I'll be driving around the U.S. in May

17 replies
In May of this year I'll be driving around the United States. Starting in North Carolina, heading to Ohio, likely Illinois, onto Washington, down to California, possibly through Texas, and then back to North Carolina.

Of course I'll be stopping in every state along the way that we go through.

Even more amazing is my girlfriend is going to take the trip with me, she's taking off of school and we'll be able to work (since I make my living online).

The reason I'm sharing this with you is to really just tell you that you can do anything, don't allow boundaries to hold you back.

And keep on driving
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
    I've also driven vast distances across the States, a gorgeous country and the people, they're absolutely bloody bonkers bless em lol.

    Mind you, there I was on a particularly boring stretch of road once bowling along as you do across The Great Divide Basin according to the map, through the Rocky Mountains, from Salt Lake City to Cheyenne, quite possibly the most boring road in the world in the depths of winter.

    Being British and well, as we do driving on the left, you know how sometimes you start driving on autopilot? Well there I was, happily driving along late one night when I just kind of drifted over to the 'proper' side of the road. Proper? Well, the left hand side. Which is what I'm used to. Of course. As you do.

    Suddenly over the brow of the next hill comes this thumping great truck blinding me in his headlights. Bloody cretin I thought and flashed my full beam on him to get him to go down to dimmed main beam.

    Closer and closer we're heading towards one another with him and I both flicking our lights at each other. In my mind, I'm just thinking, bloody Yanky moron, move over you friggin burke, get out of the way when...

    ...it suddenly occurred to me I wasn't in fact driving up the M5, I was in fact still in America. Duhhh.

    At the last second I swerved out of the way back to the right hand side of the highway. To this day that poor old geezer is probably still suffering the effects of this eccentric Brit giving him a near heart attack.

    Sorry mate.

    Lesson learned, do remember in the States, they drive on the wrong side of the road.

    Happy traveling and drive safely. If you need any tips where to go in the western States, do feel welcome to give me a shout.

    I'll even send you a free copy of The Highway Code if you need it Justin, just remember over there everything is back to front.

    Good luck and enjoy!

    Mark Andrews
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  • Profile picture of the author RKeele
    Hey Justin,

    If you are traveling through Iowa, and you have some time, it would be great to meet you face to face. In case you don't know who this is...it's Rachel K. a premium member in Niche Optimizer. It would be great to actually meet one of my mentors who is helping me succeed in internet marketing.

    Have fun on your trip.

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  • Profile picture of the author GobBluthJD
    Pop up to Minneapolis for a day; it's beautiful in May
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  • Profile picture of the author PinkVelvet
    That's wonderful. Are you going to go in a trailer or just driving around in the car?

    I've always wanted to go in a trailer. Anyways, take a a lot of pictures and post them on FB or put them in your photo album! You'll be happy you did!
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    • Profile picture of the author jacktackett
      If you are going to be near Raleigh let me know. Would be great to meet you, and if you need a place to crash I have the warrior guest room open-several warriors have stayed in me guest bed room. Have a great trip.
      Let's get Tim the kidney he needs!HELP Tim
      Mega Monster WSO for KimW http://ow.ly/4JdHm

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      • Profile picture of the author SirDrewski
        Would love to interview you on camera about your online successes if you have time to stop in Washington DC!
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  • Profile picture of the author MelanieandMiles
    Justin... On your way from Washington to California, be sure to plan at least a day or two in the redwood forests of northern California. Some of the largest and oldest trees in the world... Its absolutely mind boggling and a definite must-see.

    There is a specific stretch of road called 'The Avenue of the Giants' that we go camping at on a fairly regular basis... Avenue of the Giants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Then, if you are heading south on highway 101 from there, you pop out of the redwoods into wine country and then comes the Golden Gate bridge and San Francisco.

    Lake Tahoe is only 4 hours east of SF and it is another awe-inspiring location you may want to check out!
    Free How-To Videos On Everything From Sales Funnels, Facebook PPC & More!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Awesome! Have a great trip. Maybe be in touch with me when you are nearing the left coast.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    When you are in IL look me up. I live in work along the interstate 80 area on the IA/IL border.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley

    This will be awesome for you. Some years ago, the girl and I drove around the country. We had a lose agenda and a great time. Because I was with her, there was not a boring minute.

    Are you going to Facebook or blog about the trip? Many of us here would like to (virtually) join you.

    All the best,

    Joe Mobley

    Originally Posted by Justin Lewis View Post

    In May of this year I'll be driving around the United States. Starting in North Carolina, heading to Ohio, likely Illinois, onto Washington, down to California, possibly through Texas, and then back to North Carolina.

    Of course I'll be stopping in every state along the way that we go through.

    Even more amazing is my girlfriend is going to take the trip with me, she's taking off of school and we'll be able to work (since I make my living online).

    The reason I'm sharing this with you is to really just tell you that you can do anything, don't allow boundaries to hold you back.

    And keep on driving


    Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author Natniszakov
    Congratulations, man! I'm really happy for you!
    Let's see If I can drive myself around next year.
    Keep on rocking !

    Nat Niszakov

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  • Profile picture of the author TravisO
    My only advice is to be careful with your driving. Please don't exceed 80mph.

    Seriously, you have your girlfriend with you. Be a defensive driver.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ephrils
    That sounds amazingly fun!

    I've traveled on my own around the US on the Central/Eastern sides for concerts. There is something calming about the open road.

    You're going to forget what day it is. So many things we take for granted in our day to day lives become meaningless when you're on the road everyday.

    Two Signature lines for rent.

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  • Hi Justin,
    Now this is what I call a juicy thread. Look, Sir, I live in the Pacific Northwest, the land of the Great Coastal Redwoods. Dear, Elk, Bear, Chinook Salmon, Silvers, Steelhead Trout, Bald Eagles, Osprey, Sasquatch! It's all here in this great grand country.

    If you make it out here, please contact me once you drive into Washington state. It would be a good experience for both of us to meet up and I would love to share my knowledge of the truly great sights here I have become accustomed to.

    There are no limitations, only more stuff to experience. Go large. Smile.
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  • Profile picture of the author vaalkaa
    Hey Justin,I hope you will the best time ever!!
    Im planing to make a trip to the US with a van and all that,
    but im gonna have to wait for now
    Very soon I`ll be here guys telling you all about it!

    Do not use affiliate links in signatures.

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