do lists. I don't always get everything done on the list though.

    I need to remember to get at least SOME of the important things done on the list, for sure. I like the idea of using time tracking software, and just read about doing running or other exercise in the mornings (which sounds really good).

    MAKING time for the things that are important is another good thing I know I need to do also.

    It is so easy to get caught up doing things that are not important, like scanning for jokes on Facebook or leaving regular house chores until tomorrow. This can really cut into the next day's real work.

    Good luck, everyone, on really following through on time management.

    Because it's one thing to have the tools, and another to USE them.
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    My SEO for Beginners Page
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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    It is actually that you think so .
    I realize it ,by lost my sweat and labor .
    At first I make my self with rules, regulations and law,
    make my self cool more than a ice cube ,
    think advance ,keep confident and be a confident-or for others or my team.
    Before appoint my job I judge them carefully ,keep an idea about there ability,inspire ,motivation all these are weapons for me to manage team.
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  • Profile picture of the author jsonjylee
    This is what I normally do when I have get things done and I feel that there is no time.

    1. a change of environment really clears my head and get things done.
    2. learn to say no and explan why (most people will accept your explanation including mothers! lol)
    3. set a to do list (there's always a sense of accomplishment when you've ticked something off that list )
    4. Have ritual. Ritual is important to have consistancy. If you do it long enough you will stick to that ritual no matter what!
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Burns
    Lots of people have mentioned several software options. The one I have the most experience with is Toggl.

    I've got the app on all my devices, and it has helped me keep track of my time far better than ever before. Now that I've gotten into the habit of using it, I can see which clients are getting the most out of their customer service hours and which ones I need to focus on more to make sure they are feeling the love.

    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author andywestfall
    The most challenging part is doing a business a time management. Time is so valuable that even a blink can cause you a dime.
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  • Profile picture of the author NestZone
    When I started trying to manage time, I loosed trace of myself.

    I did rather program myself than concentrate on managing time.
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  • Profile picture of the author joewalter
    God give 86400 min daily in free... God only will happy if we spend it to Make the life meaningful... Dont waste your times... bz its precious one
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  • Profile picture of the author Seantrepreneur
    Whenever I find myself diffing off I ask myself "is what you're doing going to build your business in anyway"? If the answer is "no" then I stop doing it and move on to something more productive.

    It's a pretty good reality check and it's free to do.

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  • Profile picture of the author alvawalter
    it's been a year and I'm still having a hard time managing my time! lol
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  • Profile picture of the author aliveder
    I never was able to manage myself properly (especially earlier on in my business) because of the temptation of the internet and all the fun stuff I can look at. That was my main problem, that and I do not like tedious tasks.

    Now all the tedious tasks go to my VA, I concentrate more on delegating what needs to be done (so much easier and fun!)

    I have literally looked through everything that I deem interesting on the internet, so I have no more options to goof off!.

    Don't Forget To Give Thanks to Those That Have Helped You!

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    • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
      You have no control over time and we are not super humans. Can only get enough done in one day. Try not to stress so much about deadlines. When slacking off know your limits. If you don't get something important done, penalize yourself from one of your luxuries. Kind of like grounding yourself. A.K.A. Self discipline.
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  • Profile picture of the author max4web
    My Iphone is best tool to manage my time one can optimize with different Applications
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  • Profile picture of the author TonyBabb
    I use a service called Trello to manage all my tasks I need to do for the day. It's made a huge difference in the amount of work I can get done in a day.
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    • Profile picture of the author MJWight
      As a number of the previous replies have stated you cannot manage time - but rather you should try to manage yourself - that is not easy but with practice any skill can be learned.

      I have found that the best way to manage yourself ( and therefore time) is to get organized - and that way you find yourself saving a bit of time here and more there. Also if you get organized you will have your finger on the pulse of what ever you are doing - this increases confidence and in turn productivity increases too from the sense of well being through being organized.

      Specific examples may illustrate my thinking better - many people waste a load of time trying to find stuff they need in order to do their work - its frustrating - that saps energy - you feel bad - disgruntled even - productivity declines etc etc. Now contrast the scene if you are organized and know where everything is that you need - can find it quickly and easily - and move onto the next task on your to do list.
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  • Profile picture of the author Woodsusa
    Oh, the clock is never my friend! I thought being a stay at home mom would mean plenty of time to build an online career writing and eventually IM'ing...but a demanding one year old and house that always needs tidying, plus two older kids who always seem to need me at their schools for all adds up to a mad dash for a couple of hours to devote to working online, and a very exhausted me at the end of the day.

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    • Profile picture of the author depp12

      I suffer from a time problem too but i am starting to improve here is what i have started to do :

      you need to declutter - That includes your living space, your workspace, everything. organise your computer and organize files so everything can be found easily. Clutter ways down your mind and causes stress.

      Deal with emails straight away - delete any trash emails and unscribe to timewasting emails.

      set down your goals and learn from your failures. then remain focused on the tasks at hand and clear any distractions. set a timer for jobs that need doing. stephen covey said in his book always begin with the end in mind.

      Get up early in the mornings, take regular breaks, exercise and focus on the positives.

      Those little changes are working for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlmightyGreg
    I can relate to what you are saying. I'm currently in highschool, and last year (when all of this started) I was that kid that had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. So I would be the "go to guy" for going out and having fun.

    Yet (in my experience) it all felt so meaningless and normal that I wanted to do something great. So when I fell in love with everything business, I made a conscious choice of sacrificing what ever it took for the sake of learning this whole field. Some times you have to make hard choices. Even though it's a bit cliche the old "how bad do you want it?" makes perfect sense here
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    • Profile picture of the author ERPLeadsWriter
      Most often it's more mental than emotional. Keeping an eye on the clock and making every minute count strains my brain but it's worth the relief when you finish ahead of schedule.

      Outside of work though, I know so many people younger than me who are utterly clueless when it comes to valuing time. They joke about lounging about and go as far as think I'm nuts for griping about two-hour delays. Somehow, I can't help but wonder if it's the fact that I'm already working and they're still in college. This quote from an Inc article about time really echoed similar thoughts:

      Anyone with a job these days is time-poor. Whether you're dealing with a shift worker holding down two jobs or an executive on call 24/7, time is at a premium. This isn't just because we're all working so hard; it's also because time is the one thing that money can't buy or replace. When it's gone, it's gone, and no refund can replace it.
      This is what I remind myself in order to keep myself from letting those seconds slip way. I admit that it gives me a headache at times but I think the enforced discipline is worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author bsummers
    One significant factor of success is time management; it may sound as easy as ABC but the truth is, it's really not, especially when you have tons of workloads to do, plus your social and family obligation that you have to fulfill, it's like spreading yourself too thin. So how do we really manage our time in a crazy world like ours? Well, I would say focusing on your priorities is the answer. Temptations are just around the corner, but if we'll have our self tightly tied on our goals and priorities, there's no way that we can be out of the track; constantly remind yourself with these things and everything will simultaneously follow.
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  • Profile picture of the author resz
    Treat every day like a full time job. Set a schedule for yourself that allows you to treat your work at home job like a real job. Wake up to an alarm clock and put in 8 hours a day no matter what you're doing.

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  • Profile picture of the author JingQuimPo
    I'm a morning and evening person. Just too lazy to wok on afternoons. (same with my business partners) Its been going smoothly for years.
    Just do what works well for your business.

    Jing Quimpo
    One cannot manage too many affairs: like pumpkins in the water, one pops up while you try to hold down the other. -Chinese Proverb-
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  • Profile picture of the author Arian Surya
    Time is money (like Donald Trump said), we can manage it like we manage our savings in bank. We can handle it well, of course it will be fine.. Vice Versa..
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  • Profile picture of the author Maya2066
    Great question. Time management is an important issue particularly here in the U.S where there is the saying "time is money". I don't know that there is a definitive, general answer to that question. Of course you can force yourself to be on a time schedule depending on what is going on in your life. To me, it's important to remain flexible while having a schedule sometimes.

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  • Profile picture of the author malcsimm

    I have tried every time management system going, and the best by far is Getting Things Done ("GTD") by David Allen.

    The only problem with it is that it is so flexible it can be quite difficult to implement.

    But for computer users, that is most of us, this is overcome by a fantastic system called The Secret Weapon, which is found at The Secret Weapon: Evernote and GTD smoothly integrated into TSW. This is a brilliant combination of GTD and Evernote.

    This is by far the simplest application of GTD that you are likely to find. It is simple, effective, and being based on Evernote means that you can use your smart phone to send to-do items or other notes straight to Evernote. (On Apple, that means you use Fastever.)

    I've been happy using The Secret Weapon for well over six months now and that's easily a record for the length of time I've been happy using any time management system.



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