Does Making Lots of Money Equal Success?

56 replies
I don't know if this is the appropriate place for this message, but I believe it fits with self-improvement.

I used to think the only way to really measure success was through the size of one's income or the power they held. As I grow older and meet so many unique individuals along the way, whether online or off, the measuring stick for success has changed.

No longer do I believe it's the amount of money one makes or the power they hold, but how they use these tools to positively influence others around them. I recently took a challenge and watching the following video was a part of it. I recommend it to anybody looking to fill that emptiness they think money will fill.

Wayne Huizenga - I am Second

Benjamin Ehinger
#equal #fulfill #lots #making #money #success
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Success will mean different things to different people. Is money and power the only criterion most people use to determine

    With that said, one of the (normally is THE) most accurate metrics for business success IS MONEY

    That's the truth

    But I agree, success in life is more than power and money absolutely...WAY MORE
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    success is relative to how much money you make compared to those around you ..

    i can feel pretty successfull if i had the income to live in a beach house in a tropical area in another country ..and the monthly pricetag on that is 2,000 at month if you splurge many places ..

    buth then if you want a big house where other big houses are .. you might spend more than that just on a couple car payments with the insurance to go with it ..

    success is knowing what you want from life every day and getting it ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I think that earning lots of money is part of success, but alone, it is certainly not success. One must also enjoy life and have fulfilling relationships to have real success.
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      success is relative to how much money you make compared to those around you ..

      i can feel pretty successfull if i had the income to live in a beach house in a tropical area in another country ..and the monthly pricetag on that is 2,000 at month if you splurge many places ..

      buth then if you want a big house where other big houses are .. you might spend more than that just on a couple car payments with the insurance to go with it ..

      success is knowing what you want from life every day and getting it ..
      I disagree completely. I have plenty of money to buy a large house, but I don't need a large house or the money to believe I'm successful, although I once thought I did.

      Success, to me, has very little to do with how much money you make or how much those around you make. It can be very dangerous to compare your earnings or yourself in anyway to those around you. However, healthy competition can also be a very good thing.

      It's a fine line, but money doesn't make the man/woman, actions do.

      Originally Posted by Michael Ten View Post

      I think that earning lots of money is part of success, but alone, it is certainly not success. One must also enjoy life and have fulfilling relationships to have real success.
      The enjoyment of life is important, I agree. You hit on one of the things I learned the hard way after losing many friends. Fulfilling relationships are necessary to enjoy life, therefore, necessary for success.

      Money is just a tool used to help with the enjoyment of life, it shouldn't be a measuring stick.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by Benjamin Ehinger View Post

        I disagree completely. I have plenty of money to buy a large house, but I don't need a large house or the money to believe I'm successful, although I once thought I did.

        Success, to me, has very little to do with how much money you make or how much those around you make. It can be very dangerous to compare your earnings or yourself in anyway to those around you. However, healthy competition can also be a very good thing.

        It's a fine line, but money doesn't make the man/woman, actions do.

        Benjamin Ehinger
        I think we acctually agree i am just a bit hard to understand..

        read the last line .. success is knowing what you want and getting it ..

        i think we may be in the same ball park
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      • Profile picture of the author Maya2066
        Originally Posted by Benjamin Ehinger View Post

        I disagree completely. I have plenty of money to buy a large house, but I don't need a large house or the money to believe I'm successful, although I once thought I did.

        Success, to me, has very little to do with how much money you make or how much those around you make. It can be very dangerous to compare your earnings or yourself in anyway to those around you. However, healthy competition can also be a very good thing.

        It's a fine line, but money doesn't make the man/woman, actions do.

        The enjoyment of life is important, I agree. You hit on one of the things I learned the hard way after losing many friends. Fulfilling relationships are necessary to enjoy life, therefore, necessary for success.

        Money is just a tool used to help with the enjoyment of life, it shouldn't be a measuring stick.

        Benjamin Ehinger
        Great relationships, whether friendships or family are key to feeling successful. Money alone is not sufficient. Also important is being in synch with your higher self and the Universe around you.

