Wakeup Productive: "Morning Success Ritual"
For reinforcement I am planning to go through the course videos again. I will take notes and post it here and on my blog:
I will also use this thread to held myself accountable and track my actions and habits....
I am jumping a bit... On first week of the course Eben talks about having a morning success ritual.... First hour is the rudder of the day! It sets the direction and of the day.
If we have great beginning of the day...we will have extraordinary day.. Great day means extraordinary week.. Great week means extraordinary year... and life!
I will post notes when I reach this section of the course ... But here is what I am committing to starting tomorrow?
My "Morning success ritual":
Alarm goes off on my phone at 5:30 AM (Keep the phone away from bed near the bathroom)
Wakeup and jump out of bed! Switch the alarm off!
Wash eyes and face and other stuff. Check weight.
Drink a glass of water.
Make tea.
While drinking tea post on the forum. (Accountability)
Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday:
25 minutes running on treadmill.
Monday. Wednesday. Friday:
Exercise with weights
( Sort of like Body For Life by Bill Phillips regime..)
Brush. Bath. Shave.
10 minutes Pranayama (Breathing exercises)
10 minutes Meditation
Superfood smoothie breakfast.
And all set for a great day!!!!!!!
Toughest challenge will be the first 2 minutes to drag myself out of bed... Strategies to help with this:
1. Post it on the forum every morning. No excuses!
2. Sleep on time. To bed by 10:00 PM. And sleep by 10:30. Trying to wake up at 5:30 while going to bed at 1:30 is foolish... And that's what I have tried to do in the past and failed miserably multiple times.
3. And to be able to sleep by 10:30. I need to make sure no internet at 9:30 PM. No caffeine after 6:00 PM.
4. Plan the next day on PAPER before going to bed.
5. Visualize for 1-2 minutes every night imagining myself jumping out of bed at 5:30 AM. Think about the benefits of waking up early.
6. Keep alarm clock away from bed. I have a timer to switch on plug... Attach it to the table lamp which will ON the light at 5:28 AM.
7. Find an accountability partner??
Anything else?
Others are welcome to join in the challenge!
Cheers, Laurence.
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