Just "3 Words" that will change your Life !
I have been going through a seminar and learned something very Powerful.
First thing first.I used to do a lot of positive thinking but never succeeded in controlling the negative thoughts.
I always thought whether Positive thinking works or not ? And this seminar answered my Question.
The Answer was : Positive thinking is like Modern medicine which cures temporarily and not like Ayurveda which cures Permanently.A person has 60,000 thoughts a Day out of which maximum thoughts are negative.So it is nearly impossible to think positively every single time.
What if there were only 3 words which we program into are mind and get everything done very easily and succeed in it.
Guess what ? There are 3 words which if you add in your dictionary and repeat them regularly,then your life will change as my life has changed.
The Two words are : ITS VERY EASY !

Think about it.Every time you say that something is not working,its very hard,its not worth trying.What happens is,our mind gives us 10 reasons about why it will not work.
But...If instead of that,you say,"Its very Easy" from heart 2,3,4 or 10 times.Magic happens.Your Mind gives you 10 reasons on why its easy.
While saying it to yourself,just put your body posture and physiology in the same manner in which you used to have when you knew an answer in school exam which was very easy and you used to get excited that you know the answer.
I have tried it and these 3 magic words has made my life very easier.Its your time now.Add them to your dictionary and get your work done easily.
Super Powerful Information !
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