        FREE Marketing System Helps You Build ANY Business You Want!
        Visit My Blog:

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        • Profile picture of the author tireeteam1
          Originally Posted by Maya2066 View Post

          Great relationships, whether friendships or family are key to feeling successful. Money alone is not sufficient. Also important is being in synch with your higher self and the Universe around you.
          Totally agree. I think a "successful" person is someone who succeeds in their personal relationships with their spouses/partners, friends and family as well as does well in their careers. It would be sad if someone were successful at making money, but cold and mean with people, yet so many are.

          To me a truly "successful" person by their very presence, makes the world a better place to be in. He isnt just another rich guy.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    If you've met your goal, then yeah it's success.
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      If you've met your goal, then yeah it's success.
      That depends on what your goal is......I would take this a bit further to call it success.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Success is when you've reached your goals that you've set, if making lots of money is your goal and you are really making lots of money then it's success. If you set goal to earn $5k a month then you have reached your goal then it's success.
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by kellyyarnsbro View Post

      Success is when you've reached your goals that you've set, if making lots of money is your goal and you are really making lots of money then it's success. If you set goal to earn $5k a month then you have reached your goal then it's success.
      I still think true success reaches further than just achieving set goals. I think reaching goals is a part of success, but sometimes we reach goals and find out they didn't really fulfill us.

      I know I've set goals, which I've achieved only to find a let down at the end of the road.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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      • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
        Originally Posted by Benjamin Ehinger View Post

        I still think true success reaches further than just achieving set goals. I think reaching goals is a part of success, but sometimes we reach goals and find out they didn't really fulfill us.

        I know I've set goals, which I've achieved only to find a let down at the end of the road.

        Benjamin Ehinger
        It's what you called contentment. We often crave for more once you've been there already. They didn't really fill us because we still are not contented, the worst we become greedy at the end. To hit your goals is Success, to ask for more than the goals you have set is Greed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by kellyyarnsbro View Post

    It's what you called contentment. We often crave for more once you've been there already. They didn't really fill us because we still are not contented, the worst we become greedy at the end. To hit your goals is Success, to ask for more than the goals you have set is Greed.
    I see your point, but I don't necessarily think asking for more than your goals is greedy. For example, if someone sets their goal to make a million dollars a year, achieves it and asks for 10 million a year, that's not necessarily greed if they give away a large portion of it to those in need.

    It's impossible for someone without a million dollars to donate a million dollars to a charity. I think there's a fine line where it can become greed, but it depends on what you do with it.

    Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

    Wealth is the measure of success in the capitalist game. But if you're talking life in general, of course it isn't.

    Plus different people value success differently. Actually, many cultures are obsessed with money and wealth and attribute life success to how wealthy you become. This is especially true for Eastern cultures.
    Becoming obsessed with money can be very dangerous. I bet nobody ever lays on their death bed wishing they'd made more money in their lifetime.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    success is really by personal definition .. a lot of people have learned in the last five years that trying to follow the definition of success handed to them .. really isn't working out ..

    it is great on these forums .. people can define their success .. by how much money they make.. on more spiritual growth oriented forums.. it is defined other ways .. and in gamer forums .. defined other ways ..

    In the world we live in or the one that is forming.. you ,yourself and your I am.. are the only ones who can really decide if you have success.,. as the social track .. or the social vision of success .. is fading away and people have to write their own vision for success ..
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      I think we acctually agree i am just a bit hard to understand..

      read the last line .. success is knowing what you want and getting it ..

      i think we may be in the same ball park
      I see your point and we may be in the same ball park.

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      success is really by personal definition .. a lot of people have learned in the last five years that trying to follow the definition of success handed to them .. really isn't working out ..

      it is great on these forums .. people can define their success .. by how much money they make.. on more spiritual growth oriented forums.. it is defined other ways .. and in gamer forums .. defined other ways ..

