[Part 3] 0 to 1000 F'ree Targetted Visitors In 30 Days
Took me a while to get this one done but here it is... Part 3 of our little free traffic series.
If you missed part 1, check here:
If you missed part 2, check here:
So we've done the research, and we've got the content. Our platform is built, now it's time to expand on it and really ramp up this traffic.
So, the first thing you need to do is get ready to use those rewritten articles you've got.
We're going to use those articles for some fundamental and specifically styled article marketing.
The kind of article marketing we're going to do will result in both fast, and long term traffic. I've written about this before, but it's worth repeating again because in my opinion it's the only real way to do article marketing. Here's how we do it.
So you've got your first rewritten article on the keyword "stop snoring". Your goal is to submit this to Ezinearticles.com and link it back to the post which is now on your blog (after step 2) related to "stop snoring".
When you do this, the following happens:
1. You get traffic from people who search ezine articles for stop snoring, and come across your article. That's usually the first traffic your site gets, and for your first couple of weeks, generally the biggest source of traffic to your blog.
2. This article gets ranked in the search engines for "stop snoring" if you're lucky (ala bum marketing) and that brings traffic to your blog/website.
3. The link that you provide back to the post that's on your blog helps THAT POST... YOUR CONTENT to get ranked in the search engines so that when the ezinearticles.com ranking drops off (which it almost inevitably will do without further promotion) the post on your own site... which you WILL continue to promote... will take it's place.
That's how you do article marketing. Sure there's other things you can do to convert more readers to buyers, boost CTR, and get more distribution, but that overall strategy should be incorporated into your article marketing methods regardless of your approach.
Ok so your task then is...
Each day, you need to submit one article to ezinearticles.com linking back to the blog post that went up on your blog that same day. Here's exactly how to perform the ezinearticles.com submission:
1. Your Article Title: Pretty easy. You just put the keyword you're trying to rank for first followed by a tempting sentence also containing the keywords. Example: "Stop Snoring: These Tips Helped A Chronic 30 Year Snorer To Stop Snoring" - or whatever might be a tempting statement based on the product you promote.
2. Abstract. This is two things. It's the description of your article that appears in the search engines and also the description that people see when searching for it in ezinearticles.com. In other words it has to be enticing. I won't get into all the ways to write a good teaser here but try to make it one or two sentences that makes someone who sees it curious or excited about what they'll find inside.
3. Article Body: Paste in the content
4. Author bio: This part's important. You need a couple of things here. You need to establish that you're an expert. You need to give an incentive to click through, AND you need to carefully insert your two links. One link links back to your website to the specific url of the POST page that you made that day, and the other links back just with the URL. You want to vary this each day so your incoming anchor text is as varied as possible. Here's an example of an Author Bio for our stop snoring Author
"Steve Phillips is an online researcher on the subject of how to permanently stop snoring. You can find more insights and groundbreaking research into how people all over the world are stopping snoring at http://yourwebsite.com"
Making sense? Two links, one to the url, one to the post page with the ANCHOR TEXT of the keyword you're trying to rank for... Got it?
So the Stop Snoring rewritten article is now submitted to ezinearticles.com all ready to potentially rank for the term stop snoring as well as linking back to your POST on "stop snoring". I hope I've made that clear.
So now that you know this formula, the next part of your 30 days is to do this every day. Every day a new post appears on your blog, you submit a new article to ezinearticles.com doing the same as above, getting it a quick backlink and exposure. Do it every day for 30 days and that alone will ensure you get a large part of your 1000 visitors for the month (if you actually DO IT for 30 days)
This part is optional but you can easily scale this up by doing the same thing for another couple of article directories. Goarticles.com and Buzzle.com or Articledashboard.com - You all know about these, so just submit the same article to 3 directories each day. No need for a mass submitter, or submitting to 1000 directories. Those three will give you good results on their own. Plus that's free and submitting articles doesn't take THAT long once they're written.
Alternatively you can outsource that. You'll find people on getafreelancer.com that will submit articles to a directory for 0.50c each - that's an extra $15 over the month... no brainer right?
Stop for a second.
I thought it's worth pausing here to point out just how effective what we've discussed here will actually be if you REALLY DO IT consistently, every day for 30 days.
Let me ask you when was the last time you took a precise set of actions towards a single goal, every day for 30 days? Exactly, and that might be why you're wondering how effective this will really be when it seems so simple. COMPOUNDING is one of the most powerful forces on earth but without consistently doing something for long enough, you'll never see it's benefits.
Try it and you'll see.
Also, remember this.
As you're doing this over the month, your search traffic is going to be increasing. If you picked the right long tail keywords with minimal competition, the combination of your internal links that we discussed in step 2, and the links from your article submissions, as well as having well keyword optimized posts, will be enough to get you ranked for certain long tail terms. AND you'll inevitably get traffic from keywords you didn't research, so that'll help your traffic add up too.
So don't forget that.
Ok so moving on.
We'll be starting to see some visitors to this site now, now it's time to boost it again with more activities that we can do each day. We're working on making a set of actions that can be taken each day, to build that compounding power I'm talking about.
On the next step, we're going to talk about continuing to promote your site, getting some quick boosts, as well as building backlinks and spreading the word about your site.
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