How to Be Successful Every day

18 replies
Or How To Be Successful Every day

Everyone views success differently. Some view success as accomplishing mile stone goals that they have set; for instance:

* You sold a big ticket item
* You achieved a raise in pay or status
* You finally got your product up and running, ready to take sales
* Or you finally reached your goal of being a millionaire

The point is in order for anyone to reach the milestone goals, you must first reach the minor goals.

What are minor goals?

Minor goals are your daily goals that you need to reach everyday in order to break the milestone goal you have in mind. Here is how I do it.

Create a mind map with your milestone goal in the center. If you have a 1 year goal in mind, create branches from the milestone, working back wards, with your 11 month goal and continue backwards until you have reached your 1 month goals. This may take a few days in order to complete as you visualize each and every goal you will need to accomplish.

Once you have narrowed your goals to down to month 1, you need to set daily goals, also working backwards from 30 to day 1. Don't worry if you need to adjust any of the goals you have on your mind map, as you go along. You will not beable to foresee every little detail. Life throws curve balls, so create realistic goals that you have to streach for but can be easily acheived with the resources you have now... not later.

In Conclusion

The magic is in the daily goals. It is by acheiving each daily goal that you will reach your milestone goal. You will also have more confidence as each daily goal is achieved. Which means Success everyday. So, let me ask Are you successful today?
#confidence #mind map #mind mapping #successful #today
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Parkhouse
    I agree.

    Once I started setting daily goals for myself, things started to change in a big way.

    I'm now just focused on the next 24 hours ahead of me, which really helps clear my mind so I can just focus on the task at hand.
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  • Profile picture of the author danieltexas
    i agree with that getting success is not only work and work but also we realize it and focus on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author wrcato2
    Some may not understand as to why you should start your mind map from the big picture and work backwards, instead of from day to day. The reason for this is simple; by looking at the big picture you can begin to see your goals in a new way. The larger goals that will generally make a person "give up", are now broken down and more manageable and achievable.

    I came up with this idea, after reading Betty Edwards well known book "Drawing on the right side of the brain". Betty describes the task of releasing our creative potential as a two step process.

    1. First we need to get rid of the concept that only a few talented people can be creative.
    2. Then we need to focus on what we tell ourselves and how we order the information.

    One of her most effective exercises is present students with an upside down picture and ask to resist the temptation of looking at it right side up. Then they are ask to copy the picture upside down concentrating on the lines and spaces rather than on what the picture represents.

    I tried this technique myself and it works very well for someone who can only draw stick figures that looks like a 3 year old drew them.

    I spun this technique toward goal setting and starting from the big picture, then breaking it down into smaller pieces. This not just works but, will give you a sense of accomplishment as each daily goal is completed. It is also a great confidence booster, and when you have confidence you will be less likely to quit or sabotage yourself.
    Which means you will be more successful everyday
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  • Profile picture of the author chukster
    Definitely one of the most important part of goal setting yet many people seem to forget this point after reading this post I will defiantly concentrate more on this topic
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  • Profile picture of the author Maya2066
    Thanks for your post. This is very important. I failed several times with my online business because although I had the big goal, I didn't apply myself to take action every day toward my goal. Once I did that, everything changed.

    FREE Marketing System Helps You Build ANY Business You Want!
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  • Great advice.

    I have learned to create daily activities instead of daily goals.

    For instance, my goal is 2 sales a day.

    However, my daily activity (which I can control) is - Write 1 Blog Post a Day or Launch one marketing campaign a day.

    Now, I adjust my activity to reach the goals.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by Justin Finkelstein View Post

      For instance, my next goal is 2 sales a day.
      Fixed that for ya, Justin!

      Two sales a day isn't that much, so when you get there, aim higher.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author wrcato2
      Originally Posted by Justin Finkelstein View Post

      Great advice.

      I have learned to create daily activities instead of daily goals.

      For instance, my goal is 2 sales a day.