      In the world we live in or the one that is forming.. you ,yourself and your I am.. are the only ones who can really decide if you have success.,. as the social track .. or the social vision of success .. is fading away and people have to write their own vision for success ..
      ABSOLUTELY! Agree completely.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author exchanger107
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    • Profile picture of the author SuperKristen
      Originally Posted by exchanger107 View Post

      I am not totally agreed with it. Success is not measure by money though it is said that money is the second god of the world. I think respect and love frm people is to be measurement of successful man.
      I definitely agree with him. Earning a lot of money is a part of Success.
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      • Profile picture of the author heavysm
        If meeting a monetary goal is what i consider success, how can that not equate to success at least to some degree? It's all about what you define your goals out to be.
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        • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
          Originally Posted by rmolina88 View Post

          I used to know people making 6 figures a year and struggling with debt.

          I know people who are making pretty low income, but are the happiest people on earth.
          Me too. Back when I did mortgage loans for a living I met people making a quarter million dollars a year with all types of toys, but no money left after all their monthly payments. So many of them were miserable.

          When I bartended, I ran into the same thing, only I was the one serving them drinks as they cheated on their spouses and ignored their kids.

          On the other side of things, I know missionaries, pastors, families and many others living a very modest life, at best, and they are incredibly happy.

          Originally Posted by SuperKristen View Post

          I definitely agree with him. Earning a lot of money is a part of Success.
          I don't.

          Originally Posted by heavysm View Post

          If meeting a monetary goal is what i consider success, how can that not equate to success at least to some degree? It's all about what you define your goals out to be.
          What if you define your goals and they are terrible things? Is that still success if you achieve them? I don't think there's anything wrong with a monetary goal, but I also don't believe money leads to success or should be the measuring stick of success. It's just a tool.

          Benjamin Ehinger
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          • Profile picture of the author wiredtolive
            People fight so hard to have money, because to many it does = success!!

            For me, and I'm not so sure how I learned this so early in life. Probably my Mom. She could take a $1.00 and make it into $10.00 just because she was extremely smart in how she managed and spent that $1.00. For her it was more important to have food on the table, a steady roof over our heads and love in our hearts. You would be amazed if you let go of all the trivial, materialistic things in life how you quite possibly may just end up feeling more fulfilled.

            For me...happiness = success!!
            Other people's wills are as independent of mine as their breath and bodies.
            We may exist for the sake of one another, but our will rules its own domain.

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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    To be frank, now a days money actually determines everything. Without money sometimes many success also die. So money is must, success cannot go alone without money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by exchanger107 View Post

      I am not totally agreed with it. Success is not measure by money though it is said that money is the second god of the world. I think respect and love frm people is to be measurement of successful man.
      I agree respect and love are a huge determining factor in the success of a man or woman.

      Originally Posted by eternalsongbird View Post

      To be frank, now a days money actually determines everything. Without money sometimes many success also die. So money is must, success cannot go alone without money.
      This is not the best attitude or outlook at all. Money is necessary for many things, but it's a tool to be used. Many successes happen without money everyday.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    I used to know people making 6 figures a year and struggling with debt.

    I know people who are making pretty low income, but are the happiest people on earth.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mousumi
    Making a lot of money is "Success in making money" It is one of many types of Successes. The irony of the world is we perceive money to be synonymous to Success.
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by wiredtolive View Post

      People fight so hard to have money, because to many it does = success!!

      For me, and I'm not so sure how I learned this so early in life. Probably my Mom. She could take a $1.00 and make it into $10.00 just because she was extremely smart in how she managed and spent that $1.00. For her it was more important to have food on the table, a steady roof over our heads and love in our hearts. You would be amazed if you let go of all the trivial, materialistic things in life how you quite possibly may just end up feeling more fulfilled.

      For me...happiness = success!!
      I agree completely.

      Originally Posted by Mousumi View Post

      Making a lot of money is "Success in making money" It is one of many types of Successes. The irony of the world is we perceive money to be synonymous to Success.
      Money is worshiped by many, whether they will admit it or not, and that's a problem.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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      • Profile picture of the author ERPLeadsWriter
        I would think money equates more to 'security' than success. Having a lot of it means you can cover the basic needs and those of your family. Getting in a stable flow helps you keeps your business working and giving value to your customers.

