What do YOU think it takes to become successful?

11 replies
We all have our own definitions of what it takes to be successful. I think being successful is based on ones' goals and what they want out of life.

Key elements to becoming successful:

· Self-promotion
· Clear Vision
· Persistence
· Commitment
· Think Positively
· Go Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Be the person you really aspire to be, shoot for the stars and live the life you have always dreamed of. And if you are hanging around with people who are dream stealers, pessimists, negative people who are telling you to 'get real', then it is time to move into a new network of positive people who are aspiring for the same dreams as you. You will be amazed at how quickly your life will change for the better.
#successful #takes
  • Profile picture of the author DannyO
    Knowledge, money and connections - you need all three to make it work.

    You need money to make money, you need connections as its often not what you know but who you know, and it also requires knowledge - as if you can't offer something as a service you've got nothing.

    I work on the Facebook Client Chit Chat. Chit Chat is a Facebook chat application that you can use on your desktop in order to send and receive Facebook messages. It supports Facebook chat history, text formatting, sound alerts and much more!

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    • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
      Originally Posted by DannyO View Post

      Knowledge, money and connections - you need all three to make it work.

      You need money to make money, you need connections as its often not what you know but who you know, and it also requires knowledge - as if you can't offer something as a service you've got nothing.
      Agree but when just starting out you don't have any of these...

      I believe that the key skills that you should first master in the beginning should be goal setting, learning/research, taking action and selling...


      Gary Ning Lo
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  • Profile picture of the author Broyde
    Some people are successful without goals...I think it is first about believing that you are already a success and then everything else will add up.

    It is still..."as a man thinks in his heart so is he."
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinDahlberg
    Success is a cycle of learning and acting.

    You learn first. Then you act on that learning. Get feedback on your actions and learn from it. Then act on that learning.

    Rinse and repeat until you are successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author ScottStuart
    I think success comes from first knowing what success means to you - some people judge success by money, others by happiness, etc.

    To achieve it, I think it is always a combination of ideas x action... I read a post once that was in oure financial terms, but you get the idea:

    I read a great post once that relates to this:

    AWFUL IDEA = -1
    WEAK IDEA = 1
    SO-SO IDEA = 5
    GOOD IDEA = 10
    GREAT IDEA = 15
    WEAK EXECUTION = $1000
    SO-SO EXECUTION = $10,000
    GOOD EXECUTION = $100,000
    GREAT EXECUTION = $1,000,000
    BRILLIANT EXECUTION = $10,000,000

    To succeed, you need to multiply the two.

    I would love to reference the original author, but I copied and pasted it without taking the site details!
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Nice share of ideas. All those are true, i agree with that.

    Just to summarize it to one word it would be GUTTS.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlphaWarrior
    Willingness to deal with and solve problems that pop up.

    Years ago, my brother-in-law and I decided to buy rental houses to build up income that you do not have to go out and work for every day. We bought one house. Then came the problem of collecting (begging for) the rent every month, fixing frozen pipes, odd repairs, etc. We didn't like all of the problems, so we hired a property manager and then sold the property.

    I know a guy who wasn't planning on getting into the house rental business, but someone offered him such a great deal on a house that he could not turn it down. In talking to him some time later, I found out that he had the same problems that my brother-in-law and I had. He had problems collecting rent monthly, so he went to collecting rent weekly. He had a problem with renters taking (stealing) his stoves and refrigerators when they moved out. So, he started selling the renters the stoves and refrigerators when they moved in. When, they moved they took their stove and refrigerator and didn't steal his.

    He solved the problems that popped up. Now he has a very nice monthly income from the many houses that he owns and doesn't have to work a regular job. My brother-in-law and I didn't want to solve the problems and now do not have income from rental houses.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    Strong mindset is necessary to become successful. There is no alternative of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    Strong determination and mindset really can change our life.
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  • Profile picture of the author techbul
    For me, clear vision and persistence are the two major elements that help forge a bright and successful future.
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