7 Steps To Success Online For Newbies

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Hi Warriors

Simply what a week i have had .The ups and downs have been SNAKES AND LADDERS to say the least.

I have been a BUSY BEE, buzzing from one place to another and shopping like a crazy madman.

So if you feel like your drifting out into CYBER SPACE with no direction then the information i will be sharing today will get you on RAIL TRACK for sure.

You see as many of you will already know i struggled for a while before i got some success online. I remember staring up at the ceiling a few years ago in my bedroom, thinking am i really good enough to make money online and doubts started taking over.

I used to think these gurus who make all this money have a special gift that i never had.Plus my mum and dad never understood why i wanted to run my own business online and the freedom and lifestyle i wanted. They kept saying, just get a real job son.

I don't know if any of you have ever experienced this but it felt like i disappointed my family and it sucked.I felt wounded and KNIFE HURT.

But i was LION ROARING determined to prove them wrong, that i can do this and so can you. Everyday you must reaffirm that this is possible and making a living online is very much within your reach.

As we are closer to the new year, today i wanted to briefly touch on Lifestyle and designing the life you want for 2013 and beyond. You see if you don't set this up before you start your online business, why are you running a business? The business gets you the income and lifestyle so you can do all the the things you wanted to.

If you don't design your life right now, than your life is controlled by the environment and default.

I suggest do what i do, go to mindmeister.com ( a mind mapping software) and do a mindmap of how you want your life to be in the next 10 years.It sounds silly i know but trust me it works as it focuses all your attention on where you want to go. Have categories of Online business, Relashionships, Health and fitness, Finances, contribution, toys and adventures.The more specific you are the greater chance you have of achievement.Set a date also of when you want to get this goal.

1. Online Business- this will be all your goals with your online business, how many customers and subscribers do you want? What level income do you want to set you free?

2. Relashionships? How many kids do you want? What kind of partner do you want? What loving relashionship do i want with my partner? How many and what type of friends do i want? What social circles can i build? etc

3.Health and fitness? What fitness goals do i want to have? What foods do i need to eat to maintain being healthy etc

4. Finances- finance goals such as to clear debts by X, to maintain my finances and save money,

5. Contribution- who would you like to help and make a difference to other people?

6. Toys and adventures. What car do you want to own? What house do you want to live in? What luxuries would you like to buy? What cities and places would you like to visit?

These are very important questions you need to answer if your to be successful as they set up the foundations as to why you are trying to make money online. Money has no real value to us unless we use it to create an experience. Its the feelings we get and experiences we create that make your life happy and your lifetime fulfillment.

What you feed GROWS ,what you neglect DIES.

98% of the population shrinks their dreams to fit their income. Meanwhile 2% find ways to increase their income so they make their dreams happen.


Remember a person without a vision will perish. That is why people drift with internet marketing, they have no goals, no direction and they lose all hope and in some cases their sanity.


STEP 1: Create a 12 month Ahead Plan:

What goals do you want to acheive in the next 12 months and be specific

STEP 2: Create 4 (90 Days Plans) to break down your 12 month plan

STEP 3: Focus on your FIRST 90 day plan

STEP 4: Break down your 90 day plan into a monthly plans

STEP 5: Then break down your next months plan into 4 weekly plan

STEP 6 : Each night before you go to bed set aside 30 minutes to plan what tasks you will do for the next day

STEP 7. Work to a count down timer if you can for each daily task, have regular breaks every hour and have no interruptions when being productive

Make sure you turn OFF your phone, skype, facebook, email etc when doing these productive tasks that will get to your goals.

If you DON'T do steps 1-7, you will DRIFT LIKE 99% OF PEOPLE WHO WANT TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE as they never make any money.I know this as i failed for 2 years when i never did these steps.

I was taught this by Alex jeffries who makes millions of dollars online, so please this information is GOLD. Use it daily like i do.Make it a habit.

Every month set targets for the following:

1. Number of subscribers

2. No of clients/ Customers

3. The income you want for that month

than set up a plan to get to your monthly targets and then take action on it.

once a week ,review to see where your at.Are you nearer your target or not? than adjust.

Than at the end of each month compare TARGET GOALS TO ACTUAL RESULTS. The difference will be a shortfall or Excess.If Excess well done set a higher goal, if short fall see where you went wrong and try a new plan of action.

Set realistic targets for the month and these targets will keep you focused and on track to your ultimate goal.

The information above will set up your online business for SUCCESS

I hope you have got some value from the todays GOLDEN NUGGET and i will speak to you in a few days.

All the best

#newbies #online #steps #success

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