      However, my daily activity (which I can control) is - Write 1 Blog Post a Day or Launch one marketing campaign a day.

      Now, I adjust my activity to reach the goals.
      Justin, if you take your activities:
      1. Write one blog post
      2. Launch a marketing campaign
      make those two goals then your 3rd goal 2 sales a day. Then what? If you continue this trend you will not make as much as you would if you stretch your goals out a little more each day that works toward a milestone goal of your ultimate achievement. This could be an annual milestone goal, or a monthly milestone goal or a weekly milestone goal.

      Depending on how many hours you have in a day will depend on how you set your goals. Re-read the thread and see what else you could do as far as building your business bigger. Setting realistic goals will keep you on track to reaching your milestone goal.

      Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Nice ideas. We all do have different stories behind each and every success. For me, to be successful everyday is to do the best you could everyday.
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  • Profile picture of the author skyjoe76
    You are so right about setting milestones and work backward.

    It is what my e-manual is all about. Unfortunately, 90% of the people don't do it. Some have never done planning for their own life before. That's why I created a manual to share about doing proper planning to the detail.
    Interview With Three Multi-Millionaires Click here

    Client uses this planning tool to create additional income Click here
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Originally Posted by wrcato2 View Post

    Or How To Be Successful Every day

    Everyone views success differently. Some view success as accomplishing mile stone goals that they have set; for instance:

    * You sold a big ticket item
    * You achieved a raise in pay or status
    * You finally got your product up and running, ready to take sales
    * Or you finally reached your goal of being a millionaire

    The point is in order for anyone to reach the milestone goals, you must first reach the minor goals.

    What are minor goals?

    Minor goals are your daily goals that you need to reach everyday in order to break the milestone goal you have in mind. Here is how I do it.

    Create a mind map with your milestone goal in the center. If you have a 1 year goal in mind, create branches from the milestone, working back wards, with your 11 month goal and continue backwards until you have reached your 1 month goals. This may take a few days in order to complete as you visualize each and every goal you will need to accomplish.

    Once you have narrowed your goals to down to month 1, you need to set daily goals, also working backwards from 30 to day 1. Don't worry if you need to adjust any of the goals you have on your mind map, as you go along. You will not beable to foresee every little detail. Life throws curve balls, so create realistic goals that you have to streach for but can be easily acheived with the resources you have now... not later.

    In Conclusion

    The magic is in the daily goals. It is by acheiving each daily goal that you will reach your milestone goal. You will also have more confidence as each daily goal is achieved. Which means Success everyday. So, let me ask Are you successful today?

    Absolutely 100% agree. I have action lists that I make every single day I am working and it's pretty much a set of minor goals. SUPER HELPFUL in getting things done consistently!
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  • Profile picture of the author BarbaraMcKinney
    Somewhat a matter of focused and self discipline to achieve everyday goal/s but we can't avoid to encounter failures. Yes, failures delays our success as many stated but the good thing here is how you manage and overcome these downtimes. That's the ATTITUDE.

    Thank you wrcato2 for sharing this one.

    Helping IT firms generate IT sales leads through IT telemarketing lead generation services.

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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    Doing works in a planned way can give you success everyday.
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    • Profile picture of the author wrcato2
      @mmrumii, exactly mind mapping is a great way to plan your year. For those who think it is a waste of time, I have 5 p's for you:

      Whether you write your goals or plans down bulleted, numbered, or mind map them out which is a better way because most minds can remember pictures better than words, it is in the planning of each minor goal that will help you to accomplish or achieve your milestone goal.

      Those that do not plan or set goals often do not achieve and get what they want.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scuzzlebutt
    awesome information, so much knowledge on this forum!
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    The first duty is to do works time to time.
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  • Profile picture of the author chukster
    Great info. I will try to implement [
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  • Profile picture of the author Maya2066
    Keep your thoughts on your dreams, take actions (even little ones) each day toward them and never give up.

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