Why You Do The Things You Do

by Rezbi
7 replies
You and I, human beings, have been described as reasoning animals.

And, let's face it; every one likes to think this is describing him or her.

There was a time when the instinctive and impulsive side of our nature, as opposed to the rational, was ignored by almost everyone. It was thought not to be a very respectable subject.

Nowadays, people from all walks of life know the important role impulse and emotion play in human life.

People act on emotion and justify with logic

The reality is people don't usually act rationally.

What I mean is a person will act without taking into account all the different reasons to do or not do something.

How often have you bought something because you like the look of it, only to try to come up with reasons why you need it afterwards?

Or, how many times have you bought something on the spur of the moment... only to regret it later?

I know I have. Too many times.

That's the emotional way of buying. Without thinking of the reasons why and the consequences of that buying action.

That would be the rational thing to do.

What it boils down to is the fact that the fundamental source of our actions is always some instinct or emotion that we want to satisfy.

I'm not saying this is wrong. In fact, a lot of times it's better to act on impulse than to calculate everything.

I'm sure you can think of many times and reasons when that was the best way for you.

While a lot of wrongs can be attributed to the uncontrolled working of selfish impulses, so can too many calculated actions.

Just look at what's happening all around the world right now.

Also, while impulse is a non-rational side to our nature, it's not irrational. Nor does it work against reason.

And don't forget, many of the arts and sciences are a result of impulsive actions.
  • Profile picture of the author Tinkerbell
    Hi Rezbi,

    A long time ago (2006, I think?) my mind got tangled up on this very topic: why people do the things they do. What's that thing people often quote as being the reasons we do things? Maslov's pyramid?

    I disagreed there was more than any ONE thing which propels us to act. I even wrote a little book about it.

    Core Desire: T. R. Adams: Amazon.com: Kindle StoreCore Desire: T. R. Adams: Amazon.com: Kindle Store
    Many thanks, again, to the late, great Gary Halbert for encouraging me to do so.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7605354].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
    Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

    And I agree with you about the one thing being it.

    I think all these theories and principles have labels because without labels we wouldn't know what's what.

    After all, we all have names to distinguish between each other.
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    I agree on the human need point, in fact I just wrote a post about this the other day:


    Insight into human behavior is the most valuable business skill, and life skill.
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  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    Everything we do, and I mean everything, can be boiled down to one reason: Fear.
    That's my theory.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
    You can do things as long as you have a goal for it. Having a goal is most important thing in my opinion to execute anything.
    Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
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  • Profile picture of the author skyjoe76
    In a nutshell, we do it for fear, greed and love.

    We are driven by either pain (fear) or pleasure (love).
    Greed comes along when we feel that we do not have enough, and wanted more.
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    Client uses this planning tool to create additional income Click here
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    I have a particular aim in my life, I have to fulfill them. I have also duty towards the society as I am a human being. This is why I do all these jobs.
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