Any cool websites or tools to stay organized and to track goals?

41 replies
Hey, I was wondering if you guys use any websites or tools to stay organized in your business, and to track goals you want to accomplish, and stuff to keep a todo list of what you need to do that day?
#cool #goals #organized #stay #tools #track #websites
  • Profile picture of the author laraGTN
    I don't have any but I'd love to hear other suggestions so I'm posting to keep this bumped up.
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  • Profile picture of the author zspuckl
    Just commenting because I want to hear what others say, but for me, I use Awesome Note for the iPhone
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  • Profile picture of the author 22diehard22
    Instead of a website why don't you make a slide show for your desktop background with your goals written on it and what you see your self accomplishing that way every time you get on your computer you are reminded and don't have to log into a web site.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartyLabrado
      Originally Posted by 22diehard22 View Post

      Instead of a website why don't you make a slide show for your desktop background with your goals written on it and what you see your self accomplishing that way every time you get on your computer you are reminded and don't have to log into a web site.
      This actually works. I thought it was a bunch of baloney at first, but I gave it a shot. My writing production went through the roof. I've been doing it ever since.

      @Edwin Torres, combine that with Google Calendar linked to your mobile device and you should be good to go, at least for me I was good to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author jjarrett
    Two of the best are and Simpleology. Mark Joyner just came out with version 4.0 I think, so I'm not really sure what has changed in it.

    Personally, I go to the dollar store and buy one of those little academic planners so I can take it with me. I write down 6 things each day I want to do in my business to further my goals. I have 3 things I do each day to keep me focused and on track. This I call my hour of power, and it's 20 minutes of meditation, 20 minutes of exercise, and then 20 minutes of reading something, usually the Science of Getting Rich. Just that one hour a day keeps me in a good mood all day, and I'm much more focused, and I get a lot more done.

    It's what works for me.

    Good luck,

    "Discover the ZERO COST Opportunity That Pours Out Multiple $150 - $345 Daily... 24/7 365 Days a Year!... Get It 100% FREE!": CPA Profits Blueprint.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    I use basecamp..

    Try it out


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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    I am a huge whiteboard fanatic. I have a million and they help me not only keep organized and track goals, but also just GET THINGS DONE!!

    I suggest everybody invest in one!
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  • Profile picture of the author SirDrewski
    I like - it is a task management site with a downloadable app for iOS devices (maybe even Android). Think MS Project meets mom's to-do-list. Has been great for tracking long-term tasks, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author malcsimm

    Getting Things Done ("GTD") by David Allen is my favourite time management - and task management - system by far and easily the quickest implementation of it for anyone who uses a computer regularly is The Secret Weapon, which is found at The Secret Weapon: Evernote and GTD smoothly integrated into TSW. This is a brilliant combination of GTD and Evernote. It is simple, effective, and you can add new To Do items using your smart phone.

    I've been happy using The Secret Weapon for well over six months now and that's easily a record for the length of time I've been happy using any time management system. It's a great way to see you to dos.

    To keep me on track I use two things: one is setting multiple timers in Freetime app on iPad. I have 6 timers set up, and time how long I spend on the 6 main categories I have of daily tasks. The other useful tool is Timedoctorl. You install their software on your computer and it helps you track how you (or an ourtsourcer) spend your day. It's really useful.

    Timing yourself just works to help you keep on track!



    You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
    Getting Things Done PLUS Evernote turned my life around - read here how I do it
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    • Profile picture of the author mikehuff
      Gerry Lacuarta's IM Control Panel is pretty cool. It's good to use as a central hub to set goals in and keep track of all your assets as they build.
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      • Profile picture of the author Freeboi
        Right now I use the web version of Evernote. They also have a downloadable version. But I prefer the web version since I can log on to my notes in any computer. Before I came across Evernote I always have so many pads and notebooks around my workplace.
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        • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
          Originally Posted by Freeboi View Post

          Right now I use the web version of Evernote. They also have a downloadable version. But I prefer the web version since I can log on to my notes in any computer. Before I came across Evernote I always have so many pads and notebooks around my workplace.
          Yeah - Evernote has so many advantages to it to use for managing your time.

          - It has excellent smartphone and tablet versions
          - For smartphone there is Smartever which captures your notes really fast
          - You can make audio notes and email them to your Evernote account

          I find that using it with Getting Things Done is really a winner for me. At last I am implementing GTD! And it's all thanks to Evernote.


          You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
          Getting Things Done PLUS Evernote turned my life around - read here how I do it
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          • Profile picture of the author createvalueshare
            Thumbs up for Evernote as I use it every single day and have great experience with it. Other than Evernote, I used some basic tools:

            - Taskos - for smart phone. It works like a task manager, but with other cool features to handle your to do list.
            - Alarms: a reminder on important tasks
            - Stopwatch & Timer: keep my time in control
            - google calendar: to synchronize among all my devices to keep my updated on meetings and appointments.
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  • Profile picture of the author skyjoe76
    I tested two such tools.

    Basecamp is a paid tool with 60 days trial.
    Also I use app on my phone.

    I've not explored Evernote thought I downloaded it.
    Interview With Three Multi-Millionaires Click here

    Client uses this planning tool to create additional income Click here
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Word processors and spreadsheets work for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author andyredsox
    I use a free online tool like, and Teambox.

    They help you organize your projects and keep track of each progress.

    If you are a busy person, it always help to have a free online collaborator to help you keep track of everything and be more productive.
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  • Profile picture of the author ekalaivan
    I hear that Life App for iPhone is a popular one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Big Rob
    Hey, Edwin.

    Since you are a warroomie, check this out:

    I think you'll dig it
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  • Profile picture of the author martinp
    Another vote here for Simpleology.

    I signed up for a 60 day trial of the Elite version about a month ago and must say it has definitely improved my productivity alot.

    As someone who suffers from serious mental clutter it has helped me to clarify my goals, organize my business and personal tasks better, and just generally get more done.

    There is a free version and Pro is only $7 a month, but I intend to use it extensively over the coming year so will probably stick with Elite.
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    • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
      Originally Posted by martinp View Post

      Another vote here for Simpleology.

      I signed up for a 60 day trial of the Elite version about a month ago and must say it has definitely improved my productivity a lot.
      Just goes to show it's "horses for courses"! I checked out Simpleology and found IT too cluttered!

      That's the problem for me with lots of time management software - you can spend too much time USING it! Still, if it works for you - to make you more productive - that's the main thing.


      You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
      Getting Things Done PLUS Evernote turned my life around - read here how I do it
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  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    God, you can make one, man. Looks like procrastination to me. If you know excel, you already have it.

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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  • Profile picture of the author hostdare
    ToodleDo allows you to set multiple goals and associate your tasks with those goals. This is integration is convenient because you can create an action plan or at least a set of tasks that will help you achieve your goal. Both web version and mobile apps are available.
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  • Profile picture of the author dmarseller
    I use DoIt (android app) and google calendar (connected with my mobile device). Also I use an excel file to keep all organized.

    Without a "To DO List" ......I don't want to think about! hahahahahahaahaha

    Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author kinlee
    Bulletjournal, Evernote, Excel, and Trello has helped keep me organized with all my IM as well as everyday tasks.
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  • Profile picture of the author mlrooney
    Even though my life is 90% on a computer, phone, or tablet, I still enjoy the old school way of writing things down. In our office, we have a big rectangle of white board paint on the wall in each room and conference room. That way we have our monthly goals written down for everyone to see in each room and in the conference rooms, we usually have our daily goals pertaining to the meetings that occur. We have a calendar of tasks that need to be done that we can all view via dropbox (each employee has their own calendar that one of the managers creates each month)...that makes remembering tasks pretty easy!
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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    my galaxy note3 with the s-pen has been awesome for staying organized and jotting down things/maintaining lists on the fly. old fashioned handwriting works well and now the technology exists to match.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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    • Profile picture of the author ErinWalsh
      Originally Posted by NewParadigm View Post

      my galaxy note3 with the s-pen has been awesome for staying organized and jotting down things/maintaining lists on the fly. old fashioned handwriting works well and now the technology exists to match.
      I'd like to give this a try. Writing things out helps with memorization, but paper notes are not easy to store, search, and they don't exactly travel well.

      Boost Software teamed up with Neverblue. They helped produce this new affiliate video.

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  • Profile picture of the author jontavarez
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    • Profile picture of the author Patrick238
      No matter how good the tool, if you can't work with it for whatever reason it won't help you.

      I tried a number of those tools in the past but I stopped using them. First you have the learning curve and second they often lack that one feature you was looking for.

      So you try another one, and so on. What a waste of time.

      I keep it simple. I make my "to do" list at the end of every day. The next day I start with the daily routines at the top of the list, and then work the rest of the list.

      When I want to give myself a specific time to complete a task I check my watch when I start and be sure to have it done within the set time frame.
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  • Profile picture of the author damiensuccess
    Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

    Hey, I was wondering if you guys use any websites or tools to stay organized in your business, and to track goals you want to accomplish, and stuff to keep a todo list of what you need to do that day?

    Free Goal Setting Social Network - Would that be cool enough for you? I have been using 43things for a while now, and it will certainly but an entertaining twist on setting goals. An awesome way to develop and achieve both short term, and long term goals.

    Not only recording and reminding, but also socializing with like minded people who are aiming to achieve the same goals as you. Cheer on goals set by others, and be cheered. Comment and discuss your goals and achievements in a social environment. 100% free, no catches,, heck,, They barely have ad's.

    Here's the link: List your goals on 43 Things

    Damien Parsons
    Success Coach | Writer
    Join me on Successful Lifestyle Secrets
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  • Profile picture of the author Erail
    I would suggest HiTask - Easy Task Management for Teams, To-Do List, Project Management, Team Collaboration and Online Calendar Software. At home, at work, or on the go, hiTask is the task manager, to-do list, and project management software of choice for millions of people and businesses worldwide!
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  • Profile picture of the author vikingrelics
    Some that I use:

    Remember the Milk (for tasks)
    Google Docs and WorkFlowy (for quick notes and hierarchical note streams)
    Saasu (accounting and invoices)
    PaymentHub (recurring auto payment receipt)
    Cubby and Dropbox (file sharing)
    Amazon S3 (backup storage and CDN)
    Sanebox (invaluable for my email)
    playing with Podio and KanbanFlow , but may revisit Solve360 which I did use for a while
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  • Profile picture of the author JessUBotNinja
    google calendar
    card reader
    lots of paper and notepad to do lists

    Automation at its finest -

    Put your mundane and busy work tasks on auto pilot.

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  • Profile picture of the author wizzo85
    I use notepad : D
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  • Profile picture of the author Awesomeinside
    Nice collection of programms and apps! thanks for sharing them!

    maybe I will try some new ones, instead of my spreadsheet

    "Never, Never, Never Give Up" /Winston Churchill

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  • Profile picture of the author Zen Hustle
    OMNIFOCUS works great for Mac and iPhone. I use it a lot.

    EVERNOTE is great too, I keep all my documents on the cloud, and the webclipper to take new information into it.

    NOTES and STICKS for Mac are handy too, just keeping on writing things and keeping it synced into the cloud, its a good way to keep things off my mind!

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  • Profile picture of the author lincolndesigns
    I like to use the app. It's free and it's great will helping you manage your day-to-day tasks, you an set up you short-term and long-term goals.
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