        Funny thing is you don't really need a lot of money for that either. Essentially, you just need enough to get everything and everyone going.
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        • Profile picture of the author drmani
          It all hinges on how YOU define success - for yourself.

          It won't be the same as someone else's definition, btw.

          Even though a 'business', by definition, exists to generate a
          profit, it can be flawed to measure 'success' purely by the
          size of the profit it generates - if, in the process, much
          more is destroyed which is of higher value, in a bigger sense.

          To me, success is achieving the goals I set for myself, and
          living the life I've dreamed of.


          All success
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    • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
      Originally Posted by Mousumi View Post

      Making a lot of money is "Success in making money" It is one of many types of Successes. The irony of the world is we perceive money to be synonymous to Success.
      I basically came in here to say almost the same thing.

      Most everyone you meet are successful. Some are just not conscious of it.

      We all make dozens of decisions every day and we choose the path which makes us happy and thus successful. While we might not understand why someone wants to live on welfare (I actually can) that is a choice they have made. They have choosen "easy" and "free time" over "money" and "career".

      For a lot of my life I made the mistake thinking I could push people around me to be better. The truth is it was always temporary because they didn't want to be "better". My "better" wasn't what they truly wanted.

      Our success is what holds us back from our potential. The problem is that some people don't want to admit they are successful because one of the things they are successful at is blaming others for where they are in life.
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      • Profile picture of the author jcinqmars
        Originally Posted by Aaron Doud View Post

        I basically came in here to say almost the same thing.

        Most everyone you meet are successful. Some are just not conscious of it.

        We all make dozens of decisions every day and we choose the path which makes us happy and thus successful. While we might not understand why someone wants to live on welfare (I actually can) that is a choice they have made. They have choosen "easy" and "free time" over "money" and "career".

        For a lot of my life I made the mistake thinking I could push people around me to be better. The truth is it was always temporary because they didn't want to be "better". My "better" wasn't what they truly wanted.

        Our success is what holds us back from our potential. The problem is that some people don't want to admit they are successful because one of the things they are successful at is blaming others for where they are in life.
        I like the idea that EVERYONE has success. Some are successful at blaming others for there lot in life, whereas, others are successful at having close friends and others successful at their jobs.

        Success as a word is obtainable by anyone, depends on what your goal is.

        In the book Think and Grow Rich, it teaches that your belief system in yourself will bring you through life to exactly what you believe. DEEEEEEP down. Many say they want to be rich and some even dream about it a little, but to be truly rich it requires big dreams that are announced daily and acted upon at every turn.
        True enough, Money is not everything, but in the World we live in money is essential. So to have a certain part of your desire and drive to be about acquiring more money than you current acquire should be part of your daily routine. It has to be. Every ounce of your ability to bring 100% of you to the table for your family and friends is determined by your ability to be happy with yourself. If you NEVER worried about how you would pay for something again, would you be a happier person? I dare you to say no. Simply not an honest answer
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        • Profile picture of the author mwright
          Success is feeling that you've reached YOUR particular goal. It could be monetary, intellectual, social, etc...

          Ironically, most of us won't need as much money as we think to be "successful".

          You can buy a REALLY nice house if you have a fairly decent job, good credit, and a down payment. A Ferrari can be leased for less than $20k a year... you can make that much at McDonalds!
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          • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
            I agree with the above and consider a lot of my success to be on an intellectual level.

            One primary goal of mine was to be more grounded and more comfortable in my own skin.

            I knew then once I'd achieved that I could attract money more effortlessley and that's exactly what happened.

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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    Success is not all about money. Man can be successful without a plenty of money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by drmani View Post

      It all hinges on how YOU define success - for yourself.

      It won't be the same as someone else's definition, btw.

      Even though a 'business', by definition, exists to generate a
      profit, it can be flawed to measure 'success' purely by the
      size of the profit it generates - if, in the process, much
      more is destroyed which is of higher value, in a bigger sense.

