Self-improvement cds - keeping up the momentum

by LynnM
4 replies
I have a number of self-improvement cds including self-hypnosis and paraliminals. The trouble is, I always intend to listen to them regularly, but after picking one and starting with great intentions, those intentions soon fall by the wayside. Before too long, the cd is forgotten about and gathering dust, and the problem that it was designed to help is still there.

Does anyone else do this? If so, is it a lack of desire to change, motivation issues or simply forgetfulness?

Maybe the cd producers should add a bit at the end instructing you to listen again the next day!

#cds #keeping #momentum #motivation #paraliminals #self improvement #self improvement cds #selfimprovement
  • Profile picture of the author MattRobson
    Some of the programs can be pretty intense, and drain you a little bit.

    Find some ones that are more upbeat, maybe less reflective, and just listen to them as if it were commercial-free inspirational radio - not some important course you are taking.

    For just information, I've found "The Handbook of Self-Regulation", and "The Handbook of Motivational Science" to be pretty interesting.

    You could also look more into psychological or spiritual study or practice and then come back to personal improvement stuff.
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    • Profile picture of the author LynnM
      Originally Posted by MattRobson View Post

      Find some ones that are more upbeat, maybe less reflective, and just listen to them as if it were commercial-free inspirational radio - not some important course you are taking.
      What a great point, and one that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for that Matt, and the other tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
    I'm listening to a wonderful program right now called Hidden Ways To Wealth. What I like about it is that it gives you a complete step-by-step daily guide to follow and walks you through how to best use the program. You're also given a workbook to write in.

    It's usually pretty easy for me to stay on track with a self development program, but I found this program to be much easier.

    Another good one is Personal Power by Tony Robbins. If I remember correctly, each tape was labeled, Day 1, Day 2...

    Try these two programs and see if they'll help you stay on track.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kym Robinson
      I agree with Chrisite - I have Tony Robbins Personal Power and several other of his programs - they are excellent and the dai 1, day 2 puts everyting in seqence for you.

      I have cds and dvds delivered monthly from Success University also.
      All these audios are fantastic if you are into self development and personal growth.

      What I do is keep some in the car and every trip I take, I just put one on!
      I learn so much whilst driving and its very calming in traffic also!
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