      To me, success is achieving the goals I set for myself, and
      living the life I've dreamed of.


      All success
      I agree.

      Originally Posted by ERPLeadsWriter View Post

      I would think money equates more to 'security' than success. Having a lot of it means you can cover the basic needs and those of your family. Getting in a stable flow helps you keeps your business working and giving value to your customers.

      Funny thing is you don't really need a lot of money for that either. Essentially, you just need enough to get everything and everyone going.
      This is true, but also a bit dangerous. Again, money is a tool and yes it can certainly provide security, when used, saved and invested properly.

      Originally Posted by mmrumii View Post

      Success is not all about money. Man can be successful without a plenty of money.
      Very true.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Success will vary from each person. Money don't make you successful nor do it make you happy. What I believe makes a person happy and successful is when they find their purpose on this earth and is able to walk in it. Doing things because you like too do it, and not have too do it, is my definition of success.
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by View Post

      Success will vary from each person. Money don't make you successful nor do it make you happy. What I believe makes a person happy and successful is when they find their purpose on this earth and is able to walk in it. Doing things because you like too do it, and not have too do it, is my definition of success.
      You hit on a key word there....PURPOSE. This is something that's a struggle for many, but it makes a huge difference when you find your purpose in life.

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      • Profile picture of the author raulmi
        You know something Benjamin you are a guy with good feelings.
        Succes is much more than money but honestly at my age I have found it very hard to find a meaning for this life.
        And still looking cause I pray to find it some day.
        I am very happy in my life althoug I think there is more than mere happines
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        • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
          Originally Posted by raulmi View Post

          You know something Benjamin you are a guy with good feelings.
          Succes is much more than money but honestly at my age I have found it very hard to find a meaning for this life.
          And still looking cause I pray to find it some day.
          I am very happy in my life althoug I think there is more than mere happines

          First, thank you for the complement. Yes, success is more than just money for most people, even if they don't know it yet. I don't know what your beliefs are, but as a Christian I believe we can achieve happiness on earth, but will always have a yearning to be with Christ. Some would say that yearning is the "more than just happiness" you speak of.

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          • Profile picture of the author Piren
            Success is Happiness. Happiness = Family and Friends.

            My family lives 8h flight from me and money for the ticket to see and hug them really equals my happiness. Of course, money are not the only tool to success, but sometimes it really does. Personally my sucess partly equals money, because I can see my parents using money.
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Success is not just about making money. So true.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    Now a days, money determines everything. So making lots of money really means success.
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  • Profile picture of the author wrcato2
    I think true success in life is really what you make of it. If you are struggling through life and never happy, then that isn't successful. Yet there are others that make just enough of a living to pay all there bill each month and have a little extra for their wants and feel that they are successful in life.

    I think it just depends on your own measure of success. YOUThat is the best measuring stick of them all.

    It is the same for those whom are rich, they are never satisfied with material things and keeping up with the Joneses mentality only intensifies this urge. Now we are getting into what the Bible actually meant by "money is the root of all evil" You see it is not about money but selfish desires that lead to deadly sins such as murder.
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  • Profile picture of the author LGSresources
    Some of the most financially successful people I know are also some of the least happy - they are a "success" in the sense that they make lots of money but they fail in their own personal development, their relationships and in their physical and spiritual health; a lot of them aren't happy.

    This doesn't seem very successful to me.

    Equating money with success is a very narrowly defined view of success. If you define your view of success this narrowly you'll probably lead a very narrow and unfulfilling life.

    What is the point of money without the health and time to enjoy it, friends and family to enjoy it with and the ability to help people with it? Personally money is just a means to an end, and not even the only means to those ends.

    James Evans.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    The definition of success varies from man to man. Earning a lot of money does not always means success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Jefferson
    each and every person have different definition for happiness and success some get happiness with money for some its family and friends , for some people taking revenge and for some its achieving goals .

    but for some happiness and success is making other people happy and successful .
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  • Profile picture of the author SCOTTHANNAM
    I have entered into the online business to give myself a platform to pass on advice to my 2 boys (currently aged 4 and 5 as of today).
    I plan on writing about things I enjoy and would like answers too and if someone thinks well enough of it to buy it then it is a bonus.

    I think that if you provide enough value then the by product of it is profit. That's the hope anyway
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Yours answer and comments to every single post on this thread depends on...


    think about it
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  • Profile picture of the author Maya2066
    Success and making lots of money as we all know does not guarantee happiness. And we also know that with success, what we are looking for is happiness. Having lots of money does not guarantee happiness but it sure helps with having more options for a lot of things, a fact that can helps depending on the individual.

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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by Piren View Post

      Success is Happiness. Happiness = Family and Friends.

      My family lives 8h flight from me and money for the ticket to see and hug them really equals my happiness. Of course, money are not the only tool to success, but sometimes it really does. Personally my sucess partly equals money, because I can see my parents using money.
      This is kinda the point I was going to. Money is a tool and success is not found in money alone, but it can be part of what helps lead to happiness, when used properly.

      Originally Posted by eternalsongbird View Post

      Now a days, money determines everything. So making lots of money really means success.
      Money only determines what you allow it to determine. You make all the choices that put you in the financial situation you are in. There are still people in this world that live very happy lives with very little. Of course, there are those that live very happy with more than they need, as well. It goes both ways, but if you allow money to determine everything in your life, it's no longer a tool, but a master. That's a very dangerous place to be.

      Originally Posted by Maya2066 View Post

      Great relationships, whether friendships or family are key to feeling successful. Money alone is not sufficient. Also important is being in synch with your higher self and the Universe around you.

      Originally Posted by LGSresources View Post

      Some of the most financially successful people I know are also some of the least happy - they are a "success" in the sense that they make lots of money but they fail in their own personal development, their relationships and in their physical and spiritual health; a lot of them aren't happy.

      This doesn't seem very successful to me.

      Equating money with success is a very narrowly defined view of success. If you define your view of success this narrowly you'll probably lead a very narrow and unfulfilling life.

      What is the point of money without the health and time to enjoy it, friends and family to enjoy it with and the ability to help people with it? Personally money is just a means to an end, and not even the only means to those ends.

      James Evans.
      I couldn't have said it better myself.

      Originally Posted by Maya2066 View Post

      Success and making lots of money as we all know does not guarantee happiness. And we also know that with success, what we are looking for is happiness. Having lots of money does not guarantee happiness but it sure helps with having more options for a lot of things, a fact that can helps depending on the individual.
      Personally, while I agree with most of your comment, I might swap out the word "happiness" for "fulfillment".

      Benjamin Ehinger
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      • Profile picture of the author curly sue
        happiness is holistic. includes health, spiritual, physical, emotional, well being. No doubt money can put all these in check.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    I read a book 35 years ago called "Success: The Glenn Bland Method". I'm sure you can find it on Amazon or maybe a free download online somewhere.

    It stuck with me all of this time because the theme was true success is getting balance in your spiritual, family, business, health, and recreation lives. If you have balance money is a part of success, but not all of it.
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    I don't think so. Still we need respective position in our life that is not determined by money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok

    You can be born rich, uneducated, a curmudgeon, have no relationships, and be the most miserable person on the planet.

    Would you classify that person as successful?

    PS: That's a rare exception I think haha
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    • Profile picture of the author WRCREX
      Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post


      You can be born rich, uneducated, a curmudgeon, have no relationships, and be the most miserable person on the planet.

      Would you classify that person as successful?

      PS: That's a rare exception I think haha
      I really like the word curmudgeon. LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author tporritt
    Money is only a way to measure success. It definitely is not success on its own. I think success is about what kind things we do for other people every day and that does not necessarily take money to achieve.
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  • Profile picture of the author NestZone
    I feel successful when I receive a 'thanks' for something I have done.
    Just one thank you appreciation from someone always makes my day.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    Not always, but now a days, money determines